What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008



Therealsherrimitchell is SO deranged; she has the nerve to tell “the caller” that Sharyn told her she was afraid to stay at ole Magoo’s home…her son! Later came accusations that we held her against her will, murdered her etc… really?
UPDATE: July 19th 2009
Listen to her lie to the caller she taped the conversation between her and our mother. Well, well, well, why didn't ole Magoo think of this the 1st time? I tell you what...produce THAT TAPE. I dont care if it's the original...a copy of the original, a copy of a copy of a copy of the original, send it MP3, CPO, R2D2, hell I'd settle for you sending to me via telepathy in 200 different languages. IF YOU CAN produce such a tape recording then I Mr. Magoo hereby swear and oath infront of all my faithful readers here and now I will CLOSE Therealsherrimitchell blog FOR GOOD! :O) Thats how confident there is NO SUCH tape and your a BIG FAT LIAR! Hell we'll all be here waiting for that to surface. Most likely when Monkeys fly out of our asses!

And Sharyn told all of this to you? Sharalyn the KNOWN LIAR AND THIEF, on Dec. 23rd. Oh that would be shortly AFTER YOU had Chris make a bogus call that one of your kids had a FEVER and Chris AS THE FATHER of the child didn’t know WHAT TO DO? Oh my! And furthermore had Sharyn in her advanced stage of cancer drive you in the middle of the night to grab a train outta town and make her pay for it. Lets not leave out the fact Sharyn was medicated therefore SHOULD NOT have been driving PERIOD! (YOU’RE A PIG SHARALYN!) That would be during that 2 week commitment you made to her to come and care for her but ONLY LASTED 4 DAYS!! That would be the trip that once you returned to the SAFETY of SHARYN”S HOME you began making charges to her cards and attempting to pay bills via her bank account information numbers! Had Chris search through her boxed belongings in the garage to find her Social Security number! The same trip Mark’s mother had to come by and drive Sharyn to her Oncology appointment because one, Sharyn was under medication and SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN driving anywhere…and two (YOU ARE SUCH A WORTHLESS PIG) you refused to drive her and your excuse was you are not use to driving THESE ROADS!! A ROAD IS A ROAD IS A ROAD MORON!

Can you imagine these two being charged with Sharyn’s health and quality of life??

AND YET SHE STILL continues with this ridiculous crap! I have it tape recorded she says! HA!! Then WHY in heavens NAME sweetie aren’t you busy counter blogging Magoo's blog with your tape-recorded clips of how MEMAW BEGGED you to come and save her from her SON? How she asked CHRIS of all people, the one guy Sharyn HATED THE MOST, (because you BOTH lied to her over and over again how evil Chris was to you and the kids), to come and get her???? SHE hated CHRIS with a PASSION and yet you want US to believe she wanted to come spend her last days with you and NOT her own CHILDREN? Where is this so called tape recording Sharalyn? Mine are right here for all to hear, where’s yours??

I know…lets go to COURT! That way you can finally produce those “signed hand written documents” you professed to have, you can produce “the lawyer” that turned out to not exist, and while were there you can produce these "tape recordings" you have of a conversation between Sharyn and you,<--- (the PIG liar!), around Dec. 23rd. of Sharyn telling you she was afraid to stay with Magoo and family. Let’s see Magoo had a bed set up, Hospice come in daily to provide quality care, daily baths, a nurse and clergy to speak with, take care of her and Uncle Jim… (you do remember your Uncle Jim don’t you?), Oh yea lets see, her daughter came from back East, put school on hold and her job to stay for 2 months straight, her other sons from Texas and Oregon put their jobs on hold to stay and care for her for extended periods of time. Family called daily from all over the country. Friends and family came to see her, sit with her, and talk to her even when Sharyn could no longer return the conversation. AND JUST WHERE WERE YOU? Sitting at home worried sick she was being held against her will remember those e-mails Sharalyn? Shall I dig those out and post them up for everyone to read?

This audio needs no preface. Listen with your own ears and and conclide for yourself. This is the stressed mind, scrambling for any lie voice of a guilty criminal exposed and struggling to lie her way out of it. I leave this judgement to you. Pretty sad to even re-listen to after all these years. Pathetic in fact!
And I'm done with this bitch for this evening... :O)
"When you know better, you do better"
Maya Angelou
"You shall know the truth and the truth is not in HER VOICE!"


Anonymous said...

Have mercy on her soul! Unbelievable...

Mr. Magoo said...

Believe it!

The proof?

You see her denying any of this? You see her going to all ends to stop this?

She wont cause she cant prove its not true. Fact is every word is true!

Thanks for stopping by :)