What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The "Biggest" crock of crap to date!

Howdy do ole man Magoo here bringing you...................................well I don't know what to be honest with you. This was the craziest week ever in this ongoing saga of tracking this Sociopathic, Psychotic, Pathological headcase! I have to be open and up front, so much happened I think I'm going crazy myself attempting to keep track of it all so I will be bringing you the news in short bursts rather than hit you with a novel.

My ole mailbox was greeting me everyday with the most bizarre lies ever imagined. Then I got a series of wont you forgive me? After I refused to reply I got a series of "Your a murderer, tell me how did you kill her dear Uncle?" letters. (Not to mention a rather vulgar and tasteless one making fun of our dear brother Jim who suffers from severe retardation and autism, yep I'll be posting that one up soon)(then you can see for your own eyes therealsherrimitchell in her true colors!). Then I got a series of , yes you guessed it, woe is me, I'm sick, I'm dying, Sharalyn's the victim and Magoo is the attacker letters. And I will attempt to unravel the psychotic ramblings of this freak in the next few posts. I am not kidding when I say I have so much that as I type now I struggle to retain it all and bring it to you here for all to read. So lets take a few baby steps shall we? Lets start with last night. My sister, (good ole Huck), and I were e-mailing each other discussing this latest rash of psychotic dribble spewing forth from therealsherrimitchells twisted mind when low and behold we started receiving e-mails from her again. We spent the evening receiving her crap, forwarding it to one another, discussing it in disbelief, got tired and both retired for the evening. Just before old Magoo headed for bed himself he decided to check Punk Rose Journal once again and there sat a new entry showcasing an old 1975-76 family picture of Huck and herself. Long story short I awoke this morning to this pathetic post, (more of the same we received all weekend). But of course as of now it is gone, removed, in fact her entire journal has been shutdown. Must be on a medical hiatus? Boggles my mind. So take a moment to read it for yourself, make special note of the insane tripe she is trying to get you to swallow and form your own conclusions. Good luck....I've been trying to get you to believe she is a psycho for years, maybe this will finally convince you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prayers needed......
This morning I am going in for a Ca-125 , Blood tests and Pap - then off I go for a laparoscopy in Bend. Anyone wanting to send up a prayer for me will be appreciated. I got the kids off to their first day of school, but It was painful. I got some funny looks for sure. My Ovaries are killing me to the point where that sledgehammer in the garage looks awfully good right now...lol.. So anyway, I called my Dr at 6 this morning and she wanted me in immediately, so off I go. I HATE to go to the Dr and have put it off for 7 years - when they found 2 large cysts on my ovaries, wanted me to have an immediate hysterectomy and I did nothing about it. I kind of "wished" it away I guess. I'm 35 years old but I wish my MOM was here! I'll have the results in a few days.....Hugs for your week, take care and I'll post again soon.
Written by Punk Rose Journal on Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Okay so lets take a moment to re-examine this ole Magoo style shall we?

This morning I am going in for a Ca-125 , Blood tests and Pap - then off I go for a laparoscopy in Bend.

HUH? *scratches head*

Last Friday she posted to you who took the time to read her journal she was going to be away a few days so that she could concentrate on filling your orders to get them out by Tuesday in the mail. Now Tuesday pops up and she suddenly is terminally ill...are you all going to receive those orders? Did she miraculously muster enough courage and strength to fight off the excruciating pain, (now I don't want to in any way make light of any ones suffering however I know this Evil One and if she is terminally ill then I am Rumpelstiltskin!), she now claims she is under to fill those orders and get your orders out before coming to the pc to type out this "woe is me" entry? Did she really have an influx of orders to fill?

Okay sorry i got sidetracked, I told ya my mind is in overload.

This morning I am going in for a Ca-125 , Blood tests and Pap - then off I go for a laparoscopy in Bend.

