What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Same old song and dance!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Howdy-doo ole man Magoo here with another installment of, “now you see them, now you don’t” Remember ole Magoo informing you of how therealsherrimitchell likes to post up “ole salt in the wounds” threads aimed directly at ole Magoo himself and that evil family she no longer is a part of and mysteriously they disappear later in the day? Are you aware it happened why just yesterday? Well in case you missed it ole Magoo captured it and would like to take the liberty of sharing it with you our faithful readers :o) Course not without a crafty comment or two from ole Magoo himself…lol…by George I think they have it!

Let’s take a look see at what heavenly message therealsherrimitchell blessed us with shall we? 1st of all for the LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, will you at least use spell-check? Magoo is tired of correcting your grammar :o)

So, I am guessing, most of you do the whole Spring Cleaning thing. It will be 4 years this September that my husband (the story behind the term "husband" to come in a later post) will have lived here in Oregon.

You mean "this hubby"? The one you blamed over and over for all your evil deeds after the heat of your crimes got closer and closer? Chris was behind it all you'd say...I have more! The liar and lazy bum who wont get a job and things get so bad you have to panhandle? The same excuse you used to con Sharyn out of sending you money half the time and ARE NOW trying to use against "the caller" to invoke sympathy and mercy on your pathetic self?
Magoo and company are still waiting for an answer to our question over a month ago, “when was the wedding”? Or better question still, WHY? Oh but of course, nobody would have your criminal fat hiney but a criminal himself, I rest my case, let's move on shall we?

Yes, It was my grandmother's house. But we bought it for the price she stated in her Will. I think, using common sense here, that it now belongs to me. Just a random "guess" here. I "guess" I can stop calling it "my grandmother's home" since we took out the loan to buy the house.

This house with This LOAN? --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010 ROFLMAO!

Well, I have not wanted to let go of most of the things
that she left here - and gave to me.

What things? You mean the THINGS you sold illegally on E-bay? Or are you talking about THOSE THINGS that you had to admit on the witness stand your grandmother DID NOT gift to you her entire household items? Or are you talking about THOSE THINGS…us…the family…stuck you for another $10,000 to pay for because you refused us our right to collect them? You talking about THOSE THINGS your grandmother had individually boxed and labeled for each grandchild and surviving family members that she wanted for THEM to have, one of her final wishes? Is that noose of guilt getting a bit tighter here Sharalyn?

I had personal reasons for hanging onto alot <--(it’s spelled a lot, two words but oh yea we forgot you were a high school dropout), of the things in this house.

See above comment ^

Hoping one day my Uncles and my Aunt could make an effort towards peace.

Hold your breath please! Is this your sick way of invoking sympathy from any unsuspecting reader, that us, the family, are the evil ones here Sharalyn? You all getting the message loud and clear now? If they have been reading then they are well aware just why you are NO LONGER a part of this family, which in reality isn’t that fact alone the thing that eats at you the most? :o)

(In light of the past several weeks, I am of the firm belief it will never happen, that ship has long sailed, and good riddance)

That ship sailed many a moon ago princess, but were happy you are beginning to make progress in grasping that fact. Don’t worry your Vicodin addiction will help you cope.

What she did leave here, in the way of furniture, mis-matched dishes and old towels - all from Goodwill (as she was known as "thrifty" in the mostrespectable of terms)

Just how proud is Sharyn of you now Sharalyn? Here comes that noose of guilt again! Careful you might have to swallow, what’s that did I hear Chris make a nasty demand?

Well, frankly I paid $10,000 for everything in a nasty Probate case with above stated members of my family.

Well frankly, you were THE SOURCE OF ALL THE NASTINESS, but thank you very much for the check! How many months are you in arrears paying off that loan? Well at least we got our money before you defaulted on it :o)

But - regardless of her giving it to me,


or me paying for it,

What? You aint paid a dime for a year now remember?
Better still WHY DID YOU pay for something that already belonged to you?

it was done, and now it's time for me to let most of it go.

Need I post page after page of E-Bay and Overstock.com where you sold it all off already?

Since I only have 1 Sister, who wouldn't want this stuff,

no she wont want it it's tainted and ill-gotten, even SHE knows of your evil thievery! And SHE LOATHES the very thought of you!

(she is recently married and has her own life),

And wants nothing to do with you nor wants you in her newly married life.

and I have absolutely - and I mean that, literally - absolutely no remaining family members left

and WHO”S FAULT is that Sharalyn K.?

to give anything to –

you have NOTHING to give remember, do we need to keep reminding you of this fact?

I think the best thing for me to do is to donate most of what is remaining to several scattered Women's Shelter's around the County we live in.

Funny you should say that because had you been here at your grandmothers side you might have heard her say, “whatever is left nobody wants please take to Goodwill so that others that are less fortunate may use it.

My grandmother worked as a Volunteer for most of the time here,

True in fact she was a volunteer here in California to.

(and for several years ran a shelter of her own out of this house- sheltering runaways, helping abused women and children - before she learned she was sick with Cancer –

Again trying to invoke sympathy here Sharalyn K. Condrey? This is just a plain bold faced LIE! You must have crawled deep up your CRAW for that one :o) The ONLY people she sheltered there in that house were YOU TWO CROOKS, but then we already declared this truth in my previous blog…lol!

and I think that would be the right thing to do.

Throwing yourself off a bridge seems more appropriate as “the right thing to do” but were patient, we’ll let God sort you out.

I'll keep the memories,

Its all you have. That fat noose of guilt slowly squeezing around your throat!

and a few things that meant something to me, personally.

Nice try at a salt in the wound stab but lest we remind you of that lifelong earned indifference we have for you? We’ve accustomed ourselves to just “consider the source”.

I can still smell her on these Afghans she made. (and of course I will keep the one she made for
me, and each of my children).

We all have ours to and they’re lovely. In fact every grandchild has theirs.

I've needed the comfort of wrapping myself in one of those Afghans these past 2 years, and remembering her.

Your gonna need “that comfort” and “warmth” again real soon: --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

But I think a battered woman might be comforted by a warm afghan in the harsh winter here.

Exactly!! Didn’t you lie to Sharyn throughout your life how battered and abused you’ve been? Better save one for you dear, the snow gets mighty deep there in La. Pine :o)

She was a giving and generous soul.

Yes indeed, SO MUCH SO she even gave and gave to you dispite her BETTER JUDGEMENT!

And in kind, so am I.


It's true that there is a time for letting go and moving on.

No better time than in the WINTER *brrrr* of Oct. too :o) --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

I am not one to stay stuck in the past.

