What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Not one but many make a difference, make a change...

Not one Angel but two, oops three, whats this a fourth?  They just keep coming, Angel Warriors and Guardian Angels.

(Image courtesy of MattStoneblogs.com)

(Image coutesy of http://sisterallie.blogspot.com/ )
Visit Sister Allie...
Great site, great work...she makes a difference, she makes a change.
Thank you Sister!

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here.  Just a brief message here today.  I recieved an e-mail from a freind who wished to remain anonymous so they sent thier message directly to me.  Asking me if I would post it for them and I gladly did, (see coments section: From an Angel of Truth...).  To further add credibility to the "Truth" of her words I prefer to bring you the source for your own eyes. 

(Ole Mickey, aint he cute?)

More of the same e-mails to come.

And here comes one now:  This just in!

(Names and personal info removed by Magoo)

Ladies and Gentlemen of this community of art I ask of you, I challenge you, I encourage you to search within. You no longer have to remain silent. You no longer have to feel threatened, you are no longer alone. I welcome any and all who have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with our Jeckyl and Hyde to join us, contact me with your story, liberate yourself. I emplore all businessmen and women of this art world to join us.  Refuse to support her in her illegal activities, quit rewarding her bad behavior...MAKE A CHANGE...the time is now. Help build up a community of art filled with quality people of honor and integrity, respected by its patrons, thats where I want to shop. Wouldn't you?

Were making a change for the better in the online art community.
Wont you join us?
Come earn your wings?

We pray that you will choose to "Do The Right Thing".

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"


huckster said...

You are ALL angels:o)

God Bless You!

Tweety said...

Tweety Bird flying in to applaud the ladies who have come forward to share their distressful dealings with TRSM. You have truly earned your wings!
Tweets over and out!