What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I bring you...

Ye ole "Hubby Myth"

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here reaching deep into his e-mail archives of "truths" to bring you something new and long overdue. We all know "therealsherrimitchell" enjoys prancing around the Internet portraying herself out to be someone she's not, (ahem...married... *cough* *cough*), and what a grandiose lifestyle she leads. Included in that deception is mention of her "wonderful hubby".

If you've been following along with ole Magoo's blog here you'll find many requests for proof of their nuptials as we have posted documented fact as to the validity of "the realsherrimitchell's" "hubby" ( ahem...marriage *cough* *cough*).

Well what do we have here? Ole Magoo got a visit from Sybil herself. Ladies and gents I bring you... "therealsherrimitchell's" interpretation of a "hubby"!

From: Sharalyn Condrey antiquepaperie@live.com

Subject: Husband Myth

To: Me :O) Mr. Magoo

Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2008,

10:55 AM

HI Joe - <---That's me Magoo :O)

I thought I would give you this for adding to your Blog with the upcoming "Customer Appreciation" day and "Karaoke Chronicles" you are preparing, since so many of your viewers and the family want to know. Chris and I are not Married.

(AHA! A "truth" so why prance around the Internet deceiving others you were?).

We will never be married. I refuse to marry any man. We do however, have 3 children, and have been partners for almost 14 years now. I made a commitment to him, and the children I have with him, until the children are grown. After that, I am going my own way. We both know this. And we both know that is what will happen. What I need to clarify is that I saw a lot of "She didn't marry him so they could live off Welfare". It's not true. I won't ever marry any man, in my lifetime. It's my personal choice. So there is your answer to the Husband Mystery. I honor him (ONLY) because he is the father of my children. Do I love him? As the father of my children. But, we are, in fact, not married, and will never be married. I've been asked in the earlier days, when Brandon was small. But I've said no each time. Now we are just partners raising the children. Is it a sin? Yes. Is it considered living in Sin, with a man you have children with, but not marry in a Church, under God's law? Yes. It won't change the fact that we have children together, and I choose to ignore those who call my children Bastards, as some of the family do. It's a derogatory term, that I do not believe in. Chris is their father, his name as the father is on each Birth Certificate, and I am happy with it just the way it is. This is something I will make amends with, on my own. Sharalyn

So there you have it folks, the "truth" as to their mysterious nuptials. These two deserve each other. When busted and confronted with a wrongdoing/crime they throw each other under the bus so quick ole "Speedy Gonzales" couldn't save them :O) Yep they live a glorious life, everything is hunky dory, and they're love for one another cannot be equaled. Lets see what else I have in here, why what is this? A little audio appropriate for just such an occasion. Lets listen in as they share with us just how much they adore one another.

I ask you therealsherrimitchell. Isn't ole Magoo's audio here a more accurate depiction of your pathetic existence with one another? Funny I don't envision any "Donna Reed Show" moments taking place in the Pacific Northwest between you two. Lets take a listen shall we?

Therealsherrimitchell throwing her "wonderful hubby" under the bus Part 1 and Part 2:
Under the bus 1
Under the bus 2

"Wonderful hubby" throwing good ole Therealsherrimitchell under the bus:


They must share some great conversation around the ole BBQ while "wonderful hubby" is grilling away eh? ROFL! Enjoy your lives together, hopefully behind bars one day!

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth is they are both liars"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Goodbye Panache...

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here spreading the latest news, have you heard? Yes folks busted once again therealsherrimitchell is off and running away from her misdeeds. Goodbye Perfect Panache and hello http://www.sherrimitchell.blogspot.com/ . Like a merry-go-round that never stops, she has moved again. As the story goes our lil criminal took the liberty of using a web artists art and design and attempted to pass them as her OWN for sale on her site. When confronted, as she is prone to do, she denied, denied, denied and spewed forth nasty venom unlike her false christian persona she likes to hide behind. Not knowing therealsherrimitchell is "all bark and no bite" (empty threats), the artist relented and gave permission "after the fact folks, after she had stolen the art without giving credit to the artist. She'll tell you she has permission but wont fill you in on "THE TRUTH", that permission came after she stole them, after she was busted, after numerous venomous empty threats and nasty correspondence. Now that's therealsherrimitchell in all her ugly glory. So get out and spread the word!
"When you know better, you do better" (Unless your therealsherrimitchell)!
"You shall know the truth and the truth is she's her Mothers daughter"

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good God does it ever stop?

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here bringing you yet another latest development of...Where did she go this time?
ROFLMAO! Shut down Wordpress and opened up http://www.perfectpanache.blogspot.com/
Even has a boutique up where you can go to be scammed and or sold gawdy worthless crap you can make yourself for pennies. Couple of her faithful followers are over there singing glory hallelujahs about how talented the fraud is. Christ any kid can use Photoshop 10 times better than she can...LOL! Truth be told my daughter wrote her to point out errors she's made on her header, next day it was fixed...ROFL!

Well NO suprise here, even http://www.perfectpanache.blogspot.com/ as of this morning is down...hehehe, I say again, "DOES IT EVER END"? Psychotic to the inth degree this one is, geesh! This time due to an unexpected personal family matter. Hum? I think a new poll is in order!

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth is she's psychotic"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here today, gone tomorrow...