No your stuck in a deep pile of manure with only your head sticking out and no way to get out! Enjoy the inevitable--> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

No sense in it, and nothing good comes of it.

With you involved…your right…nothing good comes from it…teeheehee!

So these next few weeks before School starts for the Kiddos,

Careful now Sharyn isn’t around to buy their clothes and pay school expenses anymore; sure you can handle it alone?

will be spent going through everything here –

shouldn’t take more than a half an hour since you illegally sold everything off anyway,

(a few boxes in the back closets still untouched, so I don't know what I
will find) –

another weak attempt to rub salt in the wound…were indifferent babes, we could care less anymore…we just consider the source and move on :o)

but going through, donating and doing good where I can,

Now theres a thought, funny coming from you though…?

and moving on with my life.

What life? Oh there’s a move coming up in your future alright! --> http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

If any of you have lost a loved one, don't hang on to the
material things.

Like Sharalyn K. Condrey or you’ll end up carrying a heavy noose of guilt that slowly tightens each day around her FAT neck! :o) Let's take a listen shall we? You didnt think ole Magoo was gonna go a day without posting up some audio entertainment for you? Course take note of her change of tune after she is beginning to realise the fraud charges were moving forward. And SPECIAL note how who's to blame for all this...why Chris of course! Not therealsherrimitchell for heavens sake no *enter Magoo barf here* Here have a listen:

Give them to people or shelters who need those things –

A nobel idea but coming from you theres got to be a catch…

clothing, appliances, warm blankets.....

you mean: second hand furniture and garage sale items? Have you forgotten you wrote this already? -->” What she did leave here, in the way of furniture, mis-matched dishes and old towels - all from Goodwill (as she was known as "thrifty" in the mostrespectable of terms)”
You remember that “thrifty” old lady you stole them from don’t you?

Yes, sometimes, it's better to let go.

Yes sometimes suicide is an easier way out for you but somehow thinking of you wearing that heavy noose of GUILT around your FAT neck the rest of your days is much more satisfying :O)

Signing off....Sher
Posted at 09:56 in Family Life Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0)

about time...I'm through with you, next!

"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!"

... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ..."

Until we meet again...this is Mr. Magoo signing off, enjoy the show and dont forget to leave a comment :o)

Is that your CRAW Ma?

An appropriate banner for todays installment seeing the new site is "the same ole crap!"

On to the festivities shall we?

Guess who reared their ugly head again…???

Yep folk’s ole master detective Magoo and his sidekick cohorts have discovered therealsherrimitchell back to her old tricks! I bring you http://www.theantiquecafe.typepad.com/ the newest sewer hole of lies and spin from the obviously demented mind of Sharalyn K. Condrey. A.K.A. Sharalyn K. Carr, Sharalyn Carr, Sherri Carr, Sharalyn K. Mitchell, Sharalyn Mitchell, Sherri Mitchell or as she likes to refer to herself now just plain ole Sher :) Notice as well in its mere short history she has already posted threads and magically they disappear the same day…? Odd? No that’s classic Sharalyn K. Condrey the known thief and LIAR! Her Autumn Cleaning thread was there all day and look everybody now suddenly it’s gone from the list to the right in this photo. But never fear for those who missed it, Magoo will be getting back to your AUTUMN CLEANING <--useing green today with respect to the good ole people from that green island Ireland :), message you left for the family here in a bit :o)

I guess the kitchen got a bit to hot for therealsherrimitchell at Google Blogs and she decided to take a go at deceiving the good people over at TYPEPAD! :( Won’t she EVER learn??

The guilty always run from the truth, the innocent STAND and fight! Now I ask you, who is who? Magoo is steadfast and standing firm…right here for all to comment away pro or con. While Sharalyn K. Condrey disappears and reappears someplace else just about monthly. What you running from Sharalyn??

Mermaid Grotto: As you can see her first post is rather a throwback to a bygone era. Much like she wishes her life today were, so she wouldn’t have to face the life she lives currently. Then she goes into how she finally after so many years will begin a Militaristic diet and exercise regime, oh how wonderful. Maybe that exercise will help keep your mind from thinking about that impending foreclosure coming down soon. Then she closes with, Random thoughts, it’s all good. Feel free to visit me anytime. See you soon.

BUT what she fails to mention is: oh you can come and visit, you can come and read her manure, and you can even leave a comment BUT!! It had better be about how WONDERFUL I am or I will not allow it to be posted for all to see. She won’t tell you that she will censor your words, thoughts, and feelings on what she has written.

Pssst…come hear…let ole Magoo whisper to you the truth. Truth is she don’t want to hear THE TRUTH!, every word she prints at http://www.theantiquecafe.typepad.com/ concerning ole Magoo and the events that occurred from 2005 on to today will be a LIE! The difference between her version and mine are: I CAN PROVE EVERYWORD I SAY! IF I’m lying Sharalyn K. then why not take me to court and let’s see who is the liar here? You want to fill your posts at this sewer hole with speak of how holy you are, righteous you live, how absolutely wonderful you are or how your world is this cacophony of daily grandiose events and your future is the envy of all go right ahead. But everyone who knows you knows this is FAR from the truth! Ole Magoo will be here to remind you of your impending demise! You’ve scammed enough people in this lifetime Sharalyn K. and one day you’re going to slip up and we’ll all be laughing our asses off when they slam the cell door on you for good! That noose of guilt slowly getting a bit tighter around your neck there Sharalyn?

Ok moving on, I think I covered her first turd of a post, lets move on to the 2nd.

Zodiac Taurus: Shame on you! Any Christian/Catholic woman should know better than to dabble in the sins of horoscopes and birth signs. The Astrological realm is a major no-no for devout “BELIEVERS”don’t you know that doofus? Why it’s downright blasphemous but you wouldn’t know that anyway because you’re A FAKE! Truth is you’re so far from God and his teachings it’s a miracle the almighty SMITER hasn’t SMITED you already! LOL!

BUT YOUR JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING! And it’s going to be a barnstormer <--get it :o)

And now were off to Ireland, ahh ladies tis a wonderful green country is it not?

Truth here folks it was Sharyn’s dreams to visit Ireland. Sharalyn is so far removed from an Irish decent that the Irish Republican Army wouldn’t waste a bullet on her! You trying to steal Sharyn’s dreams just like you stole her identity, credit cards, bank account info, her Estate items, your Uncle Jim’s personal belongings?? Sher say’s she can’t wait to go to Ireland, permanently! Good riddance but 1st: let’s think about this one a bit shall we?

