What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

From An Angel of Truth...

Howdy do ole man Magoo here bringing you one of my most serious
posts ever.  I truly hope you read and read well what is written over the next few days or so.  I'll be bringing it to you as a 3 part story.
1. The experience.
2. The proof behind the pudding.
 3. The true colors of therealsherrimichell her so called Christian persona, a relationship with God of convenience meaning she's religious as long as it benefits her or she can make a profit, an unfortunate experience that I'm sure mirrors MANY of therealsherrimitchells victims out there yet to be told. 

(BTW a few more have now stepped forward so stay tuned folks these birdies are ready to sing). 

Do you remember when therealsherrimitchell use to say how working late at night she would feel her grandmothers presence?  How her grandmother use to sit atop her shoulder late at night whispering, "I love you Sherri".  Guiding her to Delusions of Grandeur greatness?  Well ole man Magoo just happened to be working late at night and ladies and gentlemen I give you the voice, the voice of truth, the voice that came to me late one evening.  I like to think she sits atop my shoulder and speaks from experience.  She came to speak her mind.  Came to speak the truth.  Came with the courage to stand up, fight back and in so doing just may save "one of you" from falling victim to another one of therealsherrimitchell's scams. 

Like an Angel of truth!

Listen to her story. 
I applaud her, applaud her courage to speak the truth, applaud her courage to warn others.  Applaud her courage to risk, backlash,  and non-believers. 
Well I believe her because I know for certain its the truth. 
I ask you to join me in support of her.

I give you the first episode of:
Fan Appreciation Day!

I give you Jen's story.

Activism and Closure

My name is Jen and I wanted to share my experiences with Sherri Mitchell of LaPine, OR, currently selling under the name of Punk Rose Paper at the time of this posting.

Most of you will know me as Artful Dreamer as I have been selling my art under that name for approx. 5 years now. For those unfamiliar with my background, I am a non-practicing physician and published author lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to share my art with others. I sold on EBay for several years {with 100% + feedback} and have briefly sold on Etsy {also with 100% + feedback} during transition periods for my online store ArtfulDreamer.com

Although I have remained silent about my experiences with Sherri up to this point the time has come for my voice to be heard.

Sherri befriended me through Ebay, contacting me with compliments galore for my work. Although my inner voice immediately whispered to be careful, I accepted Sherri as being genuine and sincere in her words. I was at the point of wanting to leave EBay to open my own shop and after chatting with others including Sherri, I took the plunge and opened artfuldreamer.com. When I was ready to open for business, Sherri offered to promote some of my items on her store vintagepaperie.com I was grateful for such a generous offer and made 2 custom pieces just for Sherri, a coined expression and a dress form tag. Sherri posted the 2 items promoting them as mine for all of 24 hours before her store suddenly disappeared.

I attempted to contact Sherri to see if everything was okay but she seemed to have disappeared as well. As I sat scratching my head wondering what happened, a message from a new friend came with the warning – be careful with Sherri Mitchell, she is not all she seems. I spoke with my friend further and was shocked to learn that Sherri had been in trouble for scamming people out of their money and for copying other artists. I contacted someone my friend had said knew 1st hand what Sherri was all about and I was appalled to hear what had happened to her.

I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. I had been duped/conned/used and lead astray. I couldn’t believe that I had actually called Sherri a kindred spirit - I thought we both held the same values – I couldn’t have been more wrong!

A few days later Sherri contacted me with a vague story about family issues forcing her to close her store. I told her I was glad she was okay and I wished her the best with her store.

I never told Sherri what I had learned…I never asked Sherri to return the items I had made for her with the understanding they would be promoted…I never spoke with Sherri again until I was forced to {mentioned later in this post}…I walked away…she did not.

Once Sherri put the puzzle together as far as me knowing the truth about her, she turned her anger on me. She contacted other artists telling them that I was spreading lies about her and telling them to stay away from me. She called my store and products ugly. She claimed that I was stealing her designs. She told people that we were enemies. All along…I did nothing. I said nothing. Good-hearted people who knew me to be an honest and caring person, told me what she was saying – what she was doing. I explained that I barely knew the woman, told them what had happened and left it at that. During all this, Sherri is using my ideas and designs for inspiration. I see. Others see it and notify me. I remain silent. I do not contact Sherri. I do not start a slander campaign as she did. My hope – she will grow tired and move on. One month Sherri had >3,000 hits to my store in a 30 day period and twice she had products almost identical to mine. I blocked her from viewing my store. This enraged her and unfortunately many undeserving people felt the backlash. I removed the block, hoping that Sherri had gotten the message. She hadn’t.

