What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Yoo-hoo from Mister Magoo :)
Don't you look at home :)
(above picture is a fictional rendition of where we feel she SHOULD be residing)

When you con your way through life, when you manipulate and take advantage of the elderly with lie after lie, steal from the disabled, when you steal from everyone who ever opened their homes to you to assist you and give you a new lease on life not to mention betray the trust and privacy they gave you, when you "attempt" to extort from others ($50,000 sound familiar to you?), especially your own kin, when you mislead, falsify documents and gain from assisted living programs (stealing from the honest law-abiding taxpayers and citizens of the state), when you continuously live like your above the law, when you continuously run up bill after bill after bill and not pay, instead you run when the collection agencies come knocking, (see previous "above the law statement"), when your beloved grandma bails you out of having both your vehicles, (which you had no business buying trying ONCE AGAIN to live beyond your means) repossessed (and sign a promissory note to repay and then STOP making payments after 2 or 3 payments)(did I fail to mention that note was to the tune of $10,603? And had nor have ever truly had or held steady/reasonable/responsible employment to repay her kindness), when you con, GUILT and manipulate your "beloved" grandma into ONCE AGAIN bailing you out to the tune of approximately $22,000 on a business which she payed the utilities while you ran it and gained from it but never attempted to repay her in any way, AND you managed to run into the ground and sold promptly and immediately after her death for 1/2 the price she paid for it, when you lie to her knowingly and maliciously claiming "hubby" (are you two married? All recent documents point to the fact you are not yet you blog away that you are), is working that Ranger job you got for him grandma and don't worry soon we'll be able to begin payments,(don't worry I saved and deciphered her old hard drive and have all those guilt/sob story/manipulative lies in e-mails), (yep beloved grandma got him a Ranger job and he refused to go to work the VERY day he was to start yet for months you deceived her lieing to her that "good ole hubby" was working hard and liking it),(all the while living in her home and having her pay the monthly utilities, taxes, mortgage etc...and receiving state assistance via falsified information on your claim forms, when you steal from your Uncle a valuable necklace,(and sold for a paltry sum), he purchased in China while overseas defending your rights and freedom, intended for his daughter on her 16th birthday and when confronted cry like a baby and plead and promise you'll pay back BUT NEVER DID, when you steal your grandmas SS# and credit card information in her final stages of her lengthy and agonizing fight with cancer and while she is on her deathbed use them to benefit yourself cause your TOO irresponsible and damn right LAZY to seek and KEEP responsible and self-reliant employment, (that includes you too beloved hubby), (yes I quizzed MY MOTHER over and over again if you had permission to have and or use her information and she emphatically denied she gave you permission and she herself told the credit card security departments who called to validify these charges that NO ONE had permission to use these cards)...you remember don't you? That was when we was caring for her in OUR home (where were you? Oh yea living carefree in HER home off of HER dime!) with the assistance, guidance, and watchful eye from the good volunteers from Hospice yet immediately after her passing you spewed your disgusting nasty, untrue and hurtful insults and claims we MURDERED her and cremated her body to hide the evidence! All that right under Hospice volunteers noses? Must of been The Perfect Murder eh? Yes I showed them your venomous accusation and they were equally disgusted. BTW I still have the ledger where all medications were monitored and logged by dose and time of day issued, initialed by the administer of said medications and checked daily by the nurse provided by Hospice. And therealsherrimitchell just recently as last week accused us again of MURDERING her and cremating her body to hide the evidence...don't worry I'll be posting that evidence up for all to see soon. How bout those unpaid parking tickets approximately $1,000 you owe the Garland Texas police which coincidentally ole Magoo has for all to see themselves right here: http://www.ci.garland.tx.us/warrants/war-c.htm

that would be under one of her many aliases...
just scroll down and have a look see for yourselves :)

Quite a few people are looking for you and or are awaiting your return to good ole Texas :) This is just a drip in the bucket don't worry I'll get around to the rest real soon :)
I bid you adieu from good ole Mister Magoo! *enter Mister Magoo laugh here* Ta-ta for now!
Oops ole Mister Magoo in his handsome and dashing debonair looks and wisdom darn near forgot to finish...when you do all that, seems only fitting you should one day end up as the above picture so ficticiously portrays, where we "feel" and "hope you rightfully do end up this way" you belong!
"Chickens always come home to roost! That's a little saying from your dearly beloved grandpa Popo :) Hey!! Here's an idea...when your out with your children tomorrow at Frontier Days. Instead of spending $9.00 on Cotton Candy, $15.00 for Dart tickets, and $10.00 on a Ferris Wheel ride you may wanna make a payment to the IRS or better still your mortgage lender Recontrust. I don't know sounds logically more responsible and and should be #1 priority
to good ole Mister Magoo. Hey better still maybe you TWO could consider getting jobs! You know so you don't lose the last decent and undeserved "act of kindness" your grandmother gave to you before she passed away. (Rather conned her out of in her weakened and medicated state of mind!) That last ditch effort for you to think about the future and the future of your "family" (yours cause its the last family you have left), make a home for them and raise them as she would have wanted...meaning STABILITY for THEM for Gods sake! But then its TOO late now huh? Which reminds me, Good Ole Mister Magoo will get back to you all later on the subject of your self-proclaimed bible thumping faith.


Anonymous said...

Praise God and pass MORE ammunition in order for her "blog" friends (and all the people she has conned and will continue to if allowed) to get the true picture of Sharalyn K Condrey (with too many aliases to mention). If you have bought ANYTHING from her, don't expect to receive it. She'll take you for all she can get and kick you to the curb, laughing all the way. However, looks like Mr. Magoo will have the last laugh!

Mr. Magoo said...

Amen! And Mister magoo got one of them there old man evil laughs :)

Anonymous said...

I use to be a buyer from her but several times she never made good on her end of the deals. allways with a sad story..
boo hoo poor me...

Mr. Magoo said...

What is this my birthday?? Why by George I THINK IT IS!! :) Thank you for stopping by "anonymous! The more people who visit and relate these "truths" here the better. Shedding "light" on who therealsherrimitchell is which is completely opposite of who she paints herself to be over at "that other" site :) Thanks again and stop by anytime. Feel free to pass the word! Were open to all who have fallen victim to therealsherrimitchell! Your loss I believe you'll agree is minor compared to what she has brought to her family especially her "beloved grandmother", you know the one who sits upon her shoulder whispering,"I love you" in her ear as she defrauds people...just like you :(

Mr. Magoo said...

Have you tried to "comment" on her blog as to your experience dealing with her? You can try but I highly doubt it'll reach her pages for the "public" to view...she likes to keep things nice and tidy "over there". Please feel free to vote on the latest poll :)

Anonymous said...

I wish Chez Fifi, the girl from "The Hope Jar",Lori Avery and so many more knew of these things that "Sher" has done. She is one person that needs to be found out.
So, the big pig really has rotten teeth? YUCK!!!!!!!!!!