She aint got two coins to rub together to wish for her fairy godmother to come and wisk her away to the motherland. She aint got two coins to go to the local Wal-Mart to buy a soda for God’s sake! She’s about to default on a ridiculous loan of $125,000 at 10.2 % interest. With major early payoff penalties and payments of INTEREST only for God knows how long! Almost A YEAR in arrears NOW AINT WE Sher?
Did you forget that when you take out a loan your suppose to make a payment each month, not skip the past 10 and then try to negotiate to make double payments once they start to make foreclosure proceedings?
Maybe in Oct. when they boot you from their home a leprechaun will appear and take you to his lucky pot-o-gold and you can finally go to Ireland to live out your days. Although I highly doubt Ireland wants you dear, they get the internet there and thus can learn all about you right here at: http://therealsherrimitchell.blogspot.com/

How about those back taxes you owe the I.R.S.? You taking some of that pot-o-gold and paying the I.R.S. off so they remove the tax liens they have on YOUR house? That house your grandmother worked as a Volunteer for most of the time, (and for several years ran a shelter of her own out of the house- sheltering runaways, helping abused women and children - before she learned she was sick with Cancer? Hum??? I guess I DIDN’T KNOW MY MOTHER as well as you did Sharalyn K. the known thief and LIAR! Sharyn WAS however a STAUNCH ADVOCATE for battered and abused women and children, but you embellished it a tad bit don’t ya think laddie? ;o) Sharyn NEVER used that home as a shelter of any kind to those in need. The only two she sheltered in the past decade are YOU TWO CROOKS saving you from going to jail and your kids becoming wards of the state!

Let the truth be known, that is of course Ireland doesn’t have prior knowledge of
you coming, the ONLY way your ever getting to Ireland is if you make a swim
for it. You have Ole Magoo’s BLESSINGS to try :o) Tie a chum bag to your
ankle before ya go will ya?
Or who knows maybe you’ll get lucky and manage to swindle and con some unsuspecting soul out of their life savings, much like you have your own grandmothers, and you’ll be able to live in the land-o-shamrocks till the good Lord comes to take you home. Magoo has a funny feeling HIS home will be a much HOTTER version than the HOME you envision will be your final stop!

4. Come to think of it if you just continue down your path of disregarding a loan you signed and not making your payments, you should have enough saved by now that when Recontrust kicks you out you can catch a fishing charter or buy a dingy from Wal-Mart. Happy Sailing! Rowing! Or however you imagine your gonna get there.

Your kids are grown and gone off to college eh? Sharalyn K. Condrey, just what two nickels are you going to magically rub together and “walla” their tuitions are paid in full?? Wake up dear, college isn’t free like public school, (and your grandmother has passed so you can’t use/abuse her anymore). Hey maybe your thinking you’ll have a few gold coins left over from that pot-o-gold to help pay their tuition?

Cranking novels out like Hemingway these days are we Sharalyn K.? Maybe you can take some of the advance money you got on that book and hum…lets see…maybe…. make a mortgage payment? Which reminds me…lets take a break from all these…hehehe…couldn’t resist since were all in the ole Irish spirit these days…”shenanigans”… hehehe…and allow ole Magoo to reach into his bag of goodies and lets break it down to the nitty gritty laddies.

Here’s the last e-mail I received from the lassie of Irish decent :o) Now this is a WEAK attempt to convince me they are going to make a deal to save the house. (THE KICKER? They actually think Magoo gives a damn! LOL!).

They are currently approx. $12,000 in arrears of monthly payments of just over $1,000. Now she expects Magoo to believe Recontrust is WILLING to work with them to restructure, (Magoo likes to refer to it as delaying the inevitable), this loan to allow them to pay $3500… (Well they OUGHT TO HAVE THAT much folks they aint made a payment in over a year). So Recontrust is now grown such a kind heart that they will allow you to pay the $3500.00 plus make your normal $1,000 AND on top of that another $1,000 making that a total of over $2,000 a month and they won’t foreclose on you?? And what/who convinced Recontrust that if they did all that, you two would somehow, by some great miracle, or are they banking on the LUCK-O-THE IRISH?, be able to make $2,000 monthly payments for the next ten months when you couldn’t manage to make $1,000 payments for the past year?! Then she WANTS YOU ALL err me sorry :o) to believe that this link-à http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010 should not be working if Recontrust weren’t such a LARGE company they’d already update this and remove it. UGH! I repeat are you back on heavy dosages of Vicoden again Sharalyn K.? The BIGGER the company the more likely they will have the resources to change this from “active” to “cancel” right away! And yet she closes with Classic Sharalyn K. Condrey prose,

It really isn't funny Joe. Their are a lot of homes in foreclosure in La Pine - it's a tough economy right now - or it has been for a lot of families around here.

Magoo is confident and has much faith in his readers here at therealsherrimitchell.com to assume they would not hold it against ole Magoo to wish you the worst. Magoo will even gamble that a few may leave comment saying so :o)

Should have thought about that when we offered you $50,000 and the cars to just get out of our lives for good, allow us to retrieve her items and grieve for her loss without having to put up with your SHIT!, but you were too greedy for that and now look at you. You REAP what you SOW! I have no sympathy for you, you made your bed now lie in it! Does Sharyn still sit atop your shoulder late at night whispering in your ear or is that the HEAVY GUILT of that noose tightening around your neck? Maybe it's the Lord Almighty Himself whispering ...*tick* *tock* *tick* *tock*... Chris still selling those illegally altered Direct T.V. dish network cards? ROFLMAO!

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Re: Not Worth It
Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:52 AM
"Sher Mitchell"
View contact details
YOURS TRULY :o) Mr. Magoo!
Ok - I did say I got your message of you hating me loud and clear. I got it.
I am happy it's funny to you.