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here once again to inform my readers of a recent development. Seems master fraud therealsherrimitchell has done it again as she has again and again and again...will it ever stop? She throws away blogs and business sites like she throws out the trash each morning...(she will NEVER be able to throw out her past as I'm sure she would very much like to). Pretty pathetic isn't she? Seems PerfectPanache has gone the way of the trash heap and she has resurfaced to work her scams on unsuspecting bloggers over at http://sherrimitchell.wordpress.com/ .
Well rest assured wherever she may go ole man Magoo will be right behind her! So I've added her little site to my "previously used and or now defunct and shutdown bogus blogs category". I'll return soon but in the meantime spread the word! Don't allow her to con another innocent person ever again!
"When you know better, you do better"
"You shall know the truth and that truth is once a con always a con"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Buyer Beware!

BUYERS and Bloggers beware!
Seems our little miss fraud therealsherrimitchell is at it again! Sad thing is some either gullible or just plain uninformed people are over there singing praises and glory hallelujah to the Queen of con!
Like Barnum always said, "Theres a fool born every minute"!
Well I least added her new blog venture to my list of previously up and running and mostly shutdown and abandoned web and blog sites she has had over the years. That way if they google for her they'll stumble across this site and maybe not be suckered like SO MANY in the past!
Ole man Magoo will be back in business as soon as he returns from a trip he's about to embark on Thursday morning so stay tuned for the continuing saga of therealsherrimitchell is a thief and that's all she ever will be.
"When you know better, you do better"
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall save you from being a victim of hers"!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Riddle me this, riddle me that...who's a big fat dingbat?

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here with another installment of... I'm a dingbat and here's proof! Enjoy :O)

Packages etc...
Monday, September 22, 2008 10:04 PM
"Sherri Mitchell" Add sender to Contacts
Ole man Magoo

"therealsherrimitchell" writes,

I have shipped this family items when I really didn't have the money to spare to ship them, I have sent all tracking numbers and proof, I have asked many times in the past weeks to email when the packages arrived to just let me know they all arrived ok, I have asked Cindy who I should ship the 2 cross Stitch frames too - If you people want to continue being this way then fine. I've done my best - to try and make some kind of effort here - But I give up with you Joe. I will ship you the 2 Cross Stitch. After that, I am finished. You have the items I was supposed to send you, the few items I promised my Grandmother would eventually make their way into your homes - I sent Stacey hers as well so that is done, and another promise I made Sharyn. If Jackie wants to send me the $60 UPS for mailing the Record Albums, then he can do that. I simply cannot afford to ship the records. I did what I said I would do, but I will not do anything else. I wish you well for the rest of your days - but this is the very last time you will ever hear from me again.I am not your niece anymore.

Well lets just examine this latest installment a bit closer shall we?

I have shipped this family items when I really didn't have the money to spare to ship them, I have sent all tracking numbers and proof,

And we received them but if your waiting for a “pat on the back” PLEASE hold your breath! It’s really quite simple, you should have never been in a position to have to do any of this in the first place so if any ones to blame ”toots” take a good long look in that cracked mirror of yours! Had you not been a thieving, greedy, Sociopathic bitch, in short behaved like you have your ENTIRE LIFE, you would have stepped aside at the hour of our mothers passing and allowed ole Magoo to enter his MOTHERS HOME and retrieve her estate items as Magoo was “INSTRUCTED” to do the last few months of Magoo’s MOTHERS life we wouldn’t be here discussing your lifelong pattern of thievery, fraud, criminal actions and just plain DISRESPECTFUL behavior!

I have asked many times in the past weeks to email when the packages arrived to just let me know they all arrived ok,

Wrong again, you sent the tracking numbers and in that e-mail you asked you be notified of their arrival. YOU HAVE the tracking numbers…check em “toots” and you’ll see they were delivered if your so obsessed over whether they arrived or not. Again if your waiting for confirmation from Magoo PLEASE hold your breath!

I have asked Cindy who I should ship the 2 cross Stitch frames too –

Again Ole Magoo could have picked those up 2 years ago but you had to pull A BIG FAT “thereallsherrimitchell” once again and now have placed yourself and your pathetic life in such a mess it’s beyond repair. How heavy is that noose of guilt getting you wear around your big fat neck?

If you people want to continue being this way then fine. I've done my best –

And you expect what? Instant forgiveness?? Us people? We didn’t steal from Sharyn throughout our lives, we didn’t lie to her our entire lives, we didn’t manipulate, throw tantrums, use our kids for financial gain and or assistance, we didn’t con her out of her finances, “Bargain Barn”?? we didn’t steal her credit cards while she lay suffering and dying from Cancer and go on an internet shopping spree and attempt to pay bills YOU owed, we didn’t attempt to access her bank accounts from account numbers found while rifling through her past bills, we didn’t rejoice after finding her social security number while rummaging through her private belongings in her garage and go running through the house saying, “hey look what I found”. We didn’t steal/con what you KNOW/KNEW was to be set aside for her disabled son’s welfare and benefit. We didn’t send repeated nasty e-mails to ourselves calling us vultures and murderers threatening autopsies and murder charges, or threatening to call the local police or calling employers to spew false accusations and slander our good names. We didn’t deny ourselves OUR RIGHT as Sharyn’s CHILDREN to enter her home and retrieve her belongings, clothes and furnishings as we were INSTRUCTED to do. We didn’t make up lie after lie after lie in efforts to thwart off our efforts to complete those instructions because we would have discovered upon arrival and entering THAT YOU HAD SOLD THE MAJORITY OF IT OFF ON EBAY , ETSY & OVERSTOCK.COM!! We didn’t disrespectfully and immorally lawyer up to deny us the right to fulfill her wishes and in doing so cause her minimal estate insane excessive monetary loss to the extent that some her final “gifts” (monetary), could no longer be fulfilled, including you and yours! We didn’t lie throughout our hour long deposition nor while on the witness stand to the point even the judge was laughing at you and disgusted with you! NOPE THAT/THIS WAS YOU…’THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL”!!

