What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The day after:

Speaks for itself :O(

(I'll post the nasty, vile, foul mouthed e-mails she sent later).

"They" actually have the nerve to expect to recieve their payed for in advance packages? ...oh the "Drama"!

But she'll live.

So now ladies...now you know...all you have to do is:
1. Pay in advance.
2. Wait 4 months.
2b. E-mail weekly and receive your standard, Fed-Ex is coming Saturday.
3. Wait by mailbox until the pigeons nest on your head.
3b. Make more excuses to customers as to why the items you told them would arrive this week wont be arriving till next week. (Knowing full well/fearing they may not even arrive next week).
4. Get fed up.
5. Put pieces of puzzle together and come to the realization that Magoo posts "The Truth".
6. Justifiably go public with your claim.

Then and only then can TRSM be bothered to tend to your...
"Wheres my package" Drama.

When you know better...ahh you know the rest!


Just a bed of roses said...

Yes, the pigeons were kind of annoying.

Just a bed of roses said...

Nasty and vile...are you serious?

Mr. Magoo said...

Make a sailor blush, I kid you not.

You'll see :O) The whole world will...

thnkng said...

Sherri writes, “quite a lot of bad things you got goin' on over there”

You have done a lot of bad things, Sherri, and some of them are shown on this blog for anyone and everyone to see. It’s a mirror that I’m sure you don’t like to be confronted with.

Sherri writes, “been angry, mad, sad, guilty, I've cried, I've been humiliated, embarrassed, hurt”

Question is, are these reactions the result of you feeling remorse or regret for the wrongs you have done… Or are these responses the result of others - primarily the online community you have courted – seeing the truth of therealsherrimitchell…

More simply, Sherri, do you feel bad because of what you have done or because you have been caught and exposed?

Mr. Magoo said...

Well said thnkng, well said.

My bet is the latter.

PunkRose {Sher} said...

Cindy - you are the biggest "hippo"crite I've ever known. Brenda - go find something better to do with your life. Jen, Jamie and whoever the hell Lori is? Piss off. You all make me sick. Joe? You will get what you deserve. Maybe not right now, but you will. And I'll be over here in MY house laughing. What you forget to tell these ladies over here is the REAL story - the real Will and Testement of my Grandmother and the REAL story of what you have done. You are a child rapist, and a known drug dealer. You'll get what is coming to you. Don't forget to include What Jordan and J-HO called me when you post my potty mouth. Who cares if I cuss? GET something better to do with your time. xoxo Sher

Tweety said...

Could this be the con's swan song at last? Tweets thinks not! Just as in the military, when confronted, retreat, plot new maneuvers, reload ammunition and attack from another position (in TRSM's case, another blog). Just be aware, TRSM, the enemy is surrounding you from all sides; the enemies you made by your empty promises, fake flattery and enough lies to choke a horse.
Tweets over and out!

PunkRose {Sher} said...

Oh go to hell Pat. You fail to tell the "good" people over here the whole truth - the whole story. Are people who read this BS blog as easy to fall into your trap of "We hate Sherri, so therefore we will do whatever it takes - including LIES and hiding what really happened" - they are easy prey over here. You tell what you want people to BELIEVE about me - you don't tell the truth. You are all FULL OF BITTERNESS and HATRED for something that does not exist. You make up the funniest crap! And SOME of the ladies believe it. My grandmother was on her deathbed in California and I was refused visits with her - EVEN phone calls. How many phone calls did I make? Joe, did I not, after the 2 dozen phone calls I made, BEG YOU to hold the phone to her ear so I could AT LEAST tell her I loved her? BUT NO! You said I was NOT WELCOME in your house, when you took my grandmother into your house simply because you wanted to make sure she was doped up enough on Morphine to get her to change her Will. Didn't happen, she left ME the house and everything in it - A Piano you REFUSED to give me and a RING you REFUSED to give me because you were "pissed off" - Another Cynthia, correct? I am another Cynthia - because just like your Father {my grandfather} left everything to his NEW WIFE Cynthia, and nothing to you, you got pissed that it was happening again. Your mother {my grandmother} had HIGH HOPES for you Joe and Jordan and Stacey - and what a disappointment you turned out to be. Do these good people over here know the real story? HELLS NO. For anyone believing my crazed drug addict Uncle Joe I feel SORRY for them! You don't bother me, you don't hurt me with Kareoke tapes and doctored video - emails that have been "tampered with" - and so on and so forth. You are all a pathetic bunch, and I suggest that people who live in glass houses (like yourselves) need not throw stones. This is all going to come back to you someday. The only one's you are hurting are yourselves - for every 2 people who listen to your crap over here, there are 200 who don't like it. Brenda is your NEW BEST FRIEND? I laughed at that one. You are full of mistakes too. As am I. I made em, and I feel remorse for them and will do what I can to make up for them, as I have done with Brenda and Marie and a few others who do not want names mentioned on this filth blog. over and out. For now.

