What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Web of lies!

*edited by Magoo to fix the links*
Experiencing technical dificulties at Putfile.
Magoo apologises to those who came and links no workie :O) Enjoy!

Howdy-doo ole man Magoo here. Great things are happening since the word is spreading that Sharalyn K. Condrey is a fraud, thief, and a LIAR! Were getting a lot of comments from people she has wronged in business as well as family members, most notably her cousins, coming forth with fresh, and unheard until recently, accounts of what therealsherrimitchell was feeding them while the family was busy making Sharyn’s quality of life during her last days the best we could provide. Magoo is busy compiling these e-mails and first hand accounts and will be posting them in the next few days for your reading pleasure. But in the meantime I think it’s time for another installment of: “let’s listen to therealsherrimitchell lie”! Shall we?

This one folks takes place at the time the family was facing her with fraud charges and now her tune had changed. She attempts to “suck up” to the caller and in a lame way try to explain that her E-bay store was NOT riddled with our mother’s belongings. Fact is she had listed “hundreds” of books, most listed in sets. Sharyn had a back room utility closet FULL of yarn, sewing needles, dress patterns, (as she made clothes for grand kids), macramé kits, all ended up on Sharalyn’s E-bay store, personal items such as I listed here already. Figurines, family bibles, tools, trinkets, collector plates, one of a kind irreplacable items, you name it Sharalyn had it listed and all we could do is watch the auctions proceed and all items sell. All sold and never to be returned. What she hasn't sold she refuses to this day to allow the family to retrieve them or the boxes marked for each family member she charged her SON to retrieve and distribute per her final requests.

NOW HERE’S THE KICKER FOLKS! Listen carefully her say, “because its not my merchandise to do anything with! Wow, finally an admission of truth! Before the threat of fraud charges and bank account tampering she was evil defiant all the way. (Deep breath here-->). Claiming everything in the house belonged to her, Sharyn gave her a hand written note explaining how she gave everything to her, and of course Oregon laws protect the “squatters rights” over the family and even though we tried every means legally via the probate lawyer (don’t think several of us wanted to drive right up there and beat the living hell out of both of them), to protect the assets of the estate and prevent her from selling off everything, unfortunately the wheels of justice turn rather slowly and by the time we were able to be granted a cease and desist order against her MOST of the things were long gone. *WHEW* You know the entire contents of the house she claimed Sharyn gave to her but later tried to trade the piano for and here folks, right here from her own lips the same contents of the house, “because it’s NOT MY MERCHANDISE to do anything with”!

The best part about it is here she is folks on tape admitting it doesn’t belong to her which we used against her in court and she HAD to admit to the judge the truth. With most of the sentimental valued items sold off the family forced Sharalyn to repay the estate for the evil deeds and damages to the estate $10,000. Hey "Sher"? Just where was Chris come trial day in good ole Bend Oregon? Why was he not by your side in court? Oh that's right all you had there was your lousy lawyer Mr. McCord, some stuttering fool lawyer who stuttered so bad he used up most of an hour to just to say, "Mr. McCord charged me with reviewing all the e-mails between both parties and they weren't very civil towards one another. LOL! Took him an hour to get that out...? Oh and some lady lawyer you hid behind once you entered the courtroom and to your SHOCK and amazement there sat ALL of Sharyn's children, (who flew in from as far away as Calif. Texas, and North Carolina), minus your Uncle Jim and of course YOUR Mother!

The end? I don’t know if its lack of communication or you all think I’m a bad person…
All Magoo can say is...??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

You’ve stolen and thus been alienated from the entire family your whole lifetime. Nobody has your phone number, nobody wants your phone number, nobody would talk to you if you were the last person on Earth and you question if it’s a lack of communication? You actually expect us to communicate with you after all you’ve done ESPECIALLY your CRIMES against OUR MOTHER? You question whether we think you’re a bad person and then giggle about it? You ARE a bad person Sharalyn. Your lifelong resume reeks of evil, contempt, and lies! You earned the title of bad person and it wears around your neck now like a noose of guilt. You have to live with what you’ve done. Your judgment day will come.

Contents of the home belong to who?
Temporary guests.

What a piece of work she is. Here’s a clip that’ll throw you for a loop. Again facing fraud charges, bank account tampering, and vehicle repossession her tune changes drastically from the, I hate you all, your all murders, vultures and thieves, its ALL OUR FAULT, blah, blah, blah to NOW it’s: well lets just listen, it explains itself. Oh lets not forget she BLAMES Chris again :) You know that precious “hubby” who grills, the wonderful man who saved the house from foreclosure? The exact same “hubby” who she cant stand, who’s now to blame for all this, the one “forcing” you to do all this, the one who in your words, “I’ve never known another man who lies so much”. Would that be the same “hubby” who, “Memaw I don’t know what to do he wont go get a job” , Boo-hoo tape remember that one? Folks we have been hearing her first hand account of her opinion of Chris right here the past month. We’ve been reading her praise of this loser under the deceptive portrayal of her Christianity to all her blogger buddies!

I would NEVER do something that low. What did she do everybody? She did exactly that. She took the “low” road as she/they INTENDED to do all along. What these two criminals plotted to do as soon as they found out Sharyn was sick. They designed the entire thing and they set out to execute it. Oh they may have succeeded and believe they won but karma’s a bitch and it’s now turning to bite them in the ass. (See foreclosure documents). Let’s give a listen shall we?

