What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Out of the woods and back to Texas, from Grandmothers house she's been BOOTED!

Even though her Grandmother allowed her to live rent free,
 her mortgage company expected their check each month.

Howdy do ole man Magoo here, back from what you might call a "Hiatus and a half"...hehe! 
(It's been great to...1/2 way through my girls tennis season in 3rd place and holding, Go Lady Panthers!).

I'm bringing you an update on our featured guests exploits since some of you may not even know they are no longer living in beautiful La Pine Oregon and have relocated back to their origin of crimes, the lovely state of Texas.

(The "TRUTH" behind the REAL reason they packed up and got out of Dodge...err I mean Oregon and that lovely house her beloved grandmother willed to her/she knowingly and maliciously stole, will be well documented here on TRSM very soon so stay tuned for that grand enlightenment!).

Well it didn't take them long either, within a few days she had a website up and here they are...
I didn't say her old site, no sir, why she closed those down however we are all in luck. 
She has re-opened a new one by reversing the names, how clever.

So drop in and say hello, I'm sure she will be glad to hear from you...and me :O)

Take note however the differences, I wonder what explanation she gives to those sharp enough to notice and question why on her Blogspot page she is listed as Sherri Mitchell...however if you mosey on over to her Wordpress blog she is listed as Sharalyn Condrey.  I'm sure her excuse will be, "all the great artists of the past use an alias".  But then Sherri Mitchell would be her alias since her name isn't Mitchell and they are not married.  Nope her real name is Condrey. So lil oopps there Sherri-poo.  Maybe you better go back and reverse your alias with your real name like you reversed your business name.  And while I'm on the subject perhaps someone ought to educate our world renowned artist that "the greats" never had to use Photoshop on any of their images/art.  LOL!

Her shipping policy has since been removed but we found this part of her policy quite amusing:

"We do not have a minimum order, however, it is a general rule of thumb that the more you have of a product in a display, the more eye-catching and, as a result, sales are better. Remember that ladies like to buy if there is an adundance to choose from. {Experience shows this in my 25 years of Retail"

That's right order a bunch... it's in your best interest... & 25 years of Retail ~ since she was 11???
Just another attempt to make her seem established and stable as an entrepreneur!
Lord knows she can't tell the truth about her experience, practices, ...

(Take close note of the song titles here: You think with these titled selections she is trying to send us a message?  ROFL!).


"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

"When you know better you do better"

"And now your bitter hands, cradle broken glass, of what was everything"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Put a fork in her...

Howdy do ole man Magoo here bringing a wee lil tidbit of happenings subliminal style.

TRSM is prone to use her blog to direct messages out and is at it once again.


Got a few of my own "toots".



A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
Titus Livius

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest.
Benjamin Franklin

Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.
Mary Kay Ash

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson

“The words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood, but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them. [Proverbs 12:6]“

and my favorite...

“Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.”
The Bible.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back to Wordpress...


Howdy-do old man Magoo here taking a break from his break, (teeheehee), to bring you some news about our featured con. 

Like some psychotic hypnotic episode out of the twighlight zone she is off and running again.  Wonder just who it is she is running from this time?  Just who did she steal from "this time" and wants to hide so as to avoid having to refund funds she has taken yet not delivered the product ordered?
(Hehe...I already know, a lil CHICKEN/victim came home to roost).

Yep she has moved on to Wordpress..."again"! LOL!

Just wanted to let you all know and now I leave you as I go watch the NHL playoffs :O)

P.S. I'll be back REAL SOON...I have some unfinished business with some cats/liars over at RML,
(hey Kathleen), 


and KRC, (*waves* @ Lori).

I have lots of evidence to their true character along with e-mails to share. Stay tuned it's going to be interesting to say the least. 
(It sure is handy to have the technology to record your entire phone calls, eh Lori?).

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth is there is thickness among these thieves"

"Now your bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

From me to you!

"Merci beaucoup"
(Teeheehee...get it?)

Howdy do ole man Magoo here coming to you with grand news, yet no cause to celebrate.
I want to begin with an apology.  This is the longest post I've ever undertaken. 
I hope that you will remain patient and get through it.  I feel it will serve it's purpose.
 And I/We appreciate you all for bearing with us, taking the time to inform yourselves.  It's a lot to digest but it is simply..."THE TRUTH"!

We've reached another milestone here at TRSM with a grand total of:

Well...Visitors actually but I liked this photo...dont you just love good etch-a-sketch art?

I like to think we have the "luck-o-the Irish" on our side! 

Yes ladies and gentlemen it's been four long years now but worth every word.
I wanna take this time to thank each and every one of you for remaining faithful readers and supporting ole Magoo over these profound and inexplicable years. I thank you on behalf of the family and those who have endured the defilement and pestilence we know as Therealsherrimitchell!

As much as I'd like to say hey lets Throw a Party!
I'll just keep to "The Truth".

 I've promised you all for some time now the audio tapes captured during our mothers final days and well into the probate case.  Knowing TRSM the way we do and knowing full well she was going to say one thing and act another we were compelled to take action ourselves.  The best course we felt was to have one member of the family record his conversations with her capturing her contradictions, her evil intent, her numerous lies and deceit.  We knew from experience she would fish for info early on with her, make-believe mourning, guileful grieving and shrewd sympathy.  We knew when we confronted her with the criminal actions she perpetrated against our mother she would,

Well now you all can hear it all right here for the 1st time.  Some may have already heard snippets that I've used early on and are now long buried in the archives. 

I've spent the last 7 days composing this post.  Reliving the painful lies, deceit and contradictions.  Re-living the agony and helplessness we all felt while caring for our mother, our 1st priority, while TRSM and Chris were having a grand ole time on our mother's dime!  I did so because it needed to be done.  One last time.  For the sake of those who are presently in danger of falling for her false facade, her Empty Promises, Fake Flattery and More than Enough LIES!

Facts:  When she *sighs* *exhales loudly* and you'll hear a ton of them, she lies! 
It's like reading a poker player, when she sighs/exhales she lies, that simple.  When she pauses, she is making up a lie on the fly or struggling to remember what lie she previously told. 
When she changes the subject it is because she wants to divert the issue at hand back onto the caller and away from her obvious guilt.  But if your patient...(they are long), you'll get a clear picture of who Therealsherrimitchell really is, what she is capable of and the levels of pure evil she will sink to in order to perpetrate her criminal actions, escape culpability and or avoid facing the Truth of her criminal behaviors.

These are the archives, the old audio links probably don't work anymore but you can read up if you like or simply read my more recent breakdown here in this post.










That took me awhile!

Does it have anything to do with the Tag industry and you?
YES and NO.
It paints a clear picture of her Character or lack thereof.
Her Integrity or lack thereof.
Her Honesty or obvious lack thereof.
What version she has told you, and what is simply,
"The Truth"!

The caller?  Our brother Jordan who lived a mile away at the time and who had moved up there to help mother prepare the house for sale BEFORE Sherri and Chris got their butt's in trouble and begged our mother to hide them.  He played neutral, good cop bad cop, middle man, in order to get them to talk, we knew they would.  So big thanks to Jordan.  He endured along with the rest of us.  It took a lot to sit there and listen to this Jordan knowing full well the truth and having to hear her obvious lies, contradictions, and shifting of blame. Thanks brother.

They're not in order according to dates and times and sequence.  But the purpose is not about what occurred, it is in the past.  The purpose is to show she is simply a con, fraud, thief and a liar. 
Always has been and always will be.

Again my apologies, I tried to use Youtube so you would not have to leave the site but unfortunately they only allow a maximum of 10 mins.  I found this site and if you right click and click on "open in a new window it will take you directly to the audio and it will automatically play.  That way you can listen in while reading my breakdown here.  Thanks again for your understanding. Simply "right click" the link.

