What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Re-Construction underway!

Howdy Do...ole man Magoo here to apologise to all my readers. I've been busy going through the blog to repair dead links and such. In an attempt to use a different party I failed miserably. I tried the webfilehost link and it now tells me the repaired links format is not recognizable. Huh? Don't recognize mp3's? They worked the day I uploaded them...? Oh well so I have returned to a tried and true host, Zshare, and have repaired a few for your listening pleasure. Ye Ole Hubby is back and working and I will be getting to the rest here shortly if I can find them buried deep within the ole Magoo briefcase of "Truth"!
In the meantime enjoy these two as they throw each other under the bus :O) Quite an interesting listen if I do say so myself!
"When you know better, you do better"
Maya Angelou
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"
Free of their scams that is :O)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Lets have a new poll day shall we?

Howdy do ole man Mr. Magoo coming at you again with a NEW POLL! (Oh and I enlisted the help of an old buddy of mine everyone welcome Underdog!)
I figure hey, ones in order, since everyone seems to be in a Grand Giveaway mood we should help get the word out anyway we can. :O) So get on over here to therealsherrimitchell and vote for your favorite on the chances of ole man Mr. Magoo winning the Grand Prize Giveaway Sweepstakes being held over at http://www.punkrosejournal.blogspot.com/

And don't forget ladies and gents, YOU TOO can enter to win so don't be shy go on by and get in on those most fab of fabulous gifts at http://www.punkrosejournal.blogspot.com/ :O)

But you better enter and run, get your prize and go cause if you stay to long you'll get a case of sticky feet, from that web of deceit she spins over there, so good luck. Just remember get in and get out.
Also while your there leave her a comment and show her how much you admire her for stealing her grandmothers credit card numbers and going on an Internet shopping spree until the family caught her after the credit card companies called asking about the validity of said charges. You might want to also ask her about stealing her grandmothers bank account information and attempted to wire herself money from her account until the bank called the executor asking about the wire attempt! ALL THIS while her grandmother lay on her deathbed dieing of cancer!

Until we meet again this is ole man Magoo saying thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon.

"when you know better you do better"

Maya Angelou

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

Ole Man Magoo


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Magoo gladly brings you...The Giant Giveaway Extravaganza!

Howdy do!! Ole man Magoo here back from a rather extended hiatus. Here to bring you breaking news on therealsherrimitchell saga front lines!


Seems she’s been a busy bee attempting to draw in an entirely new crowd into her web of deceit with one of those “WOW” moments she’s so famous for. :O)

Ladies and gentlemen I give you, “The Grand Giveaway to end all Grand Giveaways!”

But you better hurry, don’t walk, but run on over to http://www.punkrosejournal.blogspot.com/ and enter to win her latest rip-offs and copycat items before the deadline ends. You might even see a resemblance to your own artwork :O) Take your time to read the many comments of unsuspecting and uninformed potential victims not yet aware of whom therealsherrimitchell truly is. Well as long as those who wish to inform themselves of "the truth" Ole Magoo will be here to enlighten them and deliver "the truth". They say you can’t run from your past but this Psychotic Sally is relentless is she not? Magoo is wondering if "her new found followers" are wondering to themselves when they post with original full face pictures of themselves as their avatars "therealsherrimitchell" uses that mysterious single eye staring cold and dark back at them? What is she hiding from? What "cold dark truths lie behind that cold dark eye huh?"
Never fear Ole Man Magoo never lets an opportunity pass him by so I felt obligated to pass on to you her very own open invitation, (If anyone would like to use any of the images provided above to Blog about my Giveaway, I give you Full Permission to do so!!), to link her blog and share with you her lovely, (ahem gaudy), creations. I wish you luck as I encourage you all to enter and wish you the very best of luck! Ole Mr. Magoo plans to enter right away, gee I wonder if Ole Man Magoo's name will make it into that hat...?? :O)

Now how did that get in there? :O)
(This picture is a fictional rendition of where we feel the both of them should be residing)
Gee I hope she drops in to thank Ole Magoo for the free advertising…ROFLMAO! :O)

Thanks for stopping by and until next time.
"When you know better, you do better"
(Maya Angelou)
"You shall know The Truth and The Truth shall set you free"
so sayeth,
Mr. Magoo
P.S. Ole Magoo has noticed a few of the older links of audio are not working so I will be busy fixing those in preparation of an influx of "new followers" dropping by.
P.S.S. Links fixed. Click and Enjoy :O)