I am doing what I can to save the house. We had to get a "deal" worked out with Recontrust of paying $3500 upfront and then pay what the normal payment was each month for 10 months on top of the back-owed payments. So a little over $2,000 a month for the 10 months. Recontrust said they would take the Foreclosure from "Active" to "Cancelled" as soon as they could. I am sure they are a big company so it takes a while to change the status online. Really? Wouldn’t that be the opposite?
I don't want to lose this house - so I am doing what I can. Which is why I have the online website, so I can buy food & my supplies to create what I do while Chris pays what we are in arrears on the house and the bills. <--- Cause “ole hubby” he’s been doing such a bang up job the past 12 months right Sharalyn? LOL! It really isn't funny Joe. Their are a lot of homes in foreclosure in La Pine - it's a tough economy right now - or it has been for a lot of families around here.
--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Magoo wrote:
From: Magoo@yahoo.comSubject: Re: Not Worth ItTo: antiquepaperie@yahoo.comDate: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 11:36 AM1.
1.Oh. My dear sweet Uncle Joe. <---teeheehee that’s me Magoo :)
Get a clue for God's sake, cant you see I gave up being an Uncle to yourpathetic self 2 decades ago? Are you THAT STUPID? LOL!
2. Hon, you will just have to get over all this anger by yourself. I really can't help you!
HON, you enjoy living with your well deserved guilt, save your efforts foryourself, your gonna need it for the impending relocation. :) *Tick tock* LOL!
3. I am clear on your feelings. I got your message loud and clear - you hate me, and will continue to hate me until you take your last breath. See? I got it sweets, and will remember that. I'll take great care in remembering that. Message recieved loud and clear. I will not hold out anymore hope for a reconciliation between us.
And it only took you 20 years to figure that out, see now your making progress sweets :) ROFLMAO! Thanks for the entertainment! Might just go buy me a new lawnchair today so I can enjoy a front row seat when Recontrust arrives to remove you from THEIR house...ROFLMAO!
Ok where was I? Oh yea… So while your doing your August cleaning <---truth is she’s packing to move before the inevitable foreclosure folks, in YOUR HOUSE NOW, yep and that $125,000 @10.2 percent interest and severe early payment penalty clauses that came with it. Who would sign such a stupid loan? You’d better take those $10,000 worth of Sharyn’s estate items you HAD TO PAY for, IT DOES INCLUDE a few afghans that are going to come in handy when your children are out in the cold!!
Where’s my dat-gum briefcase? …oh yea…here it is: Let’s take a quick look at this document.

Take note: now who in their right mind would want to trade a gifted piano for an entire house of belongings that ALREADY BELONGS to them? If Sharyn gave you everything in her house then why on earth did your Lawyer send this ridiculous document requesting to trade the piano for the household items, YOU ALREADY OWN???!

You seeing how “contradictory” this document is to what you were telling the family and courts? Oh yea you didn’t get away with it.

And while were on the subject of Sharyn’s belongings why would your LAWYER insult your grandmother by calling her entire Earthly possessions second hand furniture and garage sale items or is it you that insults her? I’m SURE that information came from you to him. How many times have you boasted to your online victims/bloggers how opulent and great taste your grandmother had? If the contents are mere second hand furniture and garage sale items or is it worthless furniture and resale items? Why’d you end up paying the estate $10,000 for mere second hand furniture and garage sale items or is it worthless furniture and resale items? Why’d you end up paying the estate anything if Sharyn already gave everything to you?

Isn’t it the GOSPEL TRUTH Sharalyn K. Condrey, you arrived, in Oregon, running from Texas authorities, with no furnishings? I have that audio clip, remember that one? Just the clothes you had and a few toys the kids had? So shouldn’t you be thankful you had anything at all? Remind us dear just how much you loved your grandmother, nevermind we already know :o(

What does your grandmother think of you now Sharalyn K. Condrey? I think you know the answer, but you don’t want to hear it.

What about those boxes earmarked for specific individual’s which,( <---should be whom here), how much did you pay this lawyer?... Sharalyn will see are delivered to those individuals? Like leaving the fox in charge of the henhouse…ooof! Raise your hand if any of you got yours!! I don’t see a lot of hands there Sharalyn. Isn’t it fact Sharalyn you sent nothing, you kept everything because that’s your nature Sharalyn… nobody likes me so to hell with all of you? Have you managed to sell all those boxes off on E-Bay and Overstock.com? or are they the “special free prizes” you include in all your, “wipe a little glue on a card, sprinkle some glitter, and shaft my customer with a $4.00 shipping charge scam?"

Remember how we spoke about her uncanny knack of making herself out to be the victim and everyone else the villains? She leaves victims with everything she touches unfortunately.

Isn’t it the truth she advised her sons and daughters to come retrieve all her belongings and boxes marked for her surviving family members and distribute them accordingly? Yet you refused anyone entry into the home?

What’s this about an Emerald ring? You mean the Emerald ring that your mother owned but sold to Sharyn when she needed money? That same mother that would love to kill you? Is that why you want that ring Sharalyn? So you can “do the right thing” and return it to your dear sweet mother or the truth? Call her with the news you have the ring she has stated she’d like to have back, just to rub it in?

Just like how your mother has held the family photo’s/slides over our heads for a decade now? Even stooped so low as to blackmail us asking $5,000 for them or she’s going to burn them. Hell she may as well thrown in another zero to make it a good $50,000; you know that number that keeps popping up repeatedly throughout your criminal life? Classic Like Mother like Daughter!

While were on the subject of that ONE SISTER, why don’t you have your beloved sister write you one of those beautiful weekly letters you get from her showing what good pals you are and post it here and then I’ll call her and ask her if she wrote it? I bet I’ll know what her answer will be :) Truth is folks, her sister LOATHES HER! She can’t stand her! And if I’m wrong then prove me wrong, have Danielle, (the only good thing to come out of my ex-brother-in-law and sisters marriage and whom Magoo holds as a brother to this day and resides in his home when Magoo visits, takes out to dinner etc…) write you or me and speak on your behalf. That won’t happen will it Sharalyn K.? Your sister knows you’re a crook and knows better than to have you in her life! Aint it the truth the odds are highly in Magoo’s favor your beloved sister would write me to convey her disdain for you? I rest my case and Magoo is done with you! :o)

BTW while Magoo has your attention, and I know your reading this, Magoo is still waiting on those cease and desist papers that were suppose to come from that make believe lawyer you had on the phone with you over a month ago. Just so you hadn’t forgotten ;O) I’ve got a briefcase of truth just waiting to be opened for his eyes to behold! Magoo is pleasantly listening to that group TESLA you profess to like so much. Magoo thinks they must have been thinking of you when they wrote their hit title song: EZ come EZ go…just like the house :o)

"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!"... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ..."

Until we meet again...this is Mr. Magoo signing off, enjoy the show and dont forget to leave a comment :o)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Magoo is feeling blessed today!

The good Lord has blessed ole Magoo with a message from somewhere out there where therealsherrimitchell is hiding. Here maybe? -> http://www.theantiquecafe.typepad.com/ Guess if you cant stand the heat folks, you got to get out of the kitchen! Magoo recieved this endearing letter from THE LIAR today and felt it worthy to share with you all here, our faithful and appreciated readers :o). Of course ole Magoo had to put his two cents worth in and finish what THE LIAR started with a good ole slice of humble pie. Having a hard time swallowing that humble pie this therealsherrimitchell is, and I have e-mails in her words describing how hard a time she has swallowing other things too...DOH!

