What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jen's story part 3---> Authenticity...

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here bringing you the 3rd installment of:

Fan Appreciation Day!

We'll keep this one short and sweet. 

We present you photographic evidence of therealsherrimitchell's unethical business practices.
 In other words her Unautheticity, her copycat practices. 
(Oh there are more, a LOT more but Magoo thinks he will save those for a later date).

Jen's original graphic.

Therealsherrimitchell's "original" graphic a few days later.

Interesting coincidence?

Thank you Jen! 
Thanks again for having the courage to speak up, to be a voice for all those who have suffered from TRSM's behaviors and practices, who were made to believe they were the guilty ones and TRSM is the victim.

A friend of mine sent me a copy of this.  I thought it appropriate to include it here: 

Advocate Good Business Ethics

04/ 20/ 2005

by Tamara E. Holmes

As a small-business owner, you will run into companies whose practices you respect and those companies whose practices you do not. But do their practices affect your company? If those practices are unethical, the answer may be yes.

Ethics refers to a system of principles that govern right or moral behavior. Since one's values determine what one considers to be right or moral behavior, you, as a business owner, have the responsibility of coming up with a code of ethics that reflects the values of your company.

So what happens when a company wants to do business with you and they don't have the same ethical standards? Unfortunately, if your company does engage in business practices with them and they are unethical, the public might perceive your company to be guilty by association.

For example, if a company has a reputation for treating customers unfairly and your company takes part in a campaign with them, you may be subject to their image. The public might assume that your company will treat customers unfairly too, whether that is an accurate perception or not.

Another thing you should consider is whether you might one day be on the receiving end of unethical treatment. Say you discover that a company you have a partnership with reneged on a commitment or contract with another small business. Upon first glance, you might think that this has nothing to do with you. However, if a business doesn't honor its word with one colleague, why would you believe that it wouldn't turn around and do that to you at a later time?

A small business' ethics reflect the character of the owner. By witnessing a breach in ethics, even if it does not directly involve you, you're getting a glimpse into that owner's character, which should influence whether you want to do business with that person in the first place.

Unethical businesses in your profession – even if they are competitors – may pose a threat to your industry as a whole.

If your field of business has a trade association, you might want to bring up ethics and suggest that the industry come up with a code of ethics since your individual business could suffer if your potential clients and customers view your industry unfavorably. By placing an emphasis on ethics with your peers and coming up with industry-wide standards, you also might discourage other business owners from engaging in unethical practices.

While it's never easy to deal with matters of ethics, it's probably most difficult to confront this issue when your business is the one that has been violated.

Clearly, you won't want to do business with that company again, but there may be more that you can do. Check with any trade associations for that industry to see if perhaps the company violated an industry code of ethics. If so, report the company to its trade association, particularly if that industry's members are given professional licenses to perform their duties. Another thing you might do is report the business to the Better Business Bureau. The BBB is not only designed to protect consumers, but it works to protect the business community as well.

If you were on the receiving end of unethical behavior, don’t hesitate to report it. Even if you never receive a cent of financial remuneration for the breach, you might stop another business from falling prey to the same practice.

You just may stop TRSM from preying on you and yours!

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

P.S.  Magoo would like to take this time to sincerely thank Jen for all her help and for standing beside me united in our efforts to warn others.  Reaching deep into my "briefcase of truths" and my oh my what do I have here?  Why it's another victim coming forward to share her story/experience.  Stay tuned.  :O)


Lori said...
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huckster said...


Thank you for coming forward to tell your story and having the courage to do so. You are such an inspiration to many people and if you have made a difference in the life of just one person then you have done your job :o)

You my dear are a breath of fresh air and I personally thank you from the bottom of my heart


huckster said...


Yea, it's called her CUT & RUN game!! When the going gets tough.....well....YOU KNOW!!!

I am SAD and ANGRY after reading Jens story of how therealsherrimitchell CLEARLY stole her images and OTHERS


Now where's that gosh darn popcorn tweets???

Mr. Magoo said...

I agree Lori. It's hard to have to re-live TRSM's sadistic games. I so admire Jen for taking a stand. Good for her and much success for her beautiful future. Sis your right, very inspirational.

As for her closing? Maybe she's compiled enough evidence against me as she is so fond of telling her supporters. *tick* *tock*. I've been waiting, what? 2 years now...?

Tweety said...

My pantry is well supplied with popcorn, Huckster; surely you southern fauna have resources to get your paws on some; if not, you'll have to do with RC cola and moonpies, LOL.
This particular episode of Magoo's trail of truth as to TRSM's VERY suspect creative duplicition will surely enlightened others to think long and hard before sharing any of their designs with her.
Now, how many closed blog sites does this make for TRSM? Tweets has lost count!
Tweets over and out!

PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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xx said...

