What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Put a fork in her...

Howdy do ole man Magoo here bringing a wee lil tidbit of happenings subliminal style.

TRSM is prone to use her blog to direct messages out and is at it once again.


Got a few of my own "toots".



A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
Titus Livius

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest.
Benjamin Franklin

Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.
Mary Kay Ash

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson

“The words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood, but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them. [Proverbs 12:6]“

and my favorite...

“Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.”
The Bible.


Just a bed of roses said...

revenge and Karma...hmmmm, don't think that fits what was going on here.

Kathleen said...

Meaningless quotes....they don't mean anything to her. It is all mamipulation. And note that, "the camera is broken", "am waiting on an order of glitter, ribbon", whatever. Delays, lies, second best merchandise, not what you ordered, blah, blah, blah. How skillfully she sets her blog up so no comments can be listed. My question continues to be, How did she wiggle her way into Make mine Pink?????????????
I am with you

Just a bed of roses said...

Gee, I broke my new camera this year, didnt blog about it once...still my business continued respectfully. didnt even blame someone else for it, I dropped it.

It's always "the kids" did it.
Wonder what THEY would think if they knew they too were being used for her "cant deliver products and ploy for sympathy."

As long as the owners of these companies fall prey to her stories then she will always have her fix of fake flatteries and lies and get away with it.

Its the people who are not coming forward that need to. We are not alone in this fraud. Until this happens she will continue and shop owners will let her. Why does all the shop owners of these groups have to live up to certain standards and sherri doesnt?
Is it because she has better stories to tell them?

Kathleen said...

Have you read today's blog entry? All about I will ignore what people say, I will rise above it...blah,blah,blah. She treats you like a friend, tells you her sob story, and most believe her. Whether you think she is your friend or not, if you do business with her, she will cheat you, steal from you, lie to you, and manipultate you. BELIEVE THIS. Do NOT think you are special, even if she tells you...you will be hurt, frustrated and angry. Kathleen

Just a bed of roses said...

Of course she will ignore it, that's the only way her mind works, that way she can keep on doin' what she does best.
I'll go read it now.
Wonder if she is talking about this blog or how many people are on her lies and fake flattery.

Just a bed of roses said...

Again...as I read it, its all about her thinking she is a victim. Not about the victims of her fraud.
Narcisstic behavior.
and blah blah blah.
I don't think her real customers believe her to be honest.
They are thinking...just do my tags sherri, for hell sake use your old camera like we all do and get off the pity party.

Adeline Country Cottage said...


Today I was told about this blog and who it was about, I got chills all over....yes I'm a victim in Sherri's web that she weaves back on 13 Sep 2007 I placed a wholesale order with her of up $70 odd dollars with postage... and it never came, after many emails back and forward telling me she sent them and that maybe it got lost in the mail and not to mention she said she sent another lot well guess what, you guessed it that didn't come either, from there she blocked me from her website and blog, but does she think where that stupid!! we can go on other computers you know, as the ip address is different, so yes we can still view what she is up too, and let me just say she started coping my work, and thats where I noticed how she has changed her websites countless times and blogs too....My question to you is WHY with all this evidence you have how come you dont take it to the police......my guess then is...this blog perhaps is ran by Sherri herself and or you both are getting off on other peoples pain and suffering and loss of alot of money....

and her new site is:

FYI I still have all the paper work on it and emails...I had to get it out to see if it was the same person....NOT HAPPY!!!

Adeline Country Cottage said...

Sorry I forgot Sherri is AKA Madison Mitchell vintagepaperie@yahoo.com thats whats on my paper work....knock yourself out.

thnkng said...

Adeline Country Cottage this site is definitely not Sherri’s and she would like more then anything for it to disappear. Disappear like her many blogs, websites, shops, posts…

It’s important that it stay up as a warning that Sherri is not who she represents herself to be. Even though your encounter was nearly 3 years ago, others before and after have been subjected to the same scenario with Sherri.

Her family has reported her activities to the police on more then one occasion. Her actions against her Grandmother were deemed to be manipulative, but not criminal. Because Sherri never had a direct care responsibility for her Grandmother her threats and coercive behavior did not rise to the level of Elder Abuse. Her criminal use of her Grandmother’s credit cards and bank accounts were not pursued by the Police Department because we were able to stop the bank account transfer before it processed and were able to have the fraudulent credit card charges reversed. The Police deemed that since there was no actual monetary loss to Sherri’s Grandmother the criminal actions of Sherri would not be pursued. She was reported to the State of Oregon and was investigated for receiving benefits not due to her because of her misrepresentation of her “marriage” and household income. I believe she was forced by the State to make restitution, but do not know the details as the State representative was unable to release her determination on the case’s conclusion.

