What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back to Wordpress...


Howdy-do old man Magoo here taking a break from his break, (teeheehee), to bring you some news about our featured con. 

Like some psychotic hypnotic episode out of the twighlight zone she is off and running again.  Wonder just who it is she is running from this time?  Just who did she steal from "this time" and wants to hide so as to avoid having to refund funds she has taken yet not delivered the product ordered?
(Hehe...I already know, a lil CHICKEN/victim came home to roost).

Yep she has moved on to Wordpress..."again"! LOL!

Just wanted to let you all know and now I leave you as I go watch the NHL playoffs :O)

P.S. I'll be back REAL SOON...I have some unfinished business with some cats/liars over at RML,
(hey Kathleen), 


and KRC, (*waves* @ Lori).

I have lots of evidence to their true character along with e-mails to share. Stay tuned it's going to be interesting to say the least. 
(It sure is handy to have the technology to record your entire phone calls, eh Lori?).

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth is there is thickness among these thieves"

"Now your bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything"


Kathleen said...

I have not purchased any products from Sherri. There have been no purchases, and no money has been exchanged. Please get your facts straight. Thank you, Kathleen

Mr. Magoo said...

LOL! No one said ya did silly...

Dont worry I'll get back to you later showing you what I mean.


*tick* *tock*

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

There are times in our lives that we may say things that we would love to take back or maybe spouted off in a time of frustration ~ I am only a person trying to be the person that the Lord would want me to be ~ I will always live my life forgiving because there is no way that I want to live my life negatively and harbor feelings of hate or anger ~ it is just a way that I choose to not live ~

I am no longer a wholesale customer of Sherri's ~ I do have a large inventory which I am selling ~ I do think she is wonderful at what she does and no matter what I will tell her so ~

Mr. Magoo said...

If that makes you feel better...

There ya go :O)

thnkng said...

Her movements/activities certainly are as dizzying as that image!

Now the Wordpress blog shows:

"This blog is protected; to view it, you must log in."

And the Blogspot blog is up (linked from her website) with a post yesterday, but no comments.

Surprisingly she hasn't wiped all traces of her prior postings this time... She's got nearly 6 weeks of blog history showing...

Tweety said...

Tweets just flew in from gay Paree; glad to see you are back tracking down TRSM's latest caper, Magoo. Keep up the good work.
Tweets over and out!

Just a bed of roses said...

I haven't been over to see whats going on with the realsherri in sometime...my days with her are certainly and happily over.

That kind of stress I do not need nor want.

I choose not to do business with an out right admitted theif to me.
And I also know that she has stolen from many others who have not come forth here.

I was just looking at our news station and it said a lady was stealing from people on etsy and she got handcuffed/jail!

Why have we not gone to the authorities with Sherri, it is outright admitted theft.
Yes we praise her work, and continue to give her business so that she can have the great opportunity to decide whether or not she is going to give you the goods or out right steal from you. You hold your breath with each order and wonder if your really going to get it this time.

I ask...is that little piece of art paper even worth it that your receiving? Her blogs, can you even believe if the words are true?

I don't think we need to keep supporting a known thief by kind words, business dealings etc. The ones supporting her KNOW HOW BAD HER SICKNESS IS and continue to support her bad behavior.

I believe Sherri has no concience. Yes, there are people like that, unfortunatly she is one.

She puts her bad reputation onto a good persons well respected business. Is this what they work so hard for?
Here Sherri...I am just going to keep turning the other cheek. And you know what...the cheek just keeps getting turned back and forth, back and forth, because that is how she works.

You can still love someone even though they have wronged you. I did for 5 years. Then said enough. You are not going to mistreat me anymore Sherri M. I PERSONALLY DO NOT HATE Sherri, I just don't believe in supporting her criminal business. I feel sorry that she has to keep living her life as a big fake lie. How sad and pitiful.

Supporter of Sherri are nice people and have nice business' and I don't know why they want to even be associated with this scandal.

Just sayin'

Like I say, why is this Utah girl in jail when I bet Sherri has frauded way more people than her?

Just a bed of roses said...

I haven't been over to see whats going on with the realsherri in sometime...my days with her are certainly and happily over.

That kind of stress I do not need nor want.

I choose not to do business with an out right admitted theif to me.
And I also know that she has stolen from many others who have not come forth here.

I was just looking at our news station and it said a lady was stealing from people on etsy and she got handcuffed/jail!

Why have we not gone to the authorities with Sherri, it is outright admitted theft.
Yes we praise her work, and continue to give her business so that she can have the great opportunity to decide whether or not she is going to give you the goods or out right steal from you. You hold your breath with each order and wonder if your really going to get it this time.

I ask...is that little piece of art paper even worth it that your receiving? Her blogs, can you even believe if the words are true?