It has come to my attention that this 1st one the audio is a little off and wont start till about 1 min. 10 secs. in loading so be patient.  I am currently in the process of fixing it, thanks...
>img src="http://media1.youshare.com/uploads/cuda12/b5c048c5e1820ecf.flv"> This file is hosted at YouShare.com - Click here to download

Sherri...ugh simply painful to listen to her pathetic lies, and playing the innocent card when WE know full well she is up to no good.  Trying to contact our mothers lawyer so she can get a copy of the trust, what business does she even have to do so?  This is Sherri scheming, fishing for info, buying time much like she put off Brenda for so long because she knew full there would only be 120 days before Brenda could file a complaint and recoup her monies, and the longer she stalled her, beyond that 120 days, Brenda could not get her money refunded and would HAVE to settle for whatever Sherri's merciful heart would send her, if anything.  This is classic TheRealSherriMitchell. 

She is simply playing the nice card to buy time and collect info.  My guess?  They desperately wanted to know if the estate had any claim on the store, they were gonna sell it a.s.a.p., take the money and run to escape facing the charges against them.  Faced with the CC frauds and the delinquency on payment of the promissory note, faced with repossession she is now, or wants to be the angel, cooperate.  A ruse again to buy time evident by her statement, "I just need to know, *exhale* ugh what is in the will"!  So ladies and gentlemen, who is really concerned about an inheritance? 

And now a truth comes out.  She says, "I have only counseled with a lawyer, I have not retained a lawyer.  Yet you'll hear her in other audios where she claims she has a lawyer, her lawyer is telling her to do this and that, her lawyer is telling her NOT to provide a copy of these alleged "hand written documents" by our mother given to her that the promissory note is not valid, it's to be dissolved upon her death, and that all the items in the house...furniture, clothing, everything down to the light bulbs our mother gave to her! 
NO SUCH "hand written" documents ever materialized, she could not produce them and in court she admits, and later in these tapes, "All that was verbal"  Plain and simple she is lying! 

At 3:50 she says, I was not aware that the house was to be bought for $50,000.  Yes a typo, there were numerous typo's in the will.  But this statement alone proves that she already had knowledge of what was in the will.  She got that knowledge only ONE WAY, she had already contacted the lawyer and somehow convinced him to divulge that information to her. 

She continues, "And now that proposes a problem for me, you see?" 

Now she see's an opportunity to capitalize/profit from an error in the will.  No if, ands or buts about it, this is another chance for her greedy, self absorbed, evil true self to be what she has been all her life and we know she is going to do AGAIN to this family. 

Sadly however it is not us, Sharyn's children, that she is stealing from.  It is her Uncle Jim who is autistic and mentally retarded, and the original price was to be $150,000, and the proceeds of the sale was to be placed in a trust for his care for the remainder of his life. 
Not stealing from us folks, we have made our way in our lives, all of us are self-sufficient, it was ALWAYS about Jim who could not fight for himself. 
TheRealSherriMitchell: I'm kinda at odds here?  Really?  So she knows there was a typo, she knows the price was to be $150,000 not the $50,000 typo'ed amount, so tell us Sherri why are you at odds?  Just simply do the right thing huh?  But no ladies and gentlemen, the true colors of Sharalyn K. Condrey surface when and only when it is beneficial to her.  She cares nothing about Jim, it's all about HER!
5:55, she state's she is trying to do the right thing.  Do you folks?  Do you know in your heart of hearts, what  you would do?  What would be the right thing to do? 
I told you earlier this is painful to listen to. 

It is indeed because she is simply lying to save herself from facing the CC fraud charges, and repossession of the vehicles and that we intended to remove our mother and brother's belongings from the home BECAUSE... we had already discovered she had been selling almost everything on Ebay and Etsy.  Plundering the estate, selling anything she could. 
Painful to listen to her lies BECAUSE we KNOW she is simply playing a game, stalling for time, that she fully intends to pull a RealSherriMitchell and steal anything and everything she possibly can.  That all she is doing, acting now, is simply that, an ACT. 
She already has a plan, already concocted a scheme, and intends to fully play it out to the very end, and to hell with her grieving relatives, to hell with anyone's feelings, and to hell with whoever disagrees with her...knowing full well the wrong she is doing.

6:20 a very telling line here folks.  "I don't care what Chris says".  See she is blaming Chris knowing it was both of them.  She is throwing Chris out there as the one who is demanding she "Do the wrong thing" 
It is Chris behind the CC fraud, Chris demanding she steal the property and pocket the profit and run. 

Then she says when I talked to Greg".  Ha!  Greg?  Yes she even called her step-father, the one she stole his CC's and went on a $5,000 shopping spree and when Greg found out and demanded she repay the money she attempted to extort/bribe him claiming she was going to go to the police and tell them he raped her during her childhood! 
Why would you go to your rapist for advice on how to steal an inheritance? 
Classic TheRealSherriMitchell folks!  :O(

I hope you are getting a clear picture of just the type of person TheRealSherriMitchell has been all her life and still is to this DAY!

Again: she is only playing this sweet innocent, I wanna do the right thing card here folks, because she was facing, CC fraud, illegally attempting to wire herself money using stolen bank records, she was in arrears on a promissory note they owed $10,602 minus two payments of $300 some odd the very first 2 payments they made, as well as elderly abuse for manipulating our mother the past 4 years out of approximately $100,000!

Take note her mind/thoughts always go back to "That Trust"?
 But isn't she always telling you the reason for my blog is we are bitter for being cheated out of an inheritance? 
You tell me, who is more concerned about, "whats coming to them"?

8:50 into the tape!  Here it is ladies and gentlemen.  "There is no way I am going all the way down to California and cart that thing all the way back home!"  But didn't she leave this comment on Feb. 12th 2010 at 10:15 a.m.? 
when you took my grandmother into your house simply because you wanted to make sure she was doped up enough on Morphine to get her to change her Will. Didn't happen, she left ME the house and everything in it - A Piano you REFUSED to give me and a RING you REFUSED to give me because you were "pissed off"

Again: The Piano was stored until final distributions could be made and all if any claims against the estate could be made as is protocol to all probates.  At the expense of the estate mind you.
 Fact is: She refused to come and get it.

At 9:15 she further goes on to say, and a very telling insight to her thinking folks. 
"I'm willing to not worry about that part" 
Indeed Sherri, you had your eyes on a much bigger prize didn't you!

At 9:40.  Sherri had wrote in an e-mail, I just wanna do the right thing.  Another ruse we knew at the time.  Another false promise.  Simply because she was facing these charges.  That if we allowed her to sell the store and use that money to relocate she would be willing to sign papers drawn up by our lawyer...her proposal not ours mind you...and relinquish her rights to buy the house for the erred amount and we would drop all charges, they could keep the vehicles and we would forgive the promissory note.  We agreed.  She was allowed to sell the store.  The minute she sold the store and had a wad of cash in her hand she retained a lawyer.  Refused/Reneged on her promise and fought the estate. 
TheRealSherriMitchell surfaced again. 

Yep but then she tells you all she makes mistakes, that this is all ancient history, she has changed. 
This was 4 years ago.  How long was she doing business with Brenda?  5 years? 
TheRealSherriMitchell hasn't changed everyone. 
She cant change, she is incapable of changing.  Stealing is a way of life, fraud is a way of life, con's and scam's are a way of life to her. 
Always has been and always will be.  She doesn't know how to do anything else but evil!

10:20 here we go!  I have not touched a thing.  That house is exactly as it is when we got there. 
I've posted the screen shots of "some", not all, the personal belongings Chris and Sherri had listed and sold to unsuspecting buyers of our mother's and our brother's personal belongings.  (One right here, take not of the Music Box she sold on Ebay in the photograhs of our mothers home interior).  She is once again, lying!  This was another of those charges she wanted us to drop and she would sign those papers.  We had to get a cease and disist order from the courts to prevent any more plundering of the estate and she continued in violation of it!  She did sell a few books?  No she sold "hundreds" along with "hundreds" of craft kits, hundreds of spools of yarn, albums and casset tapes, music boxes, tools, collector plates, kitchen items, sentimental items etc...lie after lie after lie!

