What kind of person steals from their own grandmother while she lay in her deathbed dying of cancer? THEREALSHERRIMITCHELL!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Re-Construction underway!

Howdy Do...ole man Magoo here to apologise to all my readers. I've been busy going through the blog to repair dead links and such. In an attempt to use a different party I failed miserably. I tried the webfilehost link and it now tells me the repaired links format is not recognizable. Huh? Don't recognize mp3's? They worked the day I uploaded them...? Oh well so I have returned to a tried and true host, Zshare, and have repaired a few for your listening pleasure. Ye Ole Hubby is back and working and I will be getting to the rest here shortly if I can find them buried deep within the ole Magoo briefcase of "Truth"!
In the meantime enjoy these two as they throw each other under the bus :O) Quite an interesting listen if I do say so myself!
"When you know better, you do better"
Maya Angelou
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"
Free of their scams that is :O)

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