During this time I came to know the true personality of Sherri Mitchell. She had a true Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde personality. One minute she is saying the most horrible things about you, the next she is begging you for forgiveness. She tells someone that my store is ugly and that I {and everyone else} am jealous of her because she is the only true talent among us, yet she then comes to me asking if she can buy some of my beautiful items. I must admit, that e-mail was worthy of a reply. My response to Sherri; No, you may not purchase my items.

When I took my break from art due to health issues, I felt so liberated. I didn’t care or worry about Sherri Mitchell. Not long after I returned to selling art, the name Sherri Mitchell began popping up again.

I barely knew her…..I avoided her and ignored her….I left selling my art for nearly 6 months…and yet she was there waiting for me on my return. What sort of person becomes so obsessed? What sort of person uses religion and sympathy to gain her lucrative relationships? What sort of person mimics another artist and then claims the work as her own? What sort of person lies and steals and then when caught lays the blame at the feet of her victims?

It seems rather obvious the type of person Sherri Mitchell is. She cares nothing about how she hurts and uses other people. She only cares for herself. She feels she has been dealt an unfair hand and everyone around her somehow owes her retribution for that. The fact that those of us burned have done nothing but open our hearts to her and remain silent because we aren’t vindictive women like Sherri counts for absolutely nothing. Why?

I’d love for just one of Sherri’s supporters to tell me why she has more worth than me. Why I am supposed to sit back and watch my hard work get cloned and bastardized by a woman who only knows how to copy what she sees?

Why am I a worthless person in your eyes? Is it really the money? Is it really that simple and ugly?

I’d sit here with bated breath, but really, the answer isn’t important. There is absolutely no justification for supporting Sherri Mitchell once you have heard story after story or have read this blog. Whatever flimsy reason you have concocted to make yourself feel better about what you are doing hopefully brings you peace on judgment day because I doubt it will gain you much else.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Jen {Artful Dreamer}

Absolutely brilliantly written and told Jen, thank you for sharing that.  I am truly sorry for your inconvience and suffering.  You are, sadly, one of many stories out there, and right here, in ole Magoo's briefcase of goodies...I can add to that but only a few things for I believe it truly speaks volumes and speaks for itself.
Some truths from ole Magoo to you all  :O)

I barely knew her…..I avoided her and ignored her….I left selling my art for nearly 6 months…and yet she was there waiting for me on my return.
What sort of person becomes so obsessed?
 What sort of person uses religion and sympathy to gain her lucrative relationships?
What sort of person mimics another artist and then claims the work as her own?
What sort of person lies and steals and then when caught lays the blame at the feet of her victims? therealsherrimitchell

 It seems rather obvious the type of person Sherri Mitchell is. She cares nothing about how she hurts and uses other people.

She takes delight in seeing other people suffer at her hand.  Sadistic in her games of manipulation. 
No truer words have been spoken.

She only cares for herself.

Most Sociopaths do.

She feels she has been dealt an unfair hand and everyone around her somehow owes her retribution for that.

Okay I'm gonna spend a lil time here because as a relative who knows her all to well and one who has had the unfortunate experience of dealing with her insanity for 35 plus years now I'm going to try to shed some light on this "unfair hand" crapola.  therealsherrimitchell was never poor, (as a child growing up). Therealsherrimitchell actually was rather SPOILED living in a million dollar reconditioned inside and out grand ole Victorian.  An x-mas tree in every room of the house.  Servant.  Had anything and everything a lil girl desires, too much so imo.  Unfair hand?  This is what she uses folks to paint one picture when its not entirely so and she uses it against you, plays on your sympathies, tugs at your heart...JUST LIKE she uses her own daughter in her games by creating a Paypal Account in her daughter Madison's name instead of using her own...what answer does she give you when your sending in your payments to a child?   No therealsherrimitchell didn't live a bad life, was never raped or abused as she is SO fond of using against you.  Wasn't hated and picked on by family members then and now.  Fact is she abused us all her life, emotionally, and financially resulting in her being removed from our lives.  Why?  Because we know, she will never change.  My point?  TRSM is a liar.  TRSM is a victim only to her greed and delusional mind. 