Let me just say for those reading this blog but still not believing what they read or still somehow believing that Sherri's family is the one at fault - I never did anything to Sherri. I accepted her as a friend as she presented herself and when I learned she was not at all who she portrayed herself as, I turned my back on her and walked away.

I didn't do anything to deserve what I have gone through because of Sherri. I am a good person, I try to help others whenever possible and I have worked very hard to develop my skills and grow as an artist. I have stood silent for 2 years as Sherri walked in & out of my life, taking whenever she wanted, playing her childish games and in the end Sherri turns everything around to place her as the victim in this ongoing drama.

Sherri will never change, so I am turning off the channel for good on this soap opera.

Thanks again Magoo - it has been a pleasure chatting with you and I wish you and your family the best! ~ Jen

PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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PunkRose {Sher} said...
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Mr. Magoo said...

Jen :O)

Thanks again for stopping by and sharing your unfortunate experience with our resident fraud. We have spoken back and forth for some time and all the while you made it clear that once done you were going to move on and rid yourself of this bad memory for good. A way to cleanse the aweful past and move forward with your life.

I say good for you! It's the "right thing to do" and we here wish you the absolute best, a prosperous future, and can't thank you enough for courage.

Mr. Magoo said...

Fan appreciation day 2 will be coming soon!

PunkRose {Sher} said...
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thnkng said...

Sherri, although your tirade (that covered more then 24 hours) seemed like one of your usual rants, then you posted at 11:53am PT:

Sherri @ PunkRose said...
I cut my wrist a little and stopped. I don't know how to do this. I can't muster up the right amount of courage to
do this for my family. I am worthless at that too. I immediately went and got a washrag to hold over the cut
because I am afraid to cut deep enough to hit the artery. I just want my pain to end. Joe are you there? Tell me
what to do, please, I am begging you.

Remember, just because you delete something doesn’t make it gone.

You posted you had made an attempt to cause self injury rather then one of your ramblings that you were going to end it all. Remember those where first you had to clean the house, get your orders out (thought you closed up shop???), whatever else…

As you claimed you had actual caused injury to yourself it seemed the prudent thing to do was to notify the authorities so they could check to make sure you were not a danger to yourself or others.

As the Sheriff discovered you hadn’t really cut your arm. One more WOW moment for TRSM.

At least we can take comfort in knowing when you yelled out with your claims of despair and threats of ending your life we did the right thing and tried to get you help by alerting your local authorities. What you do from there is your decision.

So are your posts today again threatening suicide just “a family matter” like you told the Sheriff or are these “real”?

PunkRose {Sher} said...
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thnkng said...

Sharalyn, if seeing your past deeds -- lets say "looking in the mirror" -- is so painfull you have options.

Quit looking or stop doing things you don't want to see reflected back.

The choice, as it has always been, is yours.

PunkRose {Sher} said...
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Mr. Magoo said...

You asked why I havn't posted Fan Appreciation Day 2? I didnt think it would be nessasary since, according to your ramblings, you weren't going to be with us... :O)

Smoke another cigarette, re-fill your cup of java and for Gods sake get off the PC and pay some attention to your kids. You know the ones you posted so much concern for? You said on November 13, 2009 11:45 AM:


Take your medication, pay attention to your children. Heaven knows you've neglected them the past 48 hours and now are going to waste another 24 spewing your nonsense.

PunkRose {Sher} said...
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Wile E. Cayote said...

Why leave a comment then delete! Please repost. I'm sure a lot of people already have a screenshot of it.

Nancy said...

Owner of this blog, you left a comment on my blog while I was away out of the country. I just came acrossed it. I apologize for not having another private way of contacting you, but your comment is not the type of material my blog is for. Thank~You for your understanding and have a nice week~end.
Fondly, Nancy

Mr. Magoo said...

Dear Nancy,

I hope you enjoyed your trip out of the country. As for contacting me privately, you can find my personal e-mail throughout this blog. As for the comment left on your blog, I'm afraid it wasn't me. I dont leave comments I prefer to e-mail the owner directly. :O) As for the comment left, and it not being from me, I cannot comment on it however I do know your association with TRSM, (one of those who look the other way?). Remember, Guilt by association. Your reputation could be harmed irreparably.

Thanks for stopping by :O)

huckster said...


Sounds like there are OTHERS out there who are determined to NO LONGER sit back and keep silent while TRSM continues to SCAM and CON the art comminity. I'm personally happy to know that OTHERS are "spreading the word"...it's just too bad that NANCY automatically assumed the COMMENT left on her blog was from YOU....the MORE who use their voice the LESS who are victimized by TRSM :o)

Tweety said...

Well, my, my, my; this is another fine mess you've gotten yourself into, TRSM! Now the question is, how are you going to lie/explain yourself out of this one?
Tweets over and out!