What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Messages from beyond...!

Image courtesy of the wonderfulworldofanimation.com :O)
Theres a ghost in our midst here at therealsherrimitchell. Ole man Magoo wakes up this morning to recieve messages from beyond, like a Twighlight Zone episode folks. Why here's a message we recieved while trying to access her "up a few minutes ago and now it's gone again, hide and go seek, blogs...LOL!

This was the message that she applied to her antiquecafe website for others to receive when they tried logging into her site. This was left for those who were BLOCKED from viewing her site. Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 7:27 PM Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Whooooops! Looks like you can't view my website. Ok, Let me consult my Magic 8 Ball to see if that will ever change. Uh-Oh! Magic 8 Ball Says, "Outlook Not So Good".....

Her "CRAW" must have been violated or maybe she had to "SWALLOW" again I dont know :O) Check out what ole Magoo just got in the mail...and I didn't even plan on making it a "Trifecta day" but hey...good things come to those who wait right...LOL!

Flag this message
Special Message
Friday, August 8, 2008 11:33 AM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Antique Cafe" View contact details
Special Message for you to Blog about on your Blog.
Thanks for everything - Sherri

Flag this message
Friday, August 8, 2008 11:34 AM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Antique Cafe" View contact details
You can find the special message on my Website. http://www.theantiquecafe.com/

Better Hurry!! I've asked pappashop to close my account.

You won my dear! Thanks again for everything Joe.
"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!"
... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ...


thnkng said...

Sharalyn's confused again.

It never was a game. Although that is all she seems to ever see anything as. And she's proven time and time again that she will do anything to make it seem as if she is the winner.

This has always been about Sharalyn taking responsibility for herself and her actions.

If doing this makes her a loser... well then...

Anonymous said...

Oh No - It's not a game. It's not a game when you spread vicious lies and contact my customers and friends and show them this putrid mix of filth that comes out of your mouths. 75% of this blog is a lie.

Nope Sorry. I'm not the loser here. For you to post Jaclyn & Jaime - telling me I'm Retarded, a word which my Grandmother Detested, by the way, But Jaclyn, the cousin who took nude pornographic photos of her own 6 year old daughter (oops! You'll probably edit this, as it shows someone else in a negative light) and selling them on the net, before fleeing to Canada, where she resides now, and then Jaime, who moved in with her and slept with Jaclyns husband in some twisted hillybilly soap opera, with a baby coming out of the tryst - well, you Magoo have something else to think about here. I've been faithful to one man for 15 years and we have 3 beautiful children out of it. If you support a Child Molester, and Abuser like Jaclyn, - and a metally disabled cousin of mine who does not really know right from wrong, then go ahead. I don't feel badly for those 2.
I don't have anything to lose - You succeeded in me closing down everything I had worked for. No more Antique Cafe. No More Antique paperie. No More Blogs. And that's ok - I'll survive.

There is NOTHING you and the family can do or say to me, that my mother and my step-father have not already done or said. See, when you grow up abused and raped by your stepfather like I did, you learn to never, ever let anything or anyone break through the solid brick wall you've built. I was a troubled child because of the molestation and despair - everything I did was a cry for help. And nobody listened, but one. Memaw. God I loved all of you, even if I hurt you. And my mother wouldn't let me see memaw or recieve her letters for a long time. If I tell you what Greg did to me, you'd gag and vomit. If I tell you that my mother wanted me to sleep with Greg every now and then, in her drunken state of mind, in order for Greg to Give Stephanie more money each week, or a fur coat or a new cadillac car or diamond earrings, or that $3,000 shopping trip at Neimans, then you would know how painful it was for me. I locked my door every night and he still got in sometimes. But No. You don't believe it, do you? Why couldn't I prosecute him? Not because of not wanting to, I can assure you. Because my statute of limitations had run out and no Attorney wanted to hash it all out, with a new mother and no money to pay for it.

Stacey, I love you. I'll never stop loving you, because you are my favorite Aunt. My very first memories are of you. We have a history. I am sorry for sending you that email. I am. I am sorry for sending it out of anger. I am sorry for alot of things through the Probate. Please forgive me Stacey. Forgive me of anything I've done to hurt you. I am sorry. What happened to my favorite Aunt? Can you not contact me?

No amount of you Magoo - telling me what a worthless piece of shit I am, will ever make me believe that about myself. It wasn't what my grandmother thought. No amount of you telling me she hated me will ever make me believe that either.

This blog is ridiculous. It's all One-Sided. It's a circus. I don't care that everyone I know has seen it. I don't care that you keep adding grief-stricken audio tapes of me. I don't care that you show my overweight ass in a Jail Cell. (I've never been in jail)

Keep trying to hurt me Joe. I don't think you can do it.


Mr. Magoo said...

Same ole song and dance, same ole therealsherrimitchell lies! They're getting old, not even your new blog buddies believe your crap now! Rightfully so after getting an eyeful of your true self her at Magoo's!

75%? (see she admits its true, just she only wants to own up to 75% of it), Try 100%, or get off the pot and sue me.

Retarded? Wasn't that you in the e-mail saying one ate too many paint chips and the other was dropped on her head to much as a child? Can you blame them for the DISDAIN they hold for you? And what do you do, come in here with another list of lie's untrue about them!