Lets just get to the entertainment shall we?

Didn’t you send this to me back on the 24th?

Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:45 AM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Sher Mitchell"
View contact details
Mr. Magoo@yahoo.com

I erased that blog post. It's just not worth it to give you that power.

This is last time you will ever hear from me again.
Have fun Joe - Have a grand old time and enjoy yourself.

For God’s sake woman wont you FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE stick to your word? :o) But since you asked and I have your attention:


Do I need to remind you of how close to God you really aren’t?? You can pray all you want but he isn’t listening to YOU anymore! He has a place for you but I highly doubt it’s the heavenly real estate you’re praying for. My advice? Take some marshmallows with you.


1st your opinion means diddly squat babes! Every word out of your mouth since childhood has been one lie after another. Liar? Prove me wrong! Murderer? Where’s your proof? I beg you...please! Funny how EVERYTIME I make an accusation, (tell a truth), I then SHOW my proof via audio/video clips, documentation, etc… Where’s yours Sharalyn? Where’s that Murder charge you swore you were gonna file? Where’s that autopsy you swore to call for? Where are you Sharalyn? Oh yea, just a few short months from being out in the cold! Save those Afghans!


Damn, good thing I’m not Jewish :o) Hospice administered Morphine as needed sweetheart but then had you not spent so much time rifling through her apartment, no doubt trying to locate the promissory note to destroy it, or writing down her credit card info or her bank account info you might have had time to KNOW what medications she was having administered to her at that time. Oh but then you didn’t stay long enough to find out either, have you forgotten that middle of the night flight out of town you took? Italy? What kind of fantasy world you living in? You talking to your alcoholic mother again Sharalyn K.?


Guilty? Again here’s my documentation, here is all my proof…where’s yours? Take me to court? You keep saying your going to but sadly every day I check the mailbox there’s nothing there from your lawyer :o( ROFL! And I'm BANKING on the fact you or any lawyer is going to want to be faced with a briefcase full of THE TRUTH! Paid my attorney fee and then some, for God’s sake woman tell the entire tale. LOL! You paid a total of $94,000 approximately! Had you shut your mouth, had you done the right thing you would have been out of there with $50,000 in your pocket and both vehicles. Instead your facing this:
The GIFT that keeps on giving Sharalyn, (LOL!), looks like YOUR STILL PAYING...ROFLMAO!

Since when have your kids ever been a priority? My mother, your grandmother, practically raised them, hell it’s a known fact she financially had to support them, you never did! She saved them from being taken by child protective services how many times? Well hot damn! Finally something honest spewed from your rotted teeth smile…you should get that smile fixed hon…Oregon state assisted living have a dental plan? You owe me nothing! !!So true!! But then again we both know, and now the world knows, you HAVE NOTHING to give ANYONE you owe :o)


Thanks for stopping by and reliving your reality! Leave a comment, its encouraged, not moderated ;0)

Gotta run, this little "piggy" needs to go to market....

"Piggy" now now no need to describe yourself to a tee! Maybe that Military exercise routine your adopting over at http://www.theantiquecafe.typepad.com/ will help with that.
Hurry back, we’ll still be at the same location, we have nothing to run and hide from remember?

Geesh! Somebody must of crawled up in her craw!
Mr. Magoo…
"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!"... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ..."

Where's the popcorn!!

Guess who? That’s right its ole Magoo :o) Mr. Magoo has been busy folks. Yep seems the vacant therealsherrimitchell has been found. She’s back to her ole self spitting out mounds of manure at a new site. While Magoo has spent a good part of the day composing a goodie for you all to enjoy here regarding her new site, he has not quite completed his masterpiece. And you know ole Magoo, he doesn’t like to keep his readers waiting for any new additions to the TRUTH! Therefore while I am busy searching through my briefcase of truths to find what I want I thought I’d post up a few audios to tie you over till I find the document I’m searching for. The last ones a doozy folks, here THE TRUTH straight from the LIARS mouth!


This is a beauty folks. LOL! She sent you money alright. Years of monthly checks coinciding with e-mails of your sad, sordid and pathetic life. Sharyn was a strict note taker and left a lot of this behind that sadly the family found. The rest speaks for itself.

As for the buying of the Bargain Barn. Sharalyn proposed the idea to Sharyn on a trip up there to bring a few items of hers and Jim’s back to California. On that visit she told Sharalyn she did not want to buy a store for them and what does Sharalyn do? Throws a shitfit,/tantrum, KICKS OUT OF/DEMANDS Sharyn and Uncle Jim leave her own home!! Sharyn reluctantly agreed and drove to the caller’s house obviously upset and crying. After a period of time to calm down Sharyn returned to her home but sadly in the following days “the caller” discovered Sharyn had purchased the store for $25,000.

She didn’t think about it for awhile Sharalyn, lets face the truth…you demanded she leave because you spoiled little turd didn’t get your way and you threw a fit! And then you worked her over more till she relented! No it wasn’t in her best judgement to do so because even Sharyn knew your past but you let her go right ahead didn’t you? Isn’t it FACT you told her SHE HAD TO or else? Did you use those kids against her again to get your way? Tell me Sharalyn, if you couldn’t afford to keep your own CARS from being repossessed, if in your own words it would take you 10 years to pay Sharyn back $10,601 per the promissory note, what on Earth possessed you to think you could pay back another $25,000?


BTW if Stacey were in front of you right now you would NOT be liking what she had to say much less she’d be doing to you! The only STORY being told is from you, the TRUTH is what you’re having trouble swallowing dear. The same trouble you had swallowing when you wrote to Sharyn about Chris's ORAL DEMANDS!

Well all we have to do is look at this link and find the answer to your historic pattern of debt!


Save those Afghans, it’ll be cold up there soon. Where you going to sleep in the street? Maybe you can use Uncle Jim's 49er memorabilia towel for a pillow, oh crap I forgot you illegally sold that on E-bay, guess a good ole rock will have to suffice.

