What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Chapter 3: Cry me a river of lies!

This clip is chock full of her lies. Little does she know she thinks she’s just talking to one person but the entire family is listening in…LOL! Let oles Magoo break it down for you.

Never a dispute…she IS STILL trying to feed her lie about having “signed documentation” showing our mother forgave the promissory note…hah! We all know this was a blatant lie! Plus she takes it even further claiming it includes Sharyn's instructions TO HER of what she's to do with OUR MOTHERS belongings after she passes...lol!

NOW notice how she QUICKLY spins/redirects/changes the subject from HER guilt and being confronted about it, to us “harassing” her. No folks, long before this event the family was well fed up with therealsherrimitchell’s many acts of crimes against the family and the general public and were in NO WAY about to allow her to get away with a slap on the wrist ever again. So as you can see in her spin, she no likey that :) She no likey us at all…lol!

The family WAS telling her she was sponging, BECAUSE SHE WAS! She leaves out the fact that the family also confronted her with the truth. They had the promissory note, they had the facts on the 2nd hand store, and they had the check after check after check over a 3 year period. (Course at this time we had only had the time to search back 3 years. Later we discovered her mooching started years before that!).
You WERE sponging, did either of you have jobs? Did either of you make an effort to find jobs? How did you come about to live in the house to begin with? Magoo already filled you in with that fact but I’ll say it again. OH YEA you had to pack up and leave in the middle of the night because the collection agencies were WANTING their damn money not to mention the Texas department of special services you were fraudulently scamming from!

And what do you know no sooner than these two arrive therealsherrimitchell filed fraudulent information for state assistance through the state of Oregon claiming to be a single mother of 3 all the while her shack-up bum was living there with them. However she failed to mention this fact in her application, must have been an honest oversight :) What else did she fail to mention? Oh yea, Mom was letting her live there for free, Mom had fronted her money to start a failure of an Ebay business. (The same business she tried to support by stealing her grandmothers credit cards and illegally useing them). Oh yea Mom was paying ALL of her bills, utilities, food, clothes, medical/dental, gas and purchasing a store for them to run, we all know how that ended up. Her worthless shack-up bum was recieving money/income by selling illegally altered Direct T.V. cards. But did she put all this information in her application? Oh hell no. She continued to defraud the hard working, tax-paying citizens of Oregon. Both of them living the lap of luxury on her grandmother’s checkbook without a single effort to secure reliable, sustainable and responsible employment for themselves and the security of the 3 children. She had done the very same thing in Texas, its their pattern folks. Its why they will tell you they're married but they will NEVER marry. Then they cant swindle state assistance...lol!

Nope they were content to hole up in her house and beg, lie, manipulate and con OUR MOTHER out of her life savings. Lets not forget that forestry job there Chris you worthless, spineless scumbag…the one you lied for months to her about.

Forced to get a lawyer…what lawyer? Oh that’s right the same make believe lawyer that held “HER” interpretation or is it rendition of the truth? Those signed documents that never existed.
This make believe lawyer never existed either folks. This is her anger because…THE JIG IS UP! She’s been found out and is now squirming. Listen close to her voice now changing from “Fucking Lawyer to crocodile tears! (yet she blessedly portrays herself out to be a Christian, God-fearing woman when the family knows without a doubt she ain't stepped foot in ANY church since our MOTHER dragged her years ago)! Thus her true self, potty mouth rears its ugly head!

And again…the family is the bad guys! 3 kids to take care of? Boo-fn-hoo, you laid down with that worthless prick, now take responsibility and provide for them yourself/yourselves!
(Well what lesson are you teaching those, better yet what concocted BS story are you feeding those 3 kids, when time after time after time you have had to scoop them up in the middle of the night and run off to a strange location because you two HAD to run from the collection agencies?)!
Now it’s….I have PA!
….then she just can’t help it. Her narcissistic side continues and she STILL clings to that lie about the signed
Documents…notice also it’s ALWAYS HER GRANDMOTHER…never OUR MOTHER!

Never seen in 15 years? (Referencing to the Executor/Power of Attorney at the time). OH there’s no denying that but what therealsherrimitchell fails to add is 15 years ago we wiped our hands of this poor excuse of a family member, well you all know why its all here in the blog!

Tells me I got to leave? NOBODY was telling her she HAD to leave, we were in fact making her face the truth about her milking dry of our mother and also alerting her to the fact she had better prepare to fend for herself. (see archives, My friends, Mr. Magoo here with the latest). )At this time nobody had seen the will so no family member was aware of the ridiculous scam the realsherrimitchell had pulled on her grandmother, our MOTHER! As far as we knew at this time, the house was to be put up on the open market and the proceeds placed in the trust for OUR BROTHER Jim!

I don’t respond to things like that? That’s typical therealsherrimitchell contempt towards anyone who is forcing her to face the truth, catching her in her criminal acts! Plain and simple…this is her typical 1st response, her 2nd will be poor pitiful me whah, whah, whah! Or better yet what follows…spin ladies and gents!

And Chris is hurt! Typical spin/defection/change the subject, and now the family member on the phone is the bad guy. EVERYONE SEE THE PATTERN HERE NOW?

Nothing but a lie, really? Your entire life is built on lies! Your scumbag, spineless, poor excuse for a partner in crimes life is a complete lie!
Hear it all here for yourselves!

Anyone in contact with these two are only setting themselves up to be used and taken, its all these two know what to do, feed off of others!

Chapter 4 coming soon so stay tuned and ya’ll come back now hear? :)


huck said...

We have her emails...

We have her on tape...

We have her deposition...

We have her in court...

Yes folks, we have therealsherrimitchell caught in an abundance of LIES, LIES and MORE LIES!!!

Listen to Magoo...he speaks only the TRUTH

He is on here to warn YOU...

He is on here to help YOU...

Folks, BEWARE and BE CAREFUL of who you are dealing with...

He speaks of a person who has "mastered" the art of SCAM

A person who is "skilled" in the art of CONNING


stay tuned and continue to read and learn the TRUTH of therealsherrimitchell

Mr. Magoo said...

by George I think she's got it!