Lets just examine this closer... it's 6 a. m. mind you according to her ANDDDDDD she is taking the time to type this personal info out to you all the while suffering life threatening pain so bad she wants to take a sledgehammer to herself! So ask yourself why? Why would she take the time to share this info, this early in the morning, and just before she has to endure a Ca-125, blood tests and a Pap smear? ANDDDDDDDDD after all that to drive 50 miles away to Bend to endure a Laparoscopy? Anyone else here find this a bit far-fetched? If you were in so much pain would you be at the pc typing to the world about it?

Sorry but Magoo must address the bitch/liar Mano-e-liar at this juncture. Hey Sharalyn? Remember when you came to stay with Sharyn to care for her during her "Ovarian cancer" you refused to drive her 30 miles to the Oncology dept. because you were not familiar with the roads? Yet now you are so superwoman you are now expecting us to believe you are driving yourself to Bend, 50 miles away, under severe pain, suffering from Ovarian Cancer "by yourself"...??? Gee wheres "super hubby Chris"? I guess he has you on his priority list at the same spot you had your grandmother on your priority list?

Okay back to her entry. Now she is off for a battery of tests that will take, according to her 3 days for the results to come in, but but but but but...immediately after those tests 50 miles away await a surgical procedure that will give "immediate" results thus negating the purpose of the Ca-125, pap and Blood tests taken an hour before...??? Anyone else see the idiocy in this crap she is trying to shove down your throats?

Why do the other tests Sharalyn when they are about to stick an 8 inch needle with a scope attached and go in and see in real time what the diagnosis is? Please tell me the answer/reason for this one? And gee not one word from you in the past few years you've been online. Could this latest ploy be a diversion to not fulfill those orders you MAY HAVE received and keep the cashola like your so famous for doing in the past? Is it just a pathetic plea for attention your so famous for? Could it be just yet another of your trillions of lies and if so how sick to "STEAL ONCE AGAIN" only this time your copycatting the exact illness your grandmother succumbed to? Coincidence or purposely/carefully plotted?

I got the kids off to their first day of school, but It was painful. I got some funny looks for sure.

Again gee wheres wonderful dear ole "hubby" in YOUR DIRE TIME of need in all this Sharalyn? What am I thinking? Hell he couldn't care for a child with a fever why should you expect him to pitch in during your terminal illness? Guess you now know where you stand with him eh? Why didn't Chris drive the kids to school? Why did you have to rise early, clothe, feed, brush teeth, make and pack lunches and load the wagon with the kiddies all the while suffering excruciating pain, (bet you wish you had a few of those vials of Morphine you claim we "MURDERED" our mother with!), so bad the other parents doing the same noticed? My guess is the only looks you got were the faces of disgust from every parent/mother who is fully aware of your many crimes especially the heinous acts against thier dear friend and fellow citizen Sharyn? Your own grandmother, OUR mother? Isn't it true they loathe your appearance around town, whisper behind your back, your shunned from those who know what you've done? Sharyn was well received, volunteered for local churches, active in her community, Uncle Jim worked at a church shredding papers, sweeping and landscaping, remember those days?

My Ovaries are killing me to the point where that sledgehammer in the garage looks awfully good right now...lol..

Yet you laugh about it? I should just quit there and move on eh? Again where was Chris in your dire time of need? The father of your children, wonderful hubby who cooks on that glorious bbq, you know, "the one you must obey"? The one who came running in yelling, "Look I found her Social Security Number"! Gee what were you and Chris going to do with that? Put on some more Metallica and throw a party like you claimed you did to your cousin in an e-mail after you boasts about selling all of Sharyn's estate items illegally on Ebay, Etsy and Overstock.com? Sledgehammer in the garage? You mean Sharyn's? The one you stole from her estate more than likely? And please Sharalyn tell us all how you were going to "bludgeon" yourself with said sledgehammer? How were you going to accomplish that? Those are the responsible thoughts of a supermom eh Sharalyn? And just who was going to pick up the kids after you bludgeoned yourself? Chris? Superdad? The one you must obey? The one who thought so highly of you that he slept away while you suffered excruciating pain prepping the kids for school, making their lunches, getting them fed, loaded and dropped off at school? That's THINKING of them first, placing them before you supermom! I think I'll just say....NEXT! and move on.