Now another doozy here folks.  At 11:00 on the tape she clearly states: "Because it's NOT MY MERCHANDISE"  That's right Sherri, it was NOT YOURS!  The Truth here?  She fought the family via her lawyer and further proof she is a liar can be found on this blog via the letter from her lawyer McCord here:

That our mother gave her everything in the house!  We were NOT allowed to enter the home and remove what was left of our mother and brother's personal belongings.  She had "hand written" documents to prove this yet would never provide us with a copy and never produced that copy in court.  What she really wanted was for us to not enter and discover that most of it was already gone  :O(

If our mother gave you the contents of her home why then would she say this here?  Why would she then per her letter from her lawyer McCord want to trade the piano for "the contents of the house?"
 Because she is a LIAR!
Lack of communication?
It was YOU who used your call waiting to avoid all contact Sherri!
Think your a bad person?
We KNOW your a bad person!
What did you do Sherri?
Thats right, you didn't "Do the right thing", thats for sure!

The rest?  Blah, blah, blah...diversion to avoid facing The Truth!  Telling the caller ONLY what she thinks he wanted to hear to avoid having to face the truth.
14:10? Reason they came to Oregon?  Truth?  They were being investigated for fraud against the state of Texas welfare and several collection agencies for skipping out on unpaid rents. Unpaid traffic tickets as well.

Blah, blah, blah, I hope that YOU, the family& <--- that is about to press charges on you, would do the right thing and put all the money into poor Uncle Jim's trust.  She is so pathetic isn't she? 
You getting a clear picture of TheRealSherriMitchell yet?

15:01 and now she is back on...I need to get a copy of that trust before I sign anything.  Another clear picture of her true intent, TheRealSherriMitchell, who's concerned about the inheritance now Sherri? 
Why did you NEED a copy? 
Oh thats right because once in hand you fully intended to say aha!  This is mine and I don't care who I gotta step on, don't care about anyone's feelings, and pain, don't care if it will jeopardize Uncle Jim's financial future.  I only care about what I can do, what I can gain, what I can benefit from it!
Yes she didn't want a long drawn out battle over a minor estate, she didn't want it plundered, she wanted it to go to Jim.  As for the executor?  Her sister Sandy was never considered.  Our mother asked my wife Cindy to be executor and she did so honorably and without bias and with great restraint I might add in spite of all your nastiness and unnecessary/ridiculous lies and actions.

As long as "were" not hateful and mean. 
 I do just need a little more time. 
In my best interest!
The property in that house is worth more than that!

But gee Sharalyn wasn't it you and your lawyer saying: My understanding is that the contents of the house consists of some second-hand furniture and garage sale items?  Lets take a look shall we?
Taken before Chris and Sherri arrived.  Showing several items she sold on Ebay.

If I take this to court every bodies gonna lose out...(except you)!  (But you lost alright).  You lost far more than just finacially "toots"!

Everyone did lose out, the grandkids, including yours, couldn't receive the $2,000 each she stipulated in her will to go to them.  The ONLY one who profited was you.  Or did you?
Remember to ask yourself when you find yourself all alone one day...was it worth it?

18:40 on the tapes, Now the "NOTES", the "hand-written" documents she claimed to have that our mother gave to her to use the Credit Cards...facing all those charges ladies and gentlemen, now it's she told Cindy, all that was a verbal agreement! I had NO NOTE!  Finally a truth.
Truth is exactly what I've been telling you all along...she is nothing but a fraud, con, thief and a liar!

OH BUT...She cannot find it now, how convenient eh?
Followed by a huge *exhale*  :O)

No contact with us?  Except for "bad stuff happening" the numerous e-mails calling us murderers and vultures!
While you sat up there in La.Pine running HER SHOP, but what about those documents she gave/gifted you the store?  Oh yea, cant find em, that was verbal.

See it's our mothers shop when Sherri is faced with the charges and faced with having to pay her own bills on the place and home.  It only becomes Sherri's SHOP when it is beneficial to Sherri.  Grandma gave/gifted it to you remember?  LOL!

20:25, if I do take the house for $50,000 you will take me to court?  Fishing!
Nobody asked you? 
You avoided our calls, you avoided the executor's pleas, you did everything possible to avoid cooperating and communicating.  Why?  You had every intention of stealing that property from Jim at all costs, emotionally and financially!

20:55? I'm not gonna live with that shit on me.  Well...you are now "toots"!

21:26, lets put it all on Chris now!  It's his fault!  It's US treating you bad so now Chris is going to fight.  Two peas in a pod, you deserve one another.

You want a ring?  There was no gifting of any ring in the will. 

You'll never see things? 
What about us?  What about all the stuff you illegally sold?  What about all the sentimental items we were never allowed access to retrieve and you STILL hold in your possession?  What about it Sharalyn?!
Blah, blah, blah, what about poor me?

Now here we go again, throw Chris under the bus. 
It's your lot in life. 
You've had 20 years to leave him but we all know you two work together Sharalyn. 
We all know your both partners in crime!
Isn't it his name NOW CURRENTLY on the deed today Sharalyn?

And now a very telling slip!  Listen carefully folks, at 24:20 the house will go for $200,000!  And then she follows with, well I hope it does" followed with laughter!  Very telling is it not?
All she is seeing before her is dollar signs, profit, at all costs emotionally and financially to her "poor Uncle Jim who cant fight for himself".

Don't worry about Jim, Sharalyn, his siblings took care of that. 
His trust is set up, he has a permanent home.  I get him every month and he spends the day with us. 
He gets to call his brothers and sisters while here.  He's fine, you just enjoy that noose of guilt you wear proudly around your neck for the rest of your wakening days!

26:00, yes everyone is hurting.  I'm hurting right now having to endure listening to this crap again just so I can get the word out what a sadistic evil lying person you truly are Sharalyn. 
To warn others, those you are currently trying to fool into believing something your NOT!

"BUT!  I'll LIVE!" :O)

Chris under the bus again!  UGH!
Nothing but more lies!  It's all Chris!

You getting the picture now?

13:15...Chris never forced her Sharalyn.  Our mother hated Chris remember?  It was our mother who wanted to prosecute Chris when you both fabricated that story that he choked you with an electrical cord remember?  Or is that story just a fabrication as well? 
Truth is you forced her Sharalyn.  You threw the hissy fit, you demanded she leave her own home!  You told her not to return unless she bought this damn store for you two! She drove directly to Jordan's house and told him everything that went down.

More throwing Chris under the bus! 
Panhandle from door to door!
Whah! I'm not lazy!
Same shit she pulled on our mother!

More promissory note lies...*yawn*

36:40 she claims the Executor called the sheriff.  Another blatant lie, the Executor made no such call.  She's simply making this all up to invoke more sympathy from the caller  :O(  This event NEVER happened!  We checked with the Sheriff becuase we wanted him to know she was saying these things to us.

Yes you had titles which may I remind you there was another check given to you by our mother for you two to have the vehicles registered in the state of Oregon. 
To THIS DAY they are still NOT registered in the state of Oregon.  They both have Texas license plates.  Furthermore Sharalyn, you two were suppose to, upon arrival in Oregon, go down to the DMV and place our mothers name on the titles as lien holder which you both failed to do!
And you KNEW EVERYTHING about a promissory note, don't try to play off you knew nothing about it!
*exhale* <--hehehe!

Pure fabrication folks.  No officer came to the store, nobody ran and locked the door, but VERY TELLING isn't it? 
Why would she FEEL A NEED to run and lock the door? 
Why would she have cause to fear?
Be afraid as she says?  :O)

"Even of I had the "mind" to do it"
But you did do it TRSM, you had every intention of doing it!

Hehehe...reasonable amount don't you agree?
And she replies, "well I don't know" <---Very telling statement again.
Isn't she just beautiful inside and out?

Didn't want to stay there.  More lies...yes, she hated it up there, she hates it now, she HAD to go there because she was on the run and NOBODY to turn to but our mother again.  Fact is she filled our mother with more lies about how she and Chris were just SO HAPPY up there, we just love it, the kids have a stable home, they're in school here, making friends...blah, blah, blah.  Just more of her manipulation and lie's she placed on our mother.

