What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

She's back...

She’s back…

So much for her explanation that she deleted those comments early on August 11th because since she “closed www.theantiquecafe.blogspot.com for good, and since I don't have www.theantiquecafe.com any longer, I thought well, I can delete those posts.”

Maybe she just wanted to clear her trail of tirade posts… deleted comments she made all the way back in early July!!!! Maybe that’s what she was doing yesterday afternoon instead of heading to Bend to see McCord.

Of course “Sher” is still around and we’ll all be looking forward to what comes up at:

Wonder if all the comments to this new blog will be censored like at theantiquecafe.blogspot.com?


Anonymous said...

My, my, looks like the "princess" has reared her ugly head! That infamous "pea" under her mattress must have set her off OR was it "one too many" again! Tweety Bird chirps out with the quote, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", now does it!

Anonymous said...


Mr. Magoo said...

And I'm done with this one...LOL! (Exposing her true colors).

Like Mother like Daughter, I told you folks :O)

Not an hour earlier she was on the phone with me. 1st thing out of her mouth was, "Sherri is spouting all kinds of awful things about you on her blog".

I had to get her to shut up long enough, (had hit the sauce a tad bit too heavily this evening), to inform her that I was Magoo and Sherri's words are in white. What a doof!

She needs to review the TOS and abide or ole Magoo may have to say goodbye to her comment privledges. What we dont need is "excessive" potty mouthing.

Magoo is trying to run a good clean shop round here :O)

Mr. Magoo said...

Careful what you say here Effie. You have to PROVE the validity of any accusations you may sputter.

Unless you have documented proof, audio proof, video proof like ole Magoo here you might just end up swimming in a mire of your creation.

Anonymous said...





Mr. Magoo said...

Lets see at 12:15, (August 14, 2008 12:15 AM), she was on her daughters side. After she wanted to crucify her on the last blog int he comments section.

It only took her 12 minutes, (August 14, 2008 12:28 AM), to switch to Magoo's side again.

See any patterns anyone, similar behaviors in the two?

She's already now back on her daughters side again threatening Mr. Magoo :O) Her threats however folks are just like Sharalyn's..."Empty"

NEWS: New poll, please vote :O)

Anonymous said...

I was never on her side Joseph. I will however shut you down. You should look up the law. Since I now see it was you who brought this on, be informed that the ACLU will now be on her side, thanks to you . Go smoke some more pot, can't wait for you to fuck up once again. I give that about 6 hrs from now.

I'm shutting this website down ....

Anonymous said...

GOT THAT???????????

Anonymous said...

Careful what I say Joseph? I have a blackberry...I taped you...

Anonymous said...

Get some sleep and stop drinking that alcohol. Maybe when you sober up in the morning you'll understand what's going on. It's kinda complicated. PLEASE DO NOT USE FOUL LANGUAGE, we are all adults here. If you want to sue just do it. No threats needed. Although it makes it fun for us to watch you swear in writting when you ARE drunk. LET THE ENTERTAINMENT BEGIN- IT'S MOTHER'S TURN.

Anonymous said...

Well,Well,Well, So EFFIE decides to show her idiocy to us all once again. Hey EVIL ONE'S MOM how about cleaning up your act a little bit!!! 1) Where are all those lawsuits against MaGoo? If ya been keeping them going all this time where do ya get the booze money? 2)Geez, that some pretty language ya used about MaGoos Kiddos. They are both really good kids actually. One has graduated school and will be going on to higher education. He has a car that his meemaw did'nt have to buy for him also. The daughter is doing quite well in school also, was on a very good flag team last I can remember and is quite well adjusted. 3) Where in the heck did you come up with the ACLU? I'm not thinking they would be real interested in this one dear they like a little bit highter profile type of case. 4) Geez your even after your daughters hubby (what is that explanation of hubby?). Or are ya just a little mixed up and can't seem to stay on the subject? 5)By the way, just when did you graduate from High School? I can't seem to remember that date. I do recall a GED and nursing school which Mom went to with you. Oh yea, that little pregnant thing got in the way of your higher education now did'nt it. 6) Just talked with Greg the other day as we are really quite good friends as are Joe, Stacey, and Jordan. We visit with him every time we are in town as a matter of fact. We kinda keep him updated as to what is happening with the real members of our family, you know Me,Stacey,Joe,and our little bro Jordan. 7)You know EVIL ONES MOM I can't seem to remember anyone name of Jerry Merconi but maybe since you seem to be the keeper of all secrets why don't you quit being vaague in your accusations and just let me know!!! My Father was Jack Perrin and even though I did'nt always get along well with him I still call him My DAD. By the way MOM and I had a talk about your accusation and she assured me that Jack Perrin was my Father so no matter what you have to say I certainly will believe her over you anytime. Well I guess that pretty much covers everything I want to talk about today so we will be looking forward to the lawsuit if it ever comes. Most likely another empty threat and you trying to bully your way around us. Ever wonder why we have absolutely nothing to do with ya EVIL ONES MOM? An educated person could probably figure it out. By By forever Jackie

Anonymous said...

