What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Lets just make this...


Oles Mr. Magoo recieved a beautiful letter from a family member once betrayed by therealsherrimitchell and well qualified to speak from experience on her criminal ways. I thought I'd share it all with you to make this a daily double day...enjoy :)
From: proper names and e-mail addy removed by Mr. Magoo

The family members
They write: I just can’t decide which is more amusing:

1. The blog that we found online where you were discussing the wonderful details about your impending move to Texas

2. Your book you wrote and had published by a San Francisco publisher (hah! in your wildest dreams)

3. Your delicious recipes you steal and share with all of your bloggers

4. How WONDERFUL AND SECURE your happy little world is

5. Your SUZY HOMEMAKER and SUPER MOM crap you like to feed to your forum

or the real reasons behind it.

You like to use the Internet to fool people into doing business with you, but you forget the truth can be found there as well. We know the house has gone into foreclosure, we know when you will be kicked out and we know you owe the IRS about $15,000 in back taxes. We have seen the foreclosure documents and we have seen the liens the IRS placed on the home our mother worked so hard to create for her and Jim and that you lost because, as usual, you think the rules don’t apply to you and that you don’t have to pay your bills.

You managed to fly under the radar for years, scamming family members, and mostly the grandmother who loved you so much, out of enough money to get by. Then you made the big mistake of scamming her out of her house. You know the facts. I don’t have to re-hash them here. You know what you’ve done and we know what you’ve done. Now you’ve blown the best last opportunity you had and your golden goose is no longer around to bail you out. Boo Hoo!

I’m sure you’ll try to find someone else to bleed dry and I pray whoever that is will be smart enough to see you coming. If we find out who you’ve targeted, we will do our best to make certain they know who they are dealing with. We know that the IRS will be looking for you, if you haven’t finished paying back the money you defrauded from the State of Oregon welfare system, they will be looking for you as well. We also know you have defrauded the State of Texas welfare system, and they are interested in finding you as well, not to mention the nearly $1,000 you owe for unpaid speeding tickets. Yes, they’re looking for you, too. Don’t think for one minute that you can hide for long. We are smarter than you think. And when we find you again after you leave Oregon , all authorities who are interested in your whereabouts will be notified.

Why would we do this? Simple. You stole more than $100,000 from our mother. We didn’t want the money. We wanted her to spend it on herself and enjoy her last remaining years and make sure Jim, who cannot fend for himself, would be taken care of. The hottest ring of hell is reserved for people who steal money from the elderly and the disabled. You’ve managed to successfully do both. You had a chance to take $50,000 and leave Oregon with no entanglements. Instead, you wanted to win whatever kind of game you were playing. You won. And then you lost!
I think it’s time your so called blogger friends know who the real sherri mitchell REALLY IS…don’t you? I'm sure you'll be scurrying around to delete all of their websites and contact information...don't bother...it's far too late to be worrying about that!

So, enjoy your return to Texas once you’re kicked out of the house you put into foreclosure. Texas has been waiting for you.
And there you have it readers! Straight from a family member to you :) Be warned when associating with the likes of these two. Mr. Magoo no likey to tell people he told them so :(


huck said...

Well Well Well....

Great post magoo and straight to the point with THE TRUTH.. THE WHOLE TRUTH.. and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!!

The more TRUTH put out there Magoo...the better chance we have of being able to "spare" others from enduring the wrath of therealsherrimitchell...the conning, lying, decieving, theiving SUPERMOM and SUPER VINTAGE ARTIST...

WATCH OUT and BEWARE people...once she gains your trust...YOU ARE AT RISK!!

As the old saying goes...a leopard NEVER changes its spots...and this is one leopard who is full of them....

Off to find a tree...teehee!!

"oh my darlin...."

Mr. Magoo said...

By George would Mr. Magoo lie to you?

Anonymous said...

This is Tweety Bird singing the praises of Mr. Magoo's unadulterated truth about therealsherrimitchell. I have sat in my bird cage many a time listening to Sharyn (you know, the grandmother who sits on sherri's shoulder each night and whispers I love you) on the telephone with her deceiving grandaughter, therealsherrimitchell telling sherri that she would send a check to take care of this bill and that bill; oh yes, let's not forget the scam about Sherri's teeth problems, if she was on welfare, she was able to use taxpayers' dollars to get them fixed on Medical! The con game just went on and on. Oh, Oh, I tawt I saw a BIG yellow puddy tat cweeping around my cage (Sherri's chinese astrology sign is a tiger). Not to worry, that puddy tat won't get me; I'm too smart for it.

Anonymous said...

How do MaGoo? Once again you have captured the true escence of the EVIL ONE. This one will never change. Party one MaGoo, we are enjoying the show. Soon others may have the oppurtunity to see via the old Hekyl and Jekyl express!! We are thinking it would be a good thing.

Mr. Magoo said...

Stuff that engine with coal and be on your way H&J...save me a ride on that Express will ya?

Thanks for stopping by all!