Now on to the final clip of the day, this one titled appropriately: Same old song and dance. Here therealsherrimitchell clings on to that ridiculous claim she holds clear and free titles to those cars Sharyn saved from repossession. I mean give it up for Christ’s sake we already hold the original promissory note in our possession. We SENT you AND your lawyer a copy. You can let go, as you like to use that term a lot lately, of that LIE you have a note from Sharyn stateing she forgave the promissory note. (Bet your pissed you didn’t find that promissory note in Sharyn’s apartment while you were busy stealing her credit card and bank account info…drats!).
Because you weren’t gonna be paid a salary??? Hum??? Lets examine that shall we? Sharyn put up $10,601 with no interest to you, to save your vehicles from the repo man and in which you were 10 or 12 months in arrears on that note! She dished out $25,000 for a useless and run down 2nd hand store, (ever wonder why the guy was selling such a gold mine of a business?). She allowed you two and your 3 kids to live in her house rent and utility free. She also paid the monthly utilities and Internet access on the 2nd hand store. Yet you expect a salary Sharalyn? Which reminds me Sharalyn, the will stated you could remain in the house for the rent of 1 dollar a month plus the expenses of the house which rounded out to $400.00 a month! You couldn't even stay up to date on those and we had to recoup most of those unseen checks during settlement! Thank God for that $125,000 loan at 10.2 % interest. An interest only payment for how long Sharalyn? How about those prepayment penalties? They saw you coming on that one...lol! Magoo just may have to post the entire 21 pages of that great loan you signed :o)
Now where were we? Oh yea, back to professing your overwhelming gratitude and love for your grandmother. Can you please remind our readers here at http://therealsherrimitchell.blogspot.com/ just HOW MUCH you loved your grandmother? She’s given you a complete free ride(her home), bailed your ass out AGAIN(vehicles), set you up in a business and you have the audacity to expect a salary? These are your words right here Sharalyn K. Condrey not ole Magoo’s. You beginning to see what an ass you really are Sharalyn?

NOW HERE'S THE BEAUTY OF THIS ENTIRE CLIP ladies and gentlemen!!! Listen REAL CLOSE to the end when the caller asks again to send proof the note is invalid and the store belongs to HER! Send those hand written instructions, documents, free and clear titles you claim to have and we'll leave you alone boo-hoo :o( And let me remind you this ENTIRE TIME she LIED about having these hand written instructions, signed documents, and free and clear titles. Heres the proof, here she is FINALLY telling the truth to a degree. She does say, “Well….some of that was verbal”! No Sharalyn, ALL of that was verbal, IN YOUR MIND! AND IN COURT it didn’t hold up! In court she never produced any said hand written instructions, signed documents or free and clear titles. AND finally the TRUTH! I DON’T HAVE “specific” instruction to use "a certain" credit card. I rest my case with this one…next!!!

Why dont you just admit your a THIEF and a LIAR??

She paid the family out the ying-yang and she’s still paying today. : o)


Ole Magoo will return later tonight with a masterpiece he’s been working on so stay tuned but in the meantime take time to leave a comment. It’s encouraged and unmoderated :0)

"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!

"... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ..."

Tuesday, July 29, 2008



Therealsherrimitchell is SO deranged; she has the nerve to tell “the caller” that Sharyn told her she was afraid to stay at ole Magoo’s home…her son! Later came accusations that we held her against her will, murdered her etc… really?
UPDATE: July 19th 2009
Listen to her lie to the caller she taped the conversation between her and our mother. Well, well, well, why didn't ole Magoo think of this the 1st time? I tell you what...produce THAT TAPE. I dont care if it's the original...a copy of the original, a copy of a copy of a copy of the original, send it MP3, CPO, R2D2, hell I'd settle for you sending to me via telepathy in 200 different languages. IF YOU CAN produce such a tape recording then I Mr. Magoo hereby swear and oath infront of all my faithful readers here and now I will CLOSE Therealsherrimitchell blog FOR GOOD! :O) Thats how confident there is NO SUCH tape and your a BIG FAT LIAR! Hell we'll all be here waiting for that to surface. Most likely when Monkeys fly out of our asses!

And Sharyn told all of this to you? Sharalyn the KNOWN LIAR AND THIEF, on Dec. 23rd. Oh that would be shortly AFTER YOU had Chris make a bogus call that one of your kids had a FEVER and Chris AS THE FATHER of the child didn’t know WHAT TO DO? Oh my! And furthermore had Sharyn in her advanced stage of cancer drive you in the middle of the night to grab a train outta town and make her pay for it. Lets not leave out the fact Sharyn was medicated therefore SHOULD NOT have been driving PERIOD! (YOU’RE A PIG SHARALYN!) That would be during that 2 week commitment you made to her to come and care for her but ONLY LASTED 4 DAYS!! That would be the trip that once you returned to the SAFETY of SHARYN”S HOME you began making charges to her cards and attempting to pay bills via her bank account information numbers! Had Chris search through her boxed belongings in the garage to find her Social Security number! The same trip Mark’s mother had to come by and drive Sharyn to her Oncology appointment because one, Sharyn was under medication and SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN driving anywhere…and two (YOU ARE SUCH A WORTHLESS PIG) you refused to drive her and your excuse was you are not use to driving THESE ROADS!! A ROAD IS A ROAD IS A ROAD MORON!

Can you imagine these two being charged with Sharyn’s health and quality of life??

AND YET SHE STILL continues with this ridiculous crap! I have it tape recorded she says! HA!! Then WHY in heavens NAME sweetie aren’t you busy counter blogging Magoo's blog with your tape-recorded clips of how MEMAW BEGGED you to come and save her from her SON? How she asked CHRIS of all people, the one guy Sharyn HATED THE MOST, (because you BOTH lied to her over and over again how evil Chris was to you and the kids), to come and get her???? SHE hated CHRIS with a PASSION and yet you want US to believe she wanted to come spend her last days with you and NOT her own CHILDREN? Where is this so called tape recording Sharalyn? Mine are right here for all to hear, where’s yours??

I know…lets go to COURT! That way you can finally produce those “signed hand written documents” you professed to have, you can produce “the lawyer” that turned out to not exist, and while were there you can produce these "tape recordings" you have of a conversation between Sharyn and you,<--- (the PIG liar!), around Dec. 23rd. of Sharyn telling you she was afraid to stay with Magoo and family. Let’s see Magoo had a bed set up, Hospice come in daily to provide quality care, daily baths, a nurse and clergy to speak with, take care of her and Uncle Jim… (you do remember your Uncle Jim don’t you?), Oh yea lets see, her daughter came from back East, put school on hold and her job to stay for 2 months straight, her other sons from Texas and Oregon put their jobs on hold to stay and care for her for extended periods of time. Family called daily from all over the country. Friends and family came to see her, sit with her, and talk to her even when Sharyn could no longer return the conversation. AND JUST WHERE WERE YOU? Sitting at home worried sick she was being held against her will remember those e-mails Sharalyn? Shall I dig those out and post them up for everyone to read?

