What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I bring you...

Ye ole "Hubby Myth"

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here reaching deep into his e-mail archives of "truths" to bring you something new and long overdue. We all know "therealsherrimitchell" enjoys prancing around the Internet portraying herself out to be someone she's not, (ahem...married... *cough* *cough*), and what a grandiose lifestyle she leads. Included in that deception is mention of her "wonderful hubby".

If you've been following along with ole Magoo's blog here you'll find many requests for proof of their nuptials as we have posted documented fact as to the validity of "the realsherrimitchell's" "hubby" ( ahem...marriage *cough* *cough*).

Well what do we have here? Ole Magoo got a visit from Sybil herself. Ladies and gents I bring you... "therealsherrimitchell's" interpretation of a "hubby"!

From: Sharalyn Condrey antiquepaperie@live.com

Subject: Husband Myth

To: Me :O) Mr. Magoo

Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2008,

10:55 AM

HI Joe - <---That's me Magoo :O)

I thought I would give you this for adding to your Blog with the upcoming "Customer Appreciation" day and "Karaoke Chronicles" you are preparing, since so many of your viewers and the family want to know. Chris and I are not Married.

(AHA! A "truth" so why prance around the Internet deceiving others you were?).

We will never be married. I refuse to marry any man. We do however, have 3 children, and have been partners for almost 14 years now. I made a commitment to him, and the children I have with him, until the children are grown. After that, I am going my own way. We both know this. And we both know that is what will happen. What I need to clarify is that I saw a lot of "She didn't marry him so they could live off Welfare". It's not true. I won't ever marry any man, in my lifetime. It's my personal choice. So there is your answer to the Husband Mystery. I honor him (ONLY) because he is the father of my children. Do I love him? As the father of my children. But, we are, in fact, not married, and will never be married. I've been asked in the earlier days, when Brandon was small. But I've said no each time. Now we are just partners raising the children. Is it a sin? Yes. Is it considered living in Sin, with a man you have children with, but not marry in a Church, under God's law? Yes. It won't change the fact that we have children together, and I choose to ignore those who call my children Bastards, as some of the family do. It's a derogatory term, that I do not believe in. Chris is their father, his name as the father is on each Birth Certificate, and I am happy with it just the way it is. This is something I will make amends with, on my own. Sharalyn

So there you have it folks, the "truth" as to their mysterious nuptials. These two deserve each other. When busted and confronted with a wrongdoing/crime they throw each other under the bus so quick ole "Speedy Gonzales" couldn't save them :O) Yep they live a glorious life, everything is hunky dory, and they're love for one another cannot be equaled. Lets see what else I have in here, why what is this? A little audio appropriate for just such an occasion. Lets listen in as they share with us just how much they adore one another.

I ask you therealsherrimitchell. Isn't ole Magoo's audio here a more accurate depiction of your pathetic existence with one another? Funny I don't envision any "Donna Reed Show" moments taking place in the Pacific Northwest between you two. Lets take a listen shall we?

Therealsherrimitchell throwing her "wonderful hubby" under the bus Part 1 and Part 2:
Under the bus 1
Under the bus 2

"Wonderful hubby" throwing good ole Therealsherrimitchell under the bus:


They must share some great conversation around the ole BBQ while "wonderful hubby" is grilling away eh? ROFL! Enjoy your lives together, hopefully behind bars one day!

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth is they are both liars"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Goodbye Panache...

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here spreading the latest news, have you heard? Yes folks busted once again therealsherrimitchell is off and running away from her misdeeds. Goodbye Perfect Panache and hello http://www.sherrimitchell.blogspot.com/ . Like a merry-go-round that never stops, she has moved again. As the story goes our lil criminal took the liberty of using a web artists art and design and attempted to pass them as her OWN for sale on her site. When confronted, as she is prone to do, she denied, denied, denied and spewed forth nasty venom unlike her false christian persona she likes to hide behind. Not knowing therealsherrimitchell is "all bark and no bite" (empty threats), the artist relented and gave permission "after the fact folks, after she had stolen the art without giving credit to the artist. She'll tell you she has permission but wont fill you in on "THE TRUTH", that permission came after she stole them, after she was busted, after numerous venomous empty threats and nasty correspondence. Now that's therealsherrimitchell in all her ugly glory. So get out and spread the word!
"When you know better, you do better" (Unless your therealsherrimitchell)!
"You shall know the truth and the truth is she's her Mothers daughter"

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good God does it ever stop?

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here bringing you yet another latest development of...Where did she go this time?
ROFLMAO! Shut down Wordpress and opened up http://www.perfectpanache.blogspot.com/
Even has a boutique up where you can go to be scammed and or sold gawdy worthless crap you can make yourself for pennies. Couple of her faithful followers are over there singing glory hallelujahs about how talented the fraud is. Christ any kid can use Photoshop 10 times better than she can...LOL! Truth be told my daughter wrote her to point out errors she's made on her header, next day it was fixed...ROFL!

Well NO suprise here, even http://www.perfectpanache.blogspot.com/ as of this morning is down...hehehe, I say again, "DOES IT EVER END"? Psychotic to the inth degree this one is, geesh! This time due to an unexpected personal family matter. Hum? I think a new poll is in order!

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth is she's psychotic"