We sleep well at night but obviously your guilt surfaces within your writing language. Oregon winter nears “toots” enjoy it.

I've done my best –

If this is your best please stop! It’ll only one day land you both in jail and then where will your kids be? It's already soon to land you out in the cold. where you going to run to this time?

to try and make some kind of effort here –

Your efforts always come with stipulations or ulterior motives. You have proven time and time again you will do what you want when you want AND ONLY if the OUTCOME benefits YOU! And in this case…you want ole Magoo to remove your crimes from the open web for all to see and discover “WHO” therealsherrimitchell is!

But I give up with you Joe.

How many times have I heard this before?
Take a short rope, climb onto roof, tie one end to chimney, tie other end around your neck and Chris your glorious “hubby” to and you both take a leap, do the world a favor! Or dip fingers in glass of water, walk over to wall socket and insert fingers, enjoy!

I will ship you the 2 Cross Stitch. After that, I am finished.

Then will you take a leap from your chimney? Stick wet finger in wall socket? :O)

You have the items I was supposed to send you.

Shall I post the recorded conversations where you admit lying about OUR MOTHER ever giving you everything in the house? A copy of the officer's statement you told or the court transcripts? Shall I reread to you what you said on the witness stand? You weren’t supposed to send us anything “toots’, you were suppose to do THE PROPER THING!! And step aside and allow her children to do what they were supposed to do or to use a word you like to use "Instructed"!

the few items I promised my Grandmother would eventually make their way into your homes –

She's NOT your grandmother, NOBODY TREATS THEIR GRANDMOTHER THIS WAY!! Shall I post the recorded conversations where you admit lying about OUR MOTHER ever giving you everything in the house? The officer's transcripts you told or the court transcripts? Shall I reread to you what you said on the witness stand? You weren’t supposed to send us anything “toots’, you were suppose to do THE PROPER THING!! And step aside and allow her children to do what they were supposed to do!

I sent Stacey hers as well so that is done, and another promise I made Sharyn.

You promised MANY THINGS to Sharyn but have yet to deliver on any of it! Referring to quitting your disgusting ways and criminal behavior and placing your children/her grandchildren in harms way and endangering their future and or right to a decent, stable, and secure future/childhoods.

If Jackie wants to send me the $60 UPS for mailing the Record Albums, then he can do that. I simply cannot afford to ship the records.

You made this bed not Jackie… again the record albums would have been retrieved 2 years ago at NO cost to anyone but ole Magoo's gas bill, but you HAD to pull a Stephanie… you HAD to pull a Condrey, you HAD to cause as much pain, suffering and loss as humanly possible for your own thrill of playing your lifelong games!

I did what I said I would do, but I will not do anything else.

Well OPEN THE GATES TO HEAVEN and GIVE YOURSELF A BOZO BUTTON “toots” whoopee your so great!

I wish you well for the rest of your days –

And I hope you live a long guilt ridden pathetic life and die a lonely miserable death! Preferably behind bars!

but this is the very last time you will ever hear from me again.

And I’ve heard this how many times my faithful readers?

I am not your niece anymore.

Haven’t been for over 2 decades and YOU KNOW WHY! Thank you Jesus!

“when you know better, you do better”

“you shall know the truth and the truth is slowly tightening around your fat neck”


To my multitude of faithful readers I leave you with another “truth” she can chew on this for awhile!! It came with the few items that I guess she couldn't sell for profit on EBAY or was it she didn’t get a chance to after being banned from EBAY for ripping everyone off? Thanks for stopping by... Enjoy :O)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

E-mail archives :O)

Howdy-doo ole man Magoo here once again bringing you the continuing saga of therealsherrimitchells pitiful life. :O)
I guess since ole Magoo's hiatus she was no longer receiving attention from anyone. Winter nears, below 40 degrees there now in the evenings. She has no one to come tell her how glorious her momentary "WoW" moments are or place multi-million dollar orders through her shabby-chic boutiques. :O) Maybe "Hubby" is finding it to cold to go outside and BBQ those wonderful meals he grills? She's lonely because her "wonderfully behaved" children are away at school everyday? Or maybe, just maybe the clock is ticking and the hour nears? Magoo thinks it's probably all of it!
Anyway lets get on to the story shall we?
Enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment... :O)
Monday, September 8, 2008 11:44 AM<- take note of this date and then this date from Recontrust...LOL!
Date Added to Site:
Jun 9 2008 9:22AM PT
Date Last Updated:
Aug 28 2008 12:41PM PT
Date Last Verified:
Sep 8 2008 8:02AM PT