This audio needs no preface. Listen with your own ears and and conclide for yourself. This is the stressed mind, scrambling for any lie voice of a guilty criminal exposed and struggling to lie her way out of it. I leave this judgement to you. Pretty sad to even re-listen to after all these years. Pathetic in fact!
And I'm done with this bitch for this evening... :O)
"When you know better, you do better"
Maya Angelou
"You shall know the truth and the truth is not in HER VOICE!"

Signed authorization for Pete's sake!

Howdy-doo ole man Magoo here with another installment of “let’s listen to therealsherrimitchell lie”!
Edited: July 19th 2009=Ugh what a pathetic pathological lying bitch!

I have authorization Jordan…NO YOU DIDN’T=LIAR!

Classic Sharalyn K. Condrey she can’t even lie good, she trips even her own self up in the middle of her lies. Let’s examine the next sentence shall we?

She claimed throughout this entire ridiculous ordeal, that when confronted about using Sharyn’s credit cards and bank account info without Sharyn’s permission and knowledge, she had signed authorization from Sharyn to use them. We knew this was a LIE, I mean come on this is Sharalyn=KNOWN LIAR. She’s known to have done this before even against family members. When the agencies and card security depts... began calling asking about the charges Magoo questioned Sharyn if SHE had made the charges she replied no. I asked if she gave permission to ANYONE to use her cards, she replied no. NOT EVEN MAGOO had authorization to use her cards :). I then “specifically” asked if she had given Sharalyn permission to use her cards…1st she replied no and questioned why I would ask that…how would Sharalyn even have my cards she replied.

ROFLMAO! So now we have the caller telling Sharalyn to send…a copy even…of her alleged signed authorization to Magoo and family so we can get off her back, just go back to minding our business, go back to caring for Sharyn while Sharalyn went about her merry criminal ways…never mind me while I steal money from my grandmother as she lay dying of cancer. THAT that’s ridiculous, it won’t do any good…in fact she takes the LIE even further with an asinine statement the EXECUTOR TOLD HER she had no right to do that…!
The Executor of the estate, charged for protecting and managing the assets of Sharyn’s estate has TOLD YOU Sharalyn K. Condrey, have no right to produce signed documentation to exonerate yourself?
Documentation that would prove you HAD EVERY RIGHT to make those charges on Sharyn’s stolen cards???? Can I have some of what you’re smoking please?

It’s like I’ve taken money off a credit card to go shopping or something, she says.

NO SHARALYN, its YOU STOLE HER card info, YOU STOLE HER bank account info and you sat up there rent-free in HER home and made charge after charge for your own benefit. And when we caught it and closed the cards, YOU STILL TRIED to use it. You attempted to use the card again to pay the same bill that earlier you had been told the card was closed on!

I DID IT, =the most truth you told in 2 hours! You DID it alright!

And no you’re “beloved” Memaw NEVER TOLD you to do this, she never wanted you to steal her money…BUT YOU DID!

Her name was on the Bargain Barn? Yes Sharalyn, she BOUGHT and PAID FOR the Bargain Barn. Remember how you claimed over and over again, defiantly I might add that the STORE was GIFTED to you by Sharyn? MY G-damn store you would say? Thanks for the check by the way when that lie was unearthed in court and you were forced to repay the family the paltry sum you sold it for just days after Sharyn passed away! Yes you loved her, who could… (I’ll use one of your favorite words here), DISPUTE…that? Your actions and evil deeds have LOVE writen all over them!

Oh boy, the deposit…WOULD THAT BE the deposit that never existed Sharalyn? Did you really think we were not going to check into that statement? We checked Sharalyn, there was NO $350.00 deposit. Take note as well Sharalyn say, “HER MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILL”. Don’t you mean YOUR monthly electric bill? YOU DID claim the G_DAMN STORE was yours right? Remember that?
But folks were just evil family, we made Sharyn lose a deposit that never existed, were just awful people for causing Sharalyn all this grief. Simply evil for interfering in Sharalyn’s crimes against Sharyn and what’s left of her estate. Shame on us!

Are we having fun yet readers? Here's a DOOZY, the 2nd half of this audio clip. She is SO busted and yet she continues to lie her way through the whole conversation.

ON E-bay? Well my “instruction” was…really? (Instructions that never existed folks). Funny how NOW Sharyn is responsible for your E-bay business as well? Sharyn instructed you on what to do with money you gained off YOUR E-bay business? The one and same business you used to illegally sell off Sharyn's, "OUR MOTHERS", estate items/belongings.

What else am I suppose to do?
Turn yourself in to the local authorities would be a start you worthless, disgusting excuse for a human being! Hum??? Maybe try paying your OWN BILLS for a change? Maybe try securing RESPONSIBLE, STABLE and PRODUCTIVE employment so you CAN pay your own bills! How about doing all that so you can provide for your children yourself instead of having to rely on stealing and scamming others to do so?

ROFLMAO! Oh boy listen to her excuse when questioned about the illegal charges on “Stamps.com”. Why that’s to mail the packages out she says. So you go on http://www.stamps.com/ and illegally buy a shitload of stamps using Sharyn’s credit cards which you stole from her, so when you sell an estate item you were selling illegally on E-bay, you’ll HAVE STAMPS to mail the item out??? Again you’re a PIG!

And YOU KNOW WHAT, she says! IT’S OUR ENTIRE FAULT! WERE EVIL people for ruining her? For thwarting her criminal ways? Shame on US!

And finally it ends with a legitimate question to her, what would you do if this was YOUR mother? And yet all she has to say is she IS dying and GOOD that she is!

Ole Magoo here: to fill you all in on “the mother”. Like Mother like daughter I’m afraid. These two are one in the same. I’ll be getting to some e-mails later from mother to daughter that’ll be interesting fo sho :0). Or should we just get to a few now?

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Hi Magoo..Stephanie Here
Friday, February 17, 2006 4:17 PM
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Here I am. I'm just sick over this, I can't imagine how you must feel. I'm behind you and our siblings 100%. WE WILL GET THRU THIS!!!! She's going down......

REST ASSURED, I'll never contact her during all of this, even though I would love to see her hang right now. I'll wait patiently....After all she has done to hurt almost EVERYONE in our family, I feel so very betrayed and hurt but I also feel Sharalyn Kaye will get her's. What goes around, comes around. I'll not rest until she is duly prosecuted. And pays for everything she did.