Chris can get a job?
 But our mother got him a job! 
What did he do?  He didn't show up and then you two lied to her for months saying Chris just loves his new job, loves going to work everyday...*sigh*.
Didn't you say earlier with crocodile tears, "But Memaw Chris is just to damn lazy to go get a job"? 
"I had to panhandle from door to door"! 
It's okay folks, she'll explain that episode, she'll confess in one of the other audios, it's quite comical how she attempts to explain the reason Chris didn't take the job was because he felt she could not run the store by herself...ugh!
Lie's contradictions and discrepancies.  The story of your life!

31:00 here it comes, the job!  The job Sharyn got Chris with the park rangers and how excited and "pumped up" he was.  *yawn*  "I couldn't control him"  "He was threatening me" "YOU better not say anything"  You know...*yawn*
You couldn't do it anymore?  LOL! 
Truth is Sharyn informed them she was returning for a week to pick up a few things she would need for her apartment here in California and they HAD to tell her because she would have found out!
Chris, Chris, Chris, it's all Chris's fault!

Yep they could have been well on their way to having secure employment and stability for the children and a "MEANS" to purchase the home for fair market value all along exactly what our mothers,
 "true intentions were for them." 
But we all know how that turned out.

I've done many things thats proved me to not be a good person BUT...theres always a but isn't there folks?  Thats all in the past!  Thats ancient history, just like she enjoys explaining away her crimes against her grandmother, her past, ancient history and now HER FAMILY just wont see it that way. 
Her family holds the grudges, wont let go of the past...ugh! 
This was 2006 ladies and gentlemen, and she is still doing the same things now to her clients today!

And now here comes her old standby, "I did it for the kids"! 
What a convenient excuse. 
You have had every opportunity, 36 years, don't blame it all now on your kids Sharalyn. 
You had them, you are responsible for them.  Period. 
No it was "or else" 
I have many e-mails where she used the kids against Sharyn. 
Many where she told her flat out if you wont send me this money then you'll never see your grandchildren again!

33:38 CC fraud while on her deathbed and what follows...*EXHALE*!
LOL!  and here comes Chris again!  Chris did this and Chris did that! 
Who's trying to save their ass now Sharalyn? 
Hehehe..."You do it not me, it's not me thats going to be getting into all this shit". 
Ain't she a beauty ladies and gentlemen?

Like the boy who cried wolf. 
How can you believe a single word she says now after witnessing this with your own ears?

Now she put HER card on there, then why are the charges coming back on our mothers card Sharalyn?  Sense when have you ever had your own credit card? 
That don't make sense...hum?

Now she will gladly send the Executor the money! 
Like all her cons against her clients, she will gladly re-emberse her clients...AFTER THE FACT! 
After the CRIME! 
After she has been BUSTED and facing prosecution. 
She's as cold as ice, she has balls of steel while she commits the crime but after she is busted, she is more than willing to make amends! 
Sounds eerily familiar does it not?

And now the explanation about how our mothers social security number was found.
Good thing this is almost over don't ya think. 
I am guessing you also, have just about heard enough of her crap!

No it wasn't YOU personally that made that charge, it was BOTH OF YOU!

Hehehe...the caller say's "you need to write Joe and Cindy and e-mail, (and under her breath, hard to understand), she utters, "well they're just gonna think I'm lying" 
Well DUH!

*exhale after exhale after exhale ensues*
And when we all know she *exhales* she's lying!


But theres MORE!
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Lets hear from good ole "HUBBY" Chris now. 
Two peas in a pod folks.  Lie #1 they already had another agreement on that.  Referring to the promissory note.  There WAS NO agreement which is well documented and explained later in the following audios.  Truth is these two deserve each other.  They both lie.  Hehe...Sherri is handling all that.  Oh yes indeed, fact is they both are equally culpable for what transpired, they are both equally culpable for the Credit Card fraud and attempt at illegally wiring themselves money from our mothers bank account.  But Chris will throw Sherri under the bus as the one responsible and Sherri likewise will blame it all on Chris. 

You had another agreement worked out Chris?  Which one was that?

1. You both worked at the store without salary, (where were the proceeds you gained from any sells at the store Chris)?  Without salary? 
Lets see: You both were living rent free, all property taxes paid, utilities paid, phone, internet, on both the store and our mother's house and you worked salary free and that was your excuse to not pay what you owed on our mother paying $10,602 to keep your vehicles from being repossessed? 
Or was it?
2.  The promissory note was to be dissolve upon her death, (all debts forgiven), per both of your claims to the executor that you had hand written documents proving such, the same documents you failed to produce in court when prompted to do so by the judge? 
Or was it lie #3?
3.  You both payed $14,000 of your own money into the store which you both were never able to prove, much less held any responsible employment for any length of time to secure $14,000 much less $14.00? 
No evidence of this alleged payment of $14,000 ever materialized.
Now here comes the good stuff, or is it just another page out of TRSM's book, a diversion from having to explain the facts before him, his own responsibility? 

"If I had enough money I'd get her straight out of yall's hair and head straight back to Texas". 
I bet you would Chris. 
In fact that was your intent all along. 

1st came the phony, let us sell the store and use that money to leave, but when we agreed, they sold the store and stayed and lawyered up.
2nd. They put an ad in Craigslist attempting to sell the house before they legally owned it. 
3rd. They tried to force the estate to sell the house and the estate pay them the proceeds of the house.  Neither of which was our mothers true intention.  Her intent was for them to "earn" the money, provided them one year in which to do so.  The truth and final outcome was they managed to convince their lawyer to help them secure a loan in the final week/days of that provided year.  Shortly after they were already in arrears and facing foreclosure on the final attempt, the final gift our mother left them to become responsible and self sufficient parents to those children.

5:45 in the tape, here goes Chris, throwing Sherri under the bus, it's all her but he does tell a few truths  :O)  Yes, nobody likes Sherri and now we all know why. 
They both refused us access to retrieve our mother's and brother's personal items, clothing, furniture, photo albums, sentimental valuables and why? 
Because folks not a whole lot was left! 
She/they had been selling most of the estate items on Ebay and Etsy  :O( 

And now more truth to how they played our mother.  However the TRUTH is, Chris knew all of this.  He knew about every e-mail Sherri sent to milk money from our mother. 
Fact is: he was in on it every step of the way.  He benefited from every dime our mother sent!  SO I don't buy his I didn't know a thing about what was going on B.S.

Oh and the lack of communication? 
The caller knows the truth, he was just playing good cop...the Executor tried and tried to keep communication open...it was these two avoiding and dodging calls from the Executor. 
It was these two that blocked attempts to retrieve our mother and brother's personal belongings.  It was these two who lawyered up and prolonged the probate case wasting time and money unnecessarily.

14:00...Sherri has all her bases covered?  Freudian slip?  Truth is they have plotting and scheming the entire time every step they made.  That statement alone proves it.  And her and her grandmother have written up stuff?  Where was it Chris when you needed that in court.  Oh yea you never showed in court.  Nope you were not standing by her side in court.  Once again you took refuge in our mother's house while Sherri tried in vain to defend herself in court!  And oh yea you were both lying just like you are now. 
Anddddd...back to the diversion. 
All I need is a little money, you know, to get my stuff together and get back to Texas...LOL! 
Were the bitter ones, full of hatred and ONLY so because were getting cheated out of an inheritance?  Money sure seems to be the focal point of your concern here Chris.

Again 18:52 he's back on the, until we get some money kick.  It's always all about money with these two. Take, take, take, whether it's stealing from her grandmother, welfare, you internet ladies...their main focus is always...money.  Give me some money, don't prosecute me on the crimes and, "you wont see me anymore".

