What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Monday, August 4, 2008

I taught I taw a putty-tat.....!

Howdy-do my friends and welcome to therealsherrimitchell where you'll find the truth behind her deceptive online life. Ole Magoo got a visit this morning from a dear family member who felt compelled to put a bit-o-spin err...truth to a sad "salt in the wound" attempt by therealsherrimitchell aimed for us<---her ex-family. She had this displayed on her blog over on typepad that she recently closed out cause lets face it folks she does NOT want any of you seeing any of this! She does NOT want you to find out she's nothing but a fake, fraud and phony! So without further adieu I give you the wise words of Tweety-Bird herself. I've placed Tweety's words in yellow and Magoo's words in red. Enjoy and I'll be back soon with some audio :o)

A few months back, a friend (VERY HARD TO BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS) sent me "Grace For the Moment" Volume 2. I loved the first one - and was glad to recieve this one. Max Lucado is my favorite Christian Author. Grace for the Moment series focuses on Inspirational Thoughts for each Day of the Year. So - waking up this morning in a really bad mood, (BECAUSE YOU ARE SOON TO BE EVICTED FROM THAT ILL-GOTTEN HOUSE FOR MONTHS OF NOT PAYING THE MORTGAGE) I knew I needed to find a passage (YOU'VE ALREADY GOT A PASSAGE; OUT OF THE LA PINE HOUSE DOOR) in this book to help me focus on my day at hand. Which I did. Some of you (MORE LIKE HUNDREDS BY NOW) may know the things happening around me the past few weeks, and some of you (HUNDREDS, SHERRI) also know that my hot temper has been flaring - complete with nasty words, (NOT SURPRIZING AS YOU WERE ALWAYS FLUENT WITH NASTY WORDS TOWARDS OTHERS) accusations (YOU FORGOT TO PUT THE WORD 'TRUE' BEFORE ACCUSATIONS) and angry (BECAUSE YOUR LYING, CHEATING, SCAMMING, STEALING MODE OF LIFE HAS FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH YOU) emails (to this phony (PHONY IS A TERM THAT DESCRIBES 'YOU' TO A TEE, NOT ANYONE ELSE) causing my stress). Yep - I admit I sometimes have a way with words (IN ORDER TO SWINDLE OTHERS OUT OF MONEY)- in an un-Christian (THIS TERM ALSO DESCRIBES YOU TO A TEE!) like manner. So what? God forgives, (AH, BUT GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS AS IS EVIDENCED BY THE NUMBER OF AGENCIES THAT WILL EVENTUALLY CATCH UP WITH YOU TO RENDER JUSTICE UPON YOUR HEAD) and that's what is important. (WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT IS THE FACT THAT YOU AND YOUR SIDEKICK HAVE SUBJECTED YOUR INNOCENT CHILDREN TO A LIFE OF CONSTANT UPHEAVAL TO ESCAPE AUTHORITIES, LANDLORDS, RELATIVES/FRIENDS YOU HAVE SCAMMED AND/OR STOLEN FROM). If you step in Gum and accidentally say a negative word, are you going to be banned from Heaven? (IN YOUR CASE, YOU DIDN'T STEP IN GUM BUT A PILE OF CRAP YOU CAUSED BY YOUR LYING, CHEATING, SCAMMING, STEALING MODE OF LIFE) Nope. If you say something negative out of anger, are you going straight to Hell? (IF I WERE YOU, I'D STOCK UP ON MARSHMALLOWS) Nope. So - as much as I want to "cling" to my anger with these people (MORE APTLY, RELATIVES YOU MADE A HABIT OF LYING, STEALING, CONNING AND MANIPULATING IN ORDER TO LINE YOUR OWN POCKETS) (causing my stress, (YOUR STRESS HAS ONLY BEGUN, SWEET CHEEKS, WAIT UNTIL THE AUTHORITIES LOWER THE BOOM; NOW THAT WILL BE MOMENTOUS STRESS) I really have to focus on what matters to me. (YEAH, LIKE HOW AM I GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS PILE OF CRAP I CAUSED BY MY THIEVING WAYS BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT, IF YOU HAVE EVEN CONSIDERED IT, WHEN THE AUTHORITIES DO GET ME, WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY INNOCENT CHILDREN? ) Staying in the past is not my idea of a good time, (IT WOULDN'T BE MY IDEA OF A GOOD TIME EITHER IF I HAD FINANCIALLY/EMOTIONALLY/VERBALLY ABUSED MY OWN GRANDMOTHER AND SO MANY OTHER RELATIVES/FRIENDS) so I refuse to stay there. (AH, BUT YOUR THIEVING PAST HAS CAUGHT UP WITH YOU) Here is the passage that made me ponder (YOU HAD BETTER PONDER THE INEVITABILITY OF FACING JAIL TIME) my own actions these past few weeks, and brought it to clarity the frivolity of the situation. (YOU WON'T BE THINKING 'FRIVOLITY' WHEN THE LA PINE HOUSE DOOR IS SLAMMED IN YOUR FACE!)
(Quoted from Max Lucado) "We can replace the word "forgiven" with "accepted" and maintain the integrity of the passage. "He who is accepted little, loves little". (GEE YOU ACCEPTED/STOLE A LOT! AND YOU STILL HAVE LITTLE). If we think God is harsh and unfair, guess how we'll treat people. Harshly and Unfairly. (GOD? I'M WONDERING, NO, I KNOW WHAT HE THINKS OF YOU). But if we discover that God has doused us with unconditional love, (LIKE SHARYN'S FOR YOU AND HOW DID YOU REPAY HER, HOW HAVE YOU HONORED HER LOVE FOR YOU?), would that make a difference? (MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO YOU, YOU NEVER FOLLOW WHAT HE PREACHES ANYWAY, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WENT TO CHURCH?). The Apostle Paul would say so! (I'LL BET OLE APOSTLE PAUL AINT NONE TO HAPPY WITH YOU EITHER). Talk about a turnaround. (THAT TURNAROUND FOR YOU IS COMING: http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010 ).