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Re: The rest
Friday, February 17, 2006 7:11 PM

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It makes me sick... I swear to God she will not get away this this.....It makes me physically sick, all of it. To know I was the one who gave her life.......Do you know what it feels like to think of killing your own child? I want to.....Michael says Well, Sherri has never had to deal with the consequences of ALL her actions. Now, she is going to. If I have to, I'll go to prison. I have nothing to lose. You, Huck, you do....I'll not look back... Mike thinks our Attys will be able to handle this next Weds.... (Like mother like daughter, they never had Atty’s, they like to use empty threats and promises just like therealsherrimitchell), We pray for closure, and for her to go to prison, as is her just deserve.

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Friday, February 17, 2006 7:28 PM
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Magoo and family,Huck, The Caller, Hekyl,

First of all, I trust your judgement. You all have been through the most heartbreaking, stressful and taxing situation. Caretakers are the best of Angels, you will be rewarded. I do not say that as a nurse, I say it as a sister because you took care of Mom. I wish I could have been there to help. At that time in my life, I simply could not. I deeply regret that, but I know I made my peace with Mom. I am highly upset about what that so called daughter of mine is trying, and I'm here to tell you if it takes my life to put her where she belongs, so be it! I have had enough of Sharalyn Kaye to last me a lifetime. She stole from me, Greg, Mom, Mike, Danielle, Jackie, Jaclyn, etc.....She is a heartless, compulsive thieving bitch...That's hard for a Mother to say, but it is the truth....I will not rest until she is found out and fully prosecuted to the extent of the law. I'll make sure it happens. However, I'll not give away anything until I am notified from you.

Magoo: Please FWD this.....

Love to all,


So there you have it folks, straight from her mothers mouth how she stole from the entire family…repeatedly! Her own mother wants to kill HER, Ole Magoo wont stand in her way :0) Now back to the audio. Like mother like daughter…to make a long story short Stephanie has suffered from various fatal illnesses for years. Her last one was she had 6 months to live, she had cancer. That was 6 years ago ;0(

And finally, we hear once again that ridiculous LIE! Not if they had instructions to do so? OK Magoo has but one final question towards that last statement. IF your MOTHER was laying in YOUR house dying of cancer AND someone you KNEW to be a criminal were using YOUR MOTHERS credit cards and YOU were being told this CRIMINAL had AUTHORIZATION to do so, WOULDN”T YOU WANT PROOF OF SAID AUTHORIZATION?

I rest my case, Magoo is finished with you…next!

ROFLMAO! Again, I gave it to “the lawyer”…not my lawyer, not my lawyer so and so…just “the lawyer”. The one that was a complete figment of her demented imagination. Again I ask, “What lawyer in the world would advise their client to not produce proof, a copy of a document, exonerating their client”?

I rest my case, Magoo is finished with you…next!

"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Get out and VOTE! Our latest poll!

Today we bring you once again Ole Huckhound taking time to break down our latest poll. Take it away Huckster!


Huck would like to take this time to "break down" our latest poll for readers!



(If you have read this blog you will know by now that she HAS NO FAMILY) She has stolen enough from THIS family...now it's time for her to move on to a "NEW" one.


(As ol huck recalls they USED his family too) Ol huck might be getting old, but he does recall THIS to be another reason why they HAD to skedaddle their selves out of the great state of Texas....after they USED landlords...oh wait!...hucks memory is coming back!....THEY USED A MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY (who was a preacher, I believe) borrowed money from him...NEVER paid it back (huck got this bit of information from that beautiful loving grandmother who laid dying in Magoos house while these 2 con artists used her credit cards and social security card)....USED utility services.....USED TEXAS STATE ASSISTANCE....got their selves into DEEP DOO DOO with all of them...and HAD TO QUICKLY AND QUIETLY...SWIFTLY AND SMOOTHLY....L E A V E.


(been there..done them too) Well folks, she HAS already been accused of "stealing" from her customers. Remember E Bay sales? She has had several different sites that she sold her goods from ....OUR MOTHERS GOODS THAT IS....YES SHE STOLE THEM FROM OUR MOTHER ....those customers left several comments on her sites warning others NOT to purchase from her.


Well ol huck is led to believe that this could be quite possible....it's her pattern everyone....she befriends others (using the Internet to hide behind because GOD knows she will NOT allow others to know THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL) reels them in....and now she's got you right where she wants you...she wants your money....your knowledge....your plans....your designs....anything and everything she can take....and then she leaves quickly and quietly....swiftly and smoothly...never to be heard from again....WE, HER FAMILY, KNOW THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL...WE KNOW HOW SHE OPERATES....WE KNOW HER PATTERN....SO SHE CAN NEVER HIDE FROM US...HE WILL NEVER HIDE FROM US.


(you know sherri mitchell...those big white houses...big double doors....steeple at the top with a CROSS) Ummmm....not likely.... as she would actually have to STEP into a church FIRST and that is something she is NOT likely to do...oh she talks up a good line about her religious ways....folks, she gets that crap from books and from reading "others" inspirational blogs...THIS IS HOW SHE OPERATES...THIS IS PART OF HER PLAN TO REEL YOU IN....SHE TELLS YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR....SHE MAKES HERSELF LOOK AND SOUND GOOD....HER FAMILY....WHO REALLY KNOWS THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL....sit back and laugh as we read her blogs because truth be known everyone.....SHE WISHES SHE COULD LIVE THE LIFE SHE PORTRAYS TO ALL OF YOU ONLINE...(remember, it's EASY to sit in front of a computer and LIE LIE LIE)


(take a CLOSE look at those videos...OOOOOOOF!!!) Huck will have to turn his nose to this one......NOW THAT'S DOWN RIGHT SCAAAAAARY!!!


(trust ol huck....she is working that angle right now) If ol huck was a betting dawg he would have to say this is the MOST LIKELY scenario...they (yes, I'm talking about her sidekick too) have USED FAMILY....USED CUSTOMERS....USED FRIENDS....USED TEXAS AND OREGON STATE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS....USED THE IRS....USED RECONTRUST....USED LANDLORDS.....USED UTILITY SERVICES....folks, the list goes on and on....SHE HAS LIVED A LIFE OF CONNING AND MANIPULATING! "ANYONE SHE CAN FIND"

Well there ya go, ol huck has put in his 2 "milk bones" worth!!! Signing off to make me a new "flea collar"..(I got some good ideas from "theantiquecafe.com") Oh my darlin....Oh my darlin...Oh my daaaaaarrrlin Clementine!!


If anyone else has a story to tell dealing with these two just drop ole Magoo a line and I'll get it up pronto :)