"I don't have anything to lose" and you never will sweetheart!

Your actions against us during your lifetime AND ESPECIALLY during our Mothers illness will NEVER be forgiven nor SHOULD they be! No amount of apologies will ever change that, your on your own now for good! Your use to it anyway babe, what's it been 20 years and counting now?

This blog is rediculous, all one-sided...again I ask, "WHERE are all your people lining up to defend you? Where is your audio tapes, and documentation to prove ole Magoo wrong? Why not post up that hand written instruction document Sharyn wrote you on what to do with her credit cards you stole? Where's the document signed by Sharyn forgiving you, or using your words, "disolve" the promissory note? Where's the hand written letter Sharyn signed for you giving you the entire contents of the house? Why have you not posted those up like Magoo gladly shows you your impending demise... http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010

"When you know better...You do better"

Have a nice day AND "THANKS" for stopping by :O)

Noose is almost to much to bear eh?


thnkng said...

Gee, Sherri, (guess this is the best way to communicate with you since you've closed all your web sites)

How is that therealsherrimitchell postings cause you to have to close down everything that you've worked for? Do you mean to tell us that you can't spin your tales to the unsuspecting when the truth is provided for everyone to see? Why would your online friends/customers take the word of this website over your own word? Unless of course it is because when the two are compared, it is easy to determine which one is more likely to be telling the truth. The fact that you've decided to drop your online facade proves that the online community has not sided with you and your tales.

Too bad therealsherrimitchell has made it so hard for you to "sell" your items and fantasy life online.

Good thing you have the soon to be published book to fall back on .

How are you going to give that free book away "to 1 lucky gal here on my blog Mid-March of 2009" when you don't have a blog anymore???

Anonymous said...

She closed down her business??? Is that mean she got enough money from unsuspecting people and ready to run away? When do they need to vacant the house in La Pine? Clock is ticking.

If anything else Sher brought the whole family closer than ever. I can't wait for the next Family Reunion!

thnkng said...


Anonymous said...

heheehee :)
We'll see little familia of mine.
We'll see.

Now, Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

xoxoxo Sher.. Hugs and Kisses....

Anonymous said...

Well I don't have anything for you sweets...Sorry bout that. You are so crazy! ROTFLMAO

Anonymous said...

Take an English Course, please.
Jesus! You little Trollop

Go look it up....

Anonymous said...

WOW... she just went out of her delusional mind once again... Chris must already told her that she's leaving her. What's left??? nothing... It's her last card.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Tweety Bird isn't the only one whistling Dixie! And to think I thought Care Bear's comments were down and dirty! Tweety just read Sherri's comments below and looks like she is up to her old tricks again by conjuring up fantasies of finding down and dirty stuff on family members. If she thinks she is scaring anyone, well, tweet, tweet, she has another THINK coming! Rave on Sherri, family members are waiting with baited breath to slam-dunk you yet again!

Anonymous said...

Hey Carebear/Miss Pickles, A little advice from the Magpie Mafia for ya! You can cuss and throw out bad words for all to see but don't you think it would be better to not allow yourself to stoop down to THE EVIL ONE'S level? After all we all know what she is all about now don't we? The truth is here for all to see. As MaGoo shows time and again the truth will set you free and he is the HARBRINGER OF TRUTH FOR ALL TO SEE. I hate to see y'all bring yourselves down to her pathetic way. She has been beaten down again and as always with that one she is now going to attempt to lash out at all who have shown the truth. One thing we are really, really, certain of is her predictability. She always does the same thing over and over. This is her, NOW IT"S MY TURN TO TRY AND GET TO THEM. WATCH AS I MAKE UP LIE AFTER LIE AND MAKE THEM FEEL AS BAD AS ME. Don't let her bother you, after all, the truth is right here to see. Sit back and enjoy the show and watch THE EVIL ONE TRY TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SQUIRM OUT OF THIS THE PATHETIC WORMHOLE SHE RESIDES IN. Cussing and swearing won't solve anything. Remember, sticks and stones may break your bones but if ya have nothing to hide names will never hurt ya!!!!! Hekyl N Jekyl

Anonymous said...

Sherri, wether or not all of those horrible things happened to you in your childhood is still not any excuse for how you are purposely choosing to act now. I'm sorry dear, but I know plenty of people who have come from worse situations, and they manage to live an honest life without lying, cheating and working hard for what they want and have. If you were a true Christian, you'd know this and your behavior would be much different.

Anonymous said...