I don't think we need to keep supporting a known thief by kind words, business dealings etc. The ones supporting her KNOW HOW BAD HER SICKNESS IS and continue to support her bad behavior.

I believe Sherri has no concience. Yes, there are people like that, unfortunatly she is one.

She puts her bad reputation onto a good persons well respected business. Is this what they work so hard for?
Here Sherri...I am just going to keep turning the other cheek. And you know what...the cheek just keeps getting turned back and forth, back and forth, because that is how she works.

You can still love someone even though they have wronged you. I did for 5 years. Then said enough. You are not going to mistreat me anymore Sherri M. I PERSONALLY DO NOT HATE Sherri, I just don't believe in supporting her criminal business. I feel sorry that she has to keep living her life as a big fake lie. How sad and pitiful.

Supporter of Sherri are nice people and have nice business' and I don't know why they want to even be associated with this scandal.

Just sayin'

Like I say, why is this Utah girl in jail when I bet Sherri has frauded way more people than her?

Just a bed of roses said...

Not sure how this posted two times.

I just read some of these comments and it sickened me inside, I remember the days of all the phoney stuff.
You ladies can't tell me that you feel good about this can you when you know what you know?
Sherri is a MASTER at manipulation dear friends. I love each of you but please do not be a contributor to her illness. She is psychologically ill.
Sherri needs money desperatly I believe. Like you and I, do we go to the internet and thief our friends or do we GET A JOB, work for our debts. We don't just lie lie and lie.
I feel bad the French cupboard has associated her with them. It caused me to lose alot of respect for their internet business. She will screw them, and to be honest she probably all ready has, it never takes her long because she is so desperate.
Lets quit supporting internet criminals no matter how nice their work is...it's still wrong.

Kathleen said...

Sherri lured me back with a "free gift" and almost snagged me. But, I agree with all that Brenda has said, and I have broken off all contact. ALL CONTACT. NONE, NIL, NADA. I cannot believe the French Cupboard, and now, Make Mine Pink have her in their business group.

Just a bed of roses said...

did I just see this right Kathleen?
Make mine pink has Sherri in their group?
If the owner of mmpink HAD ANY IDEA OF THE CON ARTIST that sherri is she would get rid of her immediatly.
This is BEYOND shocking to me to hear this.
The first clue is that sherri has to hide out from everything she is putting herself on to do her business SHE IS PRIVATE FOR THE REASON ON CONNING PEOPLE she is not stable one day in her business...WHO DOES THIS that any of us know of? I for one have never had to do business with anyone who is this evasive.

I have recently had an employee who came in for three months hoping to take over or do a partnership and took all my shop information...a supposidly friend of 3 1/2 years. I had this gut feeling something was terribly wrong. It was. Where is integrity and honesty anymore?

I STILL have a former employee with a majoy "spending illness" who continues to write out bad checks and then has a story as to why has to wait longer for me to cash them. You should hear her words of flattery and lies.
so what is wrong with me for still letting her come in and take merchandise? she does always pay...just on her terms.

so...I AGREE when Magoo says there are some of us who are easily preyed upon, our personalities are easy, loving, forgiving and many times too lenient. We get taken advantage of IF we are not careful.
This make mine pink thing really takes the cake...I am speechless over it. How could this happen?
Joyce has a business that she tries to maintain high standards and integrity. Has no one told her?
This is not good for her reputation at all.
You just dropped the bomb Kathleen.

Just a bed of roses said...

With Sherri giving her business and words of praise is like giving a recovering alcoholic a drink...no difference.

Why is she not on the French
Cupboard list of vendors anymore?

Mr. Magoo said...

so...I AGREE when Magoo says there are some of us who are easily preyed upon, our personalities are easy, loving, forgiving and many times too lenient. We get taken advantage of IF we are not careful.

Sad aint it Brenda? I mean whats wrong with being good, honest, trusting, a person of high integrity who cares genuinely for thier fellow man/woman?

These are all admirable traits. Qualities we all hope to achieve in ourselves and our friends/associates. Hope for our children and those they select to surround themselves with.

My point?

THIS is not our fault.
TRSM is not OUR fault.
This is HER!
There is NOTHING wrong with you, your associates, us.

It's all her.

You can hold your heads up, you can sleep with a clear conscience, you can enjoy your lives.

She has to hide in shame, lose sleep and stress worrying. I bet she jumps everytime she hears a knock at the door or sound outside wondering if its the cops or one of many bill collectors.

She lives a life where she HAS to always look over her shoulder.

She has to create a fake persona and play it out.

What kind of life is that?

It is the Sherri's of the world we unfortunately have to protect not only ourselves but our friends and children as well from!

It is the Sherri's of the world who stain this great group we call the human race.