What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Look who came to dinner...!

Well, well, well...ole man Magoo here with yet another installment of: "Our chickens always come home to roost!" This blog comes courtesy of therealsherrimitchell's cousins the honorable duo of Miss Pickles and Carebear ;o) Like I mentioned yesterday, word about the therealsherrimitchell blog site has got out to all the four corners of the planet folks. Sure enough like Sharalyn's great grandfather use to say, "careful what you do in life cause your chickens always come home to roost"! No truer words spoken than these when it comes to these two criminals.
Word spread were open for business and Magoo recieved this e-mail a few days ago from Sher's cousin:

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Friday, August 1, 2008 12:16 PM
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"Uncle Joe Joe",
Hey there Uncle Joe Joe, I dont know if this is still your email or not, but if it is....hey there to ya! I was recently turned onto your lovely alter ego Mr. Magoo, and have to say it has entertained me for most of my dull workday this beautiful friday! I happen to have some emails saved here ( funny how something compelled me to keep these) from Miss Sharalyn Kay Condrey Carr Mitchell Whatever. If you would like to see some of these emails, let me know I can show you some of the things she said. She accused you guys of murder,etc. She said Meemaw left me and my kids money but I would never see it , because you guys refuse to give anyone theirs, etc. etc. I was stunned at the things she was saying for it made no sense at all to me. None of it sounded right, I followed suite though and played along as best I could and let her tell me as much as I could get, and then it just died off and I have not heard another word since.
So gimme a shout if this is still a good email

Magoo will share these e-mails with you here enjoy:

It's my personal belief, but not anyone elses's, that when Memaw got really sick in late December, and Joe & Cindy took her (forced her more like it) to their home, they cut off all contact between Memaw & me, and she was dead within a month after that. I received phone calls from people stating that she had mysteriously ended up in the Hospital several times with bruises, a gash on her head because "Jordan" said she had fallen (which I believe is a lie) bite marks and swelling around her neck and head, and right about this time that all that was happening Cindy mysteriously became OUR grandmother's Power-Of-Attorney. Cindy immediately took over all Memaw's Bank Accounts; put all Memaw's money in Cindy's and Joe's Bank account, and then Memaw "suddenly" died. I am the only one who believes this Jaclyn, nobody else does. I believe that she was Murdered by Cindy or Joe with overdoses of Morphine. That is just my belief. I have too much evidence. Memaw called me in early December BEGGING me to come to California to get her because she did not feel "safe" in her own son's home. I am not kidding, they did something to her. And Jaclyn, you know how Memaw has ALWAYS said she is to be buried in the family plot in Nebraska, just like her dad, mom, and brother? WELL, Joe & Cindy had her Cremated and Stacey & Jordan backed them up on that. It's Horrible, because memaw NEVER wanted that, never. I feel so badly.....I wish I would have taken her back with me in November, but it's too late. You will not get anywhere with Cindy even if you do contact her, I can promise you that. I am fighting them over the Will right now, so I cannot tell you anything about my case or what is happening between the family and me, but I can tell you that I am damn sure going to see that Memaw's wishes in her Will are carried out, if it takes me 20 years to do it. I will never back down. Cindy isn't even our blood family!!! Can you believe that shit?

Sherri Mitchell wrote:
Your Dad is involved. It's Stacey, Cindy, Joe, Jordan and his "lover", Jackie & Gwen plus I think my mother is on their side as well. I do not talk with any of these people. I cannot prove that she was purposely given an overdose, but I can tell you I will always believe that someone did. I did not do a damn thing; Memaw put in her Will exactly what she wanted for everyone. I never want to have anything to do with my Aunts or Uncles again.