Hum? Looks at ----> TRSM
Moniker or Scarlet letter, you decide.

Her unfair hand? 
Of her own design, her own creation.  She lied her entire life, does to this day.  She stole her entire life, (from every family member who ever opened their doors to help her), does to this day.  She was a manipulator as an INFANT, is to this day.  She scams not only innocent people of your treasured circle ladies and gentlemen, she scams anyone and everyone.  She is ladies and gentlemen...evil. (IMO)

The fact that those of us burned have done nothing but open our hearts to her and remain silent because we aren’t vindictive women like Sherri counts for absolutely nothing. Why?

Your no different to her than the vast trail of victims left behind her.  You are to her Jen...prey.

I’d love for just one of Sherri’s supporters to tell me why she has more worth than me.

Me to Jen.  What line of crap does a lifetime con, liar and thief , (lets not forget copycat), use to keep you all believing her over obvious documented proof to the contrary?

Why I am supposed to sit back and watch my hard work get cloned and bastardized by a woman who only knows how to copy what she sees?

Seems to me Jen some 
  PEOPLE in this community should re-evaluate their relationships.  Step back and take a look at the bigger picture here.  Is a dollar saved worth everything and all the time spent building a reputation thats valued and admired?  You may save a dollar today but is the value of your reputation, the blood, sweat and tears of your work, the future of your dream worth it? 

That, people of this business/community, you will have to answer for yourselves.

The leader who exercises power with honor will work from the inside out, starting with himself.
Blaine Lee

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Sam Walton

Ladies and gentlemen you no longer have to stand passively by wishing her to just go away as she has done with her desperately needed hysterectomy.  She did wish that away now didn't she?  Cured cancer through antibiotics to.  She hasn't a pot to piss in, nor a leg to stand on and her threats are as empty as her soul.
You can however, businessmen and women stand united, make a statement, make a difference.
Make a change.

It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.
Tom Brokaw

When you lay down with pigs, all you get is dirty.
Mr. Magoo

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

"Not a damn thing she can do when its all true"

"Now her bitter hands cradle broken glass"

To be cont.


Lori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xx said...

Thanks for sharing my story Magoo and for your very kind words. The sad part is, I am one of the luckiest victims because I had 2 people there to pull me back before I allowed Sherri too deeply into my life. I will always, always, always cherish those 2 women {you know who you are!} for speaking up when they could have easily remained silent. It really does feel good to "set the record straight" 'cuz I know Sherri has painted a much different picture of what happened between her and I....so now everyone knows the truth. Question is - are they wise enough and strong enough to accept it as just that - the truth. ~ Jen

Mr. Magoo said...

Duly noted...Thank you for the advice Lori and I/we sincerely thank you for stopping by.

Mr. Magoo said...

Question is - are they wise enough and strong enough to accept it as just that - the truth. ~ Jen

I hope so Jen...No better time than now to Make A Change!

thnkng said...

Jen, thank you for sharing your story.

When no one says anything and just lets Sharalyn's nastiness slide it makes each person feel like they are alone.

Your story will surely bring forward others and will show clearly that Sharalyn's spots never change.

Her MO is to flatter, attach/accuse, beg for forgiveness... rinse & repeat!

Sharalyn is a friend to no one. She plays people to get whatever she can from them. She has created an imaginary life online --numerous actually, which is why she is always deleting/changing/renaming/moving/... around the www.

thnkng said...

oops -- that would be attack, not attach.

Tweety said...

Tweets chirping kudos for Jen who has courageously come forward to share her misfortunate dealings with TRSM. Hopefully, others in the creative field will see the light and turn TRSM off. And Thnkng, "attach" can be used in the case of TRSM; she does attach like a leech in order to suck others dry of their ideas and finances.
Tweets over and out!

thnkng said...

Hmmm, seems like maybe TRSM has taken some inspiration from Magoo’s posting…
Tonight she blogged “Just a thought for the evening” (and posted up another of her freebie bribes to illicit comments of greatness, no doubt -- but wait this blog doesn’t include a comment section… hmmm, wonder why???)