Mr. Magoo said...

Magoo's already refuted all of this.

Do I have to do it again "toots"?

You want unedited text, audio or video?

PunkRose {Sher} said...

I want you to "bugger" off "toots"! Catch ya next week ~ {keep your delusions of grandeur over here, I think YOU are the only one putting your self-serving ass on a pedestal....a big TALL one at that!} Hugs dear Uncle, Try to Get a life or at least find yourself a Bible, love ya, xoxo Sher

huckster said...

I guess she calls making a promise to a customer , taking their money, and then making them wait for several months before receiving their product a MISTAKE?????

Folks, do you SEE the "all too familiarity" in this?? Her cries of "it wasn't my fault"!!!! Of course we all know she worked her fingers to the bone day and night so that she could get you ladies your PREPAID and well deserved packages in a TIMELY MANNER, right ladies????

WRONG!!!! she TOOK your money....she SPENT your money and she DIDN'T deliver what she promised....UNTIL she got CAUGHT!!


We, magoo's family, know this familiar trait of sherri's ALL TOO WELL...been there...done that and bought the t-shirt too :o)

Ladies, you have a choice....continue to enable sherri the sheister so that SHE can continue her life of lies, deceit and "mistakes" or you can stand up and say I'VE HAD ENOUGH!

Sherri...your phony version of what you did to our mother I'm sure is of NO interest to your supporters or to the ladies reading this. The ONLY thing that matters is your proven history of poor business practices.

Ladies...Why does she have POOR BUSINESS PRACTICES??? Because she has never worked a day in her life...never punched a time card folks....never had any employment obligations or responsibilities...she has NO concept of obligation to an employer or anyone who puts in a hard honest days work.

So feel free to support sherri as one day YOU TOO will learn the hard way.

Just a bed of roses said...

Sherri I understand that you are mad at me...and I am fine with that. It is embarassing for you AND for me. However I stand behind every word I say and I could have said a WHOLE LOT MORE.

Your customers have a choice also...to believe me or you. I have never conned your customers or lied to them. I have even sent some of them your emails a few months ago, so they KNOW that these things are true. I have given you customers...did I warn them of HOW things could be with poor service, beware of certain things...you betcha, they knew what to watch for.
It really is unfortunate as you could have had a very neat public business and reputation which I think you would have liked.

Oh, I have a life Sherri. This is just one problem that had to be taken care of...and it has been done.
If you think for one minute I am dwelling on you honey all day long...well think again. I think thats what has been so irritating as a business owner, we have enough fires to put out.
As far as family inheritances etc. that has to be the most touchy subject in the whole world...breaks up even the best of families. True. There could never be a good finish to this one.

PunkRose {Sher} said...

Stacey - you are filled with bitterness and a rage I cannot understand, filled with regrets of your own, riddled with guilt and I am so delighted I do not have to deal with your misery and cruel behavior - which started when I was around 16 years old. You are an unhappy woman, as I KNOW you and what you have done {these people do not know you and what you have done} and I truly feel sorry for you. I don't really have anything else to say to you - It's ridiculous the words that come out of your mouth, like venom from a deadly snake. I hope you can get some help for your issues, and stop putting all the blame on me and "Oh, if it weren't for Sherri.......}
Brenda - it's never been a question of believing - I made a mistake, a very bad one, as I valued your business, and set your items aside as if you did not matter. I was so wrong to do that. I don't know why I did. I admitted to my friends who emailed about it, I admitted it to the ugly family who's blog you used to call me out, and I admit it right now - I made a mistake, the biggest one being that I lost your business because of my fault in creating and shipping your package in a timely manner. I am sorry, I think I told you that. I would give anything for another chance. I do apologize - to you, to Marie - to the ladies whose trust I've lost these past 5 years of being on the Internet because of my OWN MISTAKES. I know when I do wrong and I can say that I am sorry and try to correct it if I can.
Anyway - this blog is not about the Artisan world. It's not about my Uncle Joe {owner of this blog}who wants to be your best friend if you have something bad to say about me. It's about a family with History that goes all the way back to the 1980's. It's about a dysfunctional family who is completely driven by anger and bitterness and whatever sour thing they can live their lives by. Yet they blame me. It's ok, I'll live. Nothing much I can do about it, nor want to do about it. We all know that you can't change someone if they don't want to change. Joe probably wakes up each morning relishing the thought of causing me pain, because his "focus" on me, and what he can say and do about me, takes the place of trying to get some help of his own and learning to forgive someone who is truly sorry and does harbor much regret - Me.

