What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Same old song and dance!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Howdy-doo ole man Magoo here with another installment of, “now you see them, now you don’t” Remember ole Magoo informing you of how therealsherrimitchell likes to post up “ole salt in the wounds” threads aimed directly at ole Magoo himself and that evil family she no longer is a part of and mysteriously they disappear later in the day? Are you aware it happened why just yesterday? Well in case you missed it ole Magoo captured it and would like to take the liberty of sharing it with you our faithful readers :o) Course not without a crafty comment or two from ole Magoo himself…lol…by George I think they have it!

Let’s take a look see at what heavenly message therealsherrimitchell blessed us with shall we? 1st of all for the LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, will you at least use spell-check? Magoo is tired of correcting your grammar :o)

So, I am guessing, most of you do the whole Spring Cleaning thing. It will be 4 years this September that my husband (the story behind the term "husband" to come in a later post) will have lived here in Oregon.

You mean "this hubby"? The one you blamed over and over for all your evil deeds after the heat of your crimes got closer and closer? Chris was behind it all you'd say...I have more! The liar and lazy bum who wont get a job and things get so bad you have to panhandle? The same excuse you used to con Sharyn out of sending you money half the time and ARE NOW trying to use against "the caller" to invoke sympathy and mercy on your pathetic self?
Magoo and company are still waiting for an answer to our question over a month ago, “when was the wedding”? Or better question still, WHY? Oh but of course, nobody would have your criminal fat hiney but a criminal himself, I rest my case, let's move on shall we?

Yes, It was my grandmother's house. But we bought it for the price she stated in her Will. I think, using common sense here, that it now belongs to me. Just a random "guess" here. I "guess" I can stop calling it "my grandmother's home" since we took out the loan to buy the house.

This house with This LOAN? --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010 ROFLMAO!

Well, I have not wanted to let go of most of the things
that she left here - and gave to me.

What things? You mean the THINGS you sold illegally on E-bay? Or are you talking about THOSE THINGS that you had to admit on the witness stand your grandmother DID NOT gift to you her entire household items? Or are you talking about THOSE THINGS…us…the family…stuck you for another $10,000 to pay for because you refused us our right to collect them? You talking about THOSE THINGS your grandmother had individually boxed and labeled for each grandchild and surviving family members that she wanted for THEM to have, one of her final wishes? Is that noose of guilt getting a bit tighter here Sharalyn?

I had personal reasons for hanging onto alot <--(it’s spelled a lot, two words but oh yea we forgot you were a high school dropout), of the things in this house.

See above comment ^

Hoping one day my Uncles and my Aunt could make an effort towards peace.

Hold your breath please! Is this your sick way of invoking sympathy from any unsuspecting reader, that us, the family, are the evil ones here Sharalyn? You all getting the message loud and clear now? If they have been reading then they are well aware just why you are NO LONGER a part of this family, which in reality isn’t that fact alone the thing that eats at you the most? :o)

(In light of the past several weeks, I am of the firm belief it will never happen, that ship has long sailed, and good riddance)

That ship sailed many a moon ago princess, but were happy you are beginning to make progress in grasping that fact. Don’t worry your Vicodin addiction will help you cope.

What she did leave here, in the way of furniture, mis-matched dishes and old towels - all from Goodwill (as she was known as "thrifty" in the mostrespectable of terms)

Just how proud is Sharyn of you now Sharalyn? Here comes that noose of guilt again! Careful you might have to swallow, what’s that did I hear Chris make a nasty demand?

Well, frankly I paid $10,000 for everything in a nasty Probate case with above stated members of my family.

Well frankly, you were THE SOURCE OF ALL THE NASTINESS, but thank you very much for the check! How many months are you in arrears paying off that loan? Well at least we got our money before you defaulted on it :o)

But - regardless of her giving it to me,


or me paying for it,

What? You aint paid a dime for a year now remember?
Better still WHY DID YOU pay for something that already belonged to you?

it was done, and now it's time for me to let most of it go.

Need I post page after page of E-Bay and Overstock.com where you sold it all off already?

Since I only have 1 Sister, who wouldn't want this stuff,

no she wont want it it's tainted and ill-gotten, even SHE knows of your evil thievery! And SHE LOATHES the very thought of you!