The post does say:

"The above quote by Oprah Winfrey is something I remind myself of when people can be hurtful ~ "Turn your Wounds into Wisdom" ~ Isn't that a beautiful thought?
Yes, people hurt us. They let us down. They don't change. But if I can turn my wounds into wisdom, then I've made it a little better ~ I've given myself something that no one else can give me."

Interjection by thnkng ~~ that would be: TRSM has hurt people. TRSM has let people down. TRSM doesn’t change. But she is still trying to reinvent herself hoping to turn the wounds she’s inflicted upon others into something so very special… At least she gave Oprah credit for the quote!

back to her post:

"I've been working on some things in between the glitter drying on my orders ~ I will show you this week ~ Some cutesy glass bottles and Christmas enclosure package tags! TOO CUTE!!"

Interjection by thnkng ~~ she’d like to “show” us, but she has changed her operation to being “We are a WHOLESALE Company Only ~ You must be on account with us to view product and place your orders.”

Seems very few will be able to see her newest items. I was going to say creations, but that seemed to stretch the minor adjustments she makes to other artists work and claims to have “created”.

So as I’ve asked before, who is she blogging for???

Mr. Magoo said...

Brilliant thnkng, thank you.
Good question as well...

I see she also left a quote:

I have memories - but only a fool stores his past in the future

(She didn’t leave credit and I highly doubt it came from her brain).

Well I have one to:

One cannot and must not try to erase the past, merely because it does not fit the present. - Golda Meir.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

“The greatest incitement to guilt is the hope of sinning with impunity” Marcus Tullius Cicero
my fav.

“ Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking.” Chinese proverb.

Oops sorry that was four.

xx said...

Thanks so much for the support! I finally realized that remaining silent gives Sherri more power. There is immense peace that comes with speaking about what happened to me. I always thought Sherri could hurt my business because she is very good at creating fiction, but I decided those who believe Sherri aren't people I want in my life, be it personal or professional. This isn't the easiest thing to do, but it is THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Jen

thnkng said...

Magoo - love your quotes. All 4 of them!

As for Sherri's, a quick Google search shows the quote, "I have memories - but only a fool stores his past in the future." attributed to David Gerrold.

Just in case anyone (including TRSM) might be wondering.

Mr. Magoo said...

Thank you thnkng. I found them quite appropriate. :O) I did google and found the author, I just didnt use it. Figured she was so fond of using it, she should do her own legwork.

Jen, you are correct on all levels. The more everyone remains silent the longer TRSM stays around to stain this community. The more opportunities she is afforded to continue her copycat ways and to intimidate the innocent leaving even a deeper trail of victims.

Getting it out, letting it go is a conscious victory, a win for the soul...liberating and empowering! You are honorable, respectable and a person of great integrity. These are the merchants I want to align with these are the quality of people I want to support with my patronage.

One of the very first posts ever on Magoo was titled.


One of the most powerful and one that represents the level of evil so well that TRSM embodies.

Ladies and Gentlemen of this community of art I ask of you, I challenge you, I encourage you to search within. You no longer have to remain silent. You know longer have to feel threatened, you are no longer alone. I welcome any and all who have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with our Jeckyl and Hyde to join us, contact me with your story, liberate yourself. I emplore all businessmen and women of this art world to join us, liberate yourselves and your conscious. Refuse to support her in her illegal activities, quit rewarding bad behavior...MAKE A CHANGE...the time is now. Help build up a community of art filled with quality people of honor and integrity, thats where I would want to shop. Wouldn't you?

Sincerely, Magoo

Mr. Magoo said...


This was interesting.

Found on Google... Popular links today on proxypit.com.
Link on page: "therealsherrimitchell"
Received 3.08% of todays clicks & the last visit was from Salem, Oregon.

Hiya *waves*


Mr. Magoo said...

This just in and I will be posting a screenshot of the original e-mail on the frontpage for futher proof of validity.

"I applaud Jen for having the courage to stand up and tell her story fairly.

Please note... nowhere in this rendition of events is she being ugly or petty. She is just stating the facts.

I have held this woman up as she faced the ugliness of this situation and it is unfair that her hard work is copied and when she dares to stand up for herself is attacked!

Jen is a true artist and deserves to have an arena to express her frustration.

