What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Trifecta Day!

Howdy to you all and welcome to the continuing sage of, “let’s listen in on therealsherrimitchell lie, and sigh her way out of a pickle”, shall we? In fact let’s just make this a TRIFECTA DAY, what do you say? LOL!

Allow Mr. Magoo to preface this little piece. After over an hour of nailing her with the facts we know she stole her grandmother’s cards and bank account information and was using them on her criminal shopping spree. She has become quite agitated from her guilt and like any criminal the plain fact of being caught and STOPPED! Here she goes into her ridiculous accusations the family murdered her. The process from a weakened but active stage to completely bed-ridden can happen rapidly. Unfortunately for Sharyn this is how her process unfolded. January she went from barely walking without aide from ole Magoo to by the end of the month completely bed-ridden. Appetite lost and detachment increased. By the time her lawyer returned the final copy of her will to the family and executor for review Sharyn sadly had lost the ability to speak. She knew we were there but could not acknowledge or reply for herself when spoken to. Unfortunately just a mere few weeks from passing. The will was riddled with errors and of course questionable gifts especially in therealsherrimitchell’s favor, with no hope of the family being able to question Sharyn about it. It certainly was not what Sharyn had told her family for a decade. So let’s break down this audio clip shall we?

She speaks of “the lawyer” again, that one that never existed, remember? The tests will show we over medicated our Mother. What Christian woman that you know of would disgustingly accuse the family who took Sharyn in and provided her with the best quality care/life possible of murdering their own mother? And threatens to call for an autopsy to prove it? Which never came by the way? Empty threats, lashing back at us because we BUSTED HER AGAIN!

Of course she would know the truth if she would have placed her grandmother’s final days a priority, acted appropriately as all do when they profess to love them as much as therealsherrimitchell professes to love Memaw, and came and saw her, offered to help in any way. You know, turning her every two hours, changing the linens daily, washing the linens and clothes daily, brushing her teeth, clothing her, feeding her, administering her medicine in the proper dosage and on a timely schedule, sitting with her, talking to her, playing her favorite music, welcoming and hosting her guests, working side by side with the grieving counselors, clergy, and nurse provided by the good people/volunteers at Hospice. Nope she couldn’t be bothered at the time of Sharyn’s illness, all she wanted was to bum a free ride, illegally use her credit cards and bank account info as well as rifle through her belongings in the garage and find her social security. ( that audio clip is coming folks stay tuned). No telling what they would have done with that had we not caught them. They would have an entire box full of illegal credit cards in Sharyn’s name and off they’d go on a criminal spending spree again.

Now I ask you, does this sound like the Christian way? Are these the actions of a self-professed Christian, God-fearing woman? One who uses bible passages to draw in unsuspecting Christian people so they can con them out of what they can get from them over at TheAntiqueCafe and blog? No its therealsherrimitchells disgusting side, anything to deflect the heat away from her being found out she had manipulated and milked roughly $100,000 over the past decade from Sharyn. Right down to the time she lay dying in her son’s home and over a year after she had passed! So for anyone reading this for the first time, THIS IS THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL, not that alter-ego bible thumping, Christian, mother of 3 children, devoted wife, and relentless hard working Renaissance woman she has portrayed herself out to be to all her online associates/fellow bloggers. She is FAR from the latter! Let’s continue.

“Ugh well….ok…whatever”, she says!! :) She’s being busted and she’s squirming like a dog with fleas lashing back at the family member for being the bearer of her bad news. ODD,…ugh…that she was…ugh…and the family knew this…ugh…that was over at Joe’s house that day…ugh…JUST SPIT IT OUT IF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH! YOU CANT because YOU weren’t THERE! You KNOW NOTHING! No her criminal mind is spinning away trying to come up with something to say because she’s pissed off we busted her!

I’d like to clarify that the “caller” had come and stayed for 3 weeks to help ole Magoo, and family. Which included grocery shopping, cooking many breakfasts, lunches and dinners, washing dishes, washing and folding clothes, bedlinens, towels. (The house was full with those who came to be with and care for her). He watered plants, vacuumed rugs, swept floors, ran errands, he even fixed the linoleum floor. THANKS CALLER! The caller also returned after taking care of some work related business and stayed another few weeks, you get the sacrific here Sharalyn? Did you love her Sharalyn? Where were you Sharalyn K. Condrey? Oh yea that’s right, never mind we already know. :( No need to rehash it all again.