20:00 here comes a little truth finally.  All this Chris?  All this, all these psychotic extortion attempts Sherri put upon you, Chris strangled me etc...yet...your still there Chris?  Why?  Because you cant afford to leave?  You've had 20 some odd years Chris...?  And now Chris, lets throw Sherri under the bus again.  I'm innocent, I never wanted any of this.  You were forced to leave because your ass was being investigated for welfare/state fraud.  Your cars were being repossessed and you jumped at the opportunity to be rescued once again by our mother.  And now you attempt to blame our mother for your indiscretions and crimes?  It's my mother who was after you?  :O(

And now Sherri: She calls the police, I fondled Madison.  Using their own children against one another, what does that remind you of?  Oh yea, remember Madison has a paypal account that she has her clients send their payments to.  They use their own kids in their criminal games.  :O( 
This is not revenge ladies and gentlemen, this is not a bitter and full of hatred family, this is not about an inheritance we were robbed from, it IS about an inheritance they robbed an innocent mentally handicapped brother of ours we fought for, because he was unable to fight for himself. 
This is more about who TheRealSherriMitchell truly is! 
Not that phony, hide behind the internet and paint myself an innocent victim in all of this, or the phony proclamations that I live this wonderful life with my 3 wonderful children and more importantly that great BBQ'n husband I adore, not that phony facade of a born again Christian she likes to portray herself to you all to be...no this ladies and gentlemen is:

The kids, the kids, the kids, it's NOW..."after the fact again"...all about my kids!  It is now after facing CC fraud, welfare fraud, elderly abuse that you now are concerned about YOUR kids!  Poor pitiful Chris.  It's all Sherri. 
Fact is it was both of you!  what a wonderful pair these two are eh? 
You getting the picture now as to who TheRealSherriMitchell is? 
What they do, how they scam, their patterns and obvious M.O.?
Two peas in a pod!  Like I said they deserve one another!

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Another doozy: She has been "instructed" <---she loves that word don't she?  Not to talk to The Executor of her grandmothers estate?  Why TRSM?  Because there were NO "INSTRUCTIONS" "hand written documents" you alleged you had in your possession. 
And readers again:  No one at ANY time has ever said one word to TRSM that she was going to be evicted, thrown out, forced out as she is so obsessed about using. 
Doozy #2.  The Executor told her she had no right to send The Executor a copy of TRSM's alleged documentation showing she had permission "instructions" to use our mothers credit card numbers. 
HUH?  Are you confused as I am?

Doozy #3: As if I went shopping or something. 
Well lets examine this a bit further.  She was trying to pay her utility bill at the store/Bargain Barn among others.  Paid her Ebay dues, a charge to http://www.stamps.com/ a huge order, her explanation?  I needed stamps to send out the items I was selling on ebay.  Those items ladies and gentlemen were:  Our mothers books,(hundreds!, some autographedcollectables), craft kits galore, bins and bins of yarn, my mother was an avid knitter, clothes, personal items, knick knacks, jewelery boxes, musical boxes, decorative plates with authenticity of the artist, sentimental items too many to list.  Our brothers books, VHS tapes, clothes, baseball card collection of over 40 years, a 49er towel purchased at the super bowl for him by her, sentimental items given to him by family members over the years etc...
She needed stamps to send off the boxes of illegally sold estate items to her purchasers.  And a few other attempted charges that luckily we were able to thwart off after being notified by the credit card companies.
 I give you TheRealSherriMitchell!

Lets continue shall we:  Deposit?  There were NO records showing a deposit of any kind.  She is diverting attention away from her crimes onto us for calling her out on her crimes.  With obvious lies...lol!  Your "instructions" to take every penny, every penny mind you that belong to the estate since everything you listed were estate items, and put that money into the Bargain Barn?  Then I ask you TRSM, where were the receipts showing those transfers of funds?  There were NONE! 

2:35 to mail the packages out then a big exhale...and well you know what that means...she is busted and don't want to face it!  Mean ole nasty Magoo *boo hoo*! 
She admits all this but for years wasn't she blaming the sole purpose of my blog about her on US her family?  It's just a family matter?  Bitter and spiteful over an inheritance? 
Who I ask is the one worried about an inheritance the most here?

2:56  And it's all because of you and the Executor, Aunt Stacey and Uncle Joe!  We twisted her arm, we forced her to steal those card numbers and charge those items and attempt to pay bills she was responsible for.  It was us demanding she use our mothers stolen bank account numbers and attempt to illegally wire herself money directly from our mothers bank accounts!  Damn us and the family members.  It's US who should be in jail!

What lawyer would NOT want their client to provide a copy of a document that would exonerate their client?  Another lie, carry on...

We are viewing it as a theft.  Well gee...shame on us...I apologize!  I forgot...you prefer to refer to your crimes as "mistakes"!  We should have just said, "oh this is all a mistake".  just another of Sherri's "MISTAKES".

Hehe...predictable...5:20 she need another diversion.  She is obviously stressed and out of lies to explain away her "mistakes" or rather face "The Truth".  So were back on the, you just want to kick me outta this house kick!  *yawn*

Blah, blah, blah, the WILL, why so much concern over a will?  Why would SHE be so interested in the will?  Nobody tried/tries to destroy you TRSM,  you do just fine without our help!
What we were attempting to do however was: PREVENT YOU from PLUNDERING more of the ESTATE in which you had already done!

7:20 more diversion: back on the, they wont let me talk to her kick.  *yawn* again.
Neighbors called, Sherri did not!

8:10 on the tape.  At the time I brought her home to my house:  She had fallen.  Her sister..."Tweety"...hey Tweets!  <---shout out!  :O)  Called me early one morning the month of Dec. 2005. 
Said she awoke and found Sharyn outside on the sidewalk.  I rushed down there, got her into the house and I said enough, with the agreement of Aunt Tweety.  We could tell her energy/muscle strength had deteriorated, as well as her mental capacity.  She later explained she wanted to go for a walk, breath of fresh air, it was in the middle of the night and no telling how long she had been laying there on the sidewalk  :O( 

Hospice was called and a bed and supplies delivered to my home later that day.  The previous 3 years I spent driving her to and from the hospital for weekly almost daily oncology visits, blood work, chemo, x-rays, and hyperbaric chamber treatments.  The wound where they removed the softball sized cysts from her ovaries had never healed due to her immune system damaged/weakened because of the medications she had been taking for years for a hyper tyroid issue.  They tried to close the wound/heal the wound using hyperbaric chamber treatments.  3 years prior to coming here, I never once administered any medication to her.  She took her own meds, as she was certainly capable to do so.
Those 3 years?  Where was TRSM?  Never mind I believe we established that.

9:00 into the tape the caller in an attempt to explain our mothers condition, her legs had swelled and infections were setting in, she could no longer support herself.  And what does Sherri do?  Where does her mind wander off to again?  Damn PAPERS being SIGNED!
But this is just a "family matter" folks, were all bitter and spiteful over a damn inheritance.  Seems the only one interested in an inheritance was Sherri!

All medications were logged by medication given, dosage, and what time.  *yawn*

Doozy # 4
10:00 on the tape.  TRSM has it tape recorded?  Why TRSM was that tape never produced?  We produced ours.  :O) 
Fact is...your just a pathetic liar. 
I think I will publish pictures from my mothers time here under our care.  Then the general public can see for themselves the care we provided while TRSM worried about some papers being signed.  My living room packed to the ceiling with furniture moved out to provide a room for my mother.  The couch re-arraigned so that she could sit between us while watching her favorite shows or DVD's.  The moments daily we wheeled her outside to experience the wind, smell the fresh air, feel the sunlight upon her face again. 
Where were you Sherri?  Having a grand ole time on your grandmothers DIME!

11:50 her explanation for getting outta dodge pronto with her grandmothers credit card numbers and bank account information.
Why he's a father of 3 TRSM.  The greatest hubby of all you like to say to your internet lady friends. 
I'm a father of 2 and even I knew how to treat a high fever. 
I didn't need to call the mother of the child who was approx. 1,000 miles away and demand she return immediately by train in the middle of the night to treat a high fever!
 And knowing YOU! 
Ole man Magoo here is far more inclined to believe his own theory and the rest of the families, you both concocted that B.S. story to get you out of there once you got what you came for in the 1st place which was her CC numbers and bank account information!

And had to wait on a time she could drive TRSM? 
She HAD no business driving at any time, medicated as she was.  YOU even refused to drive her to her hospital schedules the 4 days toy were here.  You called Sharleen, Mark's mother to do it. 
You didn't know the roads dear remember? 
Fact was I took her to one of them, remember when I drove up and you turned away?  Yea thats right, you turned away and why?  Because you know I KNOW YOU!