I guess Miss Jaclyn that you are calling my grandmother a liar now? She is the one who told me about Dakota (or whatever your daughter's name is. You DO remember your daughter, right?) SHE (being Sharyn) is the one who cried and called me on the phone and TOLD me that she "wishes she had taken you away from your mother as a child, as you have had no life"(you know, the loving mother who you said ABORTED HER BABY IN THE TOILET IN FRONT OF YOU??? Remember that one? Flushed your little brother or sister down the toilet. Jesus Mary and Joseph! I went to the "Motel" you was livin at, amember buckwheat?) and that your father "was off in the Navy and didn't care about you at all", - Which he proved time and time again - (Hell, he didn't even pay for your teeth, made my own mother do it) Jackie has no love for anyone. Remember how he ripped off his beloved Big Burr, everyone, and his grand glory days with the old RACER RABBIT and CON ARTIST DEALINGS Against many of the family?? Oh I guess you conveniently forgot that little wrongdoing and he is now your loving, wonderful "bro" who can do no wrong. But anyway Miss Jaclyn Shay, our grandmother told me that she was afraid for your life - you had taken off AFTER evidence was found of you and the disgusting, filth and abusive pornographic photos of your sweet little girl (which, you don't care about, or else you'd have never left your children. Hmmm...I'm the bad guy here and I've never done that to my children nor have I ever thought of myself BEFORE them. When is the last time you hugged your child and told them I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME? I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE MINE?? YEAH. That's what I thought. You don't have the mentality to be a good mother) and you tried to sell the Porn photos of your daughter etc...etc.......Tsk, Tsk. This, all coming from Sharyn, to which you say "it isn't true". I don't think she lied to me, do you? Do you think that the Journals and Writings here by my grandmother's own hand, her accounting of all things that have happened, with each and every one of you, is a Lie? Is this what you people are telling me? Surely you jest.

On another note, Not only do I NOT care about you Jaime, or YOU Jaclyn, or any of "those cousins" (you know, the "straight outa da Hillbilly" "Deliverance" section of the family) I could care less about your existence, much less your thoughts, words or your feelings - Although I stepped in Dog Shit this morning and I thought of you dear. I've got BIGGER fish to fry. You 2 are worthless. So why bother with you? Next round please. All you do is CUSS in your little posts here, and ya can't even get dem' words out right Hillbilly.. Jesus. NEXT!

There is only 1 that I care about here in this little Doozy of a Blog, and she knows who she is. This little "he said, she said, then she told my great aunt's cousins daddy's baby's mama" LIE of a Blog. Really though, Magoo, it's entertaining to say the least.

Jordan? Borehead? Are you KIDDING ME? You want to talk about Rape? That's what you want to talk about eh? Are ya Sure? Ok then. I'll dig up what I have about you in the Philippines. (And your Daughter. But that will come later.) Did those little 10 year old girls SCREAM in pain when you forced yourself on them and raped them? Did they scream that they want their mommies? DID THEY TELL YOU NO!!??? How many children have you fathered over there? Jordy, Oh favorite sweet uncle of mine, have you contracted the Aids Virus Yet? I am worried about you - ya know, statistics have proven the fact that most GAY men DO get Aids! You know it sometimes won't show up for YEARS and then BAM! You are Gone, Baby Gone. (All dem' sex parties in San Diego will catch up with you!!!) Let me know your latest test results. Never mind. I don't give a rats. Lie in your filth and realize what you've destroyed. Many lives. You are one filthy she-man!!!

Ok Sweet family - Hugs and kisses and xoxoxoxoxoxo -

You tell em' I'M coming.
And Hell's coming with me.

(such a good movie)

Anonymous said...

Well,well,well EVIL ONE. Maybe if you were a little more informed as to anything you are talking about you might know that I 1) Sent your Mother $900 to take Jaclyn to Dr. White in Mt. Pleasant to have her teeth evaluated for orthodontist work. After which I paid for all of the work that was done. I think it was in the neibhorhood of $2500. 2) I sure wish you would be a little bit more specific in your accusations, seems they are a tad bit vague, as to what I was supposed to have ripped off Big Burr or any of these so called Con Artist dealings with my family. I sure would enjoy seeing these so-called journals of my Mothers that you supposedley have. Why don't you print them on a blog so we can all see them? As usual you have been backed into your wormhole and this is the only way you know how to react. Making accusations you can't even back up with evidence. Seems we have backed up every word in this blog with cold hard facts and managed to also put audio and video up for all to hear and see. Where is yours? LET ME REMIND YOU EVIL ONE THAT YOU ARE NOT EVEN A REAL MEMBER OF THE PERRIN FAMILY. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PERRIN BLOOD RUNNING THROUGH YOUR VEINS WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe that is why Jack always said you were a demon seed and we all could have been saved a lot of grief if your Mother had only done what he wanted done and you had been aborted. All your rantings are, as usual, another pack of lies from a true Christian mouth. Don't you remember that little bit you put up for all to see about The Apostle Paul? Seems you have a short memory. We think " THE TRUTH, YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!! Another great movie if you have time to watch it. Jeez, also, was'nt it you that your loving HUBBY was refering to when he said "she said she would tell the police that I fondled Madison?" Ah EVIL ONE it seems you have come full circle finally and now get to, "reap what you have sown". Good luck with the newest lies you spew forth for all to see, we will be sitting in our recliners enjoying what an idiot you make of yourself as usual.
Luckily not your Uncle Jackie

Anonymous said...

Stacey - you going to email me? Don't you want these things?

thnkng said...

Sharalyn, why are you posting as anonymous?

You’ve posted to this blog before using your blogspot ID of Sherri accompanied by an image from your theantiquecafe website ~~ Photo is Copyrighted Sherri Mitchell 2008.

Is this just part of some plan on your part to allow you to claim later to your online friends that these comments aren’t yours? Even the ones you’ve signed your name to? They are quite a change from the text you usually post in your now-you-see-them, now-you-don’t, blog(s). Of course online even if you think some thing is removed, it may not truly be gone.