(she is recently married and has her own life),

And wants nothing to do with you nor wants you in her newly married life.

and I have absolutely - and I mean that, literally - absolutely no remaining family members left

and WHO”S FAULT is that Sharalyn K.?

to give anything to –

you have NOTHING to give remember, do we need to keep reminding you of this fact?

I think the best thing for me to do is to donate most of what is remaining to several scattered Women's Shelter's around the County we live in.

Funny you should say that because had you been here at your grandmothers side you might have heard her say, “whatever is left nobody wants please take to Goodwill so that others that are less fortunate may use it.

My grandmother worked as a Volunteer for most of the time here,

True in fact she was a volunteer here in California to.

(and for several years ran a shelter of her own out of this house- sheltering runaways, helping abused women and children - before she learned she was sick with Cancer –

Again trying to invoke sympathy here Sharalyn K. Condrey? This is just a plain bold faced LIE! You must have crawled deep up your CRAW for that one :o) The ONLY people she sheltered there in that house were YOU TWO CROOKS, but then we already declared this truth in my previous blog…lol!

and I think that would be the right thing to do.

Throwing yourself off a bridge seems more appropriate as “the right thing to do” but were patient, we’ll let God sort you out.

I'll keep the memories,

Its all you have. That fat noose of guilt slowly squeezing around your throat!

and a few things that meant something to me, personally.

Nice try at a salt in the wound stab but lest we remind you of that lifelong earned indifference we have for you? We’ve accustomed ourselves to just “consider the source”.

I can still smell her on these Afghans she made. (and of course I will keep the one she made for
me, and each of my children).

We all have ours to and they’re lovely. In fact every grandchild has theirs.

I've needed the comfort of wrapping myself in one of those Afghans these past 2 years, and remembering her.

Your gonna need “that comfort” and “warmth” again real soon: --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

But I think a battered woman might be comforted by a warm afghan in the harsh winter here.

Exactly!! Didn’t you lie to Sharyn throughout your life how battered and abused you’ve been? Better save one for you dear, the snow gets mighty deep there in La. Pine :o)

She was a giving and generous soul.

Yes indeed, SO MUCH SO she even gave and gave to you dispite her BETTER JUDGEMENT!

And in kind, so am I.


It's true that there is a time for letting go and moving on.

No better time than in the WINTER *brrrr* of Oct. too :o) --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

I am not one to stay stuck in the past.

No your stuck in a deep pile of manure with only your head sticking out and no way to get out! Enjoy the inevitable--> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

No sense in it, and nothing good comes of it.

With you involved…your right…nothing good comes from it…teeheehee!

So these next few weeks before School starts for the Kiddos,

Careful now Sharyn isn’t around to buy their clothes and pay school expenses anymore; sure you can handle it alone?

will be spent going through everything here –

shouldn’t take more than a half an hour since you illegally sold everything off anyway,

(a few boxes in the back closets still untouched, so I don't know what I
will find) –

another weak attempt to rub salt in the wound…were indifferent babes, we could care less anymore…we just consider the source and move on :o)

but going through, donating and doing good where I can,

Now theres a thought, funny coming from you though…?

and moving on with my life.

What life? Oh there’s a move coming up in your future alright! --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

If any of you have lost a loved one, don't hang on to the
material things.

Like Sharalyn K. Condrey or you’ll end up carrying a heavy noose of guilt that slowly tightens each day around her FAT neck! :o) Let's take a listen shall we? You didnt think ole Magoo was gonna go a day without posting up some audio entertainment for you? Course take note of her change of tune after she is beginning to realise the fraud charges were moving forward. And SPECIAL note how who's to blame for all this...why Chris of course! Not therealsherrimitchell for heavens sake no *enter Magoo barf here* Here have a listen:

Give them to people or shelters who need those things –

A nobel idea but coming from you theres got to be a catch…

clothing, appliances, warm blankets.....

you mean: second hand furniture and garage sale items? Have you forgotten you wrote this already? -->” What she did leave here, in the way of furniture, mis-matched dishes and old towels - all from Goodwill (as she was known as "thrifty" in the mostrespectable of terms)”
You remember that “thrifty” old lady you stole them from don’t you?

