What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Who's the monster lurking... who's evil... who's spinning the confused web...

Howdy-do ole man Magoo here...yes it's been awhile...a long while since my last post and why?  I've said all there is to say. 

MY evidence stands.

My evidence along with her very own victims first hand accounts, documents and photographic proof.

Then I found myself on vacation in beautiful Idaho enjoying the most amazing waterfall and rainbow combination when I got an alert on my cool lil smartyphone.
(which this picture was taken with - not bad eh?)  :O)

And what did I find? 
Well here...read it yourselves.

Well theres a simple answer to your poor pitiful me,  same ole song and dance,  I like to search quotes on the internet from the bible and incorporate them into my posts but everyone knows I only use them to manipulate others portraying myself to be one thing when the truth is the opposite , I'm the victim, my entire family are the bullies, I never done no wrong, thier lying,heard it before so repetitiously your predictable,
There is you and only you standing alone on your side telling your version of events of your life then and now.
There is your entire family on this side saying your a liar, con and a thief.
As I've said repeatedly throughout this entire blog:
Sharalyn Kaye Condrey Mitchell...
(or whatever she is calling herself these days)
post any audio, any document, any photo, any e-mail,
 for any or all readers to listen to, witness, peruse...
therealsherrimitchell, on your antique paperie or whatever she's calling it nowadays, a borrowed site, a lent site, a rented site, a payed off site, a payed for site, a volunteered site, a stolen site or a pirated site...(<--hehe you like that one?).
this "evidence"
disproves anything claimed here that I have repeatedly proven and repeatedly documented repeatedly provided "evidence" of.
Mr. Magoo will hearby SHUTDOWN Therealsherrimitchell forever!
That's right folks!
There is you and only you standing alone on your side telling your version of events of your life then and now.
There is your entire family on this side saying your a liar, con and a thief.
(Oops almost left out a pirateer of other people's art).
Provide one member of your IMMEDIATE family to step forth and side with you and that member provide ANYTHING that disproves anything written here!
Mr. Magoo will hearby SHUTDOWN Therealsherrimitchell forever!

Gives ole Magoo an idea for a new poll.
How long will the fans of therealsherrimitchell have to wait for the "evidence" to surface?
1. Tomorrow?
2. How old is the Earth again?
3. By George is that moss growing on my site header?
4. How long had Rumpelstiltskin been sleeping?
5. Till we're so old we fart dust?
6. She has a fan?
"When you know better, you do better"
...You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free...
Now your bitter hands cradle "nothing" but broken glass.

1 comment:

Melissa Bolton said...
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