"Sherri Mitchell" antiquepaperie@live.com

To: Magoo and family.
Here is something that you ALL need to know. NEVER again will you do what you all have done to me for the past 3 years. NEVER again will you ever make me feel like my grandmother didn't love me and wished me dead before I was born by your disgusting words. You have done wrong, all three of you.And you know it. Post this email on your blog for all to see. Go ahead. make my day. I won't ever run and hide from "you people'. Previous Email sent to JOE: "I tell you what Joe - and you go right ahead and post this email to your filthy Blog - But I am going to tell you RIGHT NOW that in no way, will you, or any other family member EVER tell me again that I cannot Write about, talk about, remember stories that she told me and post them, or ever forget that my grandmother, SHARYN MARIE PERRIN was in fact my grandmother. EVER. I will write anything I want on my own Blog, about my grandmother. If you do not agree - well, you know what you can do. I will do exactly as I please. you can tell your "Anonymous" family members to STOP emailing me through my website, and to quit with the name calling..... I don't care if you look at my Blog and see her name, or any stories she told me. I don't care if you post on your blog every day calling me every name in the book - I will not ever again let you tarnish my memories because you are a filthy and bitter man. You get that? And if I want to post photos of her or my grandfather or great-grandmother and grandfather, you can BET I will do it. I am not intimidated by you anymore. There isn't a thing you could ever do to me, again. You've already done it, and now it's time to move on. You can stay in the past - but I won't."Best Wishes & Sentiments, Sherri{ Visit me here }Vintage Paper Cafehttp://www.vintagepapercafe.com/Vintage Paper Cafe Bloghttp://www.thevintagecafe.blogspot.com/
Heres a little something from ole Magoo to you :O)

Here is something that you ALL need to know. NEVER again will you do what you all have done to me for the past 3 years.

Everything you’ve done the past 3 years are right here within these pages for the whole world to see. Now wheres your proof of your idol threats and accusations?

NEVER again will you ever make me feel like my grandmother didn't love me and wished me dead before I was born by your disgusting words.

Hey N00B! Nobody said Sharyn wanted you dead, thanks TO HER you’re wasting perfectly good oxygen. It was Jack your g-pa, geesh get your facts straight or pop another vicoden babe, it'll all soon be over enough...

You have done wrong, all three of you.

Where’s your facts, data, pictures, documented proof?

And you know it.


Post this email on your blog for all to see. Go ahead. Make my day. I won't ever run and hide from "you people'.

“DUH…Which way did she go boss? Which way did she go?” ROFLMAO!
Previous Email sent to JOE:
"I tell you what Joe - and you go right ahead and post this email to your filthy Blog –

OK :O)

But I am going to tell you RIGHT NOW that in no way, will you, or any other family member EVER tell me again that I cannot Write about, talk about, remember stories that she told me and post them, or ever forget that my grandmother, SHARYN MARIE PERRIN was in fact my grandmother. EVER.

She was your grandmother, and the guilt you live with having ripped her off is eating away at you. The problem you’re having is: Your Condrey and Richardson a colorful combination of genes you got running through your vicoden filled veins. Sociopath diagnosis coupled with hot-headed temper tantrums. Yep that’s you.

I will write anything I want on my own Blog, about my grandmother. If you do not agree - well, you know what you can do. I will do exactly as I please. You can tell your "Anonymous" family members to STOP emailing me through my website, and to quit with the name calling.....

Looks like you wont be writing anything now that you took that down again, but if you decide to resurface again, AND you WILL! Write whatever you want…the only one reading will be you so save yourself the wear and tear on your keyboard and just curl up in a corner in a straight jacket and mumble all you want to yourself. It’s the same thing…LOL!

I don't care if you look at my Blog and see her name, or any stories she told me.

Nobody can read your blog, you cant seem to keep it up for more than a few days anyway, why bother? LOL!

I don't care if you post on your blog every day calling me every name in the book - I will not ever again let you tarnish my memories because you are a filthy and bitter man.

Boo-hoo :O(

You get that?

Got it toots! :O)

And if I want to post photos of her or my grandfather or great-grandmother and grandfather, you can BET I will do it. I am not intimidated by you anymore.

“DUH…Which way did she go boss? Which way did she go?” ROFLMAO!

There isn't a thing you could ever do to me, again.

I don’t need to, you DO IT to yourself! LOL!

You've already done it, and now it's time to move on. You can stay in the past - but I won't."

Riddle me this, riddle me that, who’s hiding from ole Magoo and her past?


“when you know better you don’t act like therealsherrimitchell

“You shall know the truth and the truth is you’re wasted space”
P.S. In honor of Wiley E. Coyote!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ask and you shall recieve...

Heheheee... By George she asked of Magoo and Ole Magoo would be remiss if he didnt oblige :O)

[ No Subject ]
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:10 PM
"Sherri Mitchell" antiquepaperie@live.com

Ole Man Magoo
VPC writes: On February 2nd you took something very precious from me. I want it back. And I want her back NOW.
Heres a little "how-to" suggestion for you:
Take a short rope.
Climb up on the roof.
Anchor one end of rope to chimney.
Tie other end around neck.
Have a nice visit.
"when you know better, you do better"
"you shall know the truth, it's written for all to see right here"

Get out and vote! ----->

Howdy-do ole man Magoo is BACK! :O)
This day we bring you news of the resurface of Sociopathis Sybil!
I'm sorry for the hiatus but priorities of everyday life call and again to be honest Sociopathic Sybil just bores me. But hey lets celebrate the re-emergence of Therealsherrimitchell shall we with a NEW POLL!

