What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Howdy-doo ole Magoo here with another poll for your voting pleasure. This one comes care of our beloved and faithful reader Da Huckster! If you have a poll worthy of the pages here at therealsherrimitchell send it in and we’ll get it up for you. Now get out and vote! :o)

Well, well, well, don’t you think it’s about time for another installment of, “lets listen in and hear the therealsherrimitchell and her criminal ungrateful true self and how she honors and repays her grandmothers unconditional love”? Here are a few goodies that ought to give you a good laugh or give thanks to the lord she's not in your family. Our mother, her (and I use this term lightly, she didn’t deserve a grandma that turned the other cheek SO MANY times), grandmother just passed away and little Miss Sharalyn K. Confrey is holed up in Sharyn’s Oregon home contacting Sharyn’s lawyer behind our backs requesting a copy of the will and charging away on Sharyn’s credit cards illegally. She’s a winner don’t you think? Let’s take a listen to this beauty!
Here we are in the same week Sharyn passed away. Visa, MasterCard and Discover all are calling the house questioning the family where all the charges are coming from? Mind you in the previous months of December, January and February the family was watching daily as Sharalyn K. Condrey and sidekick bum shack-up were illegally listing our mother and brother Jim’s personal belongings on E-bay and Overstock.com selling their stuff and having a grand ole criminal time. The Executor ordered them to stop but they refused claiming Sharyn signed a letter to them Sharyn had given them the entire contents of the home. We all know by now that letter never existed, nope couldn't produce said document/letter in court. Even tried to tell the judge there was no document BUT JUDGE she verbally told me it was all mine. (Ha)! In fact she’s told so many lies she contradicted herself throughout these tapes. First a signed letter but when the stink was hitting the nose that letter suddenly became, well, “Sharyn told us it was ours, it was a verbal agreement. Liars do that you know, tell so many tales they can’t keep them straight.
Then what do you know within a day or two the Executor/Power of Attorney for Sharyn receives a call at work from U.S. Bank in Ca. and is informed that someone was trying to withdraw money from Sharyn’s bank account electronically. With very little research we were able to track those attempts to withdraw right back to good ole Sharalyn K. Condrey!
So at this time the Executor through legal channels was requesting proof, at least a copy, of said document to validate Sharalyn’s claims and criminal shopping spree. Hear her in her own stupid words say, “what good will that do me”? She didn’t want to produce the document because she was lying about it, it never existed. AGAIN, what lawyer do any of you know would advise their client to NOT produce proof of their client’s innocence? Notice she say's "I WAS TOLD TO give it to my damn lawyer". Who TOLD you that...?? WHO?? Oh wait I know, you must of had "hand written instructions" from SHARYN?? LOL! She thinks she’s smart, she’ll talk a good game, but come on this is just plain stupid and juvenile. (Gave it to that lawyer she never had folks, must have been the same lawyer who was on the phone with her a month or so back threatening to shut ole Magoo down). :o(
Now here’s where it gets good :o) She says, “it was nobodies business to begin with”!! DOH! Thought she cancelled her credit cards, how am I supposed to know? Magoo’s question is, what the hell you doing with her credit cards and bank information to begin with? (we already know how and when she got them don’t we folks?). But when I went in to use them and they were declined I thought, well S H I T! DOH! HUH? Again why the hell you trying to use her cards without her knowledge or authorization to begin with?
Why don’t you tell us the real reason for your criminal behavior? BECAUSE you’re entire life was spent stealing and betraying our trust and we finally HAD to disown you? Gets old opening a home to you only to have you steal from us AGAIN! Gets old hearing from Sharyn defending you over and over again, how you have turned to the lord only to hear her the next day talk about how you went on a rant and cussed her out not wanting to ever hear from her again, or how she had to bail you out of rent and utilities you owed and ran out on. Once you got the check she can write and call you again to check up on and talk to her grand kids and how MIRACULOUSLY overnight your back in good with the lord? She was the ONLY one who would associate with you. The ONLY one who would Sharalyn, and how do you HONOR her unconditional love? You illegally use her cards and attempt to tap into her bank accounts? Lie over and over to her children that you have authorization to do so? Hole up in HER house and block every legal move to get you to validate your lie? Block our every move to honor Sharyn’s wishes that HER children retrieve her personal estate items and distribute them per those wishes? Illegally sell a majority of it off during and after her passing? To cause as much hurt and pain to her children because they wont have anything to do with you and rightfully so? Isn’t this the real reason Sharalyn? Spite? Malice? Yes you’re as close to God as Satan himself. You better hope your close to God or you better turn to him soon cause your judgment day is coming. If any of our readers would like to have a relative of this nature please raise your hands. What? No takers?? Is that why your playing “now you see it now you don’t” with your blogs? You can’t face the truth of your misdeeds? Trying to keep your fellow blogger business partners from finding out the truth behind therealsherrimitchell?