As much as you may want to believe the quote you included in your blog of 8/7/08 dated The Destination…:
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

People DON’T forget what you’ve said and DON’T forget what you’ve done.

Anonymous said...

Just like you said 75% on thig is a lie... You are absolutely right. YOU LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING.. everything you said and everything you wrote! Listen to your audio.. you are one disgusting person.
What happen to your so called christian life? TOO MUCH GUILT TO BEAR, EH?

Anonymous said...

thnkng - I do not have any Blogs to HAVE an ID with. So I have to post as Anonymous. But I think you know who I am, correct??

That's what I thought. And my name is NOT Sharalyn!!! It's Sherri or Sher please.

Anonymous said...

Gee - I'd like to know who YOU are thnkng - care to comment?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how long it would take for "Sher" to show up and spew some filth out of her mouth (although I agree that she will later claim it's not her). She can't help it, she needs the attention. Some of her "friends" may find this blog hard to believe but those of us who have been scammed by her can believe it. I'm sure she will just reappear as another person or identity later on and I will always be on my toes in the future thanks to her.
"Sher", just because you were abused as a child (as you claim) doesn't give you the right to shit all over people and take advantage of them. This makes you just like your abusers! It makes me sick to think of all the people you have scammed and lied to and the people you will scam and lie to in the future. I hope the authorities catch up to you and throw your ass in jail. It will be the best thing that will ever happen to your kids. Maybe they will be placed with a "real" Christian family and can see what real family life is like.
Get some help for your mental problems. There are plenty of free or low cost mental health clinics that can provide you with the medication and therapy you need. Then again, I think you are just plain evil and there probably isn't any hope for you at all. People like you don't change. They just blame everyone else for their problems and don't take responsiblity for their actions. REAL HUMAN BEINGS TAKE RESPONSIBILTY FOR THEIR ACTIONS, THEY DON'T CONSTANTLY BLAME OTHERS FOR THE THINGS THAT THEY HAVE DONE!!!!!!!I'm sure that you won't digest one word I have said, it will just go right over your head.
You were and are a complete waste of my time.

thnkng said...

I don’t have a blog, but that doesn’t preclude me from an ID to post comments. In fact I established it when I tried to post comments to your blogspot. Funny how they never made it through your screening process…

Of course I think it is pretty obvious to most people who I am. In fact if you had all the information you claim to have about your relatives you would have my ID. It’s been well associated to me for family & friends for over a decade…

The fact that I call you Sharalyn should also provide a clue to how long I’ve known you as that is whom you were known as when I had the majority of my interactions with you. Of course as time went by and you & I know longer had contact with each other you seem to have changed the name you prefer. Sorry (no, not really) but the originally name is whom I know you to be… As I’m pretty sure it is your legal name, what’s the problem?

Anonymous said...

I just thought you and Joe were using the same ID here. I'll have to get those thousands of emails between you and the family that my Attorney got for the case during the "Discovery". Remember those, right? The ones I paid $2500 for? If I remember correctly that was your email address. But anyway. Reading through those should be a nice trip down memory lane. I refused to read most of them during the probate, and I all but forgot about that pile of goodies!

I am growing tired of leaving comments here - and no I don't try and hide. But, you've once again lost my attention. Start posting something new Joe.

I've got work to do and fish to start frying.


Anonymous said...

Geez Evil one we dont have a blog either but we manage to use the name/url identity to post our comment!!!!! Geez, I can't believe you have'ne been able to figure that one out yet. Wait you don't even have a High School eduction to fall back on do you. A shame since all I can remember is you never had any friends in school anyway. We wonder why? Maybe that is why you QUIT!!!!! Could'nt take the pressure there either could you. Remember the letter about how you made up the rape allegations about Greg? You are such a pathetic person. We have all seen the truth and as always YOU CAN'T TAKE THE TRUTH have ya watched that movie yet? As always you never answered my questions in my last comment. As always you tried to change the subject. What did I ever do to my siblings? I can't seem to remember what I did. Please enlighten me to the facts. As far as a rape the only rape in this blog was yours on our Mother. By the way, if your Mother needed counceling why did it take so long for that to take place? When did all this happen? Don't you think that if this is true she would'nt have cried out for help immediately? You are so full of it that it runs out of you on a constant basis. Hey, guess your online friends will get to see THE REALSHERRIMITCHELL now wont they? Ha Ha Ha the laugh is as always on you. Good luck in October, who ya gonna go to then? You are a Joke!!! Lucky not to be your Uncle Jackie PS if you need help in figuring out how to leave your name on the blog comments just let us know.

thnkng said...

I’m glad my clues helped you delve into your memory and figure out who I am. Although your review of the emails wouldn’t have been helpful in this “discovery”.

By the way, $2500 must have been what you paid your lawyer for the review of the emails you demanded. Or that could have been the fee you paid to your expert witness that testified on your behalf in court. Whatever you paid for his services was too much, as his recommendation was that the Estate should sell the house in California (Sharyn didn’t own a house in California, the only house she owned is the one you were living in; the one Chris tried to sell on Craigslist in December 2007; and the one you finally purchased in January 2008 days before your one year time period to purchase the home was to expire). The fees you cost the Estate for the Discovery of the emails between the heirs were $3,613. That’s out of a total of $6,067 of legal fees you reimbursed the Estate for because they were excessive and out of ordinary charges to the Probate process. All of these charges were directly related to your unreasonable actions.