So anyway, I called my Dr at 6 this morning and she wanted me in immediately, so off I go.

Boy this is a doozy folks. Sharalyn? Don't your re-read what you type so at least your story is plausible? Do you think the entire population of the Earth dropped out of school a few grades BEFORE you did thus making you a superior intellect than them? Okay folks, so Sharalyn, (without a dime ever to her name, without any medical insurance or plan), other than, (gee I almost forgot about this one, is she conning the STATE for medical care?), calls the/HER Dr. (she has a Dr. yet she hates to go to the Dr. So much so last time she was diagnosed with cysts on her ovaries and HER Dr. recommended she have a hysterectomy, remember?), and wow folks the Dr. answers!! and immediately calls you in for tests and emergency surgical procedures? What Dr. answers their phone at 6 a.m.? What Dr. diagnosis you over the phone for a battery of tests and medical surgery after compaining over the phone of abdominal pain? Again, what Dr. answers their phone at 6 a.m. from someone who ain't held a job in nearly 2 decades nor has a smidgen of health insurance or a plan? Gee can I have his/her name please?

Seems to me the abdominal discomfort she suffered from this morning could of been remedied by taking a big fat dump!!!? Like she's trying to pull on you all! NEXT!

I HATE to go to the Dr and have put it off for 7 years - when they found 2 large cysts on my ovaries, wanted me to have an immediate hysterectomy and I did nothing about it.

WOW! You hate to go to the Dr?

Meaning you have no money to pay for a Dr. OR...you don't have a plan or insurance for a Dr. OR...I'm not really sick I'm making all this up in a pathetic plea for attention? OR...I'm using this pathetic lie, woe is me, as an excuse to scam another victim? MY guess? SHARYN aint around to pay for you anymore!!!! Just another thread in your web of deceit?

Put it off for 7 years?

Lets see if her math is correct and I as her Uncle am pretty sure it is...during these 7 years, what was it 6 years ago now you managed to get pregnant and give birth to your youngest son "Sean" is it? So you'll have us, The entire planets population, the high school dropouts, believe 7 years ago a Dr. diagnosed you with Ovarian cysts, recommends a hysterectomy, you just laugh it off or refuse to accept it as fact, "wish it away", (did you tap your Ruby slippers at the heal 3 times while holding your lil dog Toto to?), <---like that one Tweety? :O), then casually went about your life and the next year getting pregnant 9 months later giving birth to your son! what are you Supermom? I'll tell ya Octomom ain't got nothing on you! NEXT!!!

I kind of "wished" it away I guess.

You guess? You were there what was it? This was your life and you "wished" the cysts away. Immediately after a highly trained professional Dr. as you claim recommended you go in for an "immediate" surgical procedure, a hysterectomy. Did you just tell em nah, no worries, I need that uterus still I'm not through having children? Who cares if I die, my other two kids will take care of themselves right? Answer us that one supermom. Again placing yourself above them again are we? Wow I guess we know now where those two kids are on your priority list eh? But then again this blog and your crimes pretty much speaks loud and clear how you repeatedly place the future, security and stability of your children in jeopardy. NEXT!!!

I'm 35 years old but I wish my MOM was here!