So get out and vote...and while your here dont forget to leave ole Magoo a comment or two. Might want to encourage him to keep writing? Someone mentioned Kareoke tapes...I may just have to break out a tape or two. Trust me however, her talent as a vocalist? Well lets just say she would be "bonged" as a contestant on the Gong Show.

Now vote away for your favorite new alias.

Or ole Deputy Dog will enforce the law upon you :O)

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth is right here"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Apples don’t fall far from the tree...

An appropriate banner for this blog today because anything to do with "therealtrueevilone" is as annoying as gum under your shoe!

Howdy-doo folks, ole man Magoo here. Yes I know it’s been awhile since I’ve been active on the site but to be quite honest school has started and I’m back coaching the lil ones :O) Also to be flat honest therealsherrimitchell just plain bores me…LOL… but I do have quite a few items of interest to share and some good ideas for some additional blogs. But I thought we would take a day or two off of our intended target and focus this little piece on the EVIL ONE. That’s right Mother Goose herself. If you’ve been reading the comments section you already have an idea of who the EVIL ONE is, unfortunately what she’s about, and WHERE therealsherrimitchell got her charms, grace and pure of heart and intent etiquette and graceful behavior.

This is "THEREALTRUEEVILONE" in all her glory captured on tape…”THANKS for calling in Eff-o!” LOL! The true essence of the humor in all of this is therealtrueevilone thinks she is calling one brother when in fact she actually called another brother. Even funnier is when she was reminded/made aware of her mistake she continues as if she never heard the brother tell her so. So without further adieu lets listen in on where therealsherrimitchell gets her charms, eloquent speech and downright warm and friendly welcoming demeanor :O)

Oh and expect a plethora of nasty remarks to follow and Eff-o <-"therealtrueevilone" before you go off spouting lawyers and suing people best look up the definition of the law regarding taped phone conversations :O)

WARNING: Foul language advisory! By George I do mean FOUL :O)

Lovely piece of work this one is eh?
Have another drink Effie! LOL!
See yourself in the bottom of your "Wellers" bottle yet? Not a purdy picture staring back at you eh?

Stay tuned for more to come, more to come pertaining to therealsherrimitchell… this "therealtrueevilone" just isn’t worth the time. Or rather she's just, "Wasted Time"!

…when you know better you do better…

…you shall know the truth, so sayeth The Magoo…

Saturday, August 23, 2008

therealsherrimitchell says:

Howdy-doo ole man Magoo here... whats new you ask? Why we're back in business! So stay tuned and keep your browser aimed here to Therealsherrimitchell.blogspot.com where you can get your early evening entertainment and daily laugh at just how pathetic an individual she is :O)
If your not aware now you can catch up to the happenings lately in our comment section titled: Take this and Shove IT!
Ole man Magoo taking the time once again to spread a little truth to just one of therealsherrimitchell's comments left this morning. Shall we?
This is what was left:
Sher said...
I didn't think it was anything but funny - I didn't know a Magic 8 Ball was online.Chris has seen me very hurt this past month. I have not really involved him in anything - bringing in items, photographing them, etc. He works all day so he is not interested. He does not look at this Blog. But, I have gone to him in a rage, in tears, this entire past month and he has seen the after effects of me reading something new on your Blog and getting upset over it. When I had to tell him of Travis's offer to pick everything up - he was on his way home on his cell, and he said he would talk to me then. He is the one I have to obey, not anyone else. So, he simply said that he is not going to meet your son with the boxes, and I am not ship anything or send anymore emails or comment on this blog in the future so long as it stays up. Sorry Cindy - I know you were busy all week at work, I really am sorry to have wasted your time. I had no other choice but to tell Chris. Thanks again for all of your offers of helping me, I wish It could have worked out.
August 23, 2008 12:31 PM
Lemme break it down for ya:
Sher said...
I didn't think it was anything but funny - I didn't know a Magic 8 Ball was online.
Google baby, there's many :O)
Chris has seen me very hurt this past month.
But never asked why right? You must think we're all as stupid as you?
I have not really involved him in anything - bringing in items, photographing them, etc.
Uh huh… :O)
He works all day so he is not interested.
How would you know of his interest in anything of this? He KNOWS nothing about it remember? <-- ROFLMAO!
He does not look at this Blog.
Uh-huh… :O) Tell us another one. Just how were you planning on keeping the shipping charges a secret from the man you "MUST OBEY?" <--ROFLMAO!
But, I have gone to him in a rage, in tears, this entire past month and he has seen the after effects of me reading something new on your Blog and getting upset over it.
Again and like Jordan I’m getting tired of asking this… why you getting so upset over a blog riddled with lies? :O)
When I had to tell him of Travis's offer to pick everything up - he was on his way home on his cell, and he said he would talk to me then.
But an hour before you posted this you commented Chris would meet Travis in a neutral location? I suggest you seek help for your excessive lying dear, your certainly not helping your case here. :O)
He is the one I have to obey, not anyone else.
Nobody asked you to do anything, you proposed the idea of "Doing The Right Thing" and now we know there were ulterior motives doing so. We now know where “obeying” Chris has gotten you now don’t we? LOL!
So, he simply said that he is not going to meet your son with the boxes, and I am not ship anything or send anymore emails or comment on this blog in the future so long as it stays up.
Admit it Sharalyn because this statement alone shows that this was your intention all along. “I am not ship anything or send anymore emails or comment on this blog in the future so long as it stays up.” Your e-mails these past two weeks, promising to finally send the items you ARE INTENTIONALLY withholding from the rightful owners, were insincere and the underlying reason for them was so ole Magoo would take down his blog :O) Not here mind you just admit to yourself... your all you have anyway.
Sorry Cindy –
No your not!
I know you were busy all week at work,
Yes she was… see her comments pertaining to “wasted time” above and especially below where you can find this comment you left.
I really am sorry to have wasted your time.
No your not.
I had no other choice but to tell Chris.
Get off it already, ole “wonderful hubby” knew all along.
Thanks again for all of your offers of helping me,
Nobody can help you not even the experts, there's no know cure for a Scociopath remember? Or did you not get to the end of that website page where it tells you so?
I wish It could have worked out.
No you don’t. It was yet another game you tried to play but backfired in your faces, that’s you and Chrissy-poo! :O)
...When you know better you do better...
...you shall know the truth and come to read it everyday... <--ROFLMAO!