Of course you said you didn’t like me – I believe the exact phrase was “she’s stupid. I can’t stand talking to her. Her voice makes me sick. I never have liked Cindy”. You said you would never work with me to resolve the Estate in an expeditious manner and you were going to fight to the very end to get everything you possible could.

However, when your expert witness was asked if there were any emails from me showing a bias against you (remember you were trying to have me removed as the Personal Representative of the Estate and having yourself appointed in my place) he wasn’t able to identify a single email.

If you want to read them you are free to do so. They will show that the heirs were not happy with you; the way you treated your grandmother; and the flip-flopping of your good/evil persona that elongated and complicated the probate process.

That could have been done a lot easier and cheaper by just asking.

thnkng said...

Whooops, I see an error… I misstated the dates… can’t believe this thing has dragged on for so many years!

Chris tried to sell on Craigslist in December 2006 (not 2007); and the one you finally purchased in January 2007 (not 2008) days before your one year time period to purchase the home was to expire

Anonymous said...

So Sharalyn fill us in where you're going next? So we don't have to search so much in the internet of your whereabouts! Do you think you have enough money to go across Texas?

Anonymous said...

Tweety Bird's feathers are starting to fall out from all the stress of the above comments by Sharalyn! Yes, your birth name is Sharalyn; why is it you don't want to remain as such; after all, SHARALYN, that is a derivative of your "beloved" grandmother's name, you know the grandmother who sits on your shoulder every night and whispers "I love you"! Let's clarify one particular item; Sharyn told me herself that if it wasn't for her defying Jack Sr., your mother would have had to abort you or leave the house. AND that the only reason she continued to "help" you out was because she felt responsible for you even being on this earth. You continue to have the problem of "twisting" the truth in every aspect but I guess old habits die hard! Start packing now because you will be on that long, hard road of trying to find somewhere else to spin that web of deceit! God help your children; by the way, you claim you never put yourself before your kids; every time you skip out to avoid payment/justice, your children suffer and will continue to do so while you continue your lying/stealing/conning/cheating mode of life! Tweety Bird over and out!

Anonymous said...

thnkng - I actually AM very sorry I called you stupid. Although I don't know you - I think you are a pretty respectable woman. And although you could care less, you still have my respect.

That's about all I've got left to say here.

Adios, Sherri

Anonymous said...

Now she's back with her christian way... For how long we don't know. I think she may have multiple personalities... BAD and BADDER!

I'm your fan here Sharalyn! C'mon get nasty. Too late to be apologetic with anybody. Nobody cares about you! Feed us with your demon mind. You don't want this site to be boring! I'm sure you find pleasure being the center of the attention!

huck said...

Well Well...

Huck here!

Sharalyn...if you really want to hear from me...you know my email address...

If there REALLY are things my mother wanted ME to have as you claim, then WHY have you kept them from ME?

WHY do you want to come forward and claim you still have these items and want to give them to me NOW?

Leave your answer RIGHT HERE for ALL EYES TO READ..


I'll be waiting for your email Sharalyn

huck said...




Anonymous said...

No I don't have a valid email address - I sent 1 and never heard back so....

Let me make one thing clear - before I go any further: Sharyn said that the remaining items were mine. She sent what she wanted to the people she wanted to - and said "I don't care about the rest, keep it or sell it" - Which is what I have stated to you people for the past 3 years. I know you would like to believe something different. Keep holding on to your Opinions, it doesen't matter to me.

I asked her many times as we were going through things she wanted to go through, "Wouldn't Stacey want that"? "Wouldn't Jordan Want That"?
to which she replied NO.

Because I love you, Stacey, I saved everything I THOUGHT you would want. It's pretty much that simple.
If you want these things, I am not "keeping them from you".
If you do not want to speak with me, then please have Joe (since he knows my email) send me your Address and I will send you what I have saved for you.

I am not commenting on this filthy "farce" of a Blog anymore - If you want these things Stacey - all I need is an address.

Adios Sherri

Anonymous said...

I really hope you're telling the truth about still having the things meemaw wanted us to have. I think it is absolutely horrible that when my aunt and brother daniel asked for his things (especially that wake forest afghan) it was claimed that there was no 'cousin Daniel'. And when he personally asked you, he was pretty much told to never contact you again. that really hurt me "Sher," as although i was very young, i do remember you coming to live with us, you certainly knew who we were then. I dont really like to get involved in this, however I am 20 years old and i do hold my own opinion. im not here to cuss anybody or say anything bad, i just want my brother to have his things that were saved for him.


thnkng said...

Which statement is it we should believe:

Your 8/10/08 1:23 pm post stating: Let me make one thing clear - before I go any further: Sharyn said that the remaining items were mine.


Your 8/8/08 6:00 pm post stating: I have everything here memaw wanted you to have. The Wakeforest Afghan? The Cross Stitch? The Jewelry? Po's Tobacco Jar? Gram's Bible? Rosary? Dedaddy's Letters? The 2 Boxes of Sentimentals she wanted you to have?

Not only can’t you keep straight what you “have stated to you people for the past 3 years”, you can’t keep straight what you’ve said over the past 3 days.

Anonymous said...