Pay the damn phone bill at the "STUPID" Bargain Barn…??? Again I’ll ask you is this how you HONOR your grandmothers unconditional love and financial support? Her undeserved attempt to leave you with the means to provide for your family, to find stability for your previous nomadic children's lives, and to finally become self reliant? Now it’s the stupid bargain barn huh? Didn’t you in your deposition claim to be the business savvy woman? Didn’t you boast how you negotiated the price of the bargain barn?
I have that transcript should I post it up where you lied throughout the entire hour or so and contradict yourself repeatedly?
Didn’t you throw a fit, cuss, and then kick Sharyn out of her own home until she finally gave in? Did you use your old standby, “I’ll take the kids and you’ll never see them again lie on her? Wasn’t it your responsibility to see that the store succeeded? Was it you who in fear of going to jail over the CC fraud begged us to allow you to sell it, (we didn’t, but at this time it was not clear who actually owned the bargain barn, later Sharalyn admitted in court when asked how she came about to own the bargain barn Sharalyn replies, “well that was verbal”…(thanks for the check sweets), take the money and your cars and get out dodge but soon as you sold it days after Sharyn’s passing and KNOWING her reason for buying it was stability for your kids, KNOWING she was going to allow you rights to purchase the home, (at fair market value), and build a life FOR those kids…to stay in Oregon and NOT sell her house for profit!, you take the money and hire a lawyer and fight the family just for spite, just because your hated, loathed and disowned for eternity, and rightfully and reasonably so, you intended to TRY TO SELL IT, POCKET THE MONEY AND RUN ALL ALONG!!
Is this how you HONOR her love, lifetime of financial support, repeated rescues of the two of you for the sake of the kids, hell just the fact she was the only one who would even talk to you? Do you think she or God would condone the actions and sins against HIM, HER, and HER children after her passing? You’ll never know because you won’t be going where HE/SHE is!
Sorry about that folks, I wandered a tad bit, let’s continue shall we? WE NEED TO RELAX! Sharalyn is illegally stealing our mother’s money and we just need to relax? And then here comes the EMPTY THREATS once again to change the subject, were the bad guys in all of this, plus we Murdered our own Mother. The rest is not worthy of an explanation.
Lets listen to another shall we? This one is short and sweet. Only pay close attention to her at the end where she slips and says, "I was told by HER<---the Executor AND MY lawyer"...??? You mean the Executor had the lawyer for Sharyn's probate send you a letter to please provide a copy of the document you claim existed and in the same letter told you NOT to do anything with it? Is that your MIND JUST RACING AWAY to keep your lies straight? Take NOTE of that giggle and then a deep SIGH, this is her typical pattern when she is lying, giggles and heavy sighs.
"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!"
... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ...

"Until we meet again...this is Mr. Magoo signing off, enjoy the show and don't forget to leave a comment and VOTE! See you tomorrow ;o)


Anonymous said...

Tweety Bird flying in for another "gander" at "therealsherrimitchell faces life" episode. Boy, she sure is getting her "goose" cooked, isn't she!!!!! Every evening, I can hardly wait to nestle in my bird's nest, nibble on my birdseed, and get a bird's eye view of that bird brain, Sherri! BRING IT ON, MAGOO!

Anonymous said...

Yo MaGoo. The Magpie Mafia here again. Wow, this one is pure evil, lie after lie. It was a really good moment in that courtroom was'nt it? It was an experience I'll never forget. Finally was to scared and to stupid to figure out how to lie her way out in front of the judge. The tapes y'all played in court were priceless. The hilarious look on her face and that powerful lawyer she had were as usual with her A JOKE. Fly as high as the eagle MaGoo. Hekyl N Jekyl

Anonymous said...

good lord a 5 year old could come up with better lies than this hussy.

huck said...

My god....

Listening to her stinkin voice filled with all of those LIES...makes me want to PUKE!!


Hold up...I'll be back...ol huck needs to go find a tree...it's time to hike a leg!

Huck OUT!