He went from bully to teddy bear. (SAME JECKYL AND HYDE ROUTINE YOU PULL ON EVERYONE?) . Paul (before Christ) sizzled with anger. He "made havoc of the church" (Acts 8:3 NKJV) Paul (After Discovery) brimmed with love.......
His accusers (WERE NOT ACCUSING, WERE DISPLAYING PLENTY OF FACTS IN YOUR CASE SWEETHEART), beat him, stoned him, jailed him, mocked him. (But can you find one accusation where he responded in kind?). (CAN YOU PROVIDE ONE SHRED OF PROOF ANY OF ALL THIS IS UNTRUE? BETTER QUESTION...WHY!...WHY ARE YOU NOT TRYING? WHERE DID YOUR BLOG GO, WHERE ARE YOU NOW?). One temper tantrum? One Angry Outburst? This is a different man. His anger is gone. His passion is strong. His devotion is unquestioned. But rash outbursts of anger? A thing of the past. What made the Difference? He encountered Christ. (HUM....MAYBE YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO THAT). Yes, I've been subject to a few temper tantrums and angry outbursts of my own in the past few weeks. (YOU MEAN LIFETIME?).I've let some bad people interfere with my belief. (THE ONLY BAD PERSON/S IN ALL OF THIS IS YOU TWO!).I've let things that are not true, (<--AHEM *COUGH*)affect me in a way that it causes me grief. (GRIEF? YOU TAKE A ME MYSELF AND I ATTITUDE WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR GRIEF, WHAT ABOUT YOUR FAMILIES GRIEF YOU BROUGHT UPON THEM OVER THE YEARS? WHAT ABOUT THE LIFETIME OF GRIEF YOUR ACTIONS BROUGHT UNTO THEM? ME, MYSELF AND POOR LITTLE I!). But, here it is! A passage that says "What made the difference?" - finding God in the midst of pain is the way towards something. (YOUR HEADED SOMEWHERE ALRIGHT BUT IT WONT BE HIS HOUSE!).No amount of people telling me "God doesn't hear you anymore" will ever change my belief that He does. (STOP FOOLING YOURSELF AND OTHERS, LAST TIME YOU SPOKE TO GOD WAS WHEN YOU WERE FACING FRAUD CHARGES, OR WAS IT WHEN YOU WERE FACING REPOSSESION? OR WAS IT WHEN YOU WERE PRAYING FOR YOUR GRANDMOTHER TO SEND YOU A CHECK EACH WEEK?).Have a great day everyone - I've got things I have been working on for the Website, (THIS WEBSITE?--> http://www.theantiquecafe.blogspot.com/ OR THIS WEBSITE?--> http://www.theantiquecafe.typepad.com/ ). and will be listing soon. But remember this Quote, that I leave you with today: "He who is forgiven little, loves little". (<---YOU DONT QUALIFY SO QUITE WASTING BIBLE PASSAGES!).

Posted at 14:37 Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0)


huck said...

My My My

Tweety and Magoo...PRICELESS POST!

Sher wouldn't know the TRUTH if it bit her in the wazoo...as grams used to say

Sher has lied her entire lifetime...she is incapable of knowing the TRUTH from the LIES...she has NO conscience...she bears NO sympathy...she IS a cold and calculating waste of space...and she STILLS wants to believe that SOME HOW...SOME WAY...those two coins SHE rubs together will miraculously make her foreclosure notice DISAPPEAR!!!


Oh and btw sher...MY DOGHOUSE ISN'T FOR RENT!!!

Hucksta OUT!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, and my kitten condo is full, hussy. STAY AWAY!

Anonymous said...

p.s. don't even bother with tweety bird, she's got enough eggs in her nest. HUSSY!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what...Sher/Sherri/Sharalyn (or whatever you are calling yourself), you should just throw in the towel at this point. Your grandmother's family (ummm...notice I didn't call them yours!) has made it pretty clear that they will not give up their fight. Your online "sweets and girls" are apparently starting to realize who you are. All those poor people that you cheated on Ebay, Etsy, Overstock and your pathetic store are all converging here (or soon will be shortly). So just give up and go away. Close your store, stay away and give everything back to the family that deserves it. Grow up and stop expecting people to do for you and use your lazy butt for something other than just sitting on! Your poor kids...do you ever give a thought to what you are doing to them? I really feel so sorry for those kids...