The magic eight ball never lies!!

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here with nothing to do but checking in to consult my magic eight ball. Here are the results from the almighty eight ball.

If you are seeking answers you can ask the magic eight ball yourselves:
Till we meet again ole Man Magoo here signing off to watch the Olympics GO U.S.A.!
...When you know better, you do better...
...you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ma? Our "Craw" just topped 5000!

Howdy-Do ole Mr. Magoo here this evening. Tipping my glass in celebration of reaching 5,000 visitors and counting :O)

Mr. Magoo would also like to thank a few characters, can you guess who they are?
She's a smart one fo sho!

This one has a scratch to itch, wheres that confounded fire hydrant? Oops DD has it!

This one, why just don't you double DD cross him! I pity da foo!

This one is one "MAD" Rooster! And his tail feathers are ruffled!

This one's on his way to the Red River :O) Bringing one MAD Rooster with em!

These two are dastardly mischievous in the most lovable way.

Yo, yo, yo she twat she swaw a pwutty tat... Not in "lil mama's" crib biotches!
Pass the popcorn!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Take this and shove it... :O)

What is this a national holiday? Oh that's right I'm here again because yesterday...you asked...so...now...you shall receive :O)
Sharalyn wrote:
Anonymous said...
Let me make ONE thing clear here - I NEVER POSTED any anonymous comments about my children. That is JUST ANOTHER LIE you are starting with me. YOU grow up Joe. I told YOU I posted all the ANONYMOUS comments on your latest post today because I wanted to prove a point - just get your proof of who I have wronged. You are one SICK dude. Just show me the proof is the statement I made - and TOLD Cindy I did post all of those here on your blog as a message to you.Take it and shove it.
Have fun .....Sharalyn
August 15, 2008 4:26 PM
Okie Dokie: Here ya go!

Any more requests?

...when you know better, you do better...

...you shall know the truth because it's your life story...smile! :O)

SO DAMN GOOD I had to make a blog in its honor :O)

Howdy-doo ole man Magoo here. What a night eh? Hey i got an idea lets start early :O) Here's a comment left yesterday and low and behold someone from her deceptive criminal past surfaced and left a bit-o-truth <--tehehe, worthy of the front page! If ONLY ole Magoo had wrote it himself, thank you whoever you were :O) Oh and don't forget, if you have a story, experience, been wronged or your site filled with trash like they, (that be you Effie and Sharalyn), spew on my doorstep just send them in to ole Magoo. Thanks to the many who have already done so, I will be compiling by date and will have them up a.s.a.p.! Thanks again and enjoy this brilliant visitors slice-o-humble-pie! :O)

Anonymous said... <---this would be you Sharalyn K. Condrey :O) Let me make ONE thing clear here - I NEVER POSTED any anonymous comments about my children. That is JUST ANOTHER LIE you are starting with me. YOU grow up Joe. I told YOU I posted all the ANONYMOUS comments on your latest post today because I wanted to prove a point - just get your proof of who I have wronged. You are one SICK dude. Just show me the proof is the statement I made - and TOLD Cindy I did post all of those here on your blog as a message to you.Take it and shove it. Hey everyone - HERE is what I will do for YOU all. I will Put the ESTATE SALE Category on my NEW Website at www.vivienneparis.comI will also go back to my Blogspot - so I will have a REAL name instead of Anonymous - But, alas, No COMMENTS allowed as I will not be attacked again by you filthy creatures and Jamie, Jaclyn and whoever else leaving messages of anonymous hate for my kids.HERE is what you people will get from me now: A beautiful collection of PHOTOS for you to only see, and not touch, with EVERY single thing I have that you CLAIM was YOUR MOTHERS. EVERY SINGLE ITEM. It will take months. THEN - AFTER I have told the STORY she TOLD ME about EACH item, I WILL List it on my Website for SALE. IF YOU PEOPLE want it - then BUY it! How Bout that? Since I am a MONEY GRUBBING HOE like you said JOE - Let's see if I can get these things SOLD!!!ENJOY the photos......Seems like that's about all you'll be getting.Slap me in the face again! Go ahead - cheeks are already RED after the slaps in the face because I DID DO THE RIGHT THING and SENT DANIEL HIS PACKAGE!!! THEN I GET SLAPPED IN THE FACE BECAUSE OF IT!!! I tell you what Joe - ALL the Blogs you create in the world will never be enough.(Ole Magoo here, couldn't resist...hehehe... Would GOD "instruct" you to make that effort or wouldn't you just want to...do unto others as you would have them do unto you?)--> Thank you so much family for giving me the chance to make an effort to do what you call "the right thing"...You lost your chance BIG TIME because NONE of you can be big enough to Forgive and Move on. Have fun .....Sharalyn
August 15, 2008 4:26 PM