“That is a murder charge, and I hope you know that”, she spews! IS IT ANY WONDER to any of our readers why the family had nothing to do with her for over two decades now? Classic Sharalyn K. Condrey…were the evil ones, were the murderers, were the reason her whole world is a crime, riddled with lies, and excuses. So right back at you sweets! Because the caller is right! She had abused Sharyn before, during and tried to after Sharyn passed. Mentally, physically, verbally, emotionally and financially. In doing so was doing the same to Uncle Jim, Sharyn’s mentally disabled son who can’t defend himself. You’ve never hit her? I Mr. Magoo have witnessed Sharalyn K. Condrey shove her many times as a kid and teen. And I put a stop to it. Had I ever witnessed her hitting her Sharalyn would be waking up on the floor with a sore chin. But although Magoo himself never witnessed any hitting there were rumors out there she had.

What are we doing to you? Nobody talks to you; nobody wants anything to do with you. But we had ousted you after discovering all of your crimes against Sharyn and now you try to spin it back on us. Shame on us for picking on you…boo f’n hoo!!

Using the lords name in vain, again is this language used by a Christian woman? Wasn’t it funny Sharalyn K. Condrey when sitting in the chair in court you were grilled for the proof Sharyn gave you the entire belongings in her house and you had no proof, no answer? You even said in your own voice, “that was a lie!” Isn’t it fact that during settlement you were forced to pay the family for everything in the house? Even after court you REFUSED to allow the family to retrieve her items, what was left having illegally sold most of it off. So we stuck it to you where it hurts the most, your empty wallet! Isn’t it FACT Sharalyn K. Condrey that you’re a LIAR?? :)

And don’t think I’m going to leave here with anything in it? Where the hell did that thought come from folks? Gee if it’s all yours, *WHY NOT*, leave with it? And then, “I have specific instruction on what to do with it? The same specific instructions you boasted about for months but never produced and when the shit hit the fan up on the witness stand you couldn’t produce it either? You had to admit you made up those instructions and the lady lawyer you claimed you gave them to…just one question…why? What sick mind would concoct such a ridiculous juvenile lie as this one and continue the charade for close to a year? The mind of Sharalyn K. Condrey ladies and gents. This is therealsherrimitchell in all her disgusting glory! This is her pattern, this is what she does, has done all her life. Hence: complete waste of some good oxygen.
Elderly abuse? Take note of her mind racing to concoct a lie to reply to that one. She doesn't DENY the abuse just, I never hit her. The simple fact she reply's with, "you mean hitting"? Is an admission of guilt by behavior.

I have tried to do the right thing:) PLEASE see archives, “DO The Right Thing” here)! She KNOWS what the right thing is, everyone knows right from wrong but she can NEVER do the right thing it’s not in her nature folks. She’s sick. She’s the lowest of the lows! She’d put 5 dollars in a tithing plate and remove 10 dollars saying with a faux smile, “Change for my twenty I just put in there”. Teeheehee.

“What am I suppose to do”? Ugh allow the family to rent a truck and retrieve her belongings as she sat day after day relating to them in her final months exactly what she wanted done with her household items would have been one. Not fight them tooth and nail to retrieve irreplaceable mementos of their mothers, Afghans she’s made, macramé plant hangers, photo albums, pictures, etc…things that meant something to them. Rightfully theirs!

Magoo here: breaking in to just say, “YOU’RE A PIG Sharalyn K. Condrey”!! I’m sorry folks, it makes me sick to review/relive these tapes but if it helps one person from being defrauded by the likes of these two criminals its worth it!

Click here: http://www.zshare.net/audio/62909305d7a45ce9/

Howdy-doo ole Magoo here once again with another audio clip. Magoo is convinced that
unlike the others there’s NO NEED to preface this one. It pretty much speaks for itself! So throw in that packet of microwavable popcorn, grab yourself a beverage and sit back and enjoy this clip from the lies of therealsherrimitchell! Take note of ONE thing please! Hear her slip and mention Chris is to blame, “but everything that Chris does I get us out of trouble in”. She blames Chris throughout a lot of these tapes. But the fact is they work as two peas in a pod. Ask Chris and he’ll turn and blame Sharalyn…lol! (OH THOSE CLIPS ARE COMING YOU SPINELESS P**CK!).

Do you all remember/recall over at that den of manure blog site http://www.theantiquecafe.blogspot.com/, which has since been deleted, you hear her talk of how wonderful her “hubby” is? (They aren’t married folks, they shack up). How he has SAVED them from a near tragic situation? You all remember that CRAP don’t you? Why just the other day I was out visiting, (I knew this would come in handy), and LOOK what I found?