I am making an exception to what I just posted, as to me not commenting again. I will comment because of Kelly.

Kelly - I have the things here I saved for your mother. Yes, Daniel's Afghan among many other things, are here.

I am no longer a part of the family. Yes, this is clear. Let this Blog serve as my proof, if I thought anything to the contrary.

I could easily throw these things out. But, I'm not, and have not done so out of respect for Sharyn, and love for my Aunt Stacey. I am well aware that once Stacey recieves the things I have to give, it's not going to make a difference in our relationship. I am resigned to never hearing from anyone again, other than emails full of hatred, bitterness, and anger, and daily posts to this Blog filled with slander. Gee, I don't have to look at this Blog, do I? That's a thought.

I saved these things for Stacey, and Stacey alone. What she chooses to do with them, is her choice. It's that simple.

Adios. Sherri

huck said...


Earlier in this string of comments, you said this:

"Stacey - I have everything here memaw wanted you to have. The Wakeforest Afghan? The Cross Stitch? The Jewelry? Po's Tobacco Jar? Gram's Bible? Rosary? Dedaddy's Letters? The 2 Boxes of Sentimentals she wanted you to have? ALL here. Believe it. I am saving it for you."

Later you said this:

"Let me make one thing clear - before I go any further: Sharyn said that the remaining items were mine. She sent what she wanted to the people she wanted to - and said "I don't care about the rest, keep it or sell it" - Which is what I have stated to you people for the past 3 years. I know you would like to believe something different. Keep holding on to your Opinions, it doesen't matter to me....

Because I love you, Stacey, I saved everything I THOUGHT you would want."

Now, I will point out two contradictions which take place in this very blog:

First you said there were boxes of items my MOTHER WANTED me to have. Now you say you have saved a few items YOU THINK I might want. Which is it Sharalyn?

Second, you stated many times she put in WRITING that the contents of the house were YOURS. Then you told the deputy sherrif when he came to the house to question you that it really WASN'T yours. Now you say she told you VERBALLY the contents were yours meaning you DON'T really have it in writing.

Written documents are all that matters.

Verbal doesn't hold up.

Now can you see WHY we are all so confused by your constant contradictions??????????????


ps...you do have my email address...It's never changed...

huck said...


Well...Well...Finally some HONESTY!!

Seems that pointing out the latest contradiction was the last straw!

Mr. Magoo said...

Pissed off cause you've been slapped in the face with the truth, you cant handle the truth, and you have to spend the remaining of your life with the truth tightening around your big fat neck.

The only thing remotely true you've said in the past 3 years is this: ALL A LIE. ALL A LIE. ALL A LIE. ALL A LIE. (EVERYTHING with YOU is a lie Sharalyn Kay Condrey. :o)

It's what you do best and it's why your no longer family. As far as business thats your doing, nobody asked you to close shop...LOL!

No one asks you to come here 12 times a day but ole Magoo see's you dropping in her just about every waking hour of the day. Popping in through Cornelius, North Carolina :) (how much you wanna bet she comes back to read this? ) LOL!

See ole Magoo dont care if you have 1 blog or 10 blogs, dont care if you have 1 internet business or 100, what Magoo does take offense to is your lying on them. Protraying yourself to be something YOU DEFINATELY are NOT! Hiding behind the veil of Christianity when the LORD WROTE YOUR SORRY sinning ass off long time ago! But mainly when you profess to love someone, (I wont even call her grandma because you lost the honor of having her as a grandma when you disrespectfully spit on her memory and all the effort, wasted hours and untold finacial support she gave you time and time again), and all you did is STEAL from her, Lie to her, Scam her, before she was sick but mostly during and after her death. And in doing so you stole and cheated the handicapped who could not defend himself.

Stacey is right, the lord holds speacial places for people as low as you and until the day comes and he calls your number enjoy that heavy noose of guilt, enjoy it alone, and try not to let it keep you "FROM SWALLOWING" LOL!

Thnkng, your right...I like this one though: This blog is ridiculous. It's all One-Sided. It's a circus. I don't care that everyone I know has seen it. I don't care that you keep adding grief-stricken audio tapes of me.

August 8, 2008 2:17 PM

BUt at the same time she was "GRIEF STRIKEN" she was writing this to other family members: Well, I am trying to upload some auctions on Overstock.Com, its fun!! Hell-Yeah...right now I feel like blasting some Metallica and screaming at the top of my lungs........need to calm down!

"I am resigned to never hearing from anyone again, other than emails full of hatred, bitterness, and anger, and daily posts to this Blog filled with slander."

Hum?? Well you tried to sue me for slander once remember? That didnt work out in your favor did it? You wanna try again...??? LOL!

Mr. Magoo said...

gain if its ALL "SLANDER" Sharalyn...WHO THE HELL CARES THAT YOU PIS ME OFF!!!...why does it piss you off so much?


She'll be back, she CANT stay away LOL!

Mr. Magoo said...

Wouldn't your time be better spent off the PC and trying to make SOME money so your kids dont end up homeless in two short months?

Mr. Magoo said...

I know...the first one to be the 100th commenter on this blog will recieve an autographed copy by Magoo himself of Sharalyn's soon to be published book from that San Fransisco publishing company. When is that book due out Sharalyn? And where can I buy a copy for my "winner"! :O)

Anonymous said...