THANK YOU for validating what ole Magoo been saying all along!
Like Mother like Daughter.
Your a liar, thief and a Sybil all rolled up into one...or would that be two? Mother and Daughter...ROFLMAO! Now on to our celebrity guests comment/reply:

Anonymous said... Goodness Sher, you really are a piece of work. You cry boohoo that you are the victim in all of this and it is so simple - walk away. (you know - like so many of us unfortunate to have been considered your friend at one time walked away from you) But no, you choose to come here and stir up drama, as always. I guess negative attention is better than no attention at all, huh?

At some point you really do have to face yourself and the life you have been living. No one forced you to make the choices you've made or are making right now. Time and again you show yourself to be a completely self-centered egotistical liar.

Hey Magoo - check out this link and post a thread listing the traits of a sociopath. http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html
You just did... :O)

BTW Sher, I seriously doubt anyone would be foolish enough to buy any of the items you list. Your record proves that you will take the money and keep the items. <--too good and spot on! But who are we kidding - you aren't really trying to sell them, are you. Just looking to dish out some pain. You must be so proud of yourself. And Sharyn proud of you...

For all those around you who are doubting the words spoken here and somehow still finding sympathy for you - this little stunt will likely finally open their eyes. Enjoy digging that hole deeper and deeper!

Oh, one more thing - you don't have to have a blog to post with an ID. None of us believe you are that stupid my dear. You obviously have A LOT of experience with blogging - try another excuse 'cuz we all know you are simply hiding.
August 15, 2008 5:39 PM
Like Sherri, Sher, dont care, and just plain S.

You trying to put ole Magoo out of the blog’n biz? That’s better than ole Magoo could’a done! LOL! I salute you! {S}

Keep those cards and letters coming friends...we're going to make Fan Appreciation day one they wont ever forget. Let's break the record set yesterday of over 130 comments in one day :O)

...when you know better, you DONT DO what Sharalyn would do...

...you shall know the truth because ...this is your life silly... ROFL!

Friday, August 15, 2008

This ones titled...