On many other occasions (as you may have found on this website) Sherri was not reported for her criminal behavior because of her promises to repay the victims &/or her swear to never do any such things again.

I’m sorry you were victimized by Sherri. I hope from this blog, seeing you are not alone will bring you some solace. Sherri has honed her craft of manipulation well. Many people have fallen victim to her exploits.

thnkng said...

Madison Mitchell is actually her daughter, who was about 8 in 2007...

hmmm, why was/is she using her daughter's name as her own...

Mr. Magoo said...

EXCELLENT comment thnkng!

I'm glad you stopped by, Adeline Country Cottage. Sorry you were a victim of Sherri. I wish there weren't any victims to Sherri's ways.

If you'd like to come forward with your experience, I'd be happy to talk to you. I'd love to hear from you. If there's anything I can help you with please don't hesitate to contact me.


Just a bed of roses said...

Sherri is unlike anyone that most of us encounter, talks one way/acts another.

I'm glad that there is this place that victims can come to.
I wish more would come forward...she KNOWS what she is doing. She KNOWS and plans it.
Have you noticed the same pattern of how she treats good customers.

As she was begging me here in public to forgive, she still wanted my business at the same time she was frauding other people. After 5 years...I said NO MORE...your tags are not worth it.

I had facts not exposed in public that she had not stopped as some victims chose to not go public.
There is SO MUCH MORE that this blog is not telling about her.
yes, it's a crime. Most people would be behind bars.

sorry about your experience adeleine cottage, but glad you came here to report it even though 3 years ago. I bet she is the only person that has ever done that to you.

Everything you find on this site is documented.
I was NOT able to tell of my experience on this blog without complete email documentation. I do appreciate that part, then viewers know that its not just a disgruntle, it is FACTS as they happened and words from the real sherri mitchell.
Sherri loves to make her look like the victim.
This blog wants her stopped.
We must quit enabling her.

Jamie said...

I agree Brenda! 100%!

Adeleine Cottage thank you so much for being brave and coming forward with your story. That you would even doubt this blog and think that it could be her is very telling of the distrust she infuses in her victims.

Her family is real and kind and brave. They have endured the ultimate betrayal and have suffered the most from her cold hearted behavior. They started this blog when they found out she was scamming others of their money and of their original designs.

They are performing a public service and because of this blog you now know you are not alone. You, sadly, are a member of a very large group of women in the USA and overseas who have had the unfortunate luck to have given their trust to Sherri. I am so very sorry it took three years to finally get the truth.
Love, Jamie

Kathleen said...

As some of you know, I too, was Sherri's victim. Took me awhile to realize what was going on....but this blog is THE TRUTH, and those of us who have been used by her, know it is. You have top wonder how many women have been victimized? We hear your pain Adeline Cottage, and we are happy you documented it here.

Kathleen said...

As some of you know, I too, was Sherri's victim. Took me awhile to realize what was going on....but this blog is THE TRUTH, and those of us who have been used by her, know it is. You have top wonder how many women have been victimized? We hear your pain Adeline Cottage, and we are happy you documented it here.

Roxie Morrow said...

I found this blog 2 days ago from a dear friend at Make Mine Pink. Someone I have been talking to about Sherri and her crazy "on again-off again" antics.

I've been a member of MMP for over 5 years and you better believe, I'll be in contact with the site owner real soon!

It has taken me 2 full days to read this entire blog, to include the audio tapes.

I finally, after about 3 years, deleted all of my correspondence with Sherri, wished I hadn't now.
She didn't steal from me, but here is my story:

I believe I met Sherri when she joined MMP (the first time around), back in '07. I loved the look of her site and placed an order right away. I received it promptly with many extras included. I was extremely happy with her customer service and her products.

She then ordered an Irish tag from me, let me know how much she loved it, and all was good.
I guess a good while later, she ordered an 18" altered art dress-form from me and was very happy with it. All was still good.

Shortly after purchasing the dressform from me, I ordered from her again. Here is where the "real" story begins.

I never received the tags. I emailed, she gave excuses...you know the rest. I think I finally got the tags a couple months later, I was not happy, but didn't ever let her know it.