Hey EVIL ONE we don't want to kill you, we're enjoying watching your MASSIVE MENTAL BREAKDOWN!!!!! Whoo Hoo EVIL ONE those last few posts, that of course you were'nt going to post, were real doozies. So you finally admit this blog is getting to you? More to come EVIL ONE. Hey where are ya planning to run to. As far as we can tell the true owner of that house is RECONTRUST and we already know what they are going to do with it now don't we? Oh the pain of it all and you get to feel all of it. Where is your Knight in Shining Armor throughout this whole ordeal. He not much of a shoulder to rest your head on now is he? You would think as GREAT a HUBBY (what was your explanation of a HUBBY anyway?) as you claim him to be he would have wanted to vindicate his SUPER DUPER HOUSEWIFE AND MOTHER TO HIS CHILDREN. Hard to believe he sits on the sidelines and lets the one he LOVES take all the heat. Maybe if you are good to him he will show us "THE REST OF THE STORY (THAT WOULD BE YOUR SIDE) complete with copies of all the journals etc... that you don't have. This is such a sweet moment. We are signing out and enjoying the show.

Anonymous said...

who won the poll?

huck said...

Sharyn Perrin
Born: August 19, 1934
Died: February 2, 2006

She loved too much for her own good. She died saddened because she knew she couldn't save Sharalyn K. Condrey no matter how hard she tried.

Mr. Magoo said...

WHOEVER VOTED 1 HOUR IN THE POLL IS THE "winner"! Congrats to the lucky winner...maybe you'll recieve one of those copies of Sharalyn's soon to be released cookbook or autographed video of their vehicles repossesion. :O)

huck said...

edit to read:

She was sad because Sharalyn K. Condrey REFUSED to save herself

huck said...


Are you SURE you're name ISNT stephanie??? She likes to threaten to BURN things too!!

We gave up any hopes of getting any of our mothers things anyway...



huck said...

Oh and go ahead and post the photos of your "imaginary" distruction...we'll be HAPPY to share them with your online friends!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Wow...is all I can say....I am reading this and what I see is really amazing. I'd think that if you were really innocent you'd not even visit this blog. I mean...now that all your "friends" and blog buddies have been directed here, do you really think that they'll give you the time of day after the language that just came spilling out? Seriously...

huck said...

Yea anonymous..it truly IS amazing...I think she gave up on having any "friends" or "blog buddies"...hence her language used here...tsk tsk tsk

huck said...

Hey magoo!!

70 and counting!!

huck said...

Ho-Hum...been there done that..YAWN!!

Mr. Magoo said...

I was playing Call of Duty...what the tarnations is going on in my house? :O)

Anonymous said...







Mr. Magoo said...

As far as I'm concerned you payed $10,000 for them, you do whatever you want with them.

Pass the marshmallows!


Can I go back to playing my game? Geesh...LOL!

Mr. Magoo said...

Dont sell the can opener on Ebay yet, you'll need it for that can of Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee.

thnkng said...

Will these photos be styled like your sales items?

You know the backgrounds with ledger pages in Sharyn’s handwriting or the sheet music or the crocheted doilies that look like they are Big Burr’s handiwork…

Will you sprinkle some of the jewels or the german glass glitter around?

huck said...

What are you gonna use for the "background" of your photos now?

Anonymous said...

Well, miss Cindy loo hoo - I can try to burn them there doilies, and the jewelry is gonna be hard!!
But - you know me, I'll surely try!!!

Mr. Magoo said...

So I guess you wont be processing that 30k order you recieved awhile back?

Datgummit and I was so looking forward to sending them out at x-mas :O)

Anonymous said...

Lol at you all.

For reals.

huck said...

The money means NOTHING TO YOU??

Oh me Oh my...WHAT A STINKIN LIE..

Hey Sharalyn! Did you ever send that "special" hatbox out to the winner of your mind wide open contest or did you sell that on ebay too??...or better yet did you throw that in your bonfire to BURN?

huck said...

what you really dont realize sharalyn is that we really dont care what you burn...or what you destroy...whatever is left is "tainted" anyway.

So if it makes you feel better..BURN BABY BURN!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. Sharalyn... Keep going.. This is FUN... Girl- I'm sure you're loosing weight now for not sleeping and I'm sure you hair is all falling off just like last time at the court. Oh guess what, when you move back to Texas all Oregon's judicial limitations are all gone. Texas has it's own civil rights and codes. Can't wait to see you Hon! Let's see what are into... Credit Card Fraud, Elderly abused, extortion and we have the proof coming from your mouth! Oh by the way Thanks for involving your so called husband. Those tapes are so precious! Oh by way what we found while I was in Oregon where Memaw bank- that there was a promisory note, logged and signed and notarized at the same day the Bargain Barn was purchased and the check was written on the same day! CONINCIDENCE? I think NOT!!!! You got more things coming and you wish is a "WHATTABURGER"! Wrap your lips around this! C yah when I see you.. at the court again!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - the 30K order from Jordan was a HOOT!!
Stacey let's just go back to where we were a year ago - FUCK OFF. It's so much easier for me thataway. NEVER WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN.

Ya'll have fun with this here Blog - I'll come read every now and then, when I need a good laugh.


Anonymous said...