My apologies in advance for this ones a tad bit old for the speed in which all the goodies came in today :O) But still worthy of addressing...enjoy!
This one’s titled: So full of shit the entire town of La. Pine will have to be “fumigated” after she is forced out of our mothers house, and HOMELESS ONCE again… :O)
Sweet Daniel. Always the "little people pleaser". Your message was heard loud and clear doll, and I meant exactly as I said –
You mean your spin on his message. That message speaks loud and clear and was respectfully, FAR MORE than YOU deserve! Your misinterpretation once again leads you to look like an ass.
I sent you that package when I didn't have to do it and then I get a big slap in the face because of it.
Your slap in the face? What about the slap on the face YOU gave, and continue to do so to this very minute evidence by your behavior today, to Sharyn’s memory and all she did for you? You said in your own words you wished to fulfill Memaws (<-that would be our Mother), final wishes. But in order FOR YOU to feel good about doing so everyone who has a package sitting in that ill-gotten house you “until Oct.” reside in MUST ASK for them! Yet once again we’re the bad ones in this entire mess, back on that kick are we Sharalyn? Don’t spin it, every time you try your spin you validate your ignorance and validate your nothing more than a LIAR AND A THIEF! Thanks for proving my point…again. :O)
This goes for everyone - I've received nice emails about "the items" –
And what have you done today about it? You once again refused to send them on what grounds? WHAH! Joe added another blog to his site! WHAH! Joe says mean things about me, (all true)! ANYTHING to be able to reply back…to bad I guess I’m just going to donate those items Sharyn Marie Perrin thoughtfully set aside and boxed for those SHE LOVED and thought of in her final days…to charity. To HELL with my grandmothers wishes! To hell with doing what I know is the right thing to do. To hell with my self-proclaimed Christianity…let me prove to everyone that I was a FRAUD! Let me prove that therealsherrimitchel is an online biography, so far, of my life. I could care less about living a Christian life! I was just lying. Lying so that you’ll allow me close enough to scam you :O)
except for Joe of course, (<-that's me) :O)
By now you should expect nothing less Sharalyn K. Condrey, you know how I feel about you. One poster was right on the money; you should have ended up in a jar and flushed! Would have saved this family a lifetime of anguish and embarrassment from what you’ve become.
who said all I do is make him "wanna puke",
Hehehe… I bet the first thing you did when you discovered ole Magoo’s blog was run to the bathroom and puked your disgusting guts out! LOL!
but Cindy's was nice –
She’s always acted unbiased and professional throughout this entire ordeal and to you. Something you don’t deserve again. She HAS performed a great service to this family, even more so contributes to this family far from how you contributed to it. This family thanks and appreciates Cindy, they consider her a part of this family, far more than ANYONE CAN SAY ABOUT YOU.
anyhoo - all of a sudden I come over here
You mean all of a sudden I can grasp at lame excuses to once again tell you all to “F**K OFF! I can Play my game. Be an immature juvenile 34 year old bitch. …you shall know the truth and the truth in your case is something completely different than true reality…
and it's "we really don't care" "fumigate the package" and "Burn it all, who cares" - I get slapped in the face AGAIN
Your actions AND in this case inaction's are what we're discussing here and BACK ON THAT KICK AGAIN, we’re to blame. If Sharyn could come back for one day who’s FACE WOULD SHE SLAP?? Answer that one Sharalyn. I DARE YOU to answer that one :O) Don’t bother your twisted mind does not comprehend.
with your comment meant to make Joe "have a laugh" and so it really cements the fact that I :
Am a liar and a thief and a fraud soon to be homeless, I disrespect my kids and even use them in my sick and twisted games!
Do not care for this CRAP in MY house and will donate it. (I know Joe, respond with your usual "Go Ahead! Who cares!!.
Hehehecouldn't resist: WHO CARES!! Remember that “HONOR” we/you spoke about referring to Memaw/Sharyn? You calling the items she owned, specifically and with great thought and consideration set aside and wanted for specific individuals she loved to have so they may have something of hers to remember her by…CRAP! I have my memory Sharalyn. I was blessed to be in a position that when MY MOTHER needed me the most! I was there for her never leaving her side, I was gifted with the blessing of providing the best quality care I could provide her with in her hour of need. THAT Sharalyn K. was all I needed. I DIDN’T PAY BACK what was given to me, life and love, by MY MOTHER. I did what any son would do for their mother, and she DIDN’T HAVE TO ASK me to do it…you catching my drift here? I simply “Did The Right Thing”, I did what Sharyn would be proud of me doing, I did what Jesus wanted me to do. I was rewarded ten-fold by being able to sleep without fear of losing any. Nor stressing about evil deeds I’ve committed against others and my family, and losing my hair by the clumps because I can’t face the truth about the shit hole life I’ve created for myself. I am rewarded by the unconditional love and support of my family. MY house: You must have skipped over those links while reading Magoo’s blog, that don’t show you in a “positive” light. Or rather will show you YOUR soon to be out of the light and in the dark? How’s that negotiation going with Recontrust?
Pretty cut n dry, eh?
No, this link is however: http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010
Every word in this blog is “Pretty cut and dry” isn’t it? We even told everyone bothering to read about your pathetic life and WHO YOU really ARE exactly how this would play out, thanks for proving my blog to be, “Spot on”!
That was the ONE statement that finalized the whole deal.
No you were going to do what you were going to do all along, your predictable remember? This is you in a nutshell, expect the opposite of what’s right in any case and you’ll find Sharalyn doing exactly that. Anything you do Sharalyn surprises no one.
With this Blog up and Joe putting ANOTHER Blog up
KNOW<--hehehehe get it?
(for which I hope he gathers documentation and proof)
What’s this in my e-mail box?
It would take a miracle for me to send anyone anything.
Would that include all the customers that say you never sent them the things they paid you for? It would take a miracle to keep you out of hell, nuff said :O) Try an act of Congress to get you to Do the Right Thing.
After ALL you people have done to me
Back on this: were the evil ones in this mess kick again are we? Predictability, we told everyone how this is playing out. You heard it right here in your own voice on the audios which I need to get more up geesh I’m behind. It’s NEVER Sharalyn’s fault, it’s Chris’s or it’s my teeth are rotting, or it’s the family screwing me over, it’s NOBODIES business when asked about the credit card fraud, is your memory that short? We better shut up your gonna file Murder charges on all of us! Maybe you need a trip down ole memory lane? Maybe you should read this: http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html
I was willing to put it aside and give you things
Me, myself and I, it’s always about you. You lil miss priss didn’t do a DAMN thing but dishonor your grandmothers unconditional love and undeserving support of you by threatening to call the police if we, the family, Sharyn’s Children, exercised their RIGHT to collect her belongings. You took it even farther by lying your ass off and continuing that charade you had a hand written document and within those pages SHE INSTRUCTED YOU to distribute said items and oh by the way everything else, she gave to me. Here comes that noose of guilt again Sharalyn but tonight when your cuddled up to Chris AFTER you ask him about those PLANS he has to leave your psycho butt…don’t let it get in the way of you swallowing!!
that your mom wanted you to have.
What would Jesus do Christian lady? What would Sharyn do?
Hey Joe - put this in a Blog post - Break it down, decipher it as you are so good at doing. Big Man on Campus! The Big Dawg! We Got Her good! Your Goose Is Cooked!
Here it is :O) Enjoy! For dinner tonight? Another heaping helping of humble pie!
I am kicking myself for commenting on this blog.
EVER contemplate jumping in the Deschutes River in the dead of winter, burying yourself in the 10 feet of snow that falls there annually, or put on a pair of reindeer antlers and prance around the countryside at hunting season, that way we’ll be assured you wont go back on your word ever again and return to comment :O)
When will I learn!!!
You NEVER learn that’s your problem!

…When you know better, you do better…

…The truth shall set you free…so sayeth Mr. Magoo

You all come back now here? :O)