What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lie #...nevermind I lost count!

Ole Magoo here to share with our faithful readers an email recieved a few weeks back. The jig was up for this criminal, yes she found us, and the first thing Magoo recieved was a phone call. Hehehe...the first thing out of her mouth was a LIE! (Go figure). She informs me she is on the other line with HER lawyer wanting to know when I was gonna close down Ole Magoo's blog. But after I informed her when hell freezes over and reminded her about the briefcase full of documentation to validify everything within these pages, and begged her to sue me she quickly changed her tune. And then the truth spit out of her vile throat, "well....****long pause*** I havn't really contacted my lawyer yet!" LOL!
This is a pathetic plea for Magoo to stop telling the truth so that her google blogger associates wont find out shes not really who she attempts to represent herself out to be. LOL!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 7:20 PMThis sender is DomainKeys verified
"Sher Mitchell" Add sender to Contacts
Magoo - what can I do? What is it that I can start doing to repair this? Do you want things from the house? I will send them. Do you want money for the books and towel? She said Jim couldn't have those things at his new Home so I was to sell them. Tell me what to do Magoo.
Please email me.

SO you admit you SOLD estate items including your Uncle Jim's personal belongings? Of course you did, we even watched in glee as you HAD to admit these facts in open court...LOL! All your lies revealed to be just that lies, you should have seen your face turn from pure white from fright and rosy red from embarrassment. What I wouldn't give for a camera :) A picture of you on the witness stand to share with our faithful readers would have been priceless.

What you selectively omitted from the above plea was the fact Sharyn never told you no such thing! You cant even write 8 sentences without telling a lie. You should go see someone about your narcassism.

ROFL! 40 mins later and what do you know!!

[ No Subject ]
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 8:04 PM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Sher Mitchell" Add sender to Contacts
MagooAre you getting my emails?

I'm still laughing!

So lets get on to another audio clip, shall we?
ROFLMAO! Heres today’s addition to the continuing saga of: “listen to therealsherrimitchell try to lie her way out of her criminal ways”…LOL!

At this time the family was livid over the discovery of the level of these two criminals’ acts against Sharyn. The family was calling, (deservedly so), for these two to cough up the money they owed the estate or face repossession. (Remember these two have a history of running out on their debts so in order to protect estate assets these moves were necessary). Hear her *sigh* cause she knows she’s been busted. Then hear her continue to stick to that ridiculous lie that they owe absolutely nothing. BUT of course now instead of claiming to have put $14,000 of her own money into the second hand store thus forgiving the note, OR she has in her possession, or was it the hands of her make-believe lawyer at the time?, hand written documents showing Sharyn forgave the note. Her NEXT excuse is: I’ve worked at (KEYWORDS HERE-->) MY GRANDMOTHERS SHOP! Remember she claimed the store was hers?

Let’s examine another sentence shall we?

"I’ve worked at my (oops here's it is again) MY GRANDMOTHERS SHOP” for 8 months for no Goddamn salary? So I guess she feels in doing so she has worked off her debt to Sharyn for the vehicles? You know THAT SHOP where Sharyn payed the utilities, Internet etc…cause you two are so clueless to succeed legally to make enough to pay them yourselves? Or was it you pocketed every profit and just wanted to keep milking your grandmother? What about receipts, kept records? Won’t the IRS want to see such records when you’re audited? Do you even bother to file income tax forms? Maybe that’s why the IRS holds liens against the house on the two of you…LOL! Poetic justice! (see archive: For Starters).

SO Sherri which lie is it? Did Sharyn leave you with hand written documents showing she forgave you of the promissory note? Or is it you put $14,000 of your own money into the shop therefore you don’t owe the $10,601? Or is it this new lie that you worked salary free at HER shop thus the promissory note is not valid cause according to your criminal reasoning, you worked it off?
I’m pretty sure there was a 4th excuse as to why you didn’t feel you owed the estate for the balance of the note but ole Magoo’s memory is failing. I’m sure if I dig deep enough I’ll find it though…LOL!

I’ve already told Cindy? Really? When? You refused to talk to her…well lets use your words shall we…that bitch! Liar! Cant you finish one sentence without telling a lie? Again you need to see someone about that narcissism. :)

How did it all turn out you ask? Well allow ole Magoo to fill you in. They ended up getting someone to assist them in taking out a ridiculous $125,000 loan at 10% interest. (see archives: For Starters).
Why such a vast amount? Well after she was proven A LIAR in the court of law they had to pay the estate: 10,601 for the note, the total amount which they sold “MY GRANDMOTHERS” shop for but it was less than half what Sharyn paid originally ($12,000 approx. give or take), $50,000 for the house which by the way is in foreclosure now. (Yep almost $12,000 in arrears on that one sweetheart). An undisclosed amount for the personal estate items they sold illegally on E-bay and Overstock.com, and all the belongings in the house that was left over after her illegal selling spree. Some lawyer fees she unnecessarily ran up that we were able to STICK her with, not to mention her own lawyer’s fees. No telling who else, perhaps the Oregon assisted living program got a bit of their ill-gotten money back from these two thieves as well. Doesn’t leave them with a whole lot left over now does it? And now just a little over a year later and what do you know, back to the same ole patterns. Behind in making payments and about to be kicked out into the cold once again because these two feel the laws of society don’t pertain to them. Even worse, YOU TWO jeopardize the children's welfare without a single thought to what would become of them should you both one day be incarcerated. Sadly, the 3 kids are about to be uprooted AGAIN, going who knows where, with an UNcertain UNstable future to look forward to.
I bet God is REAL PROUD of you two. :)
ROFLMAO! You reap what you sow…is that a bible passage? If so it fits you two to a tee!
In conclusion remember… You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ..." so sayeth Mister Magoo!
Or to borrow one you like to hide behind… "When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!
Next time you wanna spout off about how "Holier than thou you are" or leave direct bible passages aimed for us over at your "den of lies blog" "the antique cafe" take a moment to view a mirror. As they say, "the mirror never lies!"
You back to useing massive amounts of Vicoden to mask your guilt ridden soul? If something is "sticking in your craw, maybe you shouldn't look in that mirror, it'll only get worse...LOL!
Mister Magoo signing off till we meet again. :)

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