14:30  As if it was her place to e-mail anyone if they wanted anything!  She was a GUEST in the home, nothing more.  Stacey did reply back with a respectful letter, you couldn't produce that UGLY letter you alledge Stacey sent you BUT I CAN produce the EXACT letter/e-mail Stacey sent YOU!  No where in that e-mail was she threatening or mean. 
Fact again is:  Your a pathetic liar! 
This is all another diversion to change the subject from her obvious CRIME of stealing the CCs and Bank info trip to: Stacey sent me this nasty e-mail.  I can however publish numerous nasty and vile e-mails, check that I already have, where she was the one sending the mean and nasty e-mails.  Where are hers? 
Fact is she received an e-mail from the Executor informing her rather professionally I might add that she was NOT to sell anything from the estate.  I believe this would be a good place to publish this:

Uh oh another diversion coming on...well Memaw, (our mother), left the books here!  Remember those hundreds of books I told you about she had listed on Ebay BEFORE our mother had even passed?!  This is what she is referring to her and trying to dodge the obvious lie Stacey had sent her e-mails demanding she not touch anything and she did indeed want things. 

15:00 Fact is:  There were NO boxes.  No hand written whatever.  TRSM is a liar!
Finally the caller gets her to say, Thats right, thats right. 
Well this is right TRSM! 
Fact is NOTHING was yours, you had NO business whatsoever in using your LAWYER, yes later she retained a lawyer, and did everything in your power via him to PREVENT us access to our mothers home to retrieve WHAT WAS LEFT of our mother's and brother's personal items and belongings!  SOMETHING she "INSTRUCTED ME" , Mr. Magoo, to do! 
Ladies and gentlemen, faithful and new readers I give you...

Remember when I told you about her pattern?  Deny/Attack?Apologize.  This sequence alone is a clear example of her paternalistic behavior.  Deny any of this is her doing, attack Stacey now for demanding she not touch anything and when the caller calls her out she apologizes...hum?  She must have just made another "MISTAKE"!

17:40 she is on the "everything" in here is MINE kick!  Said all along while we tried to retrieve our mother's and brother's belongings that Sharyn gave it all to her.  She had documents stating our mother gave her everything down to the light bulbs in the lamps.  However again...in the courtroom when prompted by the judge to produce these alleged documents all the judge got was another, "Well some of that was verbal"!

 *yawn* The Bargain Barn again.  Here she is telling her side of the story but the truth is our mother showed up at "the callers" house and had to be consoled because YOU TRSM had thrown one of your classic hissy fits because she said no she didn't want to buy that store.  Well the truth comes out, the caller will fill you in.

20: 48 The family is not mad because of the Bargain Barn TRSM, the family is infuriated at your actions throughout this.  The family is fed up with you once again pulling a TheRealSherriMitchell on them as you have done your entire life! 
Your nothing but a leech, pathetic piece of trash, pathological liar, con, fraud and EMBARRASSMENT!

20:55  Paying of the bills, count how many times she *sighs* and *exhales*  :O)

24:00  Dumb ass Greg, her step-father who was nothing but more kind and generous than she ever deserved.  As for everyone else, I think her crimes against the family are well documented within these pages, however just for the sake of argument we throw all her past history away.  Her actions before, during and after our mothers death warrants her nothing but what she has gotten all along, estrangement and she has no one but to blame but herself!  She stole from every family member, even those she casually met passing through town on a trip to be returned to her mother because she had burnt her bridges with the families in California!  But now another diversion, lets all feel sorry for her and her life...HER LIFE...all self inflicted and earned by her own sticky hands!  This ladies and gentlemen is:

We gave her chances, we turned cheeks till we had no cheek left to turn.  She had chance after chance, opportunity after opportunity! 
Fact is: She will never change.

The rest is just more pathetic rambling lies  :O( 
The caller will show you the truth of what truly happened and TRSM will just *sigh* and *exhale* and lie and lie again.  Yes, TRSM, were all liars and your the ONLY one telling "The Truth". 

30:24 ON THE TAPE HER FINAL DOOZY!  The fact of the matter is:  The fact was you had no documents, you had nothing you proclaimed to have, the promissory note was legal and binding, there was no NOTE stating the promissory note was to be dissolved, and FINALLY the:
Pièce de résistance!

Well some of that was verbal!
I didn't have instructions to use a "certain" credit card Sharalyn?
You beginning to see TheRealSherriMitchell? 
You starting to see who is telling "The Truth" and who is nothing but a liar?

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Changing her tune, buying time to lawyer up, admitting mothers intent for the house, and throwing Chris under the bus...it's Chris's fault.  All this different tune is stemming from lil miss TRSM facing the fact of Credit Card fraud, (near the end, at 16:26, she admits she did so when she speaks about "the stamps" and the "3 that I did"), and an attempt to illegally access our mothers bank account with stolen information.  To wire herself money from our mothers account.  As well as illegally selling estate items on Ebay and Etsy. Weeks later she changed her tune, we allowed her to sell the store so they could afford to relocate and the minute they had the money in their pocket they retained a lawyer and the unnecessary ugliness ensued.  Other words Therealsherrimitchell came out! 

At 20:28 it's now Chris's fault again.  He did the Credit Card charges, he found our mothers Social Security numbers, how horrible he is, he's a liar.  Just tell ya what ya wanna hear..*giggle*=LIE, they both tell you what you wanna hear to avoid.."The Truth"!

And at 21: 38 here comes a doozy!  Remember how she fears for her and her children's life from ole man Magoo?  LOL! 
Here now she tells the caller, "if anything happens to me he did it, because I'll be going against what he wants as well. 
As well TRSM? 
Interesting use of words there. 
Please don't think your full of bull? 
You are entirely full of bull TRSM,
For lack of better words...she's full of shit!
13th of Feb...a little over a week after our mother passed.

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Credit cards she has? 
She is now going to attempt to tell us what is written on the alledged, make-believe hand written instructions/documents she claims she had, but never did.  Hehehe...she lied she had these papers, they never existed.  The ONLY thing she had was...our mothers card numbers which she copied down/STOLEN from her during a promised two week stay to help her during her battle with cancer.  BTW that "promised" STAY turned into approximately 4 days when TRSM used Chris to call the house and tell TRSM she needed to come home immediately, that one of the children had a fever.  :O( 

Here she is attempting to place blame on the executor of the estate.  It's The Executor's fault she is facing criminal charges for illegally using our mothers credit cards to pay bills TRSM is responsible for!  The Executor is behind all this. 

*Notice* in the beginning she clearly states: sticking to that ridiculous LIE that she has hand written "instructions"/permission to use our mothers cards. So in essence she is trying to blame all of us for holding her accountable for perpetrating a criminal act against her grandmother while her grandmother lay helpless, dying of cancer. 
This is TheRealSherriMitchell folks!

Had the credit card companies not called us, we would have found out that TRSM was using the stolen numbers much later and who knows how much further damage TRSM would have incurred?

Now its, "Oh".  Thats what she has to answer with when told the truth?  And further she goes on, "I guess I'll have to deal with that when it comes through I guess" 
TheRealSherriMitchell at her finest. 
No, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I apologize for what I've done.  Nope, just that she'll have to deal with that when it comes, and gee thanks family for hating me my entire life for no reason what so ever.  Yep it's her family who is to blame.
2:25, it's nobody's business? 
Nobody's business that the credit card companies are calling us inquiring about all these charges, her "Damn" lawyer, (WHO never existed btw), tells her not to supply The Executor of the estate a "copy" of these "alleged" hand written documents that TRSM claims gives her permission to use the cards. 
Please note again "There were no cards!"   She NEVER produced this "alleged" hand written document/instructions.  They never existed.  When prompted by the judge in the courtroom to produce them all TRSM had to say was,"That was verbal"! 

When I went in to use them I thought, "Well...shit!"  LOL!  <---sorry no this is not a laughing matter. 
(But wasn't that just funnier than all get out? "Well...shit"! LOL!)