Yes, sometimes, it's better to let go.

Yes sometimes suicide is an easier way out for you but somehow thinking of you wearing that heavy noose of GUILT around your FAT neck the rest of your days is much more satisfying :O)

Signing off....Sher
Posted at 09:56 in Family Life Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0)

about time...I'm through with you, next!

"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!"

... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ..."

Until we meet again...this is Mr. Magoo signing off, enjoy the show and dont forget to leave a comment :o)


Anonymous said...

So her real name is not sherri mitchell???? but sharalyn condrey! WOW... a real pro.....and she's not even married!!!!I've read her blogs so many times and claims her husband.... ANOTHER FAT LIAR... I'm sending to all my blog buddies... they need to know not to trust this person..I'm sure she'll get another identity...

Anonymous said...

She claims that there were untouched boxes????? How in the hell she found Memaw's Ring that was lost for a long time unless she went through everything there in the house for potential profits. Mind you- she found it within less than a month she's been in the house!!!!! Everything she did was premeditated from the time she went to Oregon knowing Memaw's condition and saw the light $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....

Anonymous said...

Wow MaGoo one more time for the truth. Notice how she always says to let the past go? She should most definitely want to let the past go since she is the one who ripped off her family members time and again. Do you also notice how she never seems to feel any remorse for the past deeds she has done? A purely evil person has no thought to what they do to others since they only think of themselves. Party on MaGoo as always the eagle shall fly as high as the sky. Hekyl N Jekyl

Anonymous said...

Strange how she never mentioned her grandmother in her original blog (which must have been about 15 blogs ago she changes them like underwear) until it was to her benefit - when she was booted from a group of sellers for scamming her customers. Her Christianity peeked right when she tried to schmooze her way into a Christian group. Now she refers to you as a phony and speaks to her bad behavior these past weeks. Try past year. She turns a wicked tongue on anyone who dares to call her out for the person she really is. I'm sure many people have gotten a pouty mouth e-mail from Sher. Why is it she has hopped from group to group to group? Eventually her lies don't make sense and none of us are as stupid as she seems to think. We have eyes and her actions speak louder than her sugar-coated words on a blog.

How does she qualify for state aid when she supposedly pulls in hundreds of dollars a week in sales - or so she claims. She drops $75 - $150 on blog and store design every few weeks and buys like crazy from online sellers she feels can help further her career as an "artist" - does the state know about her little side business that apparently brings her good cash flow? That money should help those who really need it.

Anonymous said...

She scammed e-bay and Overstocked.com with the "Ohbabycandles" user name. When she can't provide the goods. She's nowhere to be found!

Anonymous said...

Actually I just rememmbered all the names (that I know of) she used to scammed people in E-bay:
She constantly changing and hiding from people..
1. OhBabyCandles
2. Pink Kitty Café (Store)
3. Madison Avenue (March 2006)
4. Winter Wonderland (Mid March 2006)

Angie(quillysilly) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Words to live by:
By Sherri Mitchell

"If any of you have lost a loved one, don't hang on to the
material things, sell it in E-bay or Overstock.Com and makes a lot of money!"

Anonymous said...

I see the the blog cafe is gone again. Perhaps she's off to Ireland.

Mr. Magoo said...

If only we could be so blessed :)

She's a work of art alright. I knew those wronged by her in the past would surface.

Your chickens are coming home to roost dear :)


Mr. Magoo said...

Ok so I have had numerous inquiries concerning the comment deleted above. Here is what it says:

Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.

July 31, 2008 10:11 PM

This post was deleted by "the author"...author NOT BEING me :) But the author who left the message and thus changed their mind and deleted it. Rest assured all comments left here at therealsherrimitchell.com will remain uncensored and visible until said author removes it. Pro or com, positive or negative, Magoo will NEVER alter your words in any shape or form. Thanks for all the support and feel free to leave as many comments as you like :)


Anonymous said...

Mr. Magoo....the comment was deleted by me, the original author. Something strange happened to my keyboard and everything posted as gibberish. Not worry folks, Mr. Magoo deleted nothing! I just got the keyboard issue sorted and am back to attest to that.

Mr. Magoo said...

Party on my friend :)