What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Out of the woods and back to Texas, from Grandmothers house she's been BOOTED!

Even though her Grandmother allowed her to live rent free,
 her mortgage company expected their check each month.

Howdy do ole man Magoo here, back from what you might call a "Hiatus and a half"...hehe! 
(It's been great to...1/2 way through my girls tennis season in 3rd place and holding, Go Lady Panthers!).

I'm bringing you an update on our featured guests exploits since some of you may not even know they are no longer living in beautiful La Pine Oregon and have relocated back to their origin of crimes, the lovely state of Texas.

(The "TRUTH" behind the REAL reason they packed up and got out of Dodge...err I mean Oregon and that lovely house her beloved grandmother willed to her/she knowingly and maliciously stole, will be well documented here on TRSM very soon so stay tuned for that grand enlightenment!).

Well it didn't take them long either, within a few days she had a website up and here they are...
I didn't say her old site, no sir, why she closed those down however we are all in luck. 
She has re-opened a new one by reversing the names, how clever.

So drop in and say hello, I'm sure she will be glad to hear from you...and me :O)

Take note however the differences, I wonder what explanation she gives to those sharp enough to notice and question why on her Blogspot page she is listed as Sherri Mitchell...however if you mosey on over to her Wordpress blog she is listed as Sharalyn Condrey.  I'm sure her excuse will be, "all the great artists of the past use an alias".  But then Sherri Mitchell would be her alias since her name isn't Mitchell and they are not married.  Nope her real name is Condrey. So lil oopps there Sherri-poo.  Maybe you better go back and reverse your alias with your real name like you reversed your business name.  And while I'm on the subject perhaps someone ought to educate our world renowned artist that "the greats" never had to use Photoshop on any of their images/art.  LOL!

Her shipping policy has since been removed but we found this part of her policy quite amusing:

"We do not have a minimum order, however, it is a general rule of thumb that the more you have of a product in a display, the more eye-catching and, as a result, sales are better. Remember that ladies like to buy if there is an adundance to choose from. {Experience shows this in my 25 years of Retail"

That's right order a bunch... it's in your best interest... & 25 years of Retail ~ since she was 11???
Just another attempt to make her seem established and stable as an entrepreneur!
Lord knows she can't tell the truth about her experience, practices, ...

(Take close note of the song titles here: You think with these titled selections she is trying to send us a message?  ROFL!).


"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

"When you know better you do better"

"And now your bitter hands, cradle broken glass, of what was everything"