Sherri Mitchell wrote:
I am shocked by what they have done, and tried to say & do since December. I was always close to Stacey, (Really? Wasn’t it you she gave a home to when nobody would only for you to end up stealing from her? Wasn’t it her who got you a job? Wasn’t it you who falsely called the police to her home claiming she choked you only to have the officer call you a liar after your self-inflicted red marks around your neck disappeared before his eyes?), never close to Joe or Cindy, (Damn straight Skippy, once bitten twice shy, we opened our home to you only to have you betray our trust and steal from us as well), and of course Jordan has his own stuff going on, (Wrote you off for the very same reasons dear), and Jackie & I never liked each other, (Wasn’t it you who stole Miss Pickles's valuable necklace her father bought her overseas? A necklace he bought while protecting the very freedoms you live under? The necklace that was to be given to her on her 16th birthday but you stole and sold for a paltry sum and never paid back?, no wonder!), so they are just bitter and angry and especially since Memaw did not just "hand over" every goddamn, (<--theres that Christian potty mouth again), penny she made, to them...they are angry. They even hate the fact that she left all her grand-kids and great-grandkids $2 grand each. They hate it! (Magoo would love to honor this wish but then you stole it all, even the shares that were marked for your own 3 children. Have you lied to them and told them we stole it? Bet Sharyn's REAL PROUD of you!), I tell you Jaclyn, I had no choice but to hire an Attorney because they came after me first, and I am living in Memaw's house in La pine, which she begged me to do for her while she was sick, so we could take care of it. (No it is fact you were running from 3 different collection agencies for unpaid rent and utilities, the Texas state assisted living programs for filing falsified information on your claim forms, and the bank was repossessing your vehicles. No she was HIDING YOU!). I just had no other choice, (<--no you had many choices, see Do The Right Thing in the archives), and it has been a nightmare for me. I’m stressed out, my hair is falling out, I've gained weight, it's just been too much for me. (Boo-f’n Hoo!). And all the while I have had to take care of a house, a husband and 3 kids....... (<-How? All you do is spend the entire day at your pc swindling people). I hope it ends soon. We are so ready to move back home it isn't even funny!!! (<-Wasn’t it you who praised La Pine Oregon as a wonderful place to raise your kids to Sharyn time and again or was that just a lie? Don’t bother answering that). I am glad you are happy ~ I have always hoped you were Ok. Memaw said she thought at first you were kidnapped and sold to the Phillipines or China or somewhere for sex or something...I told her that she had an OVER-ACTIVE imagination...she really thought the worst. She could never contact Chris, Jeff's kid, he just took off when Jeff had to go to Prison, so she was a little sad at the end as far as I know that she could not say her good-byes to you and Chris. (Dont bother we found Chris and she said goodbye but then you wouldn't know that cause you weren't AROUND!) She told me if I ever talked to you or found you I am supposed to tell you over and over how much she loved you. Really, I am telling the truth, (Since when?), she told me that she wanted you to always remember her and she loved you. Well, I am trying to upload some auctions on Overstock.Com, its fun!! (<-Being a criminal!). Screw Ebay!! (<--Because your negative feedback became to much for you to bear? All those “chickens came home to roost” err I mean customers wanting their product they bid on or money you owed them for items you bid and won but never sent payment for?). Hell-Yeah...right now I feel like blasting some Metallica and screaming at the top of my lungs........need to calm down! (<-- In the middle of a unnecessary probate case inflicting ridiculous financial burdens on the Estate, using Sharyn’s stolen credit cards, attempting to sell the house on Craigslist before you own it, selling estate items without authorization, causeing pain and anguish with your purposely malicious and spiteful actions and your THROWING A PARTY! Yep she's the Christian she protrays herself to be to all her blog buddies folks! Enjoy this: http://www.usa-foreclosure.com/propertyDetail.aspx?prID=82010)…haha take care, talk to you soon.
So each cousin volunteered to write up a personal message just for therealsherrimitchell.
Without further adieu I give you the first-hand accounts and life experiences along with their opinion of Sharalyn dealing with the crimes and lies of therealsherrimitchell. Her cousins...*drum roll please*...Miss Pickles and Carebear...enjoy!
It’s on like ...... Donkey Kong

"It takes courage to make a fool of your self" - Charlie Chaplin

Courage she may have, the knowledge to do the right thing she doesn’t, a heart she doesn’t have one of those either. She may have fooled people over the Internet with fake online stores, and faulty blogs. She didn’t fool her family, who have probably known her the longest. Were the people who know her the best, and the ones she should be afraid of. Particularly 2 individuals who she probably despises the most, sure she’ll be nice to you, it's what she does behind you, thats the problem.

I know personally on one occasion when I and another family member had some problems, she made a point to contact us both the other one not knowing. She would talk to me about how crazy the family member was, and made the statement of how she ate too many paint chips when she was a kid, but we all know it was the realsherrimitchell they couldn’t keep out of the garage sniffing the paint cans. Then she would go to the other family member and discuss the exact same thing that it was me that was dropped to many times on my head as a baby, but in reality the realsherrimitchell fell down the stairs numerous times and is the real one that suffered a bit of retardation. She plans personal attacks on both of us using our personal problems thats between the 2 of us and no one else to make her self feel better about her shitty life. Now its our turn to talk about you behind your back or as we prefer it straight to your face and in front of hundreds of strangers! I myself will write my own piece of what I think about you, the other family member has chosen to write there own to.