It was then that she noticed on my blog, I had added a couple ladies links added to my blogroll. (Angie's and Jen's, I now know it was these two that triggered the crazy, thanks to this blog).

Sherri emailed me out of the blue and told me we could no longer be friends and she never wanted to hear from me again.
I was sooooooo confused. I simply asked her "why", "what did I do", "what happened". She said that I was associated with a couple of ladies that she wanted nothing to do with, so therefore she was breaking all contact with me. I left it at that and never contacted her again.

She recently joined MMP "AGAIN" and I could not believe my eyes. After the years of watching her blogs and website change daily, I KNEW she was "just not right".

I'm here in agree-ance, Sherri must be stopped!! I promise I'll contact the owner of MMP to make sure she is dropped from the site for good.

Thanks for this blog and thank you for listening.

Roxie Morrow

Just a bed of roses said...

wow Roxie, I had no idea that you too had a bad experience with Sherri.
It's really disturbing to read all this about someone we tried to love,support and give a million chances to change her ways.
Thanks so much for sharing outloud.
What I don't understand and what probably needs an explanation is as to WHY AND HOW she became a member of MMP AGAIN. I swear the owner had discussed with me and another member that she was bad news. We had told her of the wrong doings to us. This was before THIS site was known about.
I also am very aware that the FRENCH CUPBOARD owner is very aware of all of this and continues to support her business.

Is it right to give a recovering alcoholic a drink thinking they can handle it...think this is the same thing.
Sherri simply does not have the ability to do right. It may well be a psychological disorder AND a motivation which we may disclose later. Probably sooner than later.
Been to taco bell lately?

Mr. Magoo said...



Is now blank. (Once again)


Doesn't she know www stands for world wide web? The same internet she's been using in Oregon should work just fine for her in Texas.

According to her Facebook and Twitter she is already a citizen of Canton, Texas.

BTW did any of you ladies receive a change of address notification from TRSM?

Wonder why she is leaving Oregon AND her dear grandmothers house that she fought so hard to get?

I know why...


P.S. BTW, I want to thank all those who have come forward to discuss thier experiences here lately. There is strength in numbers. The more who speak out, lends support to the others Sherri has victimized.

I welcome Roxie, Kirstie and any others, please dont hesistate to contact me directly if I can help you in anyway. Wanna tell your story, my blog is here to give you a voice. Thanks again.


Roxie Morrow said...

Brenda, I just talked to Joyce, Sherri is no longer a member of MMP.

I'm glad I was not a store that bought from her wholesale, I was just a regular customer who purchased less than $10 from her. Guess I was not worth her time. I thank my lucky stars!

LOL Brenda, no Taco Bell in awhile.

Joe, you can take Make Mine Pink off the list of Sellers and Supporters, she is no longer with MMP. :)

Mr. Magoo said...


aye aye kiddo!


xx said...

Thank you Roxie! Many people know of Sherri's doings and choose to look the other way. I know many of them feel they will be no better than Sherri if they speak poorly of her openly, but remaining silent allows her to victimize more people...good, honest people who have caring hearts. Really sad to think a community of wonderful artists and sellers are made to suffer because a select few continue to support Sherri...hope those few extra bucks they make help them sleep at night... Jen

xx said...

just some food for thought...

just because you don't buy from SM doesn't make you "safe"

design a web site for SM and eventually she will remove your credits and claim the design/work as her own...why not? she's done it before

host a web site for SM and she will cry a sob story about you losing all of her store content such that she must start from scratch {even though your company has NEVER lost any store's data}...why not? she's done it before

sell your digital designs to SM and she will sell your printed images, unaltered in direct violation of your TOU {or try to pass the work off as her own} ... why not? she's done it before

and the real kicker? while she is doing all that behind your back, she's telling you what a wonderful person you are and how glad she is to have met you...

xx said...

just some food for thought...

just because you don't buy from SM doesn't make you "safe"

design a web site for SM and eventually she will remove your credits and claim the design/work as her own...why not? she's done it before

host a web site for SM and she will cry a sob story about you losing all of her store content such that she must start from scratch {even though your company has NEVER lost any store's data}...why not? she's done it before

sell your digital designs to SM and she will sell your printed images, unaltered in direct violation of your TOU {or try to pass the work off as her own} ... why not? she's done it before

and the real kicker? while she is doing all that behind your back, she's telling you what a wonderful person you are and how glad she is to have met you...

Mr. Magoo said...

So true!

Great Post Jen!

And "spot on!"