Need I go on ladies and gents? Really now? 35 years of age! Yep supermom of the year award! And this crap about her mom? If you've followed this blog you know how ridiculous this statement is. if not well... they are two peas in a pod! Fellow cons and frauds but they also despise one another. Her own mother left a post in the comments section here and in many e-mails to ole Magoo that she wished she could kill Sharalyn. You hear in audio Sharalyn wishing her mother dead right here on this blog. Ironically however her MOM has been pulling the same ole song and dance this psycho is attempting to pull on you now. Yes her own mother claimed cancer...how long has it been now family...12 years? Yep the longest surviving cancer patient in history, her own mother. The only terminal illness her mother is suffering from is probably Cirrhosis. She does enjoy her Wellers! As witnessed by those who have taken time to read ole Magoo's blog in it's entirety, yep she payed us a visit awhile back. To the family I think this is the most hilarious part of this entire post. NEXT!!!

I'll have the results in a few days.....

REALLY? Results from the Blood, Pap and Ca-125 I can only guess. But why did they prescribe those test the same morning they were going to put you under and stick an 8 inch microscope through your abdomen which would garner "immediate results"? I still cant put my finger on that one. Maybe I need to rethink my plea for this Dr.'s name. NEXT!!!

Hugs for your week, take care and I'll post again soon.

OMG! Okay this is another doozy oh and by the way Sharalyn thank you for thinking so much about me and the rest of the population to suffer that excruciating emergency surgery yet still find the strength to suffer such pain and appear here to notify us. Come to think of it folks...what was it about 4 hours later suddenly her blog was gone all together. So....................................................................Superenduringpainmom either returned home from her Blood, Paps, and Ca-125 tests ANDDDDD Emergency Laparoscopy, all in one day, about a 4 hour span I gather, and found this miraculous strength to make her way to her pc and remove her blog or she let SupertheoneImustobeydad do it for her? And while I'm on the topic just who picked up the kids today after your surgery Supermom? You? Who can do it all in record time under excruciating pain, facing terminal illness? Chris? Who couldn't be bothered to help you at all today? Or maybe your Televison Evangelists? Its an enigma folks never to be solved I guess until she miraculously re-emerges as the greatest Supermom to ever grace the planet!

Hey there's a new angle for her next Journal!

"Whew I'm tired now!

So I'll leave you with this and remind you of more to come soon.

"When you know better, you do better"

"You shall know the truth and if you dont by now Magoo may never be able to help you"


huckster said...

Another brilliant piece of work by our master magoo!!...you hit on every angle of her sad pathetic little story.

Miss "I need attention" has struck again folks... this time she has really pulled a doozy of a fabricated story to tell all of her readers...shame on you and what a crock o crap!!...another ploy to gain the symathy she sooooo needs and expects from her readers....tis why when she claims she is so ill she can hardly move around she finds it quite important to run over to her computer to tell the world about her pain and agony....EXCUSE ME???...who in their right mind is going to WORRY about telling the whole world about how sick you are not to mention taking time to remove your entire blog (WHY DO THAT??) when you're so ill that you have to call your doctor at 6am??...something smells rotten here folks!!....CAN YOU SMELL IT?????...IT STINKS DOESNT IT????...I also believe that she has gotten herself into another one of fine messes of not being able to fill her orders so she once again does one of her vanishing acts....WHY SHUT DOWN YOUR ENTIRE BLOG??....WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM??? or better yet WHO ARE YOU HIDING FROM???...and one more thing miss sharalyn k. condrey....HOW DARE YOU claim the same illness that our mother suffered through!!!

HOW DARE YOU!!!....I'm through with you!!!...NEXT!!!


tweety Bird said...

Tweets flying in to chirp about Magoo's latest truth shot in the butt of therealsherrimitchell. As always, Magoo is right on the money when exposing her twisted persona. Something tells me, folks, he has a plethora of truth serum to administer in upcoming episodes. Off to Safeway for a supply of popcorn.
Tweets over and out.

Mr. Magoo said...

Thank you thank you...hehehe! I'll try to cover some of these e-mails soon. With the girls team, back to school night tomorrow, and 1st football game this Friday I may have to wait till this weekend.

Yep all aint right in the frozen desert of central Oregon. Maybe its about time to check with Recontrust again on the status of their mortgage payments or lack thereof...?