Alrighty then Stace - I'll take your word at face value. You don't want it.

That's all I wanted to know.

Anonymous said...

Alright then Stace- $50,000 is all I want or I'll give it for free if you send me whattaburger? Deal or no deal??

Anonymous said...

Oh lord you all.

Thank you for supplying great lulz.

This is going into Encyclopedia Dramatica as soon as the site is back up.


2k plzkthnx auntie/cousin/lady person.

Anonymous said...

The true Sher for all to see. Disturbing how easily your mind snaps Sher. All the glitter in the world can't hide the ugliness you have inside. True Christian, Renaissance woman all the way!

Thanks for bringing the real Sher out in the open for ALL to see Magoo.

Anonymous said...

Did she murder her grandmother? I am trying to figure this out.

Lauren said...


Anonymous said...

So, I was on a plane the other day, the captain comes on the speaker and gives his whole speach then sets it down without turning it off and says to his co pilot, "god i could use a coffee and a blow job", so the stewartess runs from the back of the plane to tell the captain its still on and i yell "Dont forget the coffee"

Lauren said...

D< I had best be winnin' the book my idol made.

Lauren said...

Okay. Win for me. B]

Mr. Magoo said...


There will be a presentation ceremony with photos to come soon and you can see it all right here at therealsherrimitchell blogspot!

Stay tuned :O)

huck said...





Hey sharalyn, have you burned those letters from Jack yet?

Did I MISS that too?

huck said...

I have plenty of letters and memoirs from my dad Sharalyn...I dont need the ones he wrote to my mother...

A thought occured to me though..now that you have burned jacks letters...what are you going to use as a "background" for your "glitter" cards? HAH!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..Sher...We see your blog, where you intend to publish your own smoking guns is only open to invited readers. Boy, you sure are making that effort to spread the truth there girl! You said above that you don't care what anyone thinks of you anymore then why hide your blog. I am guessing that you are like a bad wart...you plan on popping up again somewhere. Got some friends who want to buy from you again??? Don't worry...they'll find there way here to see what filth and trash you are spitting out.... So why not unblock your blog for all of us to see?

Mr. Magoo said...


We hit 100 comments. I guess I owe our lucky faithful fan a copy of your much anticipated book.

Be sure to let me know just as soon as they come up for sale. I wouldn't want to not deliver a promised "item" to its intended recipient.

I'll be waiting ... :O)

Mr. Magoo said...

BTW C2 is our lucky winner!!

Lets all give C2 a hand. YEAH!!

Congratulations to C2 and to all the rest of you remember to keep those comments coming... ;O)

Lauren said...

If I don't get that book I'd be heartbroken. ;___;

sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Magoo said...


But your getting evicted soon come Oct.

Where are they gonna know where to send the copies to?

Can you put a mailbox under a freeway overpass? Do they allow that?

sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
thnkng said...

Give us all a break, Sharalyn.

You've already proven you will do anything and say anything. This is usually if the results to you are to be as you said "I'm willing...if the outcome is good",

Of course as we saw yesterday sometimes you put no thought at all in to what the outcome of your actions will be.

thnkng said...

The 3 comments above that now show as “comment deleted – This post have been removed by the author.” were all posted by Sher using her blogspot ID from theantiquecafe.blogspot.

They were her usual posts of:
1st – sarcasm
2nd – attack
3rd – apologetic, just can’t do this kind of thing…

I have comments 1-114 printed to a .pdf if anyone wants to know what the therealsherrimitchell posted and then deleted they can be retrieved. But they are pretty much more of the same… not quite as entertaining as her posts of yesterday evening.

You have to be fast with Sharalyn, she turns on a dime.

I guess that is one advantage to her “anonymous” posts. She can’t get rid of those with a click of the mouse.

Anonymous said...

Well, aren't you smart! Saving it all to PDF Files.

I feel badly that I wrote all that I did, stooping to the family's level, no matter how angry you made me, none of it should have been posted. I let my anger get the best of me. All the Religious beliefs I had flew out the window yesterday after what some of the family stated about me. You know, the name calling and lies? It seems this Blog is more about trying to provoke me, getting under my skin, type blog than wanting to tell "the real truth".

I closed www.theantiquecafe.blogspot.com for good, and since I don't have www.theantiquecafe.com any longer, I thought well, I can delete those posts.

You don't have to read into it and dramatize it so, Miss Cindy.

Just the pure fact that I am sorry for my hot temper and what was said. I am big enough to admit I am sorry, when it's called for. It is a shame I cannot delete the Anonymous posts, and no, not because I don't want anyone reading it, just the fact I am sorry I wrote it.

It's Real Simple.
I can always sign my name here on these Posts if I decide to respond to anything you lie about - I mean talk about in the future.

Yet again, you have to be the little Queen Bee Drama Princess in everything you do. But I applaud you for always staying on your toes.

Sher - Sharalyn - Sherri

Unknown said...

So...since you're sorry and all...does this mean I can have my afghan now? I'll pay for the shipping, just like I offered last time.


Anonymous said...

Of course you can Daniel, and no need to foot the Shipping bill.
All I need is an address.


Unknown said...

dmn@brookwoodassociates.com and I'll send it to you

Anonymous said...

Thank You Daniel.
Package will be in the mail to you tomorrow.