The unfortunate circumstances are that there are people in the art community who enable Sherri (or whatever her true name is) to keep lying and deceiving innocent people because they continue to befriend her and feed her neediness with how pretty her stolen ideas are and how she should continue her work (even though her business practice is criminal!) <---Amen sister! :O)

Wake up you foolish Sherri supporters. She is poison and if you haven't distanced yourself, I stronly encourage you to consider it now." Angie in Texas

I applaud you Angie, great job!

A change is coming ladies. Choose wisely, choose...to Do The Right Thing!


Jackie N Gwen said...

Well,well,well, Magoo. So your many long nights exposing TRSM for what she truly is are finally bearing fruit. The truth shall indeed set these fine ladies free!!! We applaud their courage and send kudos to these fine ladies for throwing off the fear of retribution from the Evil One. She is all bark and no bite ladies. We of the Family are all to used to her ways since they never really change at all. Here's to you all and we hope you are feeling the unburdening this will bring upon you all. Have a good day and a better week. Jackie and Gwen

huckster said...

Drew and I would like to thank all of you ladies for having the strength and courage to come forward and expose Sharalyn Condrey — who is in fact therealsherrimitchell — for who and what she really is. It's good to see that magoo's blog is finally accomplishing its objective, to help warn and protect all the honest, creative people in the art community from any future encounters with therealsherrimitchell.

By the way, has anybody seen the doiies her supporters are complementing her about on therealsherrimitchell's web site? It makes me wonder whose original idea THAT was.

Again, THANK YOU ladies for believing in magoo and his fight...he is here for all of us :o)

We WELCOME more of you to come forward!

Deputy Dawg & Huckster

Mr. Magoo said...

I believe you meant Dollys sis... they sure do resemble to a Tee another artist out there who we know for a fact published them and then shortly after, well what do you know, TRSM has them now!

These bottles look awfully familiar and while I'm on it those decorated wooden blocks, another copycat item.

I am here for you. The time is now to make a change in this community. United we can make a difference.

huckster said...


either way...rest assured it's NOT an original by her!

xx said...

No one in the art community is saying Sherri can't make items that others sell. Lots of people create scrapbook pages. Lots of people create tags. And so on. What artists are speaking out against is the fact that Sherri spends hours searching and studying other artists, creates a cheap knock-off of their ideas and then when she sells the items she toots her horn about her "original" idea or threatens a lawsuit if anyone even thinks about copying her work.

A true artist is inspired by everything around them but they don't sit down to copy something else. The challenge and the talent is to create something uniquely yours. I may spend 3 days working out the scale of a piece or the materials to use to give it balance and the right look.

We all remember the kids in school who wanted to skate through...peeking at your paper to get the answers....joining a team where they know everyone else will carry them but they will share in the "glory". Some kids never grow up... Jen

thnkng said...

Jen, I agree. I don't deny her the right to create and sell her work. Emphasis on HER work.

What I would like people to see is that they need to be cautious in their dealings with her because she has proven time and time again to be adept at manipulating & coercing everyone she seems to come in contact with. She has left a long list of hurt people who are astonished by her actions and the callousness with which she can turn on you. Many of these people have just dropped Sharalyn rather then confront her. For some this may be the best approach, but as you have said Jen, telling your story has been a cathartic release that can actually give the victim back power and closure moving forward.
Since childhood Sharalyn has never taken responsibility for her actions. Everything is always the fault of someone else.

She tells multiple lies ~ often for no reason. She will throw out a lie, see it isn’t believed, throw out another lie, and repeat the process over and over. It seems to ultimately end with “he/she hates me!” Is this suppose to make her right? It seems to in her mind. This is not a new tactic. She has been doing this for decades.

I think this is why she has such a short blog history. She can’t keep track of what she has said so it is easier to just delete it and start again. She may think she is starting with a clean slate, but she has left too much of a dirty trail to erase. She has personally accused me of ruining her business because when we were in the process of closing her grandmother’s Estate I asked that she not sell the household items of her grandmother whose home she was living in not only rent free, but with her grandmother continuing to pay all the household expenses!

It’s frustrating to know TRSM and see her fraudulently present herself online in what seems to be an attempt to gain sympathy and attention. I feel she is so starved for attention that she needs the constant feedback that her blog provides her. When ever she says she is stopping or taking a break she is back quickly because she lives for the attention her online persona has attracted.