Keep on Mr. Magoo...keep at her like a hound after a fox in the hole. She has no place to go...

Anonymous said...

Tweety Bird feels like the "goose" that laid the golden egg (RIGHT ON THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL'S BIRD NEST HAIR). What I wrote had been buried deep within my feathered breast for far too long especially after my bird's eye view of overhearing lies perpetrated by SHERRI to con money from her grandmother. Sherri needs to get "real" about ALL the abusive acts she committed without any thought of the heart-rendering grief she was causing her grandmother by her lies to get every last dime she could squeeze out of that poor woman! I had to lay off popcorn for a few days because my disgust for Sherri's evil actions was sticking in my "craw"!

Anonymous said...

Yo MaGoo. Magpie Mafia here. Hello to Tweety, Huck, and the rest of the clan. It is quite a blog this one. We are filling up the seed bowl to enjoy yet another true passage. So she admits this is causing a bit of stress? We are sure God listens to her, how else will he be able to record all the evil things she does so when she arrives at the Pearly Gates Ole Paul himself can send her to the down elevator. You know the kind gentle fella she shows us in the last blog. Seems like she might want to produce all that hand-written documentation so all her readers (and ours) could see the truth she tries to spew. Ol' Jekyl says God is probably a little upset about the way she drags her kids from one place to another and uses their innocence to coerce others into helping them. Remember the only reason they are not married in the eyes of God is so they can use the welfare system. We sure were looking forward to her explanation of "HUSBAND". Think she will post that soon? God says you are living in sin if you shack up with someone. We are guessing she'll have an explanation for that also. Late on MaGoo, Fly as high as the eagle, Hekyl N Jekyl

Anonymous said...

What is upsetting to those of us who are real Christians is that someone like her thinks she can do all the bad deeds she wants and then at some point just say - oops - sorry, God forgives all.

No, swearing and angry outbursts won't keep you out of God's good graces - it's all the other horrible acts you have committed and CONTINUE to commit that will turn his eyes away from you.

God gave you a loving grandmother to watch over you & help you, God gave you friends who extended their hands in help to you. God gave you the knowledge of what is right & wrong and the intelligence to make wise decisions.

All gifts given to you by God and what did you do with them? How did you thank Him?

You spate in his face and used his gifts for your own selfish gains.

Not to care for your children. If it was for your children, you wouldn't continue to throw money away on new store set-up fees, blog and store designs, or relentless shopping for material possessions to show off to the world in an attempt to prove how wonderful you are.

God sees ALL of your deeds Sher. You place yourself on this pedestal as an amazing woman with unmatched talent and a giving nature. People of true worth don't brag to others of how good they are. Christians of true faith don't lie, steal, cheat and harm others or use God's words to cover their misdeeds. Artists of true talent don't copy, steal or use sabotage to become successful. Children professing true love don't use their grandmothers for personal gain or revenge on other family members.

How many times has God given you opportunity to own up to your deeds and make things right? How many times has God blessed you with extra money that you wasted on your selfish whims? How many times has God placed a friend or a healping hand within your life that you used and tossed aside?

Your family has given until they couldn't stomach the sight of you anymore. Your friends have given until they couldn't bear the heartache of your betrayals.

Now you expect God to give more & more, knowing his gifts and blessings will be squandered?

You should be ashamed for asking so much of others and in return giving nothing but pain and sorrow. You had the ultimate forgiving heart in your grandmother and it apparently meant nothing to you.

You won't find that same forgiveness from any of us here.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of dumbing down the room, amen to all that!

Mr. Magoo said...

Magoo is think hot damn! He should hire "Anonymous said..." to write for therealsherrimitchell blogsite! That was spot on and thank you for writing that! If everything within these pages were untrue dont you think she'd be all over us, as much as she hates us, to sue us? Where is she? Where is all her documentation to prove us wrong? Thank you to "the caller" for playing good cop and getting this weasel to talk away, contradict herself and lie, lie, lie! These tapes were priceless come court time. Thanks agin and please feel free to comment away! That was beautiful! Magoo wish he had wrote it himself :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Magoo - can I make a suggestion for the blog? If you really want to open the eyes of those dealing with this woman, I would list some things in your side bar like:

* The names she uses
* The names she has used on ebay, etsy and the web
* the blogs she has had

And I would make sure that your blog is set so that it is picked up by search engines.

This way, anyone who has been burned in the past or anyone looking to see who they are dealing with before making a purchase will find this blog when they do a search.

Just a thought!

Mr. Magoo said...

Thank you, any other helpful hints and tips are greatly appreciated :)

Anonymous said...

Put the videos up on You Tube. Label them as "Sherri Mitchell of The Antique Cafe"....that's how some people search for her. Show what a slobby pig she is, her looks almost equal her actions.

Mr. Magoo said...

Brilliant, just who are you...?