(please see archives...Do The Right Thing.
Chris's plans and good ole Uncle Jim.

Lets go back to that precious “hubby” she worships and brags about to her blog buddies. Folks these two audio clips need no preface from ole Magoo. This is what the family had to put up with while providing Sharyn the best quality of life we could and at the same time having to deal with these two criminals and their criminal activities AGAINST Sharyn. Laying the blame on each other when confronted. I’ll let you listen and form your own conclusions:

Glorious "hubby" Chris :o)

Mastercard charges.

Social security explanation.

This precious “hubby” Sharalyn?

Fact is your both equally culpable of “abuse” on your grandmother and Jim emotionally, physically, verbally, and financially. God is listening alright and he’s keeping a special ledger on the two of you. He has a place reserved for you two alright, but again, it won’t be the heavenly real estate you two hope to get to. Your children will one day grow up enough to form their own opinions of their childhood and how their parents used them against their great grandmother to steal from her. Your actions against her and the family during Sharyn’s fight for life. What are you going to tell them when they discover the truth about you two for themselves? You didn’t think that far did you?

"When you know better, you do better" (Maya Angelou)!"

... You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ...

I rest my case and am done with you for the day!!
Tell us Sharalyn what Sharyn REALLY whispers in you ear at night!

"Until we meet again...this is Mr. Magoo signing off, enjoy the show and don't forget to leave a comment. ;o)


Anonymous said...

Pathetic....just looking for anyone to lay the blame on. Wake up and realize the blame belongs to you...SWALLOW IT!

huck said...

Huck here!

True there magoo....she likes to portray their life as one big happy family, yet that is not so..and to her own doing. Again, it's a fantasy world she lives in...what a sad and lonely life she must REALLY live.

Yes, her kids won't always be young and naive...

they DO grow up

they DO form their own opinions

they WILL know the truth

they DESERVE to know the TRUTH SHER!

Your grandmother left in her will some money that she intended to go to each of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She also selected a few organizations that she set up to receive her generous donations. You not only swindled your cousins, your uncle jim, your uncle and aunt, PACE program and the katrina relief fund...YOU ALSO SWINDLED YOUR OWN KIDS!!

You took what little money those 3 kids of yours will have for their college fund...oh and by the way SHER...it DOES cost MONEY to go to college nowadays...GET A JOB and GIVE THOSE 3 KIDS A LIFE THEY REALLY DESERVE!!! YOU LAZY ASS BUM!!

Speaking of lazy..ol hucks doghouse is calling his name!

Hucksta OUT! (nite)

Anonymous said...

Tweety Bird quotes, "Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly"! Initially, the spider WAS good ol' Sherri drawing her grandmother (the fly) into the web with lies for financial gain. Now, however, the roles have reversed; Sherri is now the fly caught in the family web for her sins. Keep "spinning" the truth, Magoo!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Now that I have had a chance to listen to the new audio...WOW! Her own "hubby" calls her crazy! Then she claims he is only saying what you want to hear. It's obvious that is what they are BOTH doing.
I mean.....COME ON!

Anonymous said...

Ain't that strange that the whole family knows about her so much that everyone kept e-mails and recorded her voice because everybody knows she is a LIAR. She can't lie if you have a piece of evidence.

THE JIG IS UP GIRL. Can't wait to see you at the whattaburger and go shopping at the Canton. Specially your husband as the VP of some company.

You wish!!!!!

Mr. Magoo said...

That would be vice president of a fishing guide company remember? The man has not been gainfully employed in over a decade and "magically", (like most of their bogus claims), he's been offered to be Vice President of a fishingguide company...? HUH? Cant you see Sharalyn how rediculous your lies get? Who in their right mind would hire a lifelong LOSER who ahs not held a steady job in over a decade to become Vice President of their company?

Pickles: this is what they did during the entire ordeal. If we talked to Sharalyn, Chris was to blame, Chris wont get a job, Chris is lazy, Chris made me charge the cards, Chris found and tried to use Sharyn's SSN...talk to Chris, Sher is lazy, Sher abuses me, Sher falsifies police reports against me, Sher accuses me of molesting Madison, Sher is insane.

All they did is point the finger at each other, its what they do, its all they know to do. AND YES! They only tell you what you want to hear hun...at the time your confronting them with their crimes.

Anonymous said...

Oh...you poor "sweets"....is it catching up to you! Man i hope you get what you deserve...

Anonymous said...

Oh...you poor "sweets"....is it catching up to you! Man i hope you get what you deserve...

Anonymous said...

Remember how she was going to open up the first "antique paperie" brick and mortar store when she returns to Texas, and buy new furniture and a new house (I could go on and on)?
Give me a f-ing break. Published book? that had me laughing my ass off (and I needed to lose a few pounds, LOL)! what a fake you are "SHER".Get a job, "my dear". I feel so sorry for your kids, I hope they see the light and dump your ass when they are older. What a living nightmare it would be to have parents like you.

Anonymous said...

Lol regarding her book! She ALWAYS brags on herself. GAG! I think she lives in another dimension......scary!

Mr. Magoo said...

