What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jen's story Part 2

Howdy do ole man Magoo here bringing you the 2nd installment of:
Fan Appreciation Day!

“Some people think that if they change the names of things, the things themselves will have changed, too”
David McKay.

This is Jen's story, sadly one of many who are stepping up to fight back once and for all.  Who are determined to rid this online artworld of the unethical pratices being perpetrated against the honest and innocent artists.  You see therealsherrimitchell is not the only player.  Those that align themselves with and or look the other way, those that do business with either knowingly or unknowingly play a part some way in the crime, the wrong. They carry the shame that goes right along with their participation.   

E-Mail #1
I had posted a photo of a tag gifted to me by a friend/fellow artist - someone who had been scammed, copied and harassed by Sherri. My post read I was thrilled to have an original tag.

Sherri is referring to a blog group that I am not even a part of but apparently she had been declined admittance into the group because of her sticky fingers and unethical practices. The group does not have the same name...the woman who started the group is a true Christian {in action & words}

Sherri has stated on more than one occasion that she is "the best" but of course on her blog she plays it very humble, telling visitors she isn't very good. Sherri claims people copy her, not the other way around. Yet time and again, Sherri's releases come days after another artist releases an item or changes their blog/store.

Sherri claims she did nothing but support and encourage me and say honest things to me. What about the people you told to stay away from my blog and not link to me Sherri? What about the people you told I had an ugly store and items? What about telling me you left Etsy Sherri? You mentioned the 600 sales you had in your 1st month of selling but you failed to mention being banned from Etsy. {And yes, we all know you got back on - got banned a 2nd time and have been creeping around on there on & off since} (You silly girl you Jen...:O) You failed to mention she has "others" selling her copycats for her in their etsy establishments/accounts).  

At any time you could have been honest with me Sherri, but not once did you speak the truth.

Of course, I have also gotten the "I'm sorry, I was misinformed" - "I am a Christian woman" e-mails but those e-mails mean absolutely nothing as Sherri continues as my shadow...a very unwanted, creepy, ominous shadow.

So, like pretty much everyone else burned by Sherri Mitchell I received the nasty, threatening e-mails followed by the I am a Christian woman and made a mistake or am asking for forgiveness e-mails. This seems to be her pattern. Sadly, the women I know who accepted her apology and gave forgiveness ended up burned by her again.


Thank you Jen...

Most people just are not "prepped" to deal with a sociopath.

They, the Sociopath  make THEIR lunacy seem normal, and imply OUR sanity is in question.
People close to them often capitulate to their demands...just to get away from them!

Boy these sure do represent what I've gotten and posted in the past two years dont they?
(There were more but we decided these particular ones will speak clearly).
Actually just as recently as last month with her disgusting lines about her own Autistic Uncle.
What I've been telling you and showing you is that she is the kind that while shaking your hand with a smile.
In the back of her mind she is viewing you as prey.

This Jeckyl and Hyde lives among you, soils the venue in which you reside, what are you going to do about it?

“Children are more influenced by sermons you act than by sermons you preach.”
David McKay

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

P.S. Part 3 coming to Magoo, err you,  real soon.



Tweety said...

Well, if this Jen/Magoo episode doesn't tell it like it truly is, Tweety is at a loss as to why not. Even though this happened 2 years ago, good God Gertie, how many others have been bamboozled since then and been too ashamed to send out a TRSM alert to their creative comrades so no one else is taken to the cleaners, so to speak. Come forward ladies and help put a stop to the only talent she possesses, that of craft con.
Tweety over and out!

xx said...

It is true that my worst dealings happened in 2007, but I am coming forward now because she simply doesn't stop. Two years later and she is still mimicing so much of me. It's enough to turn your stomach inside out especially when you speak from the heart and create from the soul. The real kicker is....many of her "wholesalers" know where much of her inspiration comes from but they simply don't care. Money talks in this business.

The way Sherri structures her blog and the items she offers...all inspired by others yet never credited by Sherri {unless she is working an angle with you and offering to "promote" you}. I'm tired of being part of Sherri's game. Enough is enough ~ Jen

Mr. Magoo said...

Hiya Tweety! Great post, thank you.

We applaud you! Thanks Jen for coming forward and speaking the truth about the unethical business practices being used by TRSM and CONDONED and SUPPORTED by unethical business owners who are aware of TRSM's copycats yet look the other way because TRSM undercuts the competition by a dollar. Imagine gambling the integrity, respectability and future of your business...JUST to save a buck...??? Speaks volumns to the character or lack thereof of the business owner. Choose wisely who you choose to purchase from. It will say a lot about you as a patron.

"If your not a part of the solution, then your part of the problem."

Jamie said...


Thank you so much for sharing the hurt and trouble Sherri Mitchell has caused you. I know it was scary putting it to paper and posting. I know this because I have sent my story also. You are not alone. I can only hope that others will speak out and help reveal the true Sherri.

Love, Jamie

Mr. Magoo said...

Thank you Jamie! I am currently compiling all the facts of your case/experience and will have your story up shortly.

Pass the word so that others come forward. Thanks again! Jen and Jamie.

xx said...

Thanks Jamie. I know it isn't easy for you to come forward either. It is a huge weight lifted and wonderful closure for me....hoping it brings the same to you! Jen