DaWittyOne is rarely lost for words; I suppose it's the curse of intelligence, a college education and a good job (none of which we have evidenced in the Mother or the Spawn of the Mother). Other pesky side effects include good punctuation, proper grammer, and KNOWING NOT TO WRITE EVERYTHING IN CAPS BECAUSE ALL IT DOES IS PISS PEOPLE OFF AND MAKE THEM HAVE TO STRAIN TO READ WHAT YOU ARE WRITING. Moron.

However, this is the best that DaWitty can think of on the fly as he's late for a dinner meeting...

Dear Effie:

1) Drop the sauce and pick a side

2) Whatever has taken you so very long to decide that you want to intervene in Ms. Sheri's life? If you are such a loving and caring mother capable of dealing with this (as you have so many times pointed out that you would), if you are concerned with the livelihood and safety of your grandchildren, why now? Why wait? What took so long? And where's the proof that you are even capable of doing anything? Seems that you missed the boat on that one. I remember there being a saying Meems told me...something about nipping it in the bud before it becomes a problem. Yes, I believe that was it. Did you nip it in the bud when Young Sheri was quite the young hellion? When she stole from other people, especially from within your own home? Under your nose? When she left Texas to move in with your sister and then disrespected your sister and her family? When she stole from your brothers? Yes - clearly, you are quite capable of handling this on your own. Of "taking care of it" as you say. I'll believe that one when I see it.

thnkng said...

nice, Dawittyone

1) LOL

thanks for the lols

Anonymous said...

Hi dan got your call late last night sorry to missed you i would liked to have chatted for a bit but i Ihit the hay early we willl try to chat later hope all is well with you and the resy.
and thanks for useing your real name i hate it when everyone uses annommous.
duh like we dont know whos it is anyway... =)
later "GMVPB" I am getting a little older so i have been contplating on passing the throne to you but we will talk about that later =)

Anonymous said...

Well once again I get the pleasure of straightening out THE EVIL ONES MOM. I'm not real sure you have any idea what is what anyway. One quote has Jerry Mercani as the Dad and now it is Bill Richardson. We all know that is Jeffs Father. How is it that you seem to have all of this knowledge? Did Mom break down and confess every vile deed she may have perpetrated during her early years? I'm thinking that you just can't really get anything straight. That is not really unusual since you've been less than normal for quite a while now. First and foremost EVIL ONES MOM I will never believe you over my REAL MOTHER and as I said before she assured me of who my FATHER REALLY IS. Who is yours and have ya had the pleasure of meeting him and going over your pathetic life with him? As far as my Daughter goes I can't really take any sides there as I don't really know the absolute truth about any of it. Funny though, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU TALKED TO DANIELLE? WERE YOU AT THE WEDDING? DID YA EVEN GET INVITED. See "darling" we talk to Greg everytime we go to town and seems that just is'nt the case. I have no reason to keep my mouth shut, I have'nt done anything wrong to want to keep my mouth shut for. Why don't you get a little more SPECIFIC with your outdated accusations? As always you try to act like the queen bee and control every situation you stick your stupid self into. IT DOES NOT WORK ON ANY OF US STUPID!!! Why don't you just go away and leave all of us alone as we really dont want to have anything to do with your worthless ass anyway!!!!!!!!!!! Have a nice life in the armpit of America which is exactly where you belong. Jackie

Anonymous said...

Gotta LOVE that last part JACKIE!!!


Anonymous said...

DaWittyOne that was PRICELESS!! Let's see what retort she comes up with now :o)

Watch for it folks because rest assured...it's coming!

Anonymous said...

...Lightly tapping foot, waiting patiently for a response...

Classic foofoo...well said.

When the heck did Yales get married?

thnkng said...

DW1, get your package?

Anonymous said...

Tweety Bird flying in to set the record straight regarding who belongs to who!!!! And believe me, I am the bearer of the truth!
PRINCESS/EFFIE: YOUR father is Bill Richardson, make no doubt about it!
Jordan knows who his father is and other than Jeff, the rest of the clan are JACK'S, make no doubt about that either!
You were a problematic handful when you were young and the saga continues into your mature years, make no doubt about it!
Tweety Bird over and out!

Anonymous said...

You two can spout all of the sick lies and nonsense about me all you want. No one here knows except Jamie what happened with me or why it turned out the way it did. I never intentionally left any of my kids thank you, I am being prevented from seeing them by their father and his family and it kills me every dam day . I sadly dont have the means at this time to fight him on it either. I am sick of this bullshit attack on me. I have not done a dam thing to anyone. Degrade me to make yourselves look better! I seem to recall a time when the Evil One's Mother tried to make me beleive that my father molested me! When I told her no such thing happend she said I must be blacking it out! Pfft! I let it go tho, cuz that is the kind of person I am, It was nonsense and not worth my time. I do have to say it is unfortunate that my dad cant choose a side, and he doesnt know enough. I have wished for YEARS that you and I had a real close relationship, but I for my whole life have never known how to talk to you. I would want too, and I would get close, but when the moment came the words could never come out. I do love you though, always...I want you to know that. Anyway this is my exit...and my last post here, I do not need to come here and read attacks on myself..I said my words to Sharalyn, and I am done.
For anyone else out there..if you want to contact me...I would love to hear from family I have lost contact with. Joe and Jamie both have my email.