Sher said...
What a great place to be!I am at peace by the water - I love it. I like the photos and it seems as if the men were busy at work! I love it when mine Grills.. he's the best. I just wanted to say hello! Hope you are well :)xo Sher
July 21, 2008 2:54 PM

Here see for yourselves. Picture courtesy of http://countingyourblessings.blogspot.com/

Magoo has e-mails from Sharyn’s account showing Sharalyn accusing Chris of leaving her for a month or so at a time thus no income to pay bills and feed the kids. Chris strangled her, Chris hit her, and Chris spends all our money on beer…boo-hoo…the list goes on. I have Sharalyn repeatedly blaming Chris on these audio clips; he’s the one forcing me to NOT DO THE RIGHT THING! Chris is the culprit, its Chris’s fault this is happening. And isn’t it funny, (no there’s nothing funny about it), that when we call Chris he blames Sharalyn, that Sharalyn’s behind all this. That Sharalyn threatens him with child molestation, beating her, choking her, raping her, THAT list goes on and on. Gee if all that was going ON EITHER SIDE, don’t you think the proper thing would be to remove yourself from the abuser? Yet after over a decade they are “still happily married and hubby is just wonderful”…??????? "Just LOVE IT when he grills" *enter Magoo barf here* Makes you stop and wonder don’t it??????? Wait till you hear the tapes, they’re priceless :)

Anyway as I said this clip needs no introduction, it will clearly speak for itself!

Click here: http://www.zshare.net/audio/160869238ad54762/
This third clip needs no preface folks, again, its classic Sharalyn K. Condrey at her best/worst. The potty-mouth rears again, but take note of the tone of her voice when she says, “I don’t tell her how miserable my life is… (Voice change here), ALL THE TIME! No I just do it when I NEED her to send me another CHECK to pay bills I’m supposed to be responsible for! That’s ok isn’t it? LOL! Again classic “bitch” (sorry but she is), “why am I the source of anger”? I’ll let our readers decide on that one. And the final’e an angry spew of sticking to that ridiculous lie she has a signed document allowing her to use Mothers credit cards…when she gets in trouble…which is constantly cause those two WONT GET JOBS!

Click here: http://www.zshare.net/audio/16086997ef6e546f/

Enjoy the clips, have a good laugh on us, (although this is sadly no laughing matter), and feel free to leave a comment. Magoo will return shortly with another audio clip for your listening enjoyment.


huck said...

Ol hucks tail went to waggin when he saw that magoo had some new footage to view/listen!

OOOOOOOooooo dawgy!!!

you got her GOOD magoo!!!

silent pauses....HEAVY sighs....LIES LIES LIES...(we all know what those HEAVY SIGHS are all about)! You can hear her wheels turning as she is trying real hard and fast to conjure up an EXCUSE!!..errr a LIE!!!

Hey SHARALYN!!! WHERE were those documents signed by our mother stating that you have permission to use her credit cards if the 2nd hand store got in trouble financially??? You stated you HAD them....WHERE WERE THEY WHEN YOU WERE SITTING IN THAT WITNESS CHAIR IN FRONT OF THAT JUDGE AND WERE ASKED TO PRODUCE THEM???

You professed that you had signed documents....WHERE WERE THOSE??

WE had/have documents to the contrary and GUESS WHAT??? WE PRODUCED THEM!!..we didnt have to LIE about the truth that we held/hold the documents...DID WE???

WE stepped up to the plate...swung the bat...and HIT A HOMERUN with our SIGNED DOCUMENTS...

All you did was STRIKEOUT!!

You may have thought you WON the game....but in reality Sharalyn K Condrey....YOU LOST..YOU LOST BIG...AND YOU KNOW IT.

And you know what else??? You LET DOWN the 3 people in your life that truly should be your PRIORITY....your own CHILDREN


Huck is disgusted with these two...I think I shall lift my leg on a fire hydrant...and go crawl into my doghouse

Da Huckster

Mr. Magoo said...

nuff said...

Anonymous said...

Sad Story..I'm glad that you are doing this to inform the public. She should be in American Most Wanted.... She'll be eventually!!!
Sorry that your Mom had to endure all these pain when she was alive. I feel sorry for her kids and so called husband.

Anonymous said...

You should keep this up Mr. Magoo and keep showing people this real side of her. She is a sneak and a liar. At first I thought she just had multiple personalities, but now I realize that she is trying to live 2 seperate lies at the same time! Her customers and internet "friends" should know the real truth here.

On another note, I am so very sorry to hear how your mother suffered at the hands of this inhumane creature. No one should have to suffer the indignities that TRSM inflicted. Keep it up!!