Just a bed of roses said...

I do accept your apology Sherri.

And surely its been a long long time for bitterness in this family if its been since the 1980's. Deep regrets for all that has happened and will probably continue on unfortunatly for all.

I really don't see an end to it with the way things seem to be.

You know I have always wished you well. There are alot of problems going on here. My trust level is unfortunatly not there for you, I sincerely in a nice way wish it wasn't.

I just don't understand most of this...and probably dont need to know, but at the time of not receiving my order I did want some answers...and went to this blog to find out what was going on with your behavior.

I want you to know that I picked up a box of lovely tags from the post office today...with a very mixed saddened heart. Thank You...honestly I did not believe that you had really sent them...so I do appreciate it so much and then must say the customers were just diving in.
I will send a picture this weekend of them as I promised to post when they showed up.

PunkRose {Sher} said...

Thank you for accepting my apology - I just want it known here and now, the NEW policy for PunkRose in order to restore the trust and faith with my friends {customers} will be, that I will not charge your credit card until the day I ship the package, with an Emailed Delivery Confirmation sent. If it takes me a week to create, you can bet that at the end of that week on the day of shipment, ONLY THEN will your Card be charged. I will do all I can to restore the faith I lost with a few of the ladies I've made mistakes with. I never wanted this to happen, and it was disrepectful and such a bad way to treat you Brenda - I do realize that I made a mistake. I make a lot of them and I learn every day. I am truly sorry for it. I would love for you to come back to me Wholesale and let me try to restore the trust I lost with you. I know it's hard. But my door is always open of course, with a grateful heart.

Wile E. Cayote said...

Fool me once shame on you!
Fool me twice shame on me!
Life Goes On!

thnkng said...

Funny how when ever someone calls Sherri on her bad behavior or poor business practices she comes back with the “it’s a family matter” line.

Sherri, your behavior is not a family matter.

It is your family members that have come forward in the hopes of protecting others from becoming a victim of your manipulation. Unfortunately your family members are the ones that have seen decades of your deceit, lies, manipulation, theft,… It is your family that knows what you are capable of and feels the need to warn others so they can be aware of whom they are dealing with.

Sherri, your predictable MO is so far from what people expect to be confronted with that most find it impossible to fathom that anyone can act as you do – treat others like you do – attack others like you do – beg and plead to be forgiven like you do – only to have the whole process repeated over and over again.

This blog has now featured 3 of your online associates that have been burned by you and have come forward to warn others of the experience they have had with therealsherrimitchell.

I don’t see this as family matter that your family wishes to resolve. You have burned so many bridges and I see no desire by your family for them to be rebuilt.

You have concocted an online persona and family. Brenda is your grandmother… others you have referred to as “mom” or “sister”. However, as with Brenda, who you turned on, how many of the other members of your online “family” have also written you off? How many have found you add nothing to their lives except drama and have chosen to leave you behind?

When the same scenario keeps repeating itself over and over, with many different people, it’s time to stop blaming every one else and realize that it is you, Sherri, that is the problem.

Wile E. Cayote said...

I can only recommend for those people who got conned by her to take her to small claim, It looks like little things. Those little things adds up and that's how she gets by. She will never ever change, her cycle repeats over and over again with different characters (Viveine, Hilary, Whitney, etc). Mr. Magoo will find out sooner or later by exposing her with people who dealt with her. Mr. Magoo- you are our Hero who protect the people from this villain! You've done so much work and we know that you've helped a lot of people. Thank you "SUPER MAGOO!"

PunkRose {Sher} said...

Cindy - Do you read back what you write after you write it? This blog IS a Family "thing" - It WAS started as a CRUEL PLOT to hurt me, harrass me and to cause ME great pain and aguish ~ and YES, to make a long story short, I have NO desire to have any relationship with you Cindy {never have} or with Stacey, Joe, Jordan, Jackie, Jeff and the Deliverence Cousins. I take FULL responsibility for not sending the package to Brenda for months, I take FULL responsibility for turning ugly to Jen and Jamie, although some of what Jen said is a blatent LIE which I could care less to refute, I take FULL responsibility for my online actions as I have stated a dozen times over and WILL try to correct them, if not already corrected.