Sharalyn, We know you would like us to feel sorry, for 99% of your life has been self pity, and out to seek attention. You have led a pathetic worthless life, and no I don’t feel sorry for you, and I probably never, will in fact I despise you for what you did to our Grandmother, you used her, took advantage of her, and for the fact that she was the only one that would help you, you abuse that power too. I despise you for how your treating our family. I am glad you don’t have a soul to run to on this earth anymore to possibly make them believe your lies, and I am glad that you have to live with your guilt all alone and hopefully pretty soon in prison. You may be up there in Meemaw’s house thinking that your going to get the last laugh but I know with certainty that we will be the ones with the last laugh. I know for a fact the real thoughts that Meemaw had about you because she shared those with me. You can say what ever you want your word means nothing anymore. I am glad to see that you have messed your life up so terribly bad, that you don’t know which way is up, and your to stupid to realize that your own guilt has made the life that your in. We have watched you make your bed and were going to enjoy even more watching you lie in it. I feel bad for your children that have to live with your psycho bullshit day in and day out, I fell bad for whatever he is "your boy toy" because you probably put him in a loony bin by now. I hope your paranoia gets the best of you, making your life even more miserable than what it is. I am surprised I have already wasted this much space on you, and I only have one thing to sum you up, your a Crazy Psycho babbling Bitch!

I think you know who I am

Dear Sharalyn, Sherri, Sher, Liar, Thief, Blah Blah Blah,

It is greatly unfortunate that we even have to be here in this situation at all, but here we all sit...in pain and full of anger as a family.

You are the cause of this pain and anger....the source of our unwanted plague! To think...the one who hurts us....is family. Or should I say now...was family.....
I have had problems with members of my family all through my life, but then again don't we all? The only difference here is that with honesty and a open mind most of us can work through these issues over time. You on the other hand feed some of us with your lies, your conning ways and try to turn us against each other with your cowardly rues. How do you expect to be loved, wanted and needed in a family? You are facing a very lonely life...hope you can manage now that there is no one to hand you what you seem to crave...the box is empty my dear.


You really need to wake your ass up. Your all over the place spouting about your so called Christianity. Give me a break, I'm not a Christian , I'm not religious at all, but at least I don't try to pretend I am when I'm not. If you are following the steps of the almighty as you claim...well you better watch out..cuz he is going to elbow drop your ass out of his ring!


You attempted to feed some of us with your lies about how you are the victim here. That Magoo and his family are holding everything and will give none of the grand kids and great grand kids their inheritance due. Throwing out your trash that Sharyn's own children murdered her. That she was mistreated and she had mysterious bruises that members of the family claim she received when she "fell". That she begged you to come get her because she feared for her safety. How could she be in fear if she was surrounded by family coming to stay and take care of her? How is it that ALL of the family that was there to see her and help her possibly be corrupt and hateful and want to hurt her? Oh I remember because they wanted to take all of her money and trick her into taking everything and putting it into their bank accounts, and making sure no one else in the family got a dam thing! DOH! WAIT! THAT WAS YOU!

Now I never expected a dime, never expected a thing from Sharyn...it was a nice thought to hear though that she was thinking about everyone in the end and that she wanted us all to have something to remember her by. So instead of holding and seeing what it was she wanted each of us to have....we can only use our imaginations.
Your the only one that knows..since you ransacked what DID NOT BELONG TO YOU IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE AND WITH NO HEART WHAT SO EVER SOLD IT ALL!!!!


What in the hell were you thinking?? Get off your high horse and realize you are not the only person that matters in this world!
I hope you get what you deserve...for you deserve much more than words alone can dish out to you.

Sad...since this is not even the first time you have stolen from me! You took something that was given to me. Something I laid my eyes on for mere minutes as a child, knowing as I grew older it would someday be entrusted to me. I never laid eyes on it again..YOU TOOK IT...and SOLD IT!

History seems to repeat itself eh?

What’s the problem here? Cant' get off your ass and get a real job like everyone else? Have to lie, cheat and steal your way through life? Rely on the system to help take care of you? I work my ass off 5 days a week from 6 am to 6 pm. I get home exhausted and my work still is not done..then I wake up the next day and do it all over again. Ever heard of this? Its called A LIFE! GET ONE!

I will end this on that note, for I could write and write for there is no ending to the grief you have caused.

Just know...someday you will be alone and really needing someone to care for you....and it’s a shame that no one will answer that call........

Miss Pickles
Like the boy who cried wolf, did she ever get that story read to her? Magoo thanks Miss Pickles and Carebear for their contribution and dont forget to leave a comment :o)
Funny how many family members have the same opinion and express the same experiences being stolen from and lied to. Magoo wonders WHERE ARE ALL the people standing up and defending therealsherrimitchell and loser shackup bum? Oops...sorry you wont FIND ANY!
Till we meet again...

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