The "STUPID BARGAIN BARN!"  Gee TRSM our mother has been allowing you to stay in her home rent free, while paying ALL the utilities, phone, internet, cable T.V....she shelled out approximately $10,602 to save your vehicles from repossession, shelled out $25,000 for a store you threw a hissy fit when she told you no and when she refused you demanded she leave immediately...HER OWN HOME! 
She payed the utilities, phone, internet and untold amount to stock the store and it's sole purpose was...according to you, a fresh start.  Something for you to work at, a legitimate business to provide financial stability and security for you and your children and now to you...The store is simply
"The Stupid Bargain Barn". 

Let's NOT forget Chris here.  At this same time our mother had pulled strings to secure Chris employment with the Deshutes County Park and Game as a ranger, less than a mile away, and what does Chris do?  On the day he's suppose to show up for work he's a "NO SHOW".  And for months you two LIED to her telling her Chris loves it.  How did she find out?  She informed you two she was returning to "HER HOME" to pick up some more clothes and such because she was going to have to stay here in California for treatment.  Then and ONLY then did you two HAVE to confess and "DISAPPOINT" her AGAIN!  Lets move on shall we? 

Well...what do we have here?  WE...the family...needs to relax. 
Here comes the diversion folks. 
Here come the vile claims of murder and the charges she is going to impose upon us. 
No lets not talk about my crimes anymore, lets talk about my vile and disgusting allegations we murdered our mother  :O( 
Yep folks she is the innocent one and we are the guilty evil ones. 
Phone calls?  I've told the truth in previous breakdowns.  Truth is: SHE AVOIDED CALLING, she had call waiting and would NOT answer her phone! 
We all know why now don't we?

5:25 in the tape.  Very telling here folks.  She says, "Leave me high and dry with nothing"! 
Isn't it her that is telling all of you this is JUST A FAMILY MATTER and were BITTER over an inheritance? 
Sounds more like to me it is the other way around does it not? 
Again:  All of Sharyn's descendants are self sufficient, own their own homes, bought and paid for through hard work and sacrifice. 
 Her entire life is based on what she has LEECHED off of others. 

5:50 to 6:00 in the tape...she had been calling incessantly daily our mothers lawyer fishing/demanding/making demands he provide HER with a copy of the will!  How many other of Sharyn's children and grandkids have?  ZERO.  Just TRSM!  WHY?  You now know why. 

LOL! Now ole Magoo is a drug addict...well if you wanna see the real me take a look  :O)


Feel free to search my photo albums, heck if your kind you can send me a nail so I can finish building my horse stable on my farm.  Hehehe  :O)

The 12 bottles of morphine?  And you took a picture? 
I challenge you again TRSM! 
You produce that photograph and I will shut down this blog forever!!

We cleaned out our mothers apartment, which btw TRSM, she paid for while paying for your rent and utilities as well, not one family member ever ran across 12 bottles of morphine.  In fact I'm sure my readers of TRSM, are intelligent enough to know no physician is going to ISSUE morphine much less 12 bottles of liquid morphine to be administered by the patient herself at home. 
The Truth? 
Sharyn never received any morphine until the final stages of her battle and they were administered by the hospice volunteers and family members who cared enough to be there for her, logged on the daily ledger by said administrator/nurse and family member.  She also had phenobarbital among other pain medications.  AND they were in tablet form thank you very much.  I take that back there was liquid morphine given daily in the final weeks of our mothers struggle because she simply could no longer swallow and tablets.  But go on, do tell, tell us some more of your lies.  Ugh...the rest is not worth my time, you listen and decide for yourselves. 
Well wait a minute...don't give her, don't give her, dont give her, she says? 
WHERE were you TRSM?  If you were SO concerned where were you?  Oh yea, holed up in her home on her dime and having a grand time shopping freely on the internet with her stolen credit cards AND selling her belongings on Ebay and Etsy.  Thats where you were!

At 8:08 again it's, "You people are doing to ME!" 
This AGAIN is TheRealSherriMitchell!

She sure is far more concerned in what the lawyer is doing than how her grandmother is doing isn't she?

9:20...this is a goodie.  When I gave her a bath everyday.  Truth: All 4 days TRSM.  All 4 days of a promised 2 to 3 week stay to come and help her in her most dire time of need.  After ALL she gave to you and all you could muster was: 4 lousy days and stealing of her credit card numbers and bank account info.  :O(

The rest is blah blah blah...more of her lies.  *yawn*  Now she's a HERO!  Nobody else will come and do what SHE herself pissed a hissy fit over TO DO.  No TRSM, no one else needed our mothers finacial support, or in such a predicament that they had to rely on Sharyn for ANYTHING in their lives. 
You weren't making any money at the Bargain Barn?  What were you doing with the money you were receiving for the hundreds of our mothers and our brothers items you were illegally selling on Ebay and Etsy?

12:40 on the tape comes yet another lie/excuse as to her illegally using our mothers credit card numbers.  A loan shark Sherri?  Really?  You expect us to believe that?! 
Can you NOW see TheRealSherriMitchell in all her true colors and form readers?

Remember when I told ya about reading poker players?  Listen *sighs* and *exhales* then here comes, "glad I got that damn letter"  :O)  She is nothing but a liar.  Plain and simple.
 And now she tried to pay it back.  There are no records anywhere money came in, only out to TRSM.
 The promissory note? 
Our mother kept records to the point you would say was obsessive.  They made 2 payments on the vehicles.  Records show they were a YEAR in arrears on payment of the note. 

14:40 again she is back on those papers ladies and gentlemen.  No concern for our mothers quality of life in her final days, only about whether some papers got signed.  And she could have taken better care of her than us murders.  *big exhale*=cant face the truth.
Finally the caller calls her out, get down there and see her but oh no...her excuse?  They wont let me in.  Did she ever ask? No!  Would I have allowed her in? 
I'm not so callous that I would have denied her access to her grandmother in her final days.  Ask any family members.  She says, "That was made clear to me".  She never asked, in fact family members asked her as evidence of this phone call your listening to now.  Nobody at any time told her or "made clear" to her she was not welcome to come say her goodbye's. 
Just more lie's and excuses to not come.  She didn't care! 
She was too consumed with her Ebay and Etsy stores, selling our mother's and brother's belongings, thats the only thing "made clear" here!
Joe<---Me  :O)  I not only "regrettably" I must admit give the phone to mother the few times TRSM called, but I dialed the phone for my mother when she could no longer do so without hitting the wrong keys  :O(

Barbara?  Let me explain Barbara.  Barbara was our mothers neighbor in La. Pine.  It was Barbara that WE had to call when TRSM would use call waiting to AVOID our mothers calls.  Barbara called several times to speak with and inquire about Sharyn's health.  Thank you Barbara!  Not once did Barbara call on behalf of TRSM.  Just another blatant lie.

The lawyer says this, the lawyer says that.  You see?  She is so worried about what's to become of HER!  Not one concern about her grandmother so...who is it that is TRULY concerned about an inheritance and who really is concerned about providing the best quality of care in the final days of her grandmother?
The rest pretty much speaks volumes. 
However at 21:37 here it comes. 
It's cutting into OUR inheritance.
So again, who was concerned about an inheritance?  Were just bitter right TRSM?
You used, abused and took advantage of her YOUR ENTIRE life and DID SO during and after her DEATH! 
That ladies and gentlemen is "THE UGLY TRUTH"!

Maybe I should post up the numerous e-mails over the years where in them she used the kids to manipulate our mother.  Had no food, no clothes, Chris was taking them away, Chris is leaving them homeless, the worst? IF YOU DON'T send me the money you will NEVER see your grandchildren again!

I think the rest you can see for yourself. 
If you've listened long enough I don't think you need me anymore to point out play by play her discrepancies, obvious lies, and contradictions.  The rest in fact is quite comical!  Hates the Executor, yea...she's fighting for the estate to keep you from plundering it further! 
The Executor manipulated her own mother-in-law into giving her power of attorney.
 Truth: The family was grateful for all The Executor had to endure especially and including TRSM's multitude of lies and deceit, obvious illegal plundering, and criminal actions against the estate and our mother and brother.
 Were the enemy and she is the saint! 
The family is to blame and she is the saint. 
Why would she not want to contact us? 
Hehehe...because we know TheRealSherriMitchell and NOW SADLY SO DO YOU!