It gets a bit old here Cindy - the long, drawn out ugliness and the SAME OLD family BS that has been going on for DECADES as you say. All Jordan can do is call me a nasty name. Cunt or Bitch only lasts so long, and goes so far. It's getting quite ridiculous. You are all the unhappiest bunch of people I've ever encountered. I have watched you for years and years go down a dark and ugly tunnel. I've listened to my Grandmother as she would tell me what was going on with each and every one of you, so I am not blind to all of your faults, but I choose to not go into them 1 by 1, and showing for all to see. You cannot get out of your hatred and bitterness, it's a WAY OF LIFE to you all. To please your own selves, and justify your cruelty and unforgiving attitude toward me for these past years is a cowardly excuse for ALL of you that you do not want to move forward, that you want to live in the past, you WANT to stay the same as you always HAVE BEEN and you CHOOSE to have this disgusting and vile attitude towards ME - you can CHOOSE to be nice if you wanted to, and yet your MUMBO JUMBO of "It's ALL Sherri's Fault" "We Hate Sherri" and "If Sherri would Change..." - is a broken record that just won't play anymore. Yes, I asked to have my Website Re-Instated after I told you I would not open because you know what? Your ugly disgusting and pathetic lives have NOTHING to do with me anymore - it's beyond that. When you go to the extreme of posting a Vintage Photo with my face on it, and a karaoke audio with me singing, it's MORE than what you "claim" you are trying to do here, which is NOW expose me to the Art World?? HUH?? How does THAT expose me to the Art World? You can get a good laugh out of it I suppose, but what, at the end of the day, is it supposed to do. Nothing. It's cruel and it serves no purpose. I see you posting something like that and crawling into a corner rubbing your hands together, devil's horns on your heads and laughing in a sadistic way. That is wrong.
This blog has become a circus, and I am the victim here. Did you hear me? I AM THE VICTIM. I have endured this crap for YEARS now. Take a look at what you have done to me, and then I will tell you I am not the source of your depression, your anger, your unhappy lives. YOU Joe are the source for your unhappy life. YOU Stacey are the source for your depressive mental state - I KNOW YOU. Stop blaming me Stacey. Get help for the feelings you have and have somehow transferred onto me, saying everything in YOUR life is my fault.

Unfortunately, I think you are all having way too much fun bringing me down, and building yourselves up. Whatever you do to me I will live. Whatever trash, photos of when I was 12 with braces and glasses, audio that was in the middle of a NASTY probate case, Some crazy photo of me in a straight jacket or behind bars, or an amateur Dr'd Karaoke Video with me singing - it will not make you happy forever. At some point you will all be faced with the severity of your actions towards me and what you have done to me and are continuing to do to me. If you could only grasp the concept of what you have done to me. If only.

Grow up family, and I am begging you to please stop doing this to me.

thnkng said...

An Aesop Fable:

The Scorpion (Sherri) and the Frog (those she crosses paths with)

One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.

The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back.

Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

"Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"

"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.

"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. "What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!"

"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!"

"Alright then...how do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?" said the frog.

"Ahh...," crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!"

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog's soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?"

The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back.

"I could not help myself. It is my nature."

Then they both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing river.

PunkRose {Sher} said...

Thank you, Dr. Phil {I mean, Cindy} for the fable/story. I am not sure just how old you are Cindy, but I'll be glad to go to the store and grab you some Pampers and a Pacifier if you need it.

Again, Grow up.
What does writing the above story do for you? Did it give you a little chuckle? Did it give you pleasure in the knowledge you hurt someone's feeling's? Did you again hide in the corner, with your devil's grin, feverishly laughing in maniacal delight? It's sad. You are such an unhappy woman.

thnkng said...

Sherri, Travis was wondering if Memaw ever said anything about him.

PunkRose {Sher} said...

Nothing about Travis except he was GOOD kid, very talented and the same about Lauren. You can be sarcastic if you want Cindy.

Grow Up.

foghorn leghorn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
foghorn leghorn said...

well like i said in the e-mail i sent you i have rarely speak of you until you bring me into it.
So you should know what your going to get in return all the cursing and foul words, they are all just that,"just words".
but they all have a meaning and when put together they are the truth.
so take a good long look in the mirror.
for i do not lie i just tell it like it is and keep to myself.
i sugest you do the same .....