What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A lil birdie just told me...

Ladies and gentlemen we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you breaking news on the Twitter front!

Why in my daily detective travels I happened to click on TRSM's Twitter account and low and behold look what I was graced with...

"When you know better, just dont do as TRSM does"


huckster said...

Who's surprised to see this one???



My guess is when that borrowed air you breathe runs out

Lookin for that popcorn bowl!! TWEETS!!!!

Mr. Magoo said...

Suspended for strange activity.

??? Well she is strange. ???

Tweety said...

Well, let's face it folks, it's no surprise; after all, isn't this site #15 or is it #20 that she has backed away from for some STRANGE reason? Hey Huckster, I know where my popcorn bowl is at all times; finding yours is your problem; good luck,
Tweets over and out!

Unknown said...

I wanted to make note that I enjoy your music pop out player there...however Mr. Magoo..he who in the past did indeed help to influence and shape my love for the harder side of ROCK...so speaking of..I have a few tunes in mind that would be fantastic for your player! They are however a touch on the more METAL side of things.
A few suggestions...teehee..
WASP-You F*cking Suck!
Damageplan-F*ck You

I do understand that these may not be 100% appropriate for a public blog such as this...BUT...this is the playlist that appears in my head every time I visit!

Thank you Kindly! Muah!

Mr. Magoo said...

Thanks for the suggestions however were attempting to be a kindler more gentler...subtle blogsite. :O)
I like the selections I have now, they all speak a message that sadly she will never get. :O(

But thanks for stopping by *waves* and come back soon ya hear?

Therealj-me said...

I have a great song!! It is her theme song, I hear it in my head everytime she does something stupid or psychotic.
Crazy Bitch by buckcherry
perfect theme song forever!!