>img src="http://media1.youshare.com/uploads/cuda12/2505a124e2e76ded.flv"> This file is hosted at YouShare.com - Click here to download

She owed 10,602 per promissory note.  Agreement was once they arrived in Oregon they were to put our mothers name as the lien holder on the titles of the vehicles.  TRSM now comes up with another lie to explain ownership of the cars. 
SHE was putting her payments of the vehicles per the agreement of the promissory note into the store my mother had bought and had them operating.
 Lie number #2 is a doozy, now she payed $14,000 of her own money into the Bargain Barn?  No records show any payment by them of ANY money much less $14,000.  If they had that kinda money why did my mother have to save those cars from repossession with the check for $10,603? 
Furthermore she said she gave that info to "her lawyer"...time passed and...
Lie # 3 showed "this lawyer" she refers to...never existed. 
Quite a different tune from "I just want to DO THE Right Thing for my Uncle Jim", I AM NOT, couldn't live with myself, what kinda human being would do such a thing, allow the family to move on and heal in hopes that "ONE DAY"...fact is,

2:20 not able to speak with her g-ma for a month. 
Fact #1. SHE avoided all calls from our mother the month prior.  WE had to have a neighbor go next door to insist she call or answer the phone. 
Fact #2 SHE knew that mother was getting worse and on the cusp of detaching herself from this world and could barely speak so time was of the essence.  She was NEVER denied phone access to her g-ma  :O(  

Mother had her will signed, too late unfortunately to have the "numerous" typo's and errors corrected, so much so and so many errors the lawyer who drew it up refused payment for services. 
During this period the family discovered the multitude of checks monthly sent to TRSM totaling over $100,000 over the previous 4 years.  The numerous e-mails of TRSM and her false excuses for why she needed the money, Chris leaving her and the kids, they had no food, couldn't pay elect, phone, internet, cable bill etc.. and the kids would be cold. they're hungry etc...same ole excuses/manipulations/lies she uses on you all! 
The Credit Card Fraud, Illegal attempt to wire money to themselves with stolen bank account numbers, illegally selling estate items, hundreds of items!  The promissory note where they made the 1st two payments and had not made another in over a year!  
She's not dumb enough? 
Why would you not want to produce evidence to the executor of the estate that would exonerate you? 
This tape is Classic TRSM! 
Now here we go...MURDER charges!  LOL! 
Lets change the subject TRSM so you don't have to attempt to create another excuse/lie as to why you wont provide proof to the executor your claims. 
Diversion from the truth and her guilt to now we murdered our mother.  Bullshit.

3: 45 - heavy exhale=LIE is forthcoming! 
Best part is:  He tells her she is!  Tells her flat out exactly what she is a manipulative little you know what, therealsherrimitchell!  Jordan and John keep an impeccable home.  While they occupied the house before they bought their own home less than a mile away so they could look after mom and Jim/be nearby, had made numerous upgrades and repairs to the home including remodeling the bathrooms, paint, landscaping.  AT NO cost to our mother. 
John and Jordan made the repairs out of their own pocket.
Of course TRSM was bad mouthing them and she is now lying having done so.  She is notorious for driving wedges between people, divide and conquer to manipulate her g-ma even more. 

5:10/videos.  Jordan and John had them neatly boxed in the closet.  Told TRSM where they were.  TRSM lies to mother she cant find them.  J&J drive over and locate them within 30 seconds.  Tried to drive the wedge using a simple box of videos saying J&J had stolen them.  Home sold, J&J remodel to sell? TRSM knew all of this!  Lying again go figure. 

6:15 the "TRUTH" to how they came to live n the home?  Their cars were being repossessed, several collection agencies were on their asses for non-payment of rents due on their past 3 residences in Texas and were under investigation by the Texas dpt. of services for fraud, falsifying documents to receive state assistance/funds. 

7:03, now here comes the "papers signed" by her grandmother lie.  Fact?  Never was any papers.  When pushed BY THE JUDGE in court she could NOT produce alleged papers, when the judge got fed up and demanded her to produce the documents, she didn't have them.  Truth is she was selling most everything on ebay.  :O( 
Classic Therealsherrimitchell. 

7:15 another lie: Nobody at ANY time told her or was telling her they had to leave. 

7:28  Chris is hurt?  LOL!  Why would she care?  Isn't Chris a liar, he chokes you, he threatens to take the kids?  Isn't it Chris who made all those charges.  We heard earlier your opinion of Chris TRSM and now you care whether he is hurt or not?  :O)

8:10:  And then comes her usual stand-by again, I have 3 kids!  Yes you do TRSM.  YOU HAD THEM not us!  They're YOUR responsibility, your responsible for placing their security and stability in jeopardy over and over again, not US!

8:35:  Until I have an eviction notice?  But you just said you had hand written instructions.  She now knows whats in the will.  Yes folks she was calling our mothers lawyer daily!  Fishing for a copy, fishing for information.  Typical TRSM. 

10:34:  didn't she say earlier in this tape she made payments to the store on the promissory note AND $14,000?  Now it's she worked at "HER grandmothers" store without salary...she later claimed her grandmother gifted her the store, she had documents to prove it, but when pushed by the judge in court to produce them she replies, "That was verbal".


They were living in our mothers home and suppose to be running the store, my mother had been paying the mortgage, taxes, utilities, phone, cable, internet.  At the store, paying taxes, utilities, phone and internet.  What a piece of work this gal is, no?  Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer...again she had no lawyer...she is lying!  How does she even know anything the lawyer told her?  Because she was calling him day and night desperate to find out information she was not privey to, not even us and filling him with his pathetic lies.  He got very frustrated with her but then who doesn't  :O(

14:00:  Now here comes the story of...everything in the house our mother gave to her...she has hand written proof, (remember she was selling everything in the house, BEFORE our mother had even passed and we were getting a cease and desist order to prevent even more illegal selling of estate items). 

15:20?  Chris made $65,000 a year?  Chris has not held a job in the past 4 years that we knew of.  Just another lie.  Previous job he held in Texas was a mobile home salesman, far as we knew we never heard of him making one sale.  More lies when faced with the truth on the e-mails begging  and pleading for money, Chris is leaving, threatening to take her kids, Chris wont work, were starving, the kids have no clothes for school...4 years of this crap.  The rest speaks for itself  :O( 

Now she's gonna blame everything on Chris again...lol!  <---sorry no this is no laughing matter. 

19:00 here we go with the lawyer she never had, fights gonna be on, blah, blah, blah! 

19:20 the executor says, "I will make you leave". Blatant lie, the executor told her no such thing.  Nobody told her to leave, she is simply paranoid to the max because she knows she is guilty of everything AND she owes on that note!

21:59:   She told me to sell everything she had to come up to Oregon.  Hehe!  Again, they had nothing.  They arrived with a few boxes of clothes, toys of the kids and their cars.  No furniture, no assets...nothing!  They came because they were fleeing, in short my mother rescued/harbored them.  :O(  Again.   I really don't need to explain anymore. 
Fact is: Therealsherrimitchell is a con, fraud, thief and a liar! 
 Thank you for your patience. 

from the city by the bay!

In closing I would to say that this will be my last post, (barring any rants and denials likely to follow), for awhile anyway. 
It has taken me 7 days or more, most late night's up till 3 a.m. to get this composed and to be honest it has taken it's toll on ole man Magoo. 
To have to sit and listen to this pig is nauseating.
A "HIATUS" is what I need...
Maybe I'll go to France, possibly Ireland? 

My time is better served on my son who is studying law enforcement, my daughter who is nearing the end of her senior year in H.S. and who just made the badminton team. 
And I have just started the boy's tennis team season. 
I am also looking forward to many evenings spent next to my lovely wife on the couch watching our favorite evening television shows  :O) 
So I sincerely thank you once again, I appreciate the time you take to come here and read through all of this.  And I wish you all prosperity, good health, surrounded by those you love and much happiness.  :O)

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

"Now your bitter hands cradle broken glass"