What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here today, gone tomorrow...

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here once again to inform my readers of a recent development. Seems master fraud therealsherrimitchell has done it again as she has again and again and again...will it ever stop? She throws away blogs and business sites like she throws out the trash each morning...(she will NEVER be able to throw out her past as I'm sure she would very much like to). Pretty pathetic isn't she? Seems PerfectPanache has gone the way of the trash heap and she has resurfaced to work her scams on unsuspecting bloggers over at http://sherrimitchell.wordpress.com/ .
Well rest assured wherever she may go ole man Magoo will be right behind her! So I've added her little site to my "previously used and or now defunct and shutdown bogus blogs category". I'll return soon but in the meantime spread the word! Don't allow her to con another innocent person ever again!
"When you know better, you do better"
"You shall know the truth and that truth is once a con always a con"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Buyer Beware!

BUYERS and Bloggers beware!
Seems our little miss fraud therealsherrimitchell is at it again! Sad thing is some either gullible or just plain uninformed people are over there singing praises and glory hallelujah to the Queen of con!
Like Barnum always said, "Theres a fool born every minute"!
Well I least added her new blog venture to my list of previously up and running and mostly shutdown and abandoned web and blog sites she has had over the years. That way if they google for her they'll stumble across this site and maybe not be suckered like SO MANY in the past!
Ole man Magoo will be back in business as soon as he returns from a trip he's about to embark on Thursday morning so stay tuned for the continuing saga of therealsherrimitchell is a thief and that's all she ever will be.
"When you know better, you